Results for 'Andrea Ierna'

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  1.  13
    Sulla filosofia in quanto istituzione sessuata.Andrea Ierna - 2023 - Nóema 1 (14):83-106.
    L’articolo si concentra sull’analisi della filosofia come istituzione affermatasi neutrale che, tuttavia, si rivela sessuata al maschile attraverso la comprensione del concetto di «differenza sessuale» per come teorizzato da Adriana Cavarero. Utilizzando il quadro concettuale della filosofia come «pratica» intrecciata alle pratiche di vita sviluppato da Carlo Sini, e quello di «ordine del discorso» fornito da Michel Foucault, vengono esplicitate le premesse e le conseguenze dell’ordine del discorso nell’elaborazione dei concetti, per poi presentare delle possibilità di un suo ripensamento attraverso (...)
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    Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.Andrea E. Abele, Naomi Ellemers, Susan T. Fiske, Alex Koch & Vincent Yzerbyt - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (2):290-314.
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    Metrics, flawed indicators, and the case of philosophy journals.Andrea Polonioli - unknown
    De Marchi and Lorenzetti :253-261, 2016) have recently argued that in fields where the journal impact factor is not calculated, such as in the humanities, it is key to find other indicators that would allow the relevant community to assess the quality of scholarly journals and the research outputs that are published in them. The authors' suggestion is that information concerning the journal's rejection rate and the number of subscriptions sold is important and should be used for such assessment. The (...)
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    Synthetic Biology and the Emergence of a Dual Meaning of Noise.Andrea Loettgers - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):340-356.
    The question is discussed how noise gained a functional meaning in the context of biology. According to the common view, noise is considered a disturbance or perturbation. I analyze how this understanding changed and what kind of developments during the last 10 years contributed to the emergence of a new understanding of noise. Results gained during a field study in a synthetic biology laboratory show that the emergence of this new research discipline—its highly interdisciplinary character, its new technologies and novel (...)
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  5. The willingness-to-accept/willingness-to-pay disparity in repeated markets: loss aversion or 'bad-deal' aversion?Andrea Isoni - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):409-430.
    Several experimental studies have reported that an otherwise robust regularity—the disparity between Willingness-To-Accept and Willingness-To-Pay—tends to be greatly reduced in repeated markets, posing a serious challenge to existing reference-dependent and reference-independent models alike. This article offers a new account of the evidence, based on the assumptions that individuals are affected by good and bad deals relative to the expected transaction price (price sensitivity), with bad deals having a larger impact on their utility (`bad-deal’ aversion). These features of preferences explain the (...)
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    Pursuit of communal values in an agentic manner: a way to happiness?Andrea E. Abele - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Who are we when we are doing what we are doing? The case for mindful embodiment in ethics case consultation.Andrea Frolic - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):370-382.
    This paper explores the theory and practice of embodied epistemology or mindful embodiment in ethics case consultation. I argue that not only is this epistemology an ethical imperative to safeguard the integrity of this emerging profession, but that it has the potential to improve the quality of ethics consultation (EC). It also has implications for how ethics consultants are trained and how consultation services are organized. My viewpoint is informed by ethnographic research and by my experimental application of mindful embodiment (...)
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    Supremazia e maledizione: diario filosofico 1973.Andrea Emo - 1998 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore. Edited by Massimo Donà & R. Gasparotti.
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  9. A Phenomenological Reading of Anomalous Monism.Andrea Zhok - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (3):227-256.
    The essay discusses Donald Davidson’s concept of anomalous monism in the framework of Husserlian phenomenology. It develops in four stages. Section 1 is devoted to a critical presentation of the argument for anomalous monism. Section 2 succinctly examines those Husserlian notions that best provide the ground for a discussion parallel to Davidson’s. In Sect. 3, the aporetic status of “mental causation” is analyzed by providing a genetic-phenomenological account of efficient causation. Section 4 draws some general conclusions concerning the kind of (...)
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    Elogio dell’identità.Andrea Zhok - 2018 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 36.
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    Towards a Theory of Social Practices.Andrea Zhok - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (2):187-210.
    The notion of social practice and a family of notions akin to it play an essential role in contemporary philosophical reflection, with particular reference to the conceptualisation of historical processes. Stephen Turner's book A Social Theory of Practices has provided a major challenge to this family of notions, and our purpose is to outline a grounding account of the notion of social practice in the form of an answer to Turner's criticisms. We try to answer three questions: first, if it (...)
