79 found
  1. Derrida degree: A question of honour.Barry Smith, Hans Albert, David M. Armstrong, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Keith Campbell, Richard Glauser, Rudolf Haller, Massimo Mugnai, Kevin Mulligan, Lorenzo Peña, Willard Van Orman Quine, Wolfgang Röd, Karl Schuhmann, Daniel Schulthess, Peter M. Simons, René Thom, Dallas Willard & Jan Wolenski - 1992 - The Times 9 (May 9).
    A letter to The Times of London, May 9, 1992 protesting the Cambridge University proposal to award an honorary degree to M. Jacques Derrida.
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  2.  44
    Le 'cornu': Notes sur un problème de logique éristico-stoïcienne.Daniel Schulthess - 1996 - Recherches sur la Philosophie et le Language (Grenoble) 18:201-228.
    The article confronts one of the ἄποpοι λόγοι discussed in ancient Eristic-Stoic logic: the famous “cuckold” (κερατίνης), where an interrogator has his respondent to admit to have been or still be cuckolded. The source of the problem is a principle of dialectics related to the principle of the excluded-middle according to which a question admits only a positive or a negative answer. To the question “Have you ceased to be cuckolded?” both answers seem to presuppose that the respondent has been (...)
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  3.  25
    Introduction à De l’imitation théâtrale de J.J. Rousseau.Daniel Schulthess - 2012 - In R. Trousson & F. Eigeldinger (eds.), Œuvres complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau, t. XVI. Slatkine-Champion. pp. p. 651-655, annotation du texte,.
    The text shortly introduces Rousseau’s De l’imitation théatrale (1764). Rousseau’s writing is basically a translation of the first pages of Book X of Plato’s Republic. On the one hand, Rousseau shares with Plato the ethical rigor that, in view of a certain political project, leads to the moral condemnation of theatrical practices. On the other hand, the metaphysical assumptions on which Plato’s critique relies are much heavier than those of Rousseau, whose sensualistic nominalism is incompatible with the metaphysical realism about (...)
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  4. L'enseignement philosophique à l'Université de Neuchâtel (1910-1963).Daniel Schulthess - 2002 - In R. Scheurer (ed.), Histoire de l'Université de Neuchâtel, t.III. Université, Editions G. Attinger. pp. p. 400-406.
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  5. Bergson, truth-making, and the retrograde movement of the true.Daniel Schulthess - 2011 - Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was one of the main exponents of evolutionary thinking in the later nineteenth and early twentieth century. He gave that kind of thinking an unprecedented metaphysical turn. In consequence of his versatility he also encountered the notion of truth-making, which he connected with his ever-present concerns about time and duration. Eager to stress the dimension of radical change and of novelty in the nature of things, he rejected (in one form) what he called “the retrograde movement of (...)
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  6.  15
    Philosophie et sens commun chez Thomas Reid (1710-1796).Daniel Schulthess - 1983 - Berne: Editions P. Lang.
    Table des Matières: -/- Introduction; -/- Chapitre Premier: La conception de la philosophie chez Thomas Reid; -/- Chapitre 2: Le Rôle épistémologique du sens commun; -/- Chapitre 3: La justification des principes du sens commun; -/- Chapitre 4: La perception sensible; -/- Chapitre 5: La perception sensible (suite); -/- Chapitre 6: Les facultés intellectuelles autres que la perception sensible; -/- Chapitre 7: Les facultés actives; -/- Chapitre 8: Le "common sense" chez Reid et quelques conceptions antérieures de la raison naturelle; (...)
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  7.  39
    La place des exigences éthiques dans la crise de la politique.Daniel Schulthess - 2019 - Diogène n° 261-261 (1-2):124-135.
    L’éthique est opérante dans la politique même si son rôle reste parfois difficile à percevoir. L’article relève la volonté des rédacteurs des constitutions de contraindre les détenteurs d’offices politiques à se montrer à la hauteur des exigences éthiques, par la mise en place des dispositifs institutionnels les plus divers poursuivant cette fin (comme les élections et les mandats de durée limitée). L’article met en évidence aussi le rôle d’une vision normative, « aristotélicienne » de la politique, dans laquelle éthique et (...)
