Results for 'Guillaume Hoffmann'

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  1.  16
    Lightweight hybrid tableaux.Guillaume Hoffmann - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):397-408.
  2.  41
    Relation-changing modal operators: Fig. 1.Carlos Areces, Raul Fervari & Guillaume Hoffmann - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (4):601-627.
  3. Attenuation of the cs-preexposure effect after a retention interval in preweanling rats.Pj Kraemer, H. Hoffmann & Ne Spear - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):335-335.
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    A Paradoxical Feature of the Severity Measure of Evidence.Guillaume Rochefort-Maranda - unknown
    The main point of this paper is to underscore that tests with very low power will be significant only if the observations are deviant under both H0 and H1. Therefore, the results of those significant tests will generate misleadingly high severity scores for differences between H0 and H1 that are excessively overestimated. In other words, that measure of evidence is bound to fail in those cases. It will inevitably fail to adequately measure the strength of the evidence provided by tests (...)
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    Vaginal Microbiota Transplantation: The Next Frontier.Kevin DeLong, Fareeha Zulfiqar, Diane E. Hoffmann, Anita J. Tarzian & Laura M. Ensign - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):555-567.
    The success of fecal microbiota transplantation as a treatment for Clostrioides difficile infection has stirred excitement about the potential for microbiota transplantation as a therapy for a wide range of diseases and conditions. In this article, we discuss vaginal microbiota transplantation as “the next frontier” in microbiota transplantation and identify the medical, regulatory, and ethical challenges related to this nascent field. We further discuss what we anticipate will be the first context for testing VMT in clinical trials, prevention of the (...)
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    Politique et état chez Deleuze et Guattari: essai sur le matérialisme historico-machinique.Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc - 2013 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Souvent abordée par sa « micropolitique du désir », l’œuvre commune de Deleuze et Guattari est rarement sollicitée lorsqu’on s’interroge sur les problèmes classiques ou contemporains de la pensée politique : la forme-État, la souveraineté, le rapport de la violence et du droit, la guerre, le paradigme de la Nation et les recombinaisons qu’il a entraînées entre les idées de peuple, de citoyenneté et de minorité. En suivant la trajectoire conduisant du premier tome de Capitalisme et schizophrénie (1972) au second (...)
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  7. Totality, Regularity, and Cardinality in Probability Theory.Paolo Mancosu & Guillaume Massas - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):721-740.
    Recent developments in generalized probability theory have renewed a debate about whether regularity (i.e., the constraint that only logical contradictions get assigned probability 0) should be a necessary feature of both chances and credences. Crucial to this debate, however, are some mathematical facts regarding the interplay between the existence of regular generalized probability measures and various cardinality assumptions. We improve on several known results in the literature regarding the existence of regular generalized probability measures. In particular, we give necessary and (...)
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    Fields with automorphism and valuation.Özlem Beyarslan, Daniel Max Hoffmann, Gönenç Onay & David Pierce - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):997-1008.
    The model companion of the theory of fields with valuation and automorphism exists. A counterexample shows that the theory of models of ACFA equipped with valuation is not this model companion.
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    La naqla , étude du concept de transfert dans l'œuvre d'al-fārābī.Guillaume Vaulx D’Arcdey - 2010 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 20 (1):125-176.
  10. (1 other version)Commentaire sur le livre des Prédicables de Porphyre, précédé du Proême du commentaire sur les livres de l'art logique.Guillaume D'occam, Louis Valcke & Roland Galibois - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (4):707-707.
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  11. The role of stimulus-based and response-based spatial information in sequence learning.Koch Iring & Hoffmann Joachim - 2000 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (4).
  12. Deleuze, A Critique of Violence.Igor Krtolica & Guillaume Silbertin-Blanc - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):169 - +.
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    Les Épîtres des Frères en pureté =.Guillaume de Vaulx D'Arcy (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Un navire humain fait naufrage sur l'ile du roi des djinns ou l'entente regne entre toutes les especes. Les naufrages pretendent qu'ils sont les seigneurs, que les animaux sont leurs serviteurs. S'engage alors un proces dans lequel les representants des nations humaines se succedent pour prouver leur superiorite. Les familles animales se relaient pour les refuter. Telle est l'epitre sur les animaux des Freres en Purete. Une fable-fleuve, un joyau inespere de la litterature arabe intercale entre un traite de botanique (...)
