Results for ' contrôle social'

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  1.  15
    Social Control/Social Order/Social Art.Michael J. Bell - 1979 - Substance 8 (1):49.
  2.  25
    Control social, estoicismo E ideología esclavista. La revuelta de euno en la obra de diodoro sículo.Carlos Garcia Mac Gaw - 2020 - Argos 1 (39):33-48.
    Se analizan fragmentos de Diodoro Sículo donde se manifiestan algunos de los mecanismos de dominación de los amos sobre los esclavos. Observamos larepresentación que se hace desde el discurso dominante del ejercicio del control social y el ocultamiento de las prácticas violentas propias de la relación esclavista. Se trata de fragmentos en donde aparecen referidas situaciones concretas, ocurridas tanto en el ámbito doméstico como en los espacios productivos. La teoría de la dominación social de O. Patterson y los (...)
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  3. Cognitive Control: Social Evolution and Emotional Regulation.Matt J. Rossano - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):238-241.
    This commentary argues that theories of cognitive control risk being incomplete unless they incorporate social/emotional factors. Social factors very likely played a critical role in the evolution of human cognitive control abilities, and emotional states are the primary regulatory mechanisms of cognitive control.
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    Para além de Vigiar e Punir: o controle social do corpo e a recodificação da memória popular em filmes de horror.Alex Pereira de Araújo & Nilton Milanez - 2015 - Unidad Sociológica 4 (2):56-64.
    Este estudio se ocupa del control social del cuerpo y de la reconfiguración de la memoria popular en películas de horror a través de la perspectiva genealógica de Foucault, presentada en su libro Vigilar y Castigar, publicado hace 40 años. Por lo tanto, tomaremos, À l’interieur e Frontière (s), dos producciones de horror cinematográfico hechas por directores franceses, ambos publicados en 2007. La hipótesis principal es que las películas de terror se muestran como una nueva forma de vigilancia y (...)
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    Administración pública, control social y eficiencia.Fernando Roberto Lenardón - 2007 - Enfoques 19 (1-2):55-88.
    La apatía con la que el hombre observa el accionar de los administradores públicos es una de las razones por las que muchos gobernantes consideran que acceden al poder para desarrollar proyectos personales y no para cumplir con el mandato del pueblo. En general, el argentino tiene la tendencia a "de..
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    Sistemas ideológicos y control social.Augusto Sánchez-Sandoval - 2005 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    L’usage des réseaux socionumériques : une intériorisation douce et progressive du contrôle social.Serge Proulx & Mary Jane Kwok Choon - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    Nous formulons et illustrons l’hypothèse que les sites de réseaux socionumériques constituent un mécanisme emblématique de la « société de contrôle » prophétisée par Gilles Deleuze. Au centre de ce dispositif, se retrouve en effet un double mouvement contradictoire : d’une part, le processus de captation capitalistique des informations déposées par les usagers contributeurs − nous pourrions décrire ce premier mouvement comme étant celui d’une surveillance institutionnelle se réalisant par le contrôle centralisé de l’information ; d’autre part, et (...)
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    Imagen y control social: manifiesto por una mirada insurgente.Correa García & Ramón Ignacio - 2011 - Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
    "Soy un ciudadano ejemplar. Voto siempre cada cuatro años... veo diariamente los programas del corazón en la tele y los sábados el fútbol... pago todos mis impuestos... tengo una cuenta en Facebook con muchos amigos que no conozco; hago mis compras en una gran superficie de consumo con mi tarjeta de crédito... no me meto con nadie... aunque esto de los inmigrantes no sé, no sé... opino en todo lo que opina la mayoría... que puede que venga a quitarnos nuestro (...)
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    Gestión del cuerpo y control social.Antonio Elizalde & Christian Matus - 2005 - Polis 11.
    En nuestra sociedad de Post Dictadura, la temática del cuerpo, su expresión y exploración más allá de los cánones impuestos por la normatividad, constituyen un tema pendiente que -cuando emerge- genera des-orden, instalando la pregunta por los límites y consensos sobre nuestro orden social y cultural. Es así como las experiencias que incorporan la dimensión subjetiva del cuerpo como son el uso de drogas y la sexualidad entre otras, y que se sitúan desde lo orgiástico y festivo, son negadas, (...)