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  8. L’Imagination. Actes du 37e Congrès de l’ASPLF.Jean-Yves Beziau & Daniel Schulthess (eds.) - 2020
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  9. Le Beau – Actes du XXXVIe Congrès de l’Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Iaşi, 23-27 août 2016.Petru Bejan & Daniel Schulthess (eds.) - 2018 - Editura Universităţii A. I. Cuza.
    Conference Proceedings (ASPLF Conference “Le Beau” in Iaşi, Romania, August 23-27, 2016). -/- Sections: 1. Le beau dans l'histoire de la philosophie; 2. Le beau à travers les cultures; 3. Beauté de la pensée et beauté du langage; 4. Ontologie et métaphysique du beau; 5. Le beau dans la nature et dans la société; 6. Beauté, éthique, politique; 7. Les catégories esthétiques; 8. L'esthétique et la vie quotidienne; 9. Renouvellement et perspectives de l'esthétique. -/- Conference sections: 1. The Beautiful in (...)
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  10.  7
    Métaphysique d'Ibn Gabirol et de la tradition platonicienne.Fernand Brunner & Daniel Schulthess - 1997 - Routledge.
  11.  46
    The Context of the Stewart–Prevost Correspondence.Claire Etchegaray, Knud Haakonssen, Daniel Schulthess, David Stauffer & Paul Wood - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (1):5-18.
    Summary The correspondence in this issue of History of European Ideas has not previously been published. It is the surviving part of the epistolary exchange between Dugald Stewart and the Genevan professor and man of letters Pierre Prevost (1751?1839) from the 1790s to the 1820s. To this are added several closely connected letters to and from their associates. This correspondence is striking evidence of the republic of letters continuing to flourish in the aftermath of the French Revolution, illustrating the transmission (...)
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  12.  50
    Antoine Arnauld et Thomas Reid, défenseurs des certitudes perceptives, communes et critiques des entités représentatives in Sens commun.Daniel Schulthess - 1986 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 40 (158):276-291.
    The article proposes a comparison between the critique that Antoine Arnault (1612-1694) raises against Malebranche’s views on perception and the critique that Thomas Reid (1710-1796) moves against the theory of ideas defended by Berkeley and Hume. Both Arnault and Reid advocate a position according to which our perceptions allow us to have direct knowledge of material objects existing independently of us and not only of representations of them. Arnault proposes different arguments to refute Malebranche. In doing that he doesn’t completely (...)
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  13.  30
    Amiel et l’exigence de la justesse.Daniel Schulthess - 2017 - In Nicole Hatem (ed.), Amiel et le Journal philosophique. Publications l’Université Saint-Joseph-Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. pp. 47-61.
    The article deals with the concept of “justness” as it is treated by the Genevan psychologist Henri-Fréderic Amiel (1821-1881) in his Journal. Justness has its seat in the domain of “doing” rather than in the domain of “saying” or “thinking”: its non-propositional nature entails that one can “do just” while having false beliefs and vice-versa. The virtue of justness concerns the sphere of interpersonal interactions and goes hand in hand with moderation as virtue concerning the sphere of personal action. In (...)
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  14.  22
    Alphonse Guillebert (1792-1861).Daniel Schulthess - 1988 - In R. Scheurer (ed.), Histoire de l'Université de Neuchâtel, t.I: La première Académie (1838-1848). Université, et Editions G. Attinger. pp. p.305-317.
    Alphonse Guillebert (1792-1861), pastor, teacher and politician, was one of the leading figures of the Academy of Neuchâtel, founded in 1838 and opened to students in the autumn of 1840. In this article, we will first offer a brief biography, then indications on the various facets of the written work of our author. We have used only a part of the available sources and we are therefore aware that further study would be worthwhile. In the following, we describe the philosophy (...)
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    Adam Smith et le compte rendu (1756) du Discours sur l’inégalité parmi les hommes de Rousseau.Daniel Schulthess - 2012 - In Michel-E. Slatkine (ed.), Vitam Impendere Vero : Hommage à Raymond Trousson et Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Slatkine-Champion. pp. 263-274.
    The article is about Adam Smith’s short account of J. J. Rousseau’s Deuxième Discours in a Letter to the Edinburgh Review (1756). Special attention is payed to how the report deals with its subject. Smith proposes a surprising rapprochement between Rousseau and Mandeville. Both deny the natural sociability of man (while recognizing his aptitude to pity others) and show the biased nature of the principles of civil life. The difference would be only “stylistic”: whereas the “aristocrat” Mandeville makes the apologue (...)