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    Traictez philosophiques.Guillaume Du Vair - 2016 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur. Edited by Alexandre Tarrête.
    La philosophie morale des stoïques -- Le manuel d'Épictète -- Les responses d'Épictète aux demandes de l'empereur Adrian -- L'exhortation à la vie civile -- De la constance et consolation ès calamitez publiques.
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    The Free-Riding Issue in Contemporary Organizations: Lessons from the Common Good Perspective.Sandrine Frémeaux, Guillaume Mercier & Anouk Grevin - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-26.
    Free riding involves benefiting from common resources or services while avoiding contributing to their production and maintenance. Few studies have adequately investigated the propensity to overestimate the prevalence of free riding. This is a significant omission, as exaggeration of the phenomenon is often used to justify control and coercion systems. To address this gap, we investigate how the common good approach may mitigate the flaws of a system excessively focused on free-riding risk. In this conceptual paper featuring illustrative vignettes, we (...)
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    Une théologie naturelle est-elle encore possible?Guillaume St-Laurent - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (1):93.
    Malgré l’important renouveau que connaît la théologie naturelle depuis environ un demi-siècle dans le champ de la philosophie de la religion, Charles Taylor soutient que celle-ci appartient à une époque désormais révolue. Cette étude propose de restituer de manière aussi fidèle et précise que possible les raisons de ce verdict. Une telle analyse vise à combler une lacune importante dans la littérature secondaire. Cette lacune tient, d’une part, au fait que Taylor lui-même ne développe jamais ces raisons de façon systématique (...)
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  17. Iohannis Buridani philosophi trecentis retro annis celeberrimi Quaestiones in octo libros politicorum Aristotelis: una cum indice quaestionum dubiorúmque eisdem annexorum locupletissimo.Jean Buridan, Guillaume Baterel & William Turner - 1640 - Excudebat Gulielmus Turner.
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    Estudo preliminar, tradução e notas da dissertatio stilo philosophico NIZOLII, de Leibniz.Jorge Molina & Edgar Affonso Hoffmann - 2013 - Dissertatio 38:291-349.
    Este texto é uma tradução a partir do original em latim, com uma introdução e comentários, da Dissertação sobre o estilo filosófico de Nizólio, obra escrita em 1669 pelo jovem Leibniz. Nessa obra Leibniz se ocupa com o estilo que deve ter a exposição filosófica. A introdução tem duas partes: na primeira parte se examina o contexto da aparição daquela obra de Leibniz em uma época em que não há uma distinção clara entre os limites entre a Lógica, a Retórica (...)
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    Stress and microbiota: Between biology and psychology.Rasmus Hoffmann Birk - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    This comment expands on Hooks et al.’s criticism of the problematic and overly general uses of “stress” within the microbiota-gut-brain field. The comment concludes that, for the microbiota-gut-brain field, much work is yet to be done in terms of how we explore and understand biology vis-à-vis psychology.
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    Rezension: Wissenschaft für den Krieg. Die geheimen Arbeiten der Abteilung Forschung des Heereswaffenamtes von Günter Nagel.Dieter Hoffmann - 2013 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 36 (2):197-198.
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    L'hermétique du sujet: Sartre, Proust, Rimbaud.Guillaume Artous-Bouvet - 2015 - Paris: Hermann.
    Que reste-t-il du "sujet", en littérature, après le retrait du structuralisme? C'est la question que pose ce livre, qui, dans le compte tenu de l'héritage théorique des années 1960-1970, cherche à préciser le statut d'un sujet qui insiste dans les discours critiques contemporains (Compagnon, Clément, Macé) aussi bien que dans les tentatives littéraires récentes (Beck, Deguy, Michon). Trois études articulées, qui sont autant d'expériences de lecture, tentent ici de répondre à cette interrogation : la première, "L'exception du sujet", se propose (...)