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    Alienação E controle social: Um breve diálogo entre Marx E Marcuse.Bartolomeu dos Santos Costa - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (20):59-61.
    Anderson Alves Esteves é pós-doutorando em Sociologia pela USP, doutor em 2016 e mestre em Filosofia pela PUC-SP em 2010, especialista em Sociologia pela FESPSP em 2001, bacharel em Filosofia pela USP em 2005 e em Ciências Sociais pela Fundação Santo André em 2000. É professor do Instituto Federal de São Paulo, campus Itaquaquecetuba, e autor de livros, capítulos de livros e artigos nas áreas de Filosofia e Sociologia.
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    Sex and Birth-control : Social-Ethics and lntegrated Accesses to an Abortion. 이경희 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (69):191-213.
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  12. Discursos para el control social (America latina y Argentina a fines del s. XIX).Alejandro Salinas - 2018 - In Gloria Elías (ed.), El arte de la dominación: ensayos de filosofías para la emancipación y la liberación. San Salvador de Jujuy, Pcia. de Jujuy, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy.
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    The Presence of Ethics Codes and Employees’ Internal Locus of Control, Social Aversion/Malevolence, and Ethical Judgment of Incivility: A Study of Smaller Organizations.Sean R. Valentine, Sheila K. Hanson & Gary M. Fleischman - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):657-674.
    Workplace incivility is a current challenge in organizations, including smaller firms, as is the development of programs that enhance employees’ treatment of coworkers and ethical decision making. Ethics programs in particular might attenuate tendencies toward interpersonal misconduct, which can harm ethical reasoning. Consequently, this study evaluated the relationships among the presence of ethics codes and employees’ locus of control, social aversion/malevolence, and ethical judgments of incivility using information secured from a sample of businesspersons employed in smaller organizations. Results indicated (...)
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    Épouser un gendarme ou épouser la gendarmerie? Les femmes de gendarmes entre contrôle matrimonial et contrôle social.Marc Bergère - 2004 - Clio 20:123-134.
    Appuyé sur les textes normatifs, relatifs au mariage et à la réglementation de la vie privée des gendarmes, cet article témoigne du contrôle matrimonial mais aussi social imposé aux femmes de gendarmes en raison du statut professionnel de leur mari. En effet, la dimension totale de la fonction gendarmique tend souvent à effacer ou gommer la séparation entre vie et espace professionnels et privés. Chemin faisant, les épouses sont, bon gré mal gré, partie intégrante de la communauté professionnelle (...)
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    El Uso de Las Tecnologías Para El Control Social Por Los Grupos de Poder.Santiago Carrasco Díaz-Masa - 2021 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 20:63-91.
    La crisis sanitaria provocada por el SARS-COV2 ha planteado la necesidad de un cierto control social por parte de los Gobiernos como medida para luchar más eficazmente contra la pandemia. Este control social puede ejercerse, entre otras formas, a través de las tecnologías y en especial las Tecnologías de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (TIC). El abanico de posibilidades es muy amplio y recibe un tratamiento distinto, así como diferentes aplicaciones, según el régimen político, la religión o religiones (...)
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    Capital social y clientelismo: otra limitación para el control social.Mauricio García Ojeda - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    En contraste a los efectos positivos del capital social, diversos autores llaman la atención sobre su “lado oscuro”. En este artículo exploramos una de sus manifestaciones. Proponemos que el capital social puede ser utilizado por políticos en relaciones clientelares para coaccionar a los ciudadanos, condicionando la continuidad de estas relaciones si los ciudadanos utilizan mecanismos de control social para sancionarlos. Proponemos entonces que el capital social puede limitar el ejercicio del control social. Luego de realizar (...)
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  17.  7
    La surveillance éthique continue : autorégulation ou contrôle social?Michel Bergeron - 2000 - Éthique Publique 2 (2).
