Results for 'Kaitlyn Felix'

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  1.  41
    Forming Physicians: Evaluating the Opportunities and Benefits of Structured Integration of Humanities and Ethics into Medical Education.Cassie Eno, Nicole Piemonte, Barret Michalec, Charise Alexander Adams, Thomas Budesheim, Kaitlyn Felix, Jess Hack, Gail Jensen, Tracy Leavelle & James Smith - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):503-531.
    This paper offers a novel, qualitative approach to evaluating the outcomes of integrating humanities and ethics into a newly revised pre-clerkship medical education curriculum. The authors set out to evaluate medical students’ perceptions, learning outcomes, and growth in identity development. Led by a team of interdisciplinary scholars, this qualitative project examines multiple sources of student experience and perception data, including student essays, end-of-year surveys, and semi-structured interviews with students. Data were analyzed using deductive and inductive processes to identify key categories (...)
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  2. Argumentation-induced rational issue polarisation.Felix Kopecky - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):83-107.
    Computational models have shown how polarisation can rise among deliberating agents as they approximate epistemic rationality. This paper provides further support for the thesis that polarisation can rise under condition of epistemic rationality, but it does not depend on limitations that extant models rely on, such as memory restrictions or biased evaluation of other agents’ testimony. Instead, deliberation is modelled through agents’ purposeful introduction of arguments and their rational reactions to introductions of others. This process induces polarisation dynamics on its (...)
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  3. Aesthetic Testimony and Aesthetic Authenticity.Felix Bräuer - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (3):395–416.
    Relying on aesthetic testimony seems problematic. For instance, it seems problematic for me to simply believe or assert that The Velvet Underground's debut album The Velvet Underground and Nico (1964) is amazing solely because you have told me so, even though I know you to be an honest and competent music critic. But why? After all, there do not seem to be similar reservations regarding testimony from many other domains. In this paper, I will argue that relying on aesthetic testimony (...)
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    A Critique of the Inclusion/Exclusion Dichotomy.Cathrine Victoria Felix - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):30.
    In contemporary discourse, inclusion has evolved into a core value, with inclusive societies being lauded as progressive and inherently positive. Conversely, exclusion and excluding practices are typically deemed undesirable. However, this paper questions the prevailing assumption that inclusion is always synonymous with societal progress. Could it be that exclusion, in certain contexts, serves as a more effective tool for advancing societal development? Is there a more intricate interconnection between these phenomena than conventionally acknowledged? This paper advocates moving beyond a simplistic (...)
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    Moral dynamics: Grounding moral judgment in intuitive physics and intuitive psychology.Felix A. Sosa, Tomer Ullman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Samuel J. Gershman & Tobias Gerstenberg - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104890.
  6.  13
    What's Political about Political Refugeehood? A Normative Reappraisal.Felix Bender - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (3):353-375.
    What is political about political refugeehood? Theorists have assumed that refugees are special because their specific predicament as those who are persecuted sets them aside from other “necessitous strangers.” Persecution is a special form of wrongful harm that marks the repudiation of a person's political membership and that cannot—contrary to certain other harms—be remedied where they are. It makes asylum necessary as a specific remedial institution. In this article, I argue that this is correct. Yet, the connection between political membership, (...)
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    Mic tratat de estetică, sau, Lumea văzută estetic.Felix Aderca - 2012 - Craiova: Aius. Edited by Gabriel Nedelea.
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  8. Immortality.Felix Adler - 1904 - New York,: New York society for ethical culture.
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    Zwischen Chaos und Kosmos: oder, Vom Ende der Metaphysik.Felix Hausdorff - 1898 - Baden-Baden: Agis-Verlag.
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    Die geistigen Grundlagen der Staats- und Wirtschaftsformen.Felix Klezl - 1950 - Wien,: Springer.
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  11. Zur Philosophie und Psychlogie der Ganzheit.Felix Krueger - 1953 - Berlin,: Springer.
