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  1. Race, Capitalism, and Modality.Victor Chung - manuscript
  2. Marxism as a Learning Process: The Epistemic Rationality of Precedential Reasoning.Stephen D'Arcy - manuscript
    My aim in this paper is fairly modest. I obviously do not claim that there has never been or could never be an instance of irrational or fallacious appeals to quotations from canonical sources in the marxist tradition. Instead, I claim that the practice of using quotations from canonical sources is not, as such, irrational. If we understand the epistemological infrastructure of the practice -- the rational underpinnings of it -- we can grasp how these citations appeal to the presumptive (...)
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  3. Há uma Teologia Política no Pensamento de Karl Marx?Hugo Allan Matos - manuscript
    Parece consenso entre as diversas correntes e movimentos marxistas na América Latina a afirmativa de que Marx foi ateu. Contudo, pouco se discute sobre qual o ateísmo de Marx e sua concepção sobre a religião de forma geral e do cristianismo em particular. A importância de tal discussão parece-me eminente em um continente que notadamente tem como uma de suas constituições as culturas latina e judaica cristã.
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  4. Capitalism and its Contentments: A Nietzschean Critique of Ideology Critique.Donovan Miyasaki - manuscript
    Nietzsche’s psychological theory of the drives calls into question two common assumptions of ideology critique: 1) that ideology is fetishistic, substituting false satisfactions for true ones, and 2) that ideology is falsification; it conceals exploitation. In contrast, a Nietzschean approach begins from the truth of ideology: that capitalism produces an authentic contentment that makes the concealment of exploitation unnecessary. And it critiques ideology from the same standpoint: capitalism produces pleasures too efficiently, an overproduction of desire that is impossible to sustain (...)
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  5. AI as Ideology: A Marxist Reading (Crawford, Marx/Engels, Debord, Althusser).Jeffrey Reid - manuscript
    Kate Crawford presents AI as “both reflecting and producing social relations and understandings of the world”; or again, as “a form of exercising power, and a way of seeing… as a manifestation of highly organized capital backed by vast systems of extraction and logistics, with supply chains that wrap around the entire planet”. I interpret these material insights through a Marxist understanding of ideology, with reference to Marx/Engels, Guy Debord and Louis Althusser. In the German Ideology, Marx and Engels present (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Alienation. Recuperating the Classical Discussion of Marx et al.Asger Sørensen - manuscript
    After years of neglect, alienation has again reached the agenda of critical thought. In my case, I recognize alienation as a challenge for education in contemporary societies. To obtain conceptual resources to overcome this challenge, I have revisited the comprehensive 20 th century discussion of alienation. Today, alienation is naturally discussed as an existential condition of human being, but still in the 1980s, there was a strong Marxist current that claimed alienation to be implied by capitalism, in particular by the (...)
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  7. Karl Marx's Two Theories of Revolution.David Baxter - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 5.
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  8. A Critique On Althusser's Interpretation Of Marx.Yavuz Kılıç - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 7.
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  9. José Chasin: a ontonegatividade da politicidade em Marx.Ana Selva Albinati - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O propósito desse artigo é apresentar o trabalho realizado por José Chasin na elucidação de um aspecto central do pensamento de Marx, que é a crítica à política. Não se trata só da conhecida questão do fim do Estado, uma vez que essa se coloca no interior de uma determinação mais ampla que é a da necessidade, da origem e do significado da política, reflexão desenvolvida por Marx, que conduz à consequente negação da politicidade enquanto atributo inerente à existência social, (...)
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  10. Night labour, social reproduction and political struggle in the ‘Working Day’ chapter of Marx's Capital.Paul Apostolidis - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    This essay offers a new reading of Marx's chapter on ‘the working day’ in Capital Volume One by exploring the textual theme of night-time work. Even as Marx emphasises how the lengthening workday enables the super-exploitation of producers’ wage labour, his depictions of nocturnal experiences highlight more forcefully the destruction of workers’ reproductive resources, capacities and relationships. Night comes to represent the contracted time, condensed space, petrified relational bonds and thwarted desires for human reproduction in a free, fulsome sense that (...)
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  11. Gregory Elliott, Labourism and the English Genius: The Strange Death of Labour England?A. Arblaster - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  12. Karl Marx: el capital libro I capitulo VI inedito.Jose Arico - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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  13. Bertell Ollman, Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method.C. Arthur - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  14. Christopher Bertram and Andrew Chitty, eds. Has History Ended?C. Arthur - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  15. Teresa Brennan, Exhausting Modernity: Grounds for a New Economy; Tony Smith, Technology and Capital in the Age of Lean Production.C. J. Arthur - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  16. The practical truth of abstract labour.Christopher J. Arthur - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
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  17. The Logic Question: Marx, Trendelenburg, and the Critique of Hegel.Charles Barbour - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-30.