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  22.  14
    Le conflit des santés.Guillaume Le Blanc - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 1:81-91.
    La réflexion de Canguilhem est précieuse car elle nous rend attentif au fait qu’il n’existe pas de science de la santé mais seulement un savoir des patho­logies. La santé relève d’abord d’une évaluation existentielle qui vient de l’épreuve de la maladie. Si tel est le cas, elle ne saurait s’identifier avec un sens univoque de la normalité mais doit toujours être rapportée à la perception d’un individu, y compris quand elle est l’objet d’une rationalité économique ou politique exogène. Deux sens (...)
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    De la transgression des lois du langage.Jan Mieszkowski & Guillaume Forain - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 139 (4):56-73.
    À travers la mise en scène des fantasmes héroïques et les controverses sur le sens de la loi quand c’est sur la scène de l’histoire que les individus doivent faire leur devoir, Le Prince de Hombourg prend la forme d’une série d’échecs à établir un langage où s’exprimeraient clairement les décisions, les responsabilités, et la loi. Sous le regard de Kleist, l’histoire invalide les postulats de la dramaturgie aristotélicienne, elle suspend la capacité à juger éthiquement des identités, des actes et (...)
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    Complications neurologiques et vaccination contre l'hépatite B : l'impossible conciliation entre la preuve scientifique et la preuve judiciaire. Conséquences sur la pratique expertale.C. Rougemaillart, N. Jousset, N. Guillaume & M. Penneau - 2005 - Médecine et Droit 2005 (72):89-93.
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  25. Textes venus du vide : Le Prince et que faire?Ranabir Samaddar & Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):135-161.
    Qu’est-ce qui relie Le Prince de Machiavel et Que faire? de Lénine, que près de quatre cents ans séparent? Le premier est un recueil de formulations sur ce que doit être un prince, les pièges rencontrés sur le chemin de sa réussite, la manière de gouverner, les indices de son pouvoir et ce qui est nécessaire pour inciter le peuple à contribuer à la gloire d’un royaume princier. Le second, écrit à l’époque de la Révolution russe, traite de la construction (...)
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  26. Rueck, Walter, Cicero und der Humanismus. [REVIEW]Ernst Hoffmann - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 3:129.
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    Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg.
    Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known; this Nobel laureate has published more than 500 articles and two books. As an "applied theoretical chemist," he has made significant contributions to our understanding of chemical bonding and reactivity, and taught two generations of chemists how to use molecular orbitals for real chemistry. Less well known, however, are Hoffmann's important and insightful contributions to the areas of scholarship surrounding chemistry. Over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Roald (...) has thought and written copiously about the broader context of chemistry and its relationship to the arts and poetry. This book contains Hoffmann's essays and is organized around several major themes: chemical reasoning and explanation, writing and communicating in science, ethics, art and science, and chemical education. A few are unpublished lectures that are valuable additions to the volume. The editors have the full cooperation of Roald Hoffmann in this project. Most of the published work will be reprinted verbatim, but a few of the essays will be revised to eliminate redundancy. The unpublished lectures will also be edited since they were originally intended to be delivered orally at specific occasions. The editors will provide an introduction to the book, and some introductory material for each section. In introducing the material, they will highlight the intrinsic importance and interest of the ideas, as well as the places where Hoffmann's thought makes novel contributions to cognate areas. (shrink)
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  28. Interventionism and Higher-level Causation.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2014 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (1):49-64.
    Several authors have recently claimed that the notorious causal exclusion problem, according to which higher-level causes are threatened with causal pre-emption by lower-level causes, can be avoided if causal relevance is understood in terms of Woodward's interventionist account of causation. They argue that if causal relevance is defined in interventionist terms, there are cases where only higher-level properties, but not the lower-level properties underlying them, qualify as causes of a certain effect. In this article, I show that the line of (...)
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  29. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco (eds.), Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  30. Problems with Peirce's concept of abduction.Michael Hoffmann - 1999 - Foundations of Science 4 (3):271-305.