    Avec l’entrée en vigueur de l’Énoncé de politique des trois conseils, la surveillance éthique continue fait maintenant partie intégrante du processus d’évaluation éthique sur la scène universitaire canadienne. Pourtant, malgré l’acceptation de ce concept, les chercheurs et les institutions se questionnent sur sa portée et sa mise en application. Dans cette perspective, cet article porte un regard sur les racines et les variantes du concept, les efforts de rationalisation dont il a fait l’objet en contexte américain d’où il a émergé (...)
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  18. Social media and self-control: The vices and virtues of attention.Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2017 - In C. G. Prado (ed.), Social Media and Your Brain: Web-Based Communication Is Changing How We Think and Express Ourselves. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. pp. 57-74.
    Self-control, the capacity to resist temptations and pursue longer-term goals over immediate gratifications, is crucial in determining the overall shape of our lives, and thereby in our ability to shape our identities. As it turns out, this capacity is intimately linked with our ability to control the direction of our attention. This raises the worry that perhaps social media are making us more easily distracted people, and therefore less able to exercise self-control. Is this so? And is it necessarily (...)
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    Discursos de Agentes Estatales de Un Dispositivo de Control Social-Penal de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Sobre la Responsabilidad Penal Juvenil y El Diseño de Estrategias de Intervencion Alternativas a la Privacion de Libertad.Mariana Cecilia Fernández - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 22:45-68.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el sentido producido por agentes estatales sobre la categoría socio-jurídica de responsabilidad penal juvenil, tanto como las acciones institucionales pertinentes que desarrollan en el contexto de ejecución de medidas alternativas a la privación de libertad. Ese análisis tiene lugar mediante un estudio de caso radicado en un dispositivo de control social-penal de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, entre 2014 y 2016. Dispositivo en el cual se elaboran estrategias de intervención orientadas a la (...)
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    Regulação de Org'nicos e Agroecológicos: A Relev'ncia Das Relações Sociais Campesinas e Do Controle Social da Produção.Gabrielle Jacobi Kölling, Cristina Aguiar Ferreira da Silva & Gernardes Silva Andrade - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 8 (2):22.
    Este manuscrito objetiva analisar, no âmbito do direito transnacional, do direito nacional e das convenções estabelecidas no mercado, características atinentes à certificação de orgânicos, tema extremamente relevante para a segurança alimentar. Desde 1970, o movimento orgânico se apresenta como um modelo alternativo em contestação aos impactos ambientais gerados pela agricultura industrial e pelos ditames da Revolução Verde. É nesta conjuntura que a Federação Internacional de Agricultura Orgânica (IFOAM) instaura um marco regulatório (certificação por auditoria) de abrangência global para este setor, (...)
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    Etiquetar y castigar: la infamia como expresión actual del control social.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez - 2022 - Isegoría 67:09-09.
    La infamia constituye el modelo ideal de castigo actual, ya que marca el cuerpo real y simbólico de ciertos sujetos, sin ninguna mediación institucional: los individuos y los grupos sociales se arrogan el derecho a imputar, juzgar y castigar. De manera que existen instituciones formales y, además, ciertos colectivos informales que neutralizan, excluyen, matan y encierran real y simbólicamente, ejerciendo un poder para-judicial y para-penal. En palabras más precisas, hay una penalidad que no pasa necesariamente por el poder judicial ni (...)
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    Theatrum criminológicum. Kafka, park Y Los avatares Del control social.Ezequiel Kostenwein - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48:11-35.
    Se suele plantear que a comienzos del siglo XX las investigaciones acerca del control social abandonan la prisión como tema central para pensar el problema del orden a partir de la ciudad. Sin embargo, poco se ha dicho de la conexión, a veces subterránea, que ello guarda con la obra de Franz Kafka. Consideramos posible rastrear en la literatura del autor checo el proceso por el cual la ciudad va convirtiéndose en un eje en el cual se desarrollan un (...)
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    HARDY, René, Contrôle social et mutation de la culture religieuse au Québec, 1830-1930HARDY, René, Contrôle social et mutation de la culture religieuse au Québec, 1830-1930. [REVIEW]Alfred Dumais - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (1):187-189.