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    Contraintes globales et responsabilité individuelle.Daniel Schulthess - 1996 - In La nature: thèmes philosophiques, thèmes d'actualité - Actes du XXVe Congrès de l'ASPLF, Lausanne, 25-28 août 1994. Cahiers de la Revue de théologie et de philosophie, no.18. pp. p.350-354..
    Is the classical model of action, damage, and responsibility, which is based on the idea that it is always possible to individuate the direct or indirect damages resulting from a certain individual or collective action, still valid in the case of the environmental consequences of industrial production and mass consumption? We argue that the absence of a classical plaintiff in these cases implies that we have to conceive of the consequences of our individual actions (as consumers of industrial goods for (...)
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    Concorde philosophique et réduplication chez Leibniz.Daniel Schulthess - 2007 - Studia Philosophica 66:211-220.
    Leibniz presents himself, especially in his late correspondence with Remond, as a concordist: in other philosophical views, even distant and ancient ones, he sets out to discover «traces of truth» that are already present there. According to the concordist programme, Leibniz claims, philosophers are right in what they affi rm, and wrong in what they deny. This paradoxical asymmetry is given a logical explanation in the paper, in connection with the topic of «reduplication», i. e. the introduction of qualifi cations (...)
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  18.  21
    Dialectique et histoire de la philosophie.Daniel Schulthess - 1996 - In Philip Muller (ed.), Problèmes actuels de la dialectique (Colloque Jonas Cohn du Centre d'études hégéliennes et dialectiques, Neuchâtel, 23-24 juin 1995). L'Age d'Homme. pp. p.50-55..
    The author, referring in particular to Jonas Cohn’s Theorie der Dialektik, interprets Hegel’s dialectic in the light of the Aristotelian principle of the priority of actuality over potentiality. The principle finds application especially in the field of the Hegelian conception of the history of philosophy, which is thought from the point of view of Absolute Knowledge as actuality of the Spirit. In this regard the main issue is to understand the nature of the limitations that Spirit encounters on the way (...)
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    Did Reid Hold Coherentist Views ?Daniel Schulthess - 1989 - In M. Dalgarno & Eva Matthews (eds.), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid. Reidel. pp. p.193-203..
    The article criticizes the interpretation of Thomas Reid’s philosophy as a form of coherentism put forward by Lehrer and Smith. In the author’s view Reid’s “first principles”, which govern the activities of our faculties, rely on a correspondence theory of truth. At the same time the rightness of our first principles in conjunction with the fact that the world is structured in such a way that true judgements about it do not lead to contradiction entails that our “doxastic system” (i.e. (...)
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    De soi aux choses: la référence selon R. Chisholm.Daniel Schulthess - 1987 - Travaux du Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques (Université de Neuchâtel):p.111-120..
    The article provides a critical overview of the main theses contained in the book The First Person by Roderick Chisholm. Chisholm's main thesis is that of the priority of the reference de se over reference de re. Chisholm develops firstly a theory of properties according to which these must be able to remain unexemplified. This excludes from the outset that we can reinterpret the indexical term “I” (the first person) in the sense of a property, since an indexical term always (...)
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    Esquisse d’une critique de la raison humoristique.Daniel Schulthess - 2013 - Bulletin de la Société Française de Philosophie 107:36 p.
    Among the salient aspects of laughter; I retain its aptitude to administer a kind of punishment – albeit of a relatively mild character. Henri Bergson did not hesitate to adopt for himself the traditional formula that "laughter chastises the ways of life" (Laughter, I.2). I maintain that laughter, seen under this angle, simultaneously conveys an evaluation (commonly a depreciative one) and an immediately implemented punishment. This twofold nature makes of laughter a very specific kind of behavior. The starting point of (...)
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  22.  38
    Éléments et parties des systèmes: Note sur l'interprétation temporelle des deux relations.Daniel Schulthess - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (2‐3):181-189.
    The part‐whole and element‐system relations are usually not given a temporal interpretation. Taking a thesis of Father Bochenski as a starting point , the author first gives an adequate temporal interpretation of this thesis. Then, he shows that a divergence arises, in non‐static systems, between the system itself and the mereological sum corresponding to it at a certain instant. Therefore, any reductionism has to confront the generally neglected problem of this divergence. Résumé Les relations partie‐tout et élément‐système ne sont pas (...)
