Results for 'Jocelyn Wilson'

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  1.  41
    The Grounds and Demands of Public Recognition: How Religious Exemptions Corrode Civic Self-Respect.Jocelyn Wilson - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (2):339-363.
    I investigate the normative and conceptual account of the relationship between public recognition and dignitarian, or egalitarian, commitments. I do so through addressing the normative dispute, sparked by legal cases such as Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, as to whether there are dignitarian grounds for rejecting religious exemptions to antidiscrimination laws. I argue that there are such grounds. Specifically, I argue that, if granted, such exemptions would inflict dignitary harms against LGBTQ (...)
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    Adam, Etinson, Human Rights: Moral or Political?Jocelyn Wilson - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):191-194.
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    Sequential ideal-observer analysis of visual discriminations.Wilson S. Geisler - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):267-314.
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    Reflections in tranquility.Wilson Moneme - 2002 - Owerri, Nigeria: Book-Konzult.
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  5. Descartes: The Arguments of the Philosophers.M. D. Wilson - 1978
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  6. Progress and power.Wilson D. Wallis - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 2 (4):338.
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    Techno-Optimism and Rational Superstition.Alexander Wilson - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):342-362.
    This article examines some of the implications of technological optimism. I first contextualize, historically and culturally, some contemporary variants of techno-optimism in relation to the equally significant contemporary exemplars of techno-pessimism, skepticism and fatalism. I show that this techno-optimism is often instrumentalized in the sense that the optimistic outlook as such is believed to have some influence on the evolving state of affairs. The cogency of this assumption is scrutinized. I argue that in the absence of explicit probabilities, such optimism (...)
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    What I’ve learned from the early moderns.Mark Wilson - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3465-3481.
    Original explorers often see a puzzling conceptual landscape more vividly than jaded later travelers. This essay surveys several ways in which Descartes and Leibniz recognized descriptive problems within applied mathematics more clearly than later commentators have appreciated.
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    Skow on the Passage of Time.Alastair Wilson - 2018 - Analysis 78 (1):117-128.
    In his book Objective Becoming (Skow 2015), Bradford Skow has offered a rich and systematic treatment of the passage of time. We learn much about what objective passage could and could not amount to from engaging with his careful work. Skow’s overall conclusion is that the ‘block universe’ deflationary theory of passage is stronger than any currently available version of the recently-popular moving spotlight theory of temporal passage. To help establish this conclusion, Skow provides a taxonomy of theories of temporal (...)
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  10. There's a Hole and a Bucket, Dear Leibniz.Mark Wilson - 1993 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):202-241.
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    Quality and Concept.Mark Wilson - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (4):636.
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    Virtue reformed: rereading Jonathan Edwards's ethics.Stephen A. Wilson - 2005 - Boston: Brill.
    Drawing on Protestant scholasticism, Puritan "precisionism," and virtue ethics, "Virtue Reformed" offers a comprehensive rereading of the ethical position of ...
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    Values, personality traits, and packaging‐free shopping: A mixed‐method approach.Sianne Gordon-Wilson, Pratik Modi & Jacqueline K. Eastman - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):546-561.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 546-561, April 2022.
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  14. Could there be a right to own intellectual property?James Wilson - 2009 - Law and Philosophy 28 (4):393 - 427.
    Intellectual property typically involves claims of ownership of types, rather than particulars. In this article I argue that this difference in ontology makes an important moral difference. In particular I argue that there cannot be an intrinsic moral right to own intellectual property. I begin by establishing a necessary condition for the justification of intrinsic moral rights claims, which I call the Rights Justification Principle. Briefly, this holds that if we want to claim that there is an intrinsic moral right (...)
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  15. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 120, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, II.P. Marshall (ed.) - 2003 - British Academy.
    Arthur Hilary Armstrong, 1909-1997Max Beloff, 1913-1999Tom Burns, 1913-2000John Desmond Clark, 1916-2002Arthur Geoffrey Dickens, 1910-2001Edmund Boleslaw Fryde, 1923-1999Ernest Andre Gellner, 1925-1995Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich, 1909-2001Jean Gottmann, 1915-1994Oliver Robert Gurney, 1911-2001Nicholas Geoggrey Lempriere Hammond, 1907-2001^LFrancis Harry Hinsley, 1918-1998^LHenry David Jocelyn, 1933-2000^LHenry Loyn, 1922-2000^LHenry Mathison Pelling, 1920-1997^LMervyn Reddaway Popham, 1927-2000^LJames Cochran Stevenson Runciman, 1903-2000^LJohn Denis Sargan, 1924-1996^LRichard William Southern, 1912-2001^LThomas Bertram Lonsdale Webster 1905-1974^LElizabeth Mary Wilkinson, 1909 2001^LThomas Wilson, 1916-2001^LGeorge David Norman Worswick, 1916-2001^LFrances Amelia Yates, 1899-1981.
