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History/traditions: Identity Politics

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  1. Carlos Pereda’s Porous Reason: A Critical Introduction.Noell Birondo - forthcoming - In Carlos Pereda & Noell Birondo (eds.), Mexico Unveiled: Resisting Colonial Vices and Other Complaints. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Translated by Noell Birondo.
    The philosophical life can be a nomadic life, both in thought and practice. In the engaging and insightful work of the Mexican-Uruguayan philosopher Carlos Pereda, the more important of these is nomadic thought—a mode of thinking that moves and explores, that is not stationary or static, that is not stubbornly hidebound. This is a kind of nomadism that characterizes healthy or epistemically virtuous thinking in general, and that might indeed be indispensable to it. But a nomadism in practice—of migration, or (...)
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  2. Why Group Membership Matters; A Critical Typology.Suzy Killmister - forthcoming - Ethnicities.
    The question of why group-differentiated rights might be a requirement of justice has been a central focus of identity politics in recent decades. I attempt to bring some clarity to this discussion by proposing a typology to track the various ways in which individuals can be harmed or benefited as a consequence of their membership in social groups. It is the well-being of individuals that group-differentiated rights should be understood as protecting, and so clarity on the relationship between group membership (...)
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  3. Mexico Unveiled: Resisting Colonial Vices and Other Complaints.Carlos Pereda & Noell Birondo - forthcoming - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Translated by Noell Birondo.
    Carlos Pereda's "Mexico Unveiled" is a fresh, idiosyncratic synthesis of twentieth-century Mexican philosophy that puts contemporary debates about Mexican identity politics into a critical perspective. In three engaging essays written in a peerless prose style, Pereda considers the persistent influence of European colonialism on Mexican intellectual life, the politics of inclusion, and the changing ideas of what it means to be Mexican. He identifies three "vices"—social habits, customs, and beliefs inherited from European colonialism—that have influenced the development of Mexican national (...)
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  4. Playing with labels: Identity terms as tools for building agency.Elisabeth Camp & Carolina Flores - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1103-1136.
    Identity labels like “woman”, “Black,” “mother,” and “evangelical” are pervasive in both political and personal life, and in both formal and informal classification and communication. They are also widely thought to undermine agency by essentializing groups, flattening individual distinctiveness, and enforcing discrimination. While we take these worries to be well-founded, we argue that they result from a particular practice of using labels to rigidly label others. We identify an alternative practice of playful self-labelling, and argue that it can function as (...)
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  5. Onrecht, whataboutism en het belang van morele consistentie.Michael S. Merry & Daphne Linssen - 2024 - Joop 1.
    Whataboutism is een strategie waarbij op een beschuldiging wordt gereageerd met een wedervraag die eveneens een beschuldiging impliceert, waardoor de oorspronkelijke vraag eerder wordt ontweken dan beantwoord. Het is een effectieve methode om de aandacht te verplaatsen naar een andere situatie door een vergelijkbaar, dan wel onvergelijkbaar, contrast te bieden, waardoor de beschuldigde het eigen gedrag probeert te rechtvaardigen en verantwoordelijkheid probeert te ontlopen. Maar niet alle vormen van whataboutism impliceren echter een drogredenering, noch worden ze altijd verkeerd toegepast. Het (...)
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  6. Truth and the Functions of Political Discourse: Concluding Reflections.Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson - 2024 - In Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson (eds.), Truth 20/20: How a Global Pandemic Shaped Truth Research. Synthese Library.
    This chapter reflects on some of the major themes of this volume, as it takes up the question: is truth a value in political discourse? As a preliminary step, we evaluate a view of political discourse that answers this question negatively: the identity-expression view. According to this view, political claims function to express commitments central to an individual’s political self-conceptions, rather than to state truths in the political domain. While we often assess political claims as true or false, the identity-expression (...)
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  7. Feminist Standpoint Theory vs. the Identitarian Ideology of the New Right.Johannes Steizinger & Natalie Alana Ashton - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (1):127-155.
    The term ‘identity politics’ is used to refer to a wide range of political movements. In this paper, we look at the theoretical ideas underpinning two strongly, mutually opposed forms of identity politics, and identify some crucial differences between them. We critically compare the identitarian ideology of the New Right with feminist standpoint theory, focusing on two issues: relativism and essentialism. In carrying out this critical comparison we illuminate under-theorized aspects of both new right identitarianism and standpoint theory; demonstrate how (...)
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  8. The One-Party System.Ilexa Yardley - 2024 - Https://Medium.Com/the-Circular-Theory.
  9. The Theory and Practice of Self-Determination at the UN: Challenges for International Law, Prospects for Global Governance.Kiraan Chetty - 2023 - Global Studies Research Series 10:1-31.
    Whether as a rule, principle, ideal, or procedure, self-determination – however complicated – is here to stay. For it to remain politically viable, however, we need reexamine its ontology and teleology: its existence and function. As we leave the modern age in which it was molded, self-determination is confronted by challenges unique to our time. How we, in the 21st century, manage to keep alive and accommodate the concept will determine how the next stage in our global history unfolds. The (...)