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    Entre ignorance et savoir : le rôle des questions dans la connaissance humaine.Daniel Schulthess - 2013 - In M. Malaguti & W. Tega (eds.), L'Action : penser l'action, agir la pensée - Actes du XXXIIIe Congrès de l'Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Venise, 17-21 août 2010. Vrin. pp. 543-547.
    The article deals with the role of questions in the process of acquiring knowledge. Starting from the classical definition of knowledge as true and justified opinion, the author shows how the justification of our opinions is based on an epistemic practice in which questions play a fundamental role. Before knowledge we have the stages of ignorance and uncertainty. The latter shows a disjunctive structure that is similar to that of questions. In order for questions to be asked a dimension of (...)
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  24. Fernand Brunner, philosophe (1920-1991).Daniel Schulthess - 1992 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 42:1.
    In commemoration of Ferdinand Brunner (1929-1991), a short biography of this important figure in Swiss and French intellectual life.
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  25.  47
    Hume and Searle : the ‘Is-Ought’ Gap versus Speech Act Theory.Daniel Schulthess - 2011
    The article compares David Humes’ and John Searle’s positions concerning the relation between descriptive and evaluative statements. Although the two positions seem to be just opposite in that Hume denies the derivability of the ought from the is, while Seale accepts it, the author shows that Hume and Searle have many similarities, for for both obligations rely upon the institution of promising. The difference is that for Hume the speech act of promising as such does not have intrinsic evaluative impact. (...)
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  26.  34
    Hast Du aufgehoert, Deinen Vater zu schlagen? (Diogenes Laertius, Vitae philosophorum II.135) - Was wir von einer Fangfrage lernen koennen.Daniel Schulthess - 2002 - In Helmut Linneweber & Georg Mohr (eds.), Interpretation und Argument: Festschrift Gerhard Seel zum 60. Geburtstag. Koenigshausen und Neumann. pp. p.93-102.
    The article confronts one of the ἄποpοι λόγοι discussed in ancient Eristic-Stoic logic: the famous “cuckold” (κερατίνης), where an interrogator has his respondent to admit to have been or still be cuckolded. The source of the problem is a principle of dialectics related to the principle of the excluded-middle according to which a question admits only a positive or a negative answer. To the question “Have you ceased to be cuckolded?” both answers seem to presuppose that the respondent has been (...)
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    Humour, éthique et communication indirecte: Réflexions à partir de S. Kierkegaard.Daniel Schulthess - 2014 - Studia Philosophica 73:119-131.
    The authors begins with the observation that jokes can have a different moral import: some may even be edifying. Is humor therefore to be integrated into an overall moral perspective? One of the leading philosophers of the 19th century, S. Kierkegaard, pleaded for such an integration. The best way to understand why he took such a stand is to articulate the edifying jokes - or rather the humor that underlies them - in terms of Kierkegaard's notion of indirect communication. However, (...)
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    Impacts agrégés et politique du risque environnemental.Daniel Schulthess - 2001 - In Jean-Paul Harpes & Lukas K. Sosoe (eds.), La démocratie en discussion. LIT. pp. p.305-315..
    The causal texture of environmental problems is very different from the causal aspects which are relevant in other cases of moral or legal significance. The author suggest to take account of this in environmental matters. He takes the various instruments of environmental policy Under scrutiny: regulations, taxes and labels. He argues that labels have strong advantages over the two others instruments: they somehow map the texture of environmental problems and have interesting motivational properties.
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    (1 other version)Introduction à De l’imitation théâtrale de J.J. Rousseau.Daniel Schulthess - 2012 - In R. Trousson & F. Eigeldinger (eds.), Œuvres complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau, t. XVI. Slatkine-Champion. pp. p. 651-655, annotation du texte,.
    The text shortly introduces Rousseau’s De l’imitation théatrale (1764). Rousseau’s writing is basically a translation of the first pages of Book X of Plato’s Republic. On the one hand, Rousseau shares with Plato the ethical rigor that, in view of a certain political project, leads to the moral condemnation of theatrical practices. On the other hand, the metaphysical assumptions on which Plato’s critique relies are much heavier than those of Rousseau, whose sensualistic nominalism is incompatible with the metaphysical realism about (...)
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    Introduction aux Lettres morales de J.J. Rousseau.Daniel Schulthess - 2012 - In R. Trousson & F. Eigeldinger (eds.), Œuvres complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau, t. XVII. Slatkine-Champion. pp. p. 327-331, annotation du texte,.