  24. La aplicación del Código de Faltas en la ciudad de Córdoba en Bisig, E. (Dir.) Jóvenes y Seguridad: Control Social y Estrategias de exclusión (coautora).Romina Rekers - 2015 - In Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica UNC. Córdoba, Argentina: pp. 151-176.
    Este artículo resume el “Relevamiento y análisis sobre la aplicación del Código de Faltas en la Ciudad de Córdoba”59; investigación exploratoria realizada en la ciudad de Córdoba, entre cuyos principales objetivos se formuló el analizar cómo se aplican las figuras de Merodeo (Art. 98), Negativa u omisión de identificarse (Art. 79) y Posesión injustificada de llaves alteradas o ganzúas (Art. 97), del Código de Faltas de la Provincia de Córdoba, desde la perspectiva de jóvenes varones de entre 18 y 25 (...)
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    L’usage des réseaux socionumériques : une intériorisation douce et progressive du contrôle social.Serge Proulx & Mary Jane Kwok Choon - 2011 - Hermes 59:, [ p.].
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    « Que vont dire les voisins? » légitimité, contrôle social et influence socioculturelle des voisins en Inde.Janaki Abraham & Brigitte Rollet - 2016 - Diogène n° 251-252 (3):176-192.
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    Lockdown, Social Control of Space and Religious Freedom.Miguel Ángel Belmonte - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):155-169.
    Political thought, from Aristotle to Lefebvre, has placed importance on the control of space as an activity of political power. Extraordinary measures taken by global policy-makers since the early 2020s as part of efforts to to combat the pandemic have included mass lock-downs, closed borders, social distancing and other forms of spatial control. Importantly, spaces dedicated to religious worship (churches, etc.) were subjected to extraordinary regulation. In the exercise of this new control of space, social control has played (...)
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    Human Social Evolution: Self-Domestication or Self-Control?Dor Shilton, Mati Breski, Daniel Dor & Eva Jablonka - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505032.
    The self-domestication hypothesis suggests that, like mammalian domesticates, humans have gone through a process of selection against aggression – a process that in the case of humans was self-induced. Here, we extend previous proposals and suggest that what underlies human social evolution is selection for socially mediated emotional control and plasticity. In the first part of the paper we highlight general features of human social evolution, which, we argue, is more similar to that of other social mammals (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Freedom of Association Rights: The Precarious Quest for Legitimacy and Control in Global Supply Chains.Mark Anner - 2012 - Politics and Society 40 (4):609-644.
    Corporations have increasingly turned to voluntary, multi-stakeholder governance programs to monitor workers’ rights and standards in global supply chains. This article argues that the emphasis of these programs varies significantly depending on stakeholder involvement and issue areas under examination. Corporate-influenced programs are more likely to emphasize detection of violations of minimal standards in the areas of wages, hours, and occupational safety and health because focusing on these issues provides corporations with legitimacy and reduces the risks of uncertainty created by activist (...)
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    On Social Robustness Checks on Science: What Climate Policymakers Can Learn from Population Control.Li-an Yu - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (4):436-448.
    In this paper, I provide policymakers, who rely on science to address their missions, with two arguments for improving science for social benefits. I argue for a refined concept of social robustness that can distinguish socially appropriate cases of political reliance on science from inappropriate ones. Both of the constituents are essential for evaluating the social suitability of science-relevant policy or action. Using four cases of population control, I show that socially inappropriate political reliance on science can (...)
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    Corporate Social and Financial Performance: The Role of Size, Industry, Risk, R&D and Advertising Expenses as Control Variables.Margaret L. Andersen & John S. Dejoy - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (2):237-256.
    This article investigates the role of commonly specified control variables in moderating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). In addition, there are separate measures for positive (strengths) social actions, and for negative (concerns) social actions. The results support the positive relationship between CSP and CFP. The best model, as determined using factorial analysis of variance, is one which has the following control variables: size, industry, risk, and research and development expenditures. In (...)
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  32. Engineering Social Justice into Traffic Control for Self-Driving Vehicles?Milos N. Mladenovic & Tristram McPherson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1131-1149.