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  12. Reparations, historical injustice, and the nonidentity problem.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    There is widespread intuition that historical injustices require reparations. This paper considers one philosophical problem for reparations: the Nonidentity Objection. The Objection states that present agents are not owed reparations for historical injustices because without the historical injustice they would not exist. I show the Objection only challenges the possibility of reparations for historical injustice if we adopt a particular model of reparative justice that takes someone experiencing harms to be a necessary condition for reparative justice. Instead, if we adopt (...)
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  13. What is AI Ethics?Felix Lambrecht & Marina Moreno - forthcoming - American Philosophical Quarterly.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, and AI ethics is booming with it. Yet there is surprisingly little attention paid to what the discipline of AI ethics is and what it ought to be. This paper offers an ameliorative definition of AI ethics to fill this gap. We introduce and defend an original distinction between novel and applied research questions. A research question should count as AI ethics if and only if (i) it is novel or (ii) it is applied and (...)
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  14. God and Creatures. The Quodlibetal Questions.John Duns Scotus, Felix Alluntis & Allan B. Walter - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (4):472-472.
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    Mathematics as Calculus and as Grammar.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (4):570-597.
    Severin Schroeder’s book Wittgenstein on Mathematics is reviewed and at the same time critically discussed by concentrating on its main aim: to show the coherence of Wittgenstein’s mature philosophy of mathematics. Although Schroeder is dealing with Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics in its entirety, he is mainly interested in the mature philosophy which he sees as dominated by two central ideas: that mathematics is essentially algorithmic, called the calculus view, and that the results of mathematical proofs are grammatical propositions, called the (...)
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    The paradoxical transparency of opaque machine learning.Felix Tun Han Lo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This paper examines the paradoxical transparency involved in training machine-learning models. Existing literature typically critiques the opacity of machine-learning models such as neural networks or collaborative filtering, a type of critique that parallels the black-box critique in technology studies. Accordingly, people in power may leverage the models’ opacity to justify a biased result without subjecting the technical operations to public scrutiny, in what Dan McQuillan metaphorically depicts as an “algorithmic state of exception”. This paper attempts to differentiate the black-box abstraction (...)
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  17. A New Role for Rollbacks: Showing How Objective Probabilities Undermine the Ability to Act Otherwise.Jan-Felix Müller - manuscript
    Rollback arguments focus on long sequences of actions with identical initial conditions in order to explicate the luck problem that indeterminism poses for libertarian free will theories (i.e. the problem that indeterministic actions appear arbitrary in a free-will undermining way). In this paper, I propose a rollback argument for probability incompatibilism, i.e. for the thesis that free will is incompatible with all world-states being governed by objective probabilities. Other than the most prominently discussed rollback arguments, this argument explicitly focusses on (...)
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  18. Vanilla Rules: the "No Ice Cream" Construction.Felix Frühauf, Hadil Karawani, Todor Koev, Natasha Korotkova, Doris Penka & Daniel Skibra - 2023 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 27:209-227.
    This paper is about what we call Deontically-flavored Nominal Constructions (DNCs) in English, such as "No ice cream" or "Dogs on leash only". DNCs are often perceived as commands and have been argued to be a type of non-canonical imperative, much like root infinitives in German or Russian. We argue instead that DNCs at their core are declaratives that cite a rule but can be used performatively in the right context. We propose that DNCs contain an elided deontic modal, i.e., (...)
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  19.  37
    On Live and Dead Signs in Mathematics.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2014 - In Godehard Link (ed.), Formalism and Beyond: On the Nature of Mathematical Discourse. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 183-208.
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    (1 other version)L'ordre Des sciences.Félix Le Dantec - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:248-271.
  21.  35
    Zur Protophysik der Zeit: Eine erneute Kritik.Felix Mühlhölzer - 1981 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 12 (2):340-352.