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  10. Buenas prácticas en la sociedad. Entrevista a Óscar Sarlo, miembro de la Academia Nacional de Letras de Uruguay.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2023 - Oxímora. Revista Internacional de Ética y Política 23 (23):128-143.
    El objetivo de esta entrevista realizada el 11 de julio de 2021 a Óscar Sarlo, miembro de la Academia Nacional de Letras de Uruguay, consistió en detectar y comentar en qué estado se encuentra la capacidad de los ciudadanos de América Latina con respecto a la introducción del Derecho en distintos ámbitos sociales. El resultado de esa inserción es fructífero al hacer referencia a la producción literaria; sin embargo, también se trata de un ejercicio deleznable, tal como lo sigue desarrollando (...)
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  11. The gains and losses of identity politics: the case of a social media social justice movement called stylelikeU.Cansu Elmadagli & David Machin - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (4):415-435.
    StyleLikeU is a hugely successful online social media platform that presents itself as a social justice movement related to body acceptance. Presenting moving personal stories, it offers a site for what it calls ‘diverse individuals’ to share their experiences as part of promoting individual self-acceptance in the face of a world that prioritizes one kind of body over another, which take the form of ableism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, sizeism and prejudice against disfigurement. Drawing out the discursive script carried (...)
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  12. Left-Wing and Right-Wing Identity Politics: A Comparison of the Post-structuralist Turn in Left-Wing Extremism with the Ethnopluralism and Nominalism of the New Right.Hendrik Hansen - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (204):11-50.
    1. IntroductionIn February 2019, the film Black Panther was awarded three Oscars in Los Angeles. Some reviewers embraced it for its anti-racist message against the resurgence of racism under U.S. president Donald Trump.1 It tells the story of a black hero who tries to steer the development of an ethnically pure, isolationist hereditary monarchy in Africa. The imaginary state of Wakanda, which presents itself to the rest of the world as a third-world country, has highly developed technologies at its disposal–at (...)
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  13. The Pathologies of Modernity: Liberalism, Nihilism, Conservatism, Postmodernism, Intersectionality/Identity Politics, and Secular Humanism.Paul C. Mocombe - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (4).
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  14. Contested Past, Contested Future: Identity Politics and Liberal Democracy.Nathan Pippenger - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):391-400.
    Events in recent years have underscored the dependence of the liberal international order (LIO) on the domestic fate of liberalism in countries like the United States—where, according to critics such as Mark Lilla and Francis Fukuyama, liberals have imperiled themselves through an unwise embrace of identity politics. These critics argue that identity politics undermines solidarity and empowers the illiberal right, and that it should be rejected in favor of a unifying creedal nationalism based on common liberal values. This analysis, I (...)
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  15. Identity politics and the democratization of democracy: Oscillations between power and reason in radical democratic and standpoint theory.Karsten Schubert - 2023 - Constellations 1 (4):563-579.
    Identity politics is commonly criticized as endangering democracy by undermining community, rational communication, and solidarity. Drawing on both radical democratic theory and standpoint theory, this article posits the opposite thesis: identity politics is pivotal for the democratization of democracy. Democratization through identity politics is achieved by disrupting hegemonic discourse and is, therefore, a matter of power, while such forms of power politics are reasonable when following minority standpoints generated through identity politics. The article develops this approach by connecting radical democratic (...)
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  16. The concept of identity and identity politics.Andreas Arndt - 2022 - Distinctio 1 (1):37-49.
    „Identity“ has become a political category. Identity-political concepts are about the power of definition over identities and their enforcement in the overall societal or global context. The article first asks what identity actually means in the context of identity-political conceptions, then addresses the closely related problem of diversity, the multiplicity of identities, in order to finally ask how the unity of diverse identities could be thought of and what this means for the concept of identity in identity politics itself.
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  17. Virtue in an Age of Identity Politics: A Stoic Approach to Social Justice.Jonathan D. Church - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Virtue in an Age of Identity Politics examines current social justice activism through the lens of Stoic philosophy. While developing a critique of Critical Social Justice, it also explains how Stoicism overlaps with Critical Social Justice in the interest of healing social divisions and promoting honest and nuanced conversations about justice.
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  18. Race, ethnicity and the limitations of identity politics.David Pilgrim - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):240-255.
    This paper argues that identity politics is impeding respectful deliberative democracy. Its starting point is an analysis by Loïc Wacquant which problematizes the relationship between race and ethnicity. Wacquant's discussion covers the biological and social ontology of race, the importance of the culture of individualism in the USA and the general limitations of identity politics. I argue that those limitations are the result of restricting the discussion of race to only two of the four planes of social being, namely the (...)
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  19. Epistemic Troubles: Identity Politics Between Particularism and Universalism.Karsten Schubert - 2022 - Culture Wars Papers.
    One problem often associated with identity politics is “positional fundamentalism,” the equating of social positions with epistemic possibilities and political dispositions. The criticism is that identity politics is usually more about who says something than what is said. This goes hand in hand with perspective relativity, which no longer allows for a common, universal position and therefore also prevents emancipative politics. To respond to this critique of positional fundamentalism and perspective relativism, I develop a new account of identity politics as (...)
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  20. Liberalism and the Construction of Gender (Non-)Normative Bodies and Queer