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  12.  19
    The Relational Dissolution of the Quantum Measurement Problems.Andrea Oldofredi - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-24.
    The Quantum Measurement Problem is arguably one of the most debated issues in the philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, since it represents not only a technical difficulty for the standard formulation of the theory, but also a source of interpretational disputes concerning the meaning of the quantum postulates. Another conundrum intimately connected with the QMP is the Wigner friend paradox, a thought experiment underlining the incoherence between the two dynamical laws governing the behavior of quantum systems, i.e the Schrödinger equation and (...)
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    Implementation of Medical Assistance in Dying as Organizational Ethics Challenge: A Method of Engagement for Building Trust, Keeping Peace and Transforming Practice.Andrea Frolic & Paul Miller - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):371-390.
    This paper focuses on the _ethics of how_ to approach the introduction of MAiD as an organizational ethics challenge, a focus that diverges from the traditional focus in healthcare ethics on the _ethics of why_ MAiD is right or wrong. It describes a method co-designed and implemented by ethics and medical leadership at a tertiary hospital to develop a values-based, grassroots response to the decriminalization of assisted dying in Canada. This organizational ethics engagement method embodied core tenants that drew inspiration (...)
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  14.  12
    An Ethos of Affirmative Laughter in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra.Andrea Hurst - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (4):547-573.
    InThus Spoke Zarathustra(2006), Nietzsche presents Zarathustra as a sage and parodic prophet, who acquires and offers insight over the narrated journey of his spiritual development. Nietzsche’s conception ofZarathustraas a gift (to “all and none”) endorses learning as the kind of emulation condensed into Zarathustra’s complex formulation: rather than “corpses that I carry with me wherever I want... I need living companions who follow me because they want to follow themselves—wherever I want.” Thus I aim, firstly, to follow the text closely (...)
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  15.  32
    On Husserl’s so-called Reduction to the Real Component( Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand).Andrea Altobrando - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (4):323-342.
    As Dieter Lohmar (Citation2002; Citation2012) has shown, in the Logical Investigation Husserl sketches a peculiar type of reduction, the so-called “Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand.” Husserl does not explicitly put this kind of reduction forward, though, and he does definitely not clarify how it works, and what its elements properly are. Lohmar proposes to understand it as a kind of empiricist reduction to mere sense-data. On the contrary, I believe that it should be considered as entailing also the apprehensional forms (...)
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  16.  22
    National Politics/Local Identities: Abortion Rights Activism in Post-Wall Berlin.Andrea Wuerth - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (3):601.
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    Cognitive Distortions Associated with Imagination of the Thin Ideal: Validation of the Thought-Shape Fusion Body Questionnaire.Andrea Wyssen, Luka J. Debbeler, Andrea H. Meyer, Jennifer S. Coelho, Nadine Humbel, Kathrin Schuck, Julia Lennertz, Nadine Messerli-Bürgy, Esther Biedert, Stephan N. Trier, Bettina Isenschmid, Gabriella Milos, Katherina Whinyates, Silvia Schneider & Simone Munsch - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ellen Ripley.Andrea Zanin - 2017 - In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 153–165.
    In the films of the Alien franchise featuring Sigourney Weaver, Ripley's maternal instinct is an integral part of who she is as both survivor and protector—and as a destroyer, too. In Alien, Ripley's misplaced maternal instincts save her from the death‐by‐alien that is the fate of her crew mates as she hurries off in search of the ship's resident cat, Jones. When Ripley hears Jonesy's meow, she responds like a mother to a crying baby. Ridley Scott's Alien begins with an (...)
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    Global–Local Amazon Politics.AndrÈa Zhouri - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):69-89.
    The Amazon rainforest is one of the most important topics of transnational activism. Based on the assumption that the consumption of timber in the Northern hemisphere is largely responsible for deforestation, campaigners have focused on the global timber trade. From a strategy of boycotting tropical timber in the 1980s, environmentalists shifted their approach to one influenced by a discourse on ‘sustainable development’ in the 1990s. Believing that they could persuade loggers to use less predatory practices, the mainstream NGOs developed a (...)