    The convergence of computing, sensing, and communication technology will soon permit large-scale deployment of self-driving vehicles. This will in turn permit a radical transformation of traffic control technology. This paper makes a case for the importance of addressing questions of social justice in this transformation, and sketches a preliminary framework for doing so. We explain how new forms of traffic control technology have potential implications for several dimensions of social justice, including safety, sustainability, privacy, efficiency, and equal access. (...)
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    The Social Philosophy of Gerald Gaus: Moral Relations Amid Control, Contestation, and Complexity.Kevin Vallier - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (3):510-532.
    Gerald Gaus was one of the leading liberal theorists of the early twenty-first century. He defended liberal order based on its unique capacity to handle deep disagreement and pressed liberals toward a principled openness to pluralism and diversity. Yet, almost everything written about Gaus's work is evaluative: determining whether his arguments succeed or fail. This essay breaks from the pack by outlining underlying themes in his work. I argue that Gaus explored how to sustain moral relations between persons in light (...)
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  34. Social Choice and Popular Control.Sean Ingham - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2):331-349.
    In democracies citizens are supposed to have some control over the general direction of policy. According to a pretheoretical interpretation of this idea, the people have control if elections and other democratic institutions compel officials to do what the people want, or what the majority want. This interpretation of popular control fits uncomfortably with insights from social choice theory; some commentators—Riker, most famously—have argued that these insights should make us abandon the idea of popular rule as traditionally understood. This (...)
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    Social Control and Education.Brian Davies - 1976 - Routledge Kegan & Paul.
  36. Using Social Networking Sites for Communicable Disease Control: Innovative Contact Tracing or Breach of Confidentiality?K. L. Mandeville, M. Harris, H. L. Thomas, Y. Chow & C. Seng - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):47-50.
    Social media applications such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have attained huge popularity, with more than three billion people and organizations predicted to have a social networking account by 2015. Social media offers a rapid avenue of communication with the public and has potential benefits for communicable disease control and surveillance. However, its application in everyday public health practice raises a number of important issues around confidentiality and autonomy. We report here a case from local level health (...)
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    The social: A missing term in the debate over addiction and voluntary control.Neil Levy - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):35 – 36.
    The author comments on the article “The Neurobiology of Addiction: Implications for Voluntary Control of Behavior,‘ by S. E. Hyman. Hyman’s article suggests that addicted individuals have impairments in cognitive control of behavior. The author agrees with Hyman’s view that addiction weakens the addict’s ability to align his actions with his judgments. The author states that neuroethics may focus on brains and highlight key aspects of behavior but we still risk missing explanatory elements. Accession Number: 24077912; Authors: Levy, Neil 1,2; (...)
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  38. Social control and medical models in genetics.R. Baker - 1978 - In John L. Buckley (ed.), Genetics Now. University Press of America. pp. 75.
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    Judging the social value of controlled human infection studies.Annette Rid & Meta Roestenberg - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):749-763.
    In controlled human infection (CHI) studies, investigators deliberately infect healthy individuals with pathogens in order to study mechanisms of disease or obtain preliminary efficacy data on investigational vaccines and medicines. CHI studies offer a fast and cost‐effective way of generating new scientific insights, prioritizing investigational products for clinical testing, and reducing the risk that large numbers of people are exposed to ineffective or harmful substances in research or in practice. Yet depending on the pathogen, CHI studies can involve significant risks (...)
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    The Social Dimension of Technology: The Control of Chemical and Biological Weapons.Brian Balmer - 1st ed. 2015 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), New Perspectives on Technology, Values, and Ethics. Springer Verlag.
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    Integrating Social Cognition Into Domain‐General Control: Interactive Activation and Competition for the Control of Action (ICON).Robert Ward & Richard Ramsey - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13415.
    Social cognition differs from general cognition in its focus on understanding, perceiving, and interpreting social information. However, we argue that the significance of domain‐general processes for controlling cognition has been historically undervalued in social cognition and social neuroscience research. We suggest much of social cognition can be characterized as specialized feature representations supported by domain‐general cognitive control systems. To test this proposal, we develop a comprehensive working model, based on an interactive activation and competition architecture (...)