    Peter Janichs konstruktiver Aufbau einer Chronometrie, wie er in der neuen Auflage seines Buches "Die Protophysik der Zeit" beschrieben ist, wird einer detaillierten Kritik unterzogen. Dabei kristallisieren sich drei ernste Probleme heraus: Das Problem der Eindeutigkeit der Leitlinie, das Problem der Transitivität der Begleitstellungen, und das Problem der eindeutigen Bestimmtheit der Uhren. Alle drei Probleme bleiben bei Janich unbewältigt, woraus folgt, daß seine Chronometrie in der vorliegenden Form zumindest unvollständig ist.
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    Wittgenstein and set theory.Felix Mühlhölzer - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
    Wittgenstein was hostile towards set theory; see his remark in §22 of RFM II: ‘I believe and hope that a future generation will laugh at this hocus pocus’. At the same time, he says that what philosophy owes set theory is ‘tremendous’ and that this is something ‘deep’. I want to clarify these two statements and to reconcile them. The hocus‐pocus remark is mainly directed at the temptation to talk about an own world of sets, focussing on extensions and thereby (...)
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  23. Partial truth: A short rejoinder and a new proposal.José Felix Tobar-Arbulu - 1988 - Epistemologia 11 (1):141.
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    How Arithmetic is about Numbers. A Wittgenestinian Perspective.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 89 (1):39-59.
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    „Seltsame Frage. –“– Eine Interpretation von PU § 263.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2014 - Wittgenstein-Studien 5 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Wittgenstein-Studien Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 145-162.
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  26. San Nicolás de Tolentino, VII Centenario: Devoción y patronazgo en algunos pueblos de España.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (3):603-639.
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  27. Un Convento Agustiniano anterior a 1050.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (3):683.
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    Mathematical Intuition and Natural Numbers: A Critical Discussion.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (2):265-292.
    Charles Parsons’ book “Mathematical Thought and Its Objects” of 2008 (Cambridge University Press, New York) is critically discussed by concentrating on one of Parsons’ main themes: the role of intuition in our understanding of arithmetic (“intuition” in the specific sense of Kant and Hilbert). Parsons argues for a version of structuralism which is restricted by the condition that some paradigmatic structure should be presented that makes clear the actual existence of structures of the necessary sort. Parsons’ paradigmatic structure is the (...)
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  29.  30
    Language-games and Forms of Life in Mathematics.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2018 - In Christian Martin (ed.), Language, Form(s) of Life, and Logic: Investigations After Wittgenstein. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 193-218.
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    (1 other version)LITERATURESSAY: Die Debatte um die Objektivität der Wissenschaft.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2001 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (1):151-166.
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  31.  10
    Nicht einmal ein Etwas.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2020 - Wittgenstein-Studien 11 (1):207-244.
    Not Even a Something. If one exclaims that a pain is not a Nothing, what one means is that one feels it and that, when felt, it is simply there. Why shouldn’t one then also say, contrary to PI 293 & 304, that it is ‘a Something’? One has to admit, however, that, as felt, it is only momentarily there, and when I ask whether the pain that I feel now is the same as the pain I felt earlier, I (...)
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  32.  10
    Naturalismus und Lebenswelt Plädoyer für eine rein deskriptive Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2004 - In Bernward Gesang (ed.), Deskriptive oder normative Wissenschaftstheorie. ontos-Verlag. pp. 49-74.
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  33.  10
    Quine and Davidson on Reference and Evidence.Felix Mühlhölzer - 1993 - In Ralf Stoecker (ed.), Reflecting Davidson: Donald Davidson responding to an international forum of philosophers. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 41-53.
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  34.  23
    Reductions of Mathematics: Foundation or Horizon?Felix Mühlhölzer - 2018 - In Gabriele Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter (eds.), Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Proceedings of the 41st International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 327-342.
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  35.  13
    De L’Intérêt du Discours Éthiqueg. Deleuze – Spinoza, Philosophie Pratique.Félix Michaux - 2016 - Philosophique 19.