    This paper provides a reconstruction and analysis of Marx’s early engagements with logic, and especially his studies of Hegel’s logic, on the one hand, and Hegel’s great if often overlooked critic Adolf Trendelenburg, on the other. It itemises the archival evidence that Marx read and planned to compose a Hegelian response to Trendelenburg’s devastating attack on dialectics in his 1840 Logische Untersuchungen – the work that arguably did more than any other single text to destroy the influence of Hegelianism among (...)
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  18. American Reconstruction and the Abolition of ‘Second’ Slavery: On Pascoe’s Intersectional Critique of Kant’s Theory of Labour.Elvira Basevich - forthcoming - Kantian Review:1-9.
    To highlight the promise of Jordan Pascoe’s Kant’s Theory of Labour, my comments concern the diagnostic and prescriptive dimensions of the book’s excellent intersectional critique of dependent labour relations. The diagnostic dimension of Pascoe’s critique establishes that the organisation of dependent labour relations is a neglected problem of Kantian justice. The prescriptive dimension offers solutions to this problem but is underdeveloped. To enhance the book’s prescriptive dimension, I draw on the noted Africana philosopher W. E. B. Du Bois for guidance. (...)
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  19. Marx et les crises.Daniel Bensaïd - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte constitue la première partie de l'introduction du recueil de textes de K. Marx, Les Crises du capitalisme, Paris, Demopolis, 2009. Daniel Bensaïd y explique la conception marxienne des crises cycliques du capitalisme, tout en abordant au passage celle de la « temporalité propre du capital ». Le tour de force de Marx, contemporain de la première grande expansion bancaire des années victoriennes et du Second empire, c'est d'avoir traversé les apparences, la surface confuse des choses, pour (...) - (...)
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  20. Marx’s Critical Theory of Slavery.Beverley Best - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    Marx’s critical theory of slavery is the operational subtext throughout his critique of political economy. For Marx, the movement from modern slavery to capital represents a historical transition of significance, not only (or foremost) as an empirical transition but also as a transformation of social substance. Marx reveals why, in retrospect, production based on slavery, as logical configuration, must give way to the generalising logic of wage labour. Marx’s critical theory of slavery historicises wage labour (qua category) as the dissolution (...)
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  21. Penser le néocapitalisme. Vie, capital et aliénation. [REVIEW]J. Bidet - forthcoming - Actuel Marx.
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  22. Worker and establishment wages: Estimates from a multi-level model. Centre for Labour Market.P. Bingley & N. Westergard-Nielsen - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  23. The Redemption of Saint Max: Stirner’s Critique of Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - forthcoming - In Andrés Saenz de Sicilia (ed.), Marx and the Critique of Humanism. Bloomsbury.
    In 1844, Johann Kaspar Schmidt, under the pen name “Max Stirner”, published a blistering critique of contemporary German philosophy, politics, and society called Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. Although Engels praised the book in private letters to Marx upon its arrival, a year and a half later he and Marx went to work demolishing every sentence in a 350-page unpublished manuscript called Saint Max, eventually edited and compiled a century later into the centerpiece of the German Ideology. Saint Max—perhaps the (...)
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  24. Diagnosis and remedy in Marx's doctrine of alienation.David Braybrooke - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  25. Marx's hope and ideology of world community, part three.Susan Buck-Morss - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
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  26. Marx and the Concept of a Social Formation.Tony Burns - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    This paper discusses the significance of the concept of a social formation for historical materialism. It argues that the concept is wrongly thought to be associated uniquely with the writings of Louis Althusser and with structuralist Marxism. It can be found in the writings of Marx himself, as well as those of Lenin, and is central to an adequate understanding of classical Marxism. To illustrate its importance the paper shows how the concept may be used to shed new light on (...)
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  27. Michael Rosen, On Voluntary Servitude: False Consciousness and the Theory of Ideology.A. Callinicos - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  28. To Study Marxism with Marx's Academic Spirit.Xu Chang-fu - forthcoming - Modern Philosophy.
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  29. (1 other version) A Buddhist Critique of Marx: Unveiling Flaws in ‘Desire,’ of a Near-Perfect Doctrine.Nishanathe Dahanayake - forthcoming - Philosophy of East West.
    Abstract There is a fundamental flaw at the heart of Karl Marx's approach to the alleviation of human suffering. That flaw lies in his commitment to a conception of the person – technically, the ego – that centres on desire-satisfaction, and, deepening the problem, does so in a way that underplays the centrality to all desire-satisfaction beyond that of the most elemental bodily desires, of that element Hegel termed “recognition.” Remedying this failure gives an understanding of desire and suffering that (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Ateísmo e Mito: A propósito do ateísmo do jovem Marx.Henrique C. de Lima Vaz - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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  31. A crítica ontológica de Marx, 180 anos.Leonardo Gomes de Deus & Guilherme de Oliveira E. Silva - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O artigo reexamina a leitura que Marx efetuou, em 1843, do pensamento de Hegel. Depois, são discutidas leituras contemporâneas do texto, além das próprias notas que o autor tomou durante o período. Defende-se a tese de que o texto de Kreuznach é instaurador na trajetória do autor.