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  16. Berkeley and the essences of the corpuscularians.Margaret D. Wilson - 1985 - In John Foster & Howard Robinson (eds.), Essays on Berkeley: a tercentennial celebration. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    A Reply to the Preceding.J. Cook Wilson - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (04):183-184.
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    Mεγαλοπρέπεια and Mεγαλοψυχία in Aristotle.J. Cook Wilson - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (04):203-.
  19. On Imlay's "Berkeley and Action".Catherine Wilson - 1995 - In Robert Muehlmann (ed.), Berkeley's Metaphysics: Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  20.  44
    Wealth and happiness.James Q. Wilson - 1994 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 8 (4):555-564.
    In The Market Experience, Robert Lane restates the central criticism of economic views of human satisfaction?namely, that they define welfare as utility and, in practice if not in theory, use money as the measure of utility, while in reality utility (or welfare) ought to be defined as happiness. In exploring the implications of this noneconomic definition for our assessment of markets, Lane summarizes the evidence about how people assess their own happiness more successfully than he clarifies the meaning of that (...)
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  21. Eugenic Thinking and the Cognitive Sciences.Robert A. Wilson - 2024 - Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.
    Eugenic thinking involves distinguishing between sorts or kinds of people in terms of the perceived desirable or undesirable traits that those people are likely to transmit to future generations. While eugenics itself is often thought of as an ideology that generated a social movement of global influence from roughly 1900 to 1945, eugenic thinking both pre-dates this period and continues to inform a range of contemporary debates and social policies, including those concerning prenatal screening, transhumanism, population control, and disability. Various (...)
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  22. The Fundamentality First approach to metaphysical structure.Jessica M. Wilson - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    (Note: this is the lead article in a forthcoming issue of _Australasian Philosophical Review_ edited by Dana Goswick, with invited comments by Karen Bennett, Ricki Bliss, Jonathan Schaffer, Alexander Skiles. In June 2024 there will be an open call for other commentators; please contact Dana or Jessica if you are interested.) A wide range of scientific, religious/cosmological, and philosophical views presuppose that there is what I call `metaphysical structure', whereby (i) some goings-on in a given domain D are (absolutely or (...)
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    The Great Instauration of the Eighteenth Century.Adrian Wilson - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 12 (1):187-229.
    This paper argues that there took place in the eighteenth century a specific, distinctive and essential phase in the emergence of modern science, a phase which can be characterised as “the Great Instauration” in that it witnessed the large-scale realisation of Francis Bacon’s earlier vision—albeit not, for the most part, through the specific means which Bacon had proposed. That claim is exemplified in three fields—the “physico-mathematical sciences,” chemistry and electricity—each of which yielded dramatic and permanent advances in knowledge; and an (...)
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  24. Leibniz’s Metaphysics: A Historical and Comparative Study.Catherine Wilson - 1989 - Philosophy 65 (253):377-378.
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    Rationality with preference discovery costs.Matthew S. Wilson - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (2):233-251.
    Economic theory assumes that preferences are rational. However, experiments have found small violations of transitivity. This paper develops a model of rationality with preference discovery costs. Introspection is costly. Thus, agents may find it optimal to use less than full effort, even though this raises the risk of making a poor choice. This model could potentially explain the intransitivities observed in the data while retaining rationality and optimization.
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    Ethical dilemmas in nursing.J. Wilson-Barnett - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (3):123-135.
    Nurses are increasingly realising that they can offer relevant information and participate in decision-making involving ethical issues. However, inter-professional communications are frequently inadequate, and do not permit exchange of opinions. The consequences are often frustrating and upsetting for nurses whose care is affected by others' policies. This paper explores these issues using some clinical examples.
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  27. Culture and Progress.Wilson D. Wallis - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (3):366-368.
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    Children and Decisionmaking in Health Research.Françoise Baylis, Jocelyn Downie & Nuala Kenny - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (4):5.
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    Explanatory and inferential conditionals.Ian Wilson - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35 (3):269 - 278.
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    Calculable People? Standardising Assessment Guidelines for Alzheimer's Disease in 1980s Britain.Duncan Wilson - 2017 - Medical History: An International Journal for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences 61 (4):500-524.
    This article shows how funding research on Alzheimer's disease became a priority for the British Medical Research Council in the late 1970s and 1980s, thanks to work that isolated new pathological and biochemical markers, and showed that the disease affected a significant proportion of the elderly population. In contrast to histories that focus on the emergence of new and competing theories of disease causation in this period, I argue that concerns over the use of different assessment methods ensured the MRC's (...)
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  31. Essential religiosity in Descartes and Locke.Catherine Wilson - 2018 - In Philippe Hamou & Martine Pécharman (eds.), Locke and Cartesian Philosophy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy: an introduction: traditional and contemporary selections.Margaret Dauler Wilson (ed.) - 1972 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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  33. Prince of Egypt.Dorothy Clarke Wilson - 1949
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  34. Talks at Georgetown Univ. Bicentennial, Washington, D.C.Edward O. Wilson - 1989 - Edited by Louise B. Young.