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    L’essere grezzo della tecnica.Andrea Zoppis - 2020 - Chiasmi International 22:249-264.
    Through a reading of Merleau-Ponty’s late courses on Nature, this essay presents a new reflection on technique and makes explicit the ontological significance of a rethinking of technique in this period. After an analysis of the historical sense of the notion of Nature and of animal behavior, we turn to cybernetics. The need to rethink man on the basis of his contingency, that is, on the basis of his relationship with the world and with the technical objects through which this (...)
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    Grit or Honesty-Humility? New Insights into the Moderating Role of Personality between the Health Impairment Process and Counterproductive Work Behavior.Andrea Ceschi, Riccardo Sartori, Stephan Dickert & Arianna Costantini - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  22. Logical Form and Truth-Conditions.Andrea Iacona - 2013 - Theoria 28 (3):439-457.
    This paper outlines a truth-conditional view of logical form, that is, a view according to which logical form is essentially a matter of truth-conditions. The main motivation for the view is a fact that seems crucial to logic. As _§_1 suggests, fundamental logical relations such as entailment or contradiction can formally be explained only if truth-conditions are formally represented.§2 spells out the view. _§_3 dwells on its anity with a conception of logical form that has been defended in the past. (...)
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    Early and Late Effects of Semantic Distractors on Electroencephalographic Responses During Overt Picture Naming.Andrea Krott, Maria Teresa Medaglia & Camillo Porcaro - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  24. Spirito e libertà in Luciano Laberthonnière.Andrea Ditta - 1975 - Sao Paulo: I. L. A. Palma.
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    Small mitochondrial RNAs as mediators of nuclear gene regulation, and potential implications for human health.Andrea Pozzi & Damian K. Dowling - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2000265.
    Much research has focused on the effects of pathogenic mitochondrial mutations on health. Notwithstanding, the mechanisms regulating the link between these mutations and their effects remain elusive in several cases. Here, we propose that certain mitochondrial mutations may disrupt function of a set of mitochondrial‐transcribed small RNAs, perturbing communication between mitochondria and nucleus, leading to disease. Our hypothesis synthesises two lines of supporting evidence. First, several mitochondrial mutations cannot be directly linked to effects on energy production or protein synthesis. Second, (...)
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    Blame It on the Norm: The Challenge from “Adaptive Rationality”.Andrea Polonioli - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (2):131-150.
    In this paper, I provide a qualified defense of the claim that cognitive biases are not necessarily signs of irrationality, but rather the result of using normative standards that are too narrow. I show that under certain circumstances, behavior that violates traditional norms of rationality can be adaptive. Yet, I express some reservations about the claim that we should replace our traditional normative standards. Furthermore, I throw doubt on the claim that the replacement of normative standards would license optimistic verdicts (...)
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  27. The Enactive Approach to Architectural Experience: A Neurophysiological Perspective on Embodiment, Motivation, and Affordances.Andrea Jelić, Gaetano Tieri, Federico De Matteis, Fabio Babiloni & Giovanni Vecchiato - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Philosophia: the thought of Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt.Andrea Nye - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophia brings together, for the first time, the work of three major women thinkers of this century, producing a developing commentary on the human condition as an alternative to the mainstream, masculine, philosophical tradition.
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    Maximising business returns to corporate social responsibility communication: An empirical test.Andrea Pérez, María del Mar García de los Salmones & Matthew Tingchi Liu - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):275-289.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Systemic Analysis and Functional Explanation: Structure and Limitations.Andrea Soledad Olmos, Ariel Jonathan Roffé & Santiago Ginnobili - 2020 - In Lorenzo Baravalle & Luciana Zaterka (eds.), Life and Evolution: Latin American Essays on the History and Philosophy of Biology. Springer. pp. 209-229.
    How questions and why questions interact in complex ways within biological practice. One of the most fruitful accounts to think about this relation is the widely known systemic approach, which has its origin mainly in the works of Robert Cummins (1975, 1983). As we will show, this approach effectively manages to capture much of what biologists do, especially in areas such as molecular biology, neuroscience and neuroethology. Our aim with this work is to discuss the metatheoretical status of the presuppositions (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Charles Blount and free English thought.Andrea Gatt - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):527-534.
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  32. Discussioni e postille: Charles Blount e il libero pensiero inglese.Andrea Gatti - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 27 (3):527.