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  32. Aportes Teóricos Para Pensar “o Material” Em Marx.Antonio Francisco Lopes Dias - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    Esse texto é um escrito que, ao final, é um termo médio entre um Artigo e um Ensaio. O objetivo é expor nossa compreensão sobre o sentido d“o material” e as implicações onto(epistemo)lógicas desta concepção no pensamento de Karl Marx. Em plano geral, primeiramente, nosso texto discorre sobre o que nomeamos de “a questão primeira”, qual seja: o que é “o material” no interior e no contexto dos escritos de Marx? Para cumprir essa tarefa procedemos com leituras de textos marxianos (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Alienation and empiricism in Marx's thought.Loyd D. Easton - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  34. The historicisation of the human senses from Feuerbach to Marx.Robert Engelman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This paper identifies and articulates a historicist turn in theorising the human senses initiated by Feuerbach and Marx. Both philosophers retain their predecessors’ view that human needs determine human senses, but they identify historical contingencies of human needs that they treat as introducing historical contingency into the character of the human senses. In accounting for Feuerbach’s and Marx’s respective historicisations of the human senses, this paper challenges some commonplace ideas expressed by Honneth and Joas about German philosophical anthropology in general (...)
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  35. Review of Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory. Cambridge University Press. 424 pages. ISBN. [REVIEW]Andrew Feenberg - forthcoming - Theory and Society.
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  36. Labor codetermination in Germany.Paul Fisher - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  37. Viewing Marcuse Against Marx.Melissa Garland - forthcoming - Think.
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  38. A Exploração Do Trabalho Como Condição Do Lucro Comercial e da Renda Fundiária No Pensamento de Marx.Mailson Bruno de Queiroz Carneiro Gonçalves & Eduardo Ferreira Chagas - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar, a partir do pensamento de Marx, como o lucro comercial e a renda fundiária – dois componentes do mais-valor que, juntamente com o salário, correspondem aos rendimentos da fórmula trinitária – pressupõem a exploração do trabalho ou o intercâmbio desigual que mantém o processo de acumulação capitalista. As remunerações do comerciante e do proprietário fundiário, muito embora apareçam na superfície da economia moderna dissociadas do seu fundamento real, como se fossem autônomas e sem qualquer (...)
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  39. Alienation within a Problematic of Substance and Subject.Murray Greene - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  40. Popper critique de Marx.Sémou Pathé Gueye - forthcoming - Episteme: Rivista Critica di Storia Delle Scienze.
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  41. Why nationalize?—British labour's unasked question.Andrew Hacker - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  42. Labor Unrest in the British Nationalized Sector.Robert L. Heilbroner - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  43. Ambivalences of Marx's Critique of Political Economy as obstacles for the Analysis of Contemporary Capitalism.Michael Heinrich - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
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  44. Christopher J. Arthur, ed., Engels Today: A Centenary Appreciation.I. Hunt - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  45. A Transformação da Doutrina Hegeliana da Oposição e da Contradição Por Marx.Christian Iber - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    Marx desenvolve sua teoria da oposição e da contradição em uma discussão crítica com Hegel no seu escrito Crítica da filosofia do direito de Hegel, de 1843. Para delinear seu projeto de transformação da teoria hegeliana da oposição e da contradição, procedo, em forma de teses, em quatro momentos: primeiramente, analiso o contexto da teoria de Marx da oposição e da contradição. Em um segundo momento, a teoria da oposição e da contradição de Marx é discutida em contraste àquela de (...)
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  46. The History and Afterlife of Marx’s ‘Primitive Accumulation’.Aaron D. Jaffe - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-28.
    This paper develops ‘primitive accumulation’ prior to and then in Karl Marx’s œuvre. By exploring the concept in Adam Smith and Sir James Steuart the paper highlights early influences on Marx’s evolving constructions. Marx’s construction in the Grundrisse begins with a logical determination much like Smith’s and moves, by drawing on Steuart, towards a socio-historical determination of a transitional violence. In Capital, ‘primitive accumulation’ still retains its transitional structure and delimited history, but it also points to the oppressive afterlife of (...)
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  47. From Affective Ethics to Deep Ecology: Spinoza’s Many Disciples When Spinoza Met Marx: Experiments in Nonhumanist Activity, by Tracie Matysik. [REVIEW]Kaan Kangal - forthcoming - The European Legacy.
  48. Young Marx’s Treatise on Christian Art and the Bonn Notebooks.Kaan Kangal - forthcoming - Historical Materialism.
    There are episodes in Marx’s life that go unnoticed or that are considered insignificant in Marxian scholarship. A case in point is that Marx wrote a treatise on Christian art between 1841 and 1842 and a group of excerpts (the Bonn Notebooks) on the history of religious art that resulted from it. The treatise and the accompanying notebooks are either completely absent from Marx biographies and studies on young Marx or they are mentioned only in passing; if the notebooks are (...)
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  49. From Insight to Ideology.Robert Klitgaard - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  50. Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism: Direct democracy, proletarian revolution, or self‐government under proletarian leadership.Can Mert Kökerer - forthcoming - Constellations.
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