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    The Aura of Recognition: Walter Benjamin and Kaja Silverman on the Aestheticization of Politics.Eric Entrican Wilson - 2000 - Theory and Event 4 (2).
  36. Thank you, I seek leave to appear: Seeking permission for a hearing with the fair work commission.John Wilson - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 228:12.
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    The External World and Our Knowledge of It: Hume's Critical Realism, an Exposition and a Defence.Fred Wilson (ed.) - 2008 - University of Toronto Press.
  38.  96
    The Transhumanist Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce.Aaron Wilson & Daniel Brunson - 2017 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 27 (2):12-29.
    We explain how the work of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) – the founder of semiotics and of the pragmatist tradition in philosophy – contributes an epistemological, metaphysical, and ethical foundation to some key transhumanist ideas, including the following claims: technological cognitive enhancement is not only possible but a present reality; pursuing more sweeping cognitive enhancements is epistemically rational; and current humans should try to evolve themselves into posthumans. On Peirce’s view, the fundamental aim of inquiry is truth, understood in terms (...)
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  39. On the confirmation paradox.P. R. Wilson - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (59):196-199.
  40. Leibniz and the Logic of Life.Catherine Wilson - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 48 (188):237-253.
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    Braindance of the Hikikomori: Towards a Return to Speculative Psychoanalysis.Scott Wilson - 2010 - Paragraph 33 (3):392-409.
    This article takes its point of departure from late Lacan's meditations on the incompatibility of psychoanalysis with Japanese culture due to its non-European linguistic basis. The article argues that this emphasis on language narrowly conceived fails to keep pace with the interconnected, multi-media, all-encompassing nature of the unconscious today. Illustrating this point, the article focuses on the figure of the hikikomori: middle-class Japanese youths who have withdrawn from all conventional social contact to indulge exclusively computer-based interactions. Thanks to the overlap (...)
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    Kant’s Experiential Enlightenment and Court Philosophy in the 18th Century.Holly L. Wilson - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (April 2001):179-205.
    Christian Thomasius and his school, including Andreas Rüdiger and Christian Crusius influenced Kant in the development of his Pragmatic Anthropology. They all shared a common concern that philosophy ought to be useful to students who have a role to play in the world.
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    Labour, utopia and modern design theory: the positivist sociology of Frederic Harrison.Matthew Wilson - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (2):313-335.
    Historians of modern design and sociology have shown little interest in the leaders of the ever resourceful and influential British Positivist Society. One of the aims of this essay is to show that the Positivist polymath Frederic Harrison (1831–1923) cultivated ideas and practices that are compatible with modernists’ aspirations to improve the lives of the masses. It is accordingly shown that Harrison was an ardent supporter of working-class causes and that on this basis he developed sociological survey methods and produced (...)
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  44.  16
    Response to Comments on “Science’s Imagined Pasts”.Adrian Wilson - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):846-851.
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    “The new science of health and happiness”: Investigating buddhist engagements with the scientific study of meditation.Jeff Wilson - 2018 - Zygon 53 (1):49-66.
    Clinical and neuroscientific studies of Buddhist meditation practices are frequent topics in the news media, and have helped certain practices achieve mainstream cultural status. Buddhists have reacted by using these studies in a number of ways. Some deploy the studies to show the compatibility of science and Buddhism, often using the authority of science to lend credence to Buddhism. Other Buddhists use meditation studies to demonstrate the superiority of Buddhism over science. Within inter-Buddhist debates, meditation studies are used to argue (...)
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    Two textual problems in Aristophanes.N. G. Wilson - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):597-.
    In 1023ff. the poet explains that he has not been spoiled by success. The verb ༐κτελσαι in 1024 has been suspected, and though recent editors accept it, taking it as absolute, I am far from convinced that it is what the author wrote. Blaydes, in his usual fashion, records conjectures and makes some of his own, but though he hits the mark quite often in Aristophanes as he does in Sophocles, in this passage his efforts, e.g. ༐κγελσαι, fail to satisfy. (...)
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    Empathy and structural injustice in the assessment of patient noncompliance.Yolonda Wilson - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (3):283-289.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 283-289, March 2022.
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    Virtue and the Moral Life: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives.Mark A. Wilson, Julie Hanlon Rubio, Lisa Tessman, Mary M. Doyle Roche, James F. Keenan, Margaret Urban Walker, Jamie Schillinger, Jean Porter, Jennifer A. Herdt & Edmund N. Santurri (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Virtue and the Moral Life brings together distinguished philosophers and theologians with younger scholars of consummate promise to produce ten essays that engage both academics and students of ethics. This collection explores the role virtues play in identifying the good life and the good society.
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  49. Autonomy and Wolff's Defense of Anarchism.Kirk Dallas Wilson - 1976 - Philosophical Forum 8 (1):108.
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    A world elsewhere: Shakespeare's sense of an exit.Richard Wilson - 2002 - In Wilson Richard (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 117: 2001 Lectures. pp. 165-99.
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