    Abductive reasoning takes place in forming``hypotheses'''' in order to explain ``facts.'''' Thus, theconcept of abduction promises an understanding ofcreativity in science and learning. It raises,however, also a lot of problems. Some of them will bediscussed in this paper. After analyzing thedifference between induction and abduction (1), Ishall discuss Peirce''s claim that there is a ``logic''''of abduction (2). The thesis is that this claim can beunderstood, if we make a clear distinction between inferential elements and perceptive elements of abductive reasoning. For (...)
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    Hoffmann, Karl. Zur Literatur und Ideengeschichte.Karl Hoffmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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    De transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum, de Guillaume Budé.Guillaume Budé - 1973 - Sherbrooke,: Éditions paulines. Edited by Maurice Lebel.
  33. Introduction.Aviv Hoffmann & Bob Hale - 2010 - In Bob Hale & Aviv Hoffmann (eds.), Modality: metaphysics, logic, and epistemology. qnew York: Oxford University Press.
    This introductory chapter gives a general survey of the research context, along with brief descriptions of the chapters collected here, indicating how they contribute to the three-year project which provided that context. Focusing on absolute notions of necessity and possibility, the project's principal aims were to explore the most fundamental questions and issues centred on them — ranging from scepticism about modal notions themselves, anti-realist view such as non-cognitivism, and the tenability of any sort of realism about modal facts, through (...)
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    Why does it matter to individuate the senses: A Brentanian approach.Guillaume Fréchette - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):413-430.
    How do we individuate the senses, what exactly do we do when we do so, and why does it matter? In the following article, I propose a general answer to these related questions based on Franz Brentano's views on the senses. After a short survey of various answers offered in the recent literature on the senses, I distinguish between two major ways of answering this question, causally and descriptively, arguing that only answers giving priority to description and to the classification (...)
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    Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
  36. Le contre Les géomètres de sextus empiricus: Sources, cible, structure.Guillaume Dye & Bernard Vitrac - 2009 - Phronesis 54 (2):155-203.
    In this paper, we examine Sextus Empiricus' treatise Against the geometers . We first set this treatise in the overall context of the sceptic's polemics against the liberal arts. After a discussion of Sextus' attitude to the quadrivium , we discuss the structure, the sources and the target of the Against the geometers . It appears that Euclid is not Sextus' source, and neither he, nor the professional geometers, seem to be Sextus' main targets. Of course, Sextus never really makes (...)
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    Is the Intrinsic/Extrinsic Distinction Hyperintensional?Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2014 - In Robert M. Francescotti (ed.), Companion to Intrinsic Properties. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 157-173.
    Several authors have recently claimed that the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties is hyperintensional, i.e., that there are cointensional properties P and Q, such that P is intrinsic, while Q is extrinsic. In this paper, I aim to defend the classical view that whenever P and Q are cointensional properties, then P and Q are either both intrinsic or both extrinsic. I first argue that the standard characterization of the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction involves dependence claims: intrinsic properties are those properties (...)
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  38.  14
    Repenser la condition humaine: hommages à Gustave Guillaume, 1883-1960 et Jean Piaget, 1896-1980.Gustave Guillaume, Jean Piaget & André Jacob (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Riveneuve éditions.
    La réflexion philosophique, dont l'ouverture à l'univers dans lequel nous nous découvrons - avec une acuité proportionnelle à un étonnement renouvelé - n'a pas de limites, n'en est que plus tributaire des sciences et des techniques, des arts et de multiples activités qui régissent plus ou moins fructueusement notre expérience. Or, au sein des sciences humaines, privilégiées pour éclairer une condition que nous ne saurions cesser d'interpréter, peu d'oeuvres du dernier siècle auront enrichi en le précisant notre être-au-monde, comme la (...)
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  39. The Metaphysics of Extrinsic Properties.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2010 - Ontos-Verlag.
    This book aims to develop a philosophical theory of extrinsic properties – of properties whose instantiation by an object does not only depend on what the object itself is like, but also on features of its environment. Various accounts of the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction are analysed in detail, and it is argued that the most promising approach to defining this distinction is to consider extrinsic properties as a particular type of relational property. Moreover, it is shown that two key notions in (...)