    L’intérêt du discours spinoziste, et plus largement l’importance du discours éthique, par opposition aux siècles moralistes qui nous précèdent, tiennent à une constatation générale : nous vivons au sein de sociétés dans lesquelles règnent le relativisme des valeurs et les rapports de force. Les socles fon­da­mentaux des notions de vivre ensemble, de coopération, d’amour du pro­chain et de respect de la vie se détériorent, et les valeurs transcendantes autrefois garantes, ou tout du moins inte...
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    A Normative Approach to Philosophy for Children.Felix Garcia Moriyon - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-12.
    Rreview of Maughn Rollins Gregory and Megan Jane Laverty, eds.. In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: Childhood, Philosophy, and Education. Routledge, 2018, Pp. 264.
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    Diálogo con Greg Biesta: Filosofía Y educación.Félix García Moriyón - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
    Biesta approaches different important educational topics that deserve some clarification and exploration. To begin with, Biesta emphasizes the preferential position that subjectification should occupy in education, a thesis I agree with. Nevertheless, qualification and socialization are also fundamental domains in education, much more in formal education. The aim of education, therefore, is to achieve an adequate balance between the three domains that makes possible a full educational process. On the other hand, it is valuable proposal to recover the importance of (...)
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    Ciceros „commentarioli Belli ciliciensis".Felix Mundt - 2004 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 148 (2):255-273.
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    Die Wissenschaft vom Menschen.Felix Günther - 1906 - Gotha,: F.A. Perthes, aktiengesellschaft.
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    Logic and language.Bernard Felix Huppé - 1956 - New York,: Knopf. Edited by Jack Kaminsky.
  41. Geschichte des Naturrechtes.Felix Flückiger - 1954 - Zollikon-Zürich,: Evangelischer Verlag.
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  42. David Humes Stellung zum Deismus..Felix Müller - 1906 - Leipzig,: Buchdr. R. Noske.
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    Die Frage nach dem Unbedingten: Gott als genuines Thema der Philosophie: Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Josef Schmidt SJ.Josef Schmidt, Felix Resch & Martin Klinkosch (eds.) - 2016 - Dresden: Text & Dialog.
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    La in-disciplina de Caliban: filosofía en el Caribe más allá de la academia.Felix Valdés García - 2017 - La Habana, Cuba: [email protected] Editorial.
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    Adaptive Reflection on Negative Emotional Experiences: Convergences and Divergence Between the Processing-Mode Theory and the Theory of Self-Distancing Reflection.Félix Cova, Felipe Garcia, Cristian Oyanadel, Loreto Villagran, Dario Páez & Carolina Inostroza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dialectics in Transformations of Professional Sport.Felix Lebed - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (4):589-606.
    In this article, I explore the relationship between competitive sports and the phenomenon of sports fandom as a unique symbiosis that qualitatively changes the nature of sport and reveals new aspects of human play in general. I note that spectators as consumers transform sport, in addition to indirectly and directly influencing and intervening in sports practice. As a result of this versatile involvement—from the initial form of competitive, formalized and unproductive game—sport can evolve through four successive stages: professional sport → (...)
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    Pentecostal aesthetics: theological reflections in a pentecostal philosophy of art and aesthetics.Steven Felix-Jager - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    Logoi : the history and definition of art and aesthetics -- The broader context -- An ontological foundation -- Doxa : the nature of art -- Inspired by the spirit -- Universal beauty -- Aesthetics of hope -- Praxis : the purpose of art -- Art and creation as play -- Serious art qo -- Church art.
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    Enrico Cassini, Introduzione a Carl Schmitt.Felix Herkert - 2017 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 124 (1):117-119.
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  49. Zur Bedeutung natürlicher Gotteserkenntnis nach Jacques Maritain.Felix Resch - 2019 - In Ulrich L. Lehner & Ronald K. Tacelli (eds.), Wort Und Wahrheit: Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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    (1 other version)La logique et l'expérience.Félix Le Dantec - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:46 - 69.
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