    The text shortly introduces Rousseau’s Lettres Morales, which result from the conversations he had with Mme Houdetot in the years 1757-1758. It is interesting to notice that in contrast to other important philosophical works based on a love relationship (one can think of Plato’s Symposium and the role of Diotima, but also of Boethius’s Philosophia in the Consolatio or Dante’s Beatrice in the Divine Comedy), in Rousseau’s letters it is the man who has the leading role, whereas the woman figure, (...)
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  31.  14
    Kierkegaard et le comique.Daniel Schulthess - 2013 - In Nicole Hatem (ed.), Kierkegaard, notre contemporain paradoxal,. Editions de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université Saint-Joseph. pp. 29-41.
    The article deals with Kierkegaard's conception of the comic and the role it plays in his thought. The background against which the issue must be tackled is Kierkegaard's critique of modernity: according to Kierkegaard, modernity is characterized by its objectifying tendencies, to which we must oppose the rediscovery of interiority. These two registers correspond to two different linguistic regimes: objectivity to direct communication, interiority to indirect communication. The latter can express itself in the form of the incongruity that grounds the (...)
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    Le bonheur et le hasard.Daniel Schulthess - 1997 - Studia Philosophica 56:115-123.
    The article explores the relationship between the (etymologically related) notions of haphazardness and happiness in the history of Western philosophy. Although a certain popular wisdom sees in happiness a product of the vagaries of life, philosophers have rather tried to decouple the pursuit of happiness from the haphazard. We can distinguish two ways: the way of the Ancients tries to redefine the parameters of a happy life so as to remove it from haphazardness as much as possible (Aristotle) or even (...)
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    Le concept d'identité en sociologie politique.Daniel Schulthess - 1991 - Actes de la Société Jurassienne d'Emulation 94:p.91-101.
    When we deal with the concept of identity in political sociology (e.g. national identity, regional identity, etc.) we have first to ask some general question about the concept of identity and distinguish between numerical identity (which encompasses identity through time) and specific or type identity. Some theses can be advanced about identity in political sociology: 1) The identity in question is type identity; 2) This type identity is an artefact; 3) This artefactual identity concerns only those traits that are accidental, (...)
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    L'école écossaise et la philosophie d'expression française: le rôle de Pierre Prevost (Genève, 1751-1839).Daniel Schulthess - 1996 - Annales Benjamin Constant 18:97-105.
    The article reconstructs the diffusion of the ideas of the Scottish philosophical school (Reid, Smith, Stewart) in France in the early nineteenth century and the role played by the Geneva philosopher Pierre Prevost. Prevost emphasizes the originality of the Scottish school compared with the French and German school in his writing “Reflections after my translation of the posthumous works of Adam Smith” of 1797. From at least 1792 already Prevost had begun a correspondence with Dugald Stewart, which lasted until the (...)
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    L’amour courtois, origines et signification.Daniel Schulthess - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (1):105-121.
    Dans son œuvre L’Amour et L’Occident, Denis de Rougemont a pris pour thème l’amour courtois tel qu’il s’exprime dans la poésie des troubadours du XIIe siècle et dans le roman courtois du XIIIe siècle. Cette définition de l’amour, nouvelle et d’influence majeure, découle selon lui d’une dissidence religieuse, le catharisme, dont elle transpose les contours au vécu de l’amoureux face à sa Dame. Rougemont fait remonter à cette création médiévale beaucoup de facettes de la « passion » telle que la (...)
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  36.  45
    L'idée d'une doctrine cohérentiste de la justification épistémique.Daniel Schulthess - 1997 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 129 (2):127-139.
    In the philosophical tradition marked by Descartes and empiricism, the idea of epistemic justification was most often seen in terms of construction on foundations that would be as many immediately justified starting points. The article exposes a completely different approach to the question, due to the philosopher Keith Lehrer. In this approach the epistemic justification derives from a coherence relationship between beliefs that are never immediately justified starting points. What is then decisive for the justification of a belief is to (...)
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  37.  24
    L'impact de la philosophie écossaise sur la dialectique enseignée à Genève: un cours latin inédit (1793-1794) de Pierre Prevost.Daniel Schulthess - 1997 - In Denis Knoepfler (ed.), Nomen latinum: Mélanges offerts à André Schneider, Neuchâtel, Faculté des lettres. Droz. pp. 383-390.