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    Taking control of reflexive social attention.Jelena Ristic & Alan Kingstone - 2005 - Cognition 94 (3):B55-B65.
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    Social-ethical issues concerning the control strategy of animal diseases in the European Union: A survey.Nina E. Cohen, Marcel A. Asseldonk & Elsbeth N. Stassen - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (4):499-510.
    In 2004 a survey was conducted in the member states of the European Union designed to gain greater insight into the views on control strategies for foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, and avian influenza with respect to the epidemiological, economic and social-ethical consequences of each of these animal diseases. This article presents the results of the social-ethical survey. A selection of stakeholders from each member state was asked to prioritize issues for the prevention and control of (...)
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    The Moderating Role of Social Identity and Grit in the Association Between Parental Control and School Adjustment in Chinese Middle School Students.Chunhua Ma, Yongfeng Ma & Xiaoyu Lan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although the proliferation of empirical research has documented the association between parental control and school adjustment, findings of this linkage are still inconclusive. Moreover, fewer efforts have been made to address this association in middle school students. Guided by an ecological framework, the current study aimed to integrate the conflicting findings into a coherent body of knowledge, paying particular attention to two research purposes: (a) to examine the association between parental control and three objective indicators of school adjustment (social (...)
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    The control of human genetic characteristics and the institutionalization of eugenic social-cultural practices.Valdeir del Cont - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (3):511-530.
    Uma das características do movimento eugênico foi a formação de uma estrutura institucionalizada. Tal característica inicia-se com Francis Galton, mas é nos Estados Unidos que adquire a formatação institucional que servirá de modelo para as várias iniciativas eugênicas em outras partes do mundo. Neste texto, pretendemos analisar algumas condições que contribuíram para a eugenia ser apresentada como uma proposta científica de controle social de traços ou características consideradas geneticamente determinadas. One of the characteristics of the eugenic movement was the (...)
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    Social assistance or agency? Attachment Styles Moderate the Impact of Control Threat on Social Relationship Preferences.Agata Gasiorowska & Tomasz Zaleskiewicz - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:309-317.
    Building upon Gasiorowska and Zaleskiewicz's (2021, 2023), we explored how a control threat and attachment style influence social relationship preferences. This experiment aimed to investigate how experiencing a control threat affects individuals with secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment patterns when they can choose between seeking assistance from the market, asking a close person for help, or coping with the situation alone. Participants with different attachment styles were randomly assigned to either the lack of control condition ( n = 290) (...)
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    Social and Epistemic Control in Collaborative Research — Reconfiguring the Interplay of Politics and Methodology.Jeremias Herberg & Ulli Vilsmaier - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (4):309-318.
    In this article we argue that the notion of control poses a critical conceptual and historical connection between scientific and political power. While many meanings of control originate in the sci...
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Enhanced Control Systems Reducing the Likelihood of Fraud.Waymond Rodgers, Arne Söderbom & Andrés Guiral - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (4):871-882.
    All kinds of fraud are costly for the people engrossed both financially and often in terms of the time needed to clear their name when illegal use has been made of their personal details. The relationship among ethics, internal control, and fraud is important in the understanding of corporate social responsibility. This article uses an Ethical Process Throughput Model embedded in the Fraud triangle in order to better understand the interconnectedness of ethical positions and internal control systems that handle (...)
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    Social top-down response modulation (STORM): a model of the control of mimicry in social interaction.Yin Wang & Antonia F. De C. Hamilton - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Social Control and Free Inquiry: Consequences of Foucault for the Pursuit of Knowledge in Higher Education.Roger Philip Mourad - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (3):321-340.
    Key ideas in the work of Michel Foucault are explored and applied to the organized pursuit of knowledge in higher education. His association of power and knowledge accounts for deeply rooted practices in higher education that would need to be mediated or overcome for there to be a revolution in inquiry to occur, such as the one advanced by Nicholas Maxwell. Foucault’s concepts of disciplinary power and bio-power, and how they act to manage the behavior of free citizens, are described. (...)
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