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  33. Types of Conversational Backgrounds and Arguments.Andrea Rocci - 2017 - In Modality in Argumentation: A Semantic Investigation of the Role of Modalities in the Structure of Arguments with an Application to Italian Modal Expressions. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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  34. Viral structures of cyberfeminism.Andrea Sick - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (2):155-166.
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  35. Different Worlds and Tendency to Concordance: Towards a New Perspective on Husserl's Phenomenology of Culture.Andrea Staiti - 2011 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10 (1):127-143.
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    Embedding Brouwer algebras in the Medvedev lattice.Andrea Sorbi - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (2):266-275.
  37.  26
    Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot learners.Andrea L. Thomaz & Cynthia Breazeal - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (6-7):716-737.
  38.  23
    Individuality in syntactic variation: An investigation of the seventeenth-century gerund alternation.Andrea Nini & Lauren Fonteyn - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):279-308.
    This study investigates the extent to which there is individuality in how structural variation is conditioned over time. Earlier research already classified the diachronically unstable gerund variation as involving a high fraction of mixed-usage speakers throughout the change, whereby the proportion of the conservative variant versus the progressive variant as observable in the linguistic output of individual language users superficially resembles the mean proportion as observable at the population level. However, this study sets out to show that there can still (...)
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    Eventi mentali.Andrea Bonomi - 1999 - Il Saggiatore.
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    A New Mind for a New Aesthetics.Andrea Lavazza & Riccardo Manzotti - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (3):501 - 523.
    Embora a extensão da dependência entre teorias da estética e modelos da mente seja urna questão de aceso debate, é justo afirmar que as abordagens actuáis da consciência sugerem novas perspectivas sobre a natureza da experiência estética. As recentes descobertas da neurociência têm afetado a nossa forma de ver a estética e a arte. Todavia, enquanto é frequentemente sugerido que a neurociência vai, em breve, obter urna descrição completa da natureza da mente e, portanto, da experiência estética, aqui consideram-se as (...)
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    The Sense of Deception: Illusion and Hallucination as Nullified, Invalid Perception.Andrea Cimino - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (1):27-49.
    The present study attempts to reconstruct Husserl’s account of empirical illusion and hallucination and disclose the significance of sense-deception in Husserl’s phenomenology. By clarifying the relation between the “leibhaftige presence” and “existence” of perceived objects, I shall be able to contend that illusion and hallucination are nullified, invalid perceptions. Non-existence or in-actuality is a form of invalidity: the Ungültigkeit of what demands its insertion in the totality of actual existence. Husserl elaborates an ex-negativo account of in-actuality, in which sensory deception (...)
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  42. Klangliche Posten im Zeichen der Asche.Andrea Horz - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  43. Die Negativität des Wissens.Andrea Kern - 2018 - In Thomas Khurana, Dirk Quadflieg, Juliane Rebentisch, Dirk Setton & Francesca Raimondi (eds.), Negativität: Kunst - Recht - Politik. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 435-450.
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    Philosophie und Parapsychologie: zur Rezeptionsgeschichte parapsychologischer Phänomene am Beispiel Kants, Schopenhauers und C.G. Jungs.Andrea Kropf - 2000 - Münster: LIT Verlag Münster.
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  45. Contributo alla teoria volontaristica del diritto.Andrea Oldoini - 1942 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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  46. “Imagination” e “moral sense”: un contributo alla teoria dell'immaginazione in Shaftesbury.Andrea Olivieri - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (2).
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    Philosophical Aesthetics and Samuel Beckett.Andrea Oppo - 2008 - Peter Lang.
    This book examines the role of Samuel Beckett in contemporary philosophical aesthetics, primarily through analysis of both his own essays and the various ...
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  48. La glossa Alla bolla unam sanctam di Bonifacio VIII. Vecchie E nuove questioni.Andrea Padovani - 2012 - Divus Thomas 115 (2):259-287.
  49. Institución, consenso y conflicto en torno a la mediación cultural contemporánea.Andrea de Pascual - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (18):75-80.
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  50. Nationality, state and internationalism in Hermann Cohen's Deutschtum und Judentum.Andrea Poma - 2019 - In Eveline Goodman-Thau & George Y. Kohler (eds.), Nationalismus und Religion: Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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