    The article is about a course of dialectic in Latin language that Pierre Prevost (1751-1839) had prepared for the use of the students of the Académie de Genève. This document testifies to the reception of the Scottish philosophy, especially of Reid, by Prevost. On the model of the Logique de Port-Royal the course is articulated in a part on the art of exposing truths already reached (the dialectic properly speaking: ideas, judgements, reasoning) and in a part on the discovery of (...)
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  38.  43
    L’ontologie du monde social chez Samuel Pufendorf et John R. Searle.Daniel Schulthess - 2010 - In A. Chenoufi, T. Cherif & S. Mosbah (eds.), L’Universel et le devenir de l’humain – Actes du XXXIIe Congrès de l’Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Tunis-Carthage,28-1er septembre 2008. Association Tunisienne des Etudes Philosophiques. pp. p. 171-175..
    The article proposes a comparison between certain aspects of Samuel Pufendorf's (1632-1694) conception of natural law and certain aspects of John Searle's social ontology. As in Pufendorf the entia moralia are superimposed on the entia physica, of which they constitute modes that ground systems of norms (natural or positive), so in Searle the institutional facts that are created by certain speech acts of the performative type are superimposed on the physical facts. The difference between Pufendorf and Searle is that the (...)
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  39.  11
    Les dilutions perdues: profil d’une exigence écologique.Daniel Schulthess - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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    L'intentionnalité de se et le problème de l'individuation.Daniel Schulthess - 2006 - In P. Billouet, J. Gaubert, N. Robinet & A. Stanguennec (eds.), L'Homme et la réflexion - Actes du XXXe Congrès de l'Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Nantes, 24-28 août 2004. Vrin. pp. p. 367-371.
    Starting from an anecdote reported by Ernst Mach in the Analysis of Sensations, the author shows how the distinction between intentionality de re and intentionality de se can contribute to solving the individuation problem, at least for those individuals who are capable of self-referentiality. Intentionality is expressed linguistically in the form of the oratio obliqua, in the context of which the subordinate can be false even when the whole is true. The analysis of the conditions of falsity of the subordinate (...)
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    L'acte et l'omission face à la mort humaine présentent-ils des différences moralement significatives ?Daniel Schulthess - 1996 - In M. Vadée (ed.), La vie et la mort: Actes du XXIVe Congrès de l'ASPLF (Poitiers, 1992). Société poitevine de philosophie. pp. p.223-225..
    Although our moral intuitions lead us to distinguish, with regard to euthanasia, between the omission to treat a terminal patient and the act of actively kill him, consequentialists deny that there is such a distinction. The article considers a logico-mathemtical difficulty following from the consequentialist approach to moral problems, arguing thus for the necessity to take into consideration also other philosophical resources to deal with the issue of euthanasia. Indeed, as soon as one considers a population varying both in its (...)
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    Leibniz et l'invention des phénomènes.Daniel Schulthess - 2009 - Paris: PUF.
    LES APPARENCES: ANALYSES PREALABLES L'ontologie des apparences I : questions terminologiques L'ontologie des apparences II : les entia apparentia La sémantique des apparences DES APPARENCES AUX FONDEMENTS Aspects catégoriels : la substance La simplicité comme condition de la substance L'activité comme condition de la substance DES FONDEMENTS AUX APPARENCES La production des apparences I : l'étendue La production des apparences II : la diffusion La production des qualités sensibles I BILAN Dire ce qu'il en est du corps Les propositions réduplicatives.
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    L'approche imagée des situations d'incertitude dans 'Le petit Poucet' (1697) de Charles Perrault.Daniel Schulthess - 2000 - In Pierre Centlivres & Isabelle Girod (eds.), Les défis migratoires: Colloque Cluse, Neuchâtel 1998. Seismo. pp. p.224-230..
    Our aim is to show how the well-known tale of Charles Perrault, Le Petit Poucet, contains the illustration of two principles of rational choice in a situation of uncertainty, the maximin ("to limit the breakage") and the maximax ("to target the best"). It builds in a targeted and economical way highly fluctuating situations which make inapplicable the first while showing the virtualities of the second principle. As such, this children's story has a new reading, which is not without connection to (...)
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  44.  25
    Les limites à l'avancement de la science selon Nicholas Rescher.Daniel Schulthess - 1981 - In M. Schaffter, M. Borel & P. Muller (eds.), Réflexions en hommage au Professeur Philippe Muller. Editions Messeiller. pp. p.163-183.
    The article discusses in detail Nicholas Rescher’s book Scientific Progess: A Philosophical Essay on the Economics of Research in Natural Science (1978). Rescher discusses the possibilities of further progress for science. According to Rescher there are no limits by principles to scientific progress. Among the positions which postulate an end of scientific progress there are some which see the reason in the finiteness of nature, others in the finitude of our intellectual resources. According to Rescher science arises from the interaction (...)
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  45.  45
    Le mouvement rétrograde du vrai et du possible chez Bergson.Daniel Schulthess - 2017 - In Jean Ferrari, Sophie Grapotte & Abdeljlil Lahjomri (eds.), Le possible et l’impossible – Actes du XXXVe Congrès de l’Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française (ASPLF), Rabat, 26-30 août 2014. Vrin. pp. 345-348.
    The article proposes a comparison between the “retrograde” conception that Bergson has of truth and his atypical interpretation of the concept of possibility. These conceptions are developed in two articles collected in La pensée et le mouvant. The “retrograde” conception of truth starts from the observation of the temporal gap between an event and the formulation of the judgment that relates it and finds its condition of truth in it. The retrograde movement consists in putting aside the temporality proper to (...)
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  46.  13
    La nature: thèmes philosophiques, thèmes d'actualité - Actes du XXVe Congrès de l'ASPLF, Lausanne, 25-28 août 1994.Daniel Schulthess (ed.) - 1996 - Cahiers de la Revue de théologie et de philosophie, no.18.
    Conference Proceedings (ASPLF Conference “la Nature” in Lausanne, August 25-28, 1994). Conference sections: 1. La nature; 2. Nature, pouvoir, société; 3. Attitudes culturelles, artistiques, esthétiques et religieuses face à la nature; 4. La nature dans les sciences; 5. Nature et société; 6. Nature, éthique et droit; 7. La nature dans la philosophie antique et médiévale; 8. La nature dans la philosophie moderne et contemporaine; 9. La nature et les théorisations de l’humain.
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  47.  17
    Les obstacles à l’acceptation de normes nouvelles: l’apport du Principe responsabilité à une éthique de l’environnement.Daniel Schulthess - 2004 - Contrepointphilosophique.
    The article considers the questions posed by environmental ethics in the light of the work of Hans Jonas, especially his work Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Jonas centers his ethic on the concept of responsibility, which finds its expression in the categorical imperative that enjoins us to take into account the future effects of our actions. The specification of this imperative generates a series of problems: 1) given that the specification rests on complex causal chains, it has an hypothetical character; 2) the (...)
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  48.  24
    L'enseignement philosophique à l'Université de Neuchâtel (1910-1963).Daniel Schulthess - 2002 - In R. Scheurer (ed.), Histoire de l'Université de Neuchâtel, t.III. Université, Editions G. Attinger. pp. p. 400-406.
    The article sketches the biographies of the professors for Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Neuchâtel since its foundation in the year 1909, against the background of the intellectual climate in protestant French Switzerland.
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  49.  16
    La paille et la poutre: notes sur l'éthique de la condamnation morale.Daniel Schulthess - 1993 - Studia Philosophica 52:173-182.
    We often have judgments of moral condemnation on our fellow men. When we take seriously our individual and collective experience of moral judgment, we realize, however, that, in order to be properly brought to bear, judgments of moral condemnation must satisfy certain standards that are most often implicit. These norms form what we will call an "ethics of moral condemnation". Once unveiled, these standards surprise us with their rigor.
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  50.  23
    La psychologie politique d’Adam Smith: Biais cognitifs et différences sociales dans la Théorie des sentiments moraux.Daniel Schulthess - 2009 - Studia Philosophica: Jahrbuch Der Schweizerischen Philosoph Ischen Gesellschaft, Annuaire de la Société Suisse de Philosphie 68:207-218.
    In his Theory of moral Sentiments , Adam Smith does not deal only with interpersonal moral issues. He also addresses some economic and political consequences that tie with his analysis of ‘sympathy’. Interestingly, these socially relevant outcomes do not feature as products of sympathy proper, but rather as byproducts of certain ‘irregularities’ or biases which affect the way sympathy actually works. The stability of a political society through a system of ‘ranks’ which are spontaneously granted a share of authority thus (...)
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