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    The Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School.Guillaume Collett - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Guillaume Collett questions to what extent we can locate Deleuze within the Lacanian School during the late-1960s, prior to Guattari. In so doing, he offers a new, integrated reading of Deleuze's The Logic of Sense by understanding it as a 'psychoanalysis of sense', and gives a new interpretation of Deleuze's conception of philosophy itself. The Psychoanalysis of Sense shows that Deleuze was not merely aware of the debates animating the Lacanian School during the 1960s: he sought to contribute to (...)
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  41. The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias against Women in the Treatment of Pain.Diane E. Hoffmann & Anita J. Tarzian - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4_suppl):13-27.
    To the woman, God said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”Genesis 3:16There is now a well-established body of literature documenting the pervasive inadequate treatment of pain in this country. There have also been allegations, and some data, supporting the notion that women are more likely than men to be undertreated or inappropriately diagnosed and treated for their (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Representation in Chemistry.R. Hoffmann & P. Laszlo - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (147):23-51.
    Chemical structures are among the trademarks of our profession, as surely chemical as flasks, beakers and distillation columns. When someone sees one of us busily scribbling formulas or structures, he or she has no trouble identifying a chemist. Yet these familiar objects, which accompany our work from start to end, from the initial doodlings (Fig. I) to the final polished artwork in a publication (Fig. II), are deceptively simple. They raise interesting and difficult questions about representation. It is the intent (...)
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  43. Voluntariness, Choice, and Will in the Ethics Commentaries of Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas.Tobias Hoffmann - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:71-92.
    The article studies the reception of Aristotle’s treatments of voluntariness and decision (EN 3.1–5) in the first three Latin commentaries (two by Albert the Great, one by Thomas Aquinas) that are based on the integral text of the Nicomachean Ethics. In particular, my goal is to examine how Albert’s and Thomas’s non-Aristotelian concepts of the will as a faculty distinct from reason influences their explanations of the Aristotelian account. It is argued that the Dominican commentators emphasize the idea of freedom (...)
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    Absolute Form: Modality, Individuality and the Principle of Philosophy in Kant and Hegel.Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    Highlighting Hegel's conceptual realism Hoffmann focuses on an undervalued move in his dialectic: inversion (μεταβολή). Easily proving completeness for Kant's table of categories, Hoffmann shows how metabolic dialectic substantiates Hegel's claim for his _Logic_: it is indeed the science of absolute form!
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    How Not to Turn the Grand Challenges Literature Into a Tower of Babel?Guillaume Carton, Julia Parigot & Thomas Roulet - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):409-414.
    The Grand Challenges literature brings under its umbrella a wide variety of disjointed phenomena but runs the risk of reinventing the wheel as well as overlooking incremental progress and past work. To avert this, scholars need to (dis)connect (dis)similar issues, build on past research on these issues, and create opportunities for generalizability through theoretical examinations.
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  46. Deux aspects de l'intentionnalité dans la Psychologie de Brentano.Guillaume Fréchette - 2012 - In Ion Tănăsescu (ed.), Franz Brentano's Psychology and Metaphysics. Zeta.
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    Platonismum und christliche Philosophie: Gesammelte Abhandlungen und Vorträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie.Ernst Hoffmann & Hans Georg Gadamer - 1961 - Artemis-Verlag.
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  48. An Internal Version of Epistemic Logic.Guillaume Aucher - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):1-22.
    Representing an epistemic situation involving several agents obviously depends on the modeling point of view one takes. We start by identifying the types of modeling points of view which are logically possible. We call the one traditionally followed by epistemic logic the perfect external approach, because there the modeler is assumed to be an omniscient and external observer of the epistemic situation. In the rest of the paper we focus on what we call the internal approach, where the modeler is (...)
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  49. Sur le rôle de la psychologie en théorie de la connaissance. Kant à l’école de Brentano.Guillaume Frechette - 2011 - In M. Lequan, S. Grapotte & M. Ruffing (eds.), Kant et les sciences. Vrin.
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    Hic terminus haeret: Du terme d'erasme à la devise de Claude gouffier: La fortune d'un emblème à la renaissance.Jean Guillaume - 1981 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1):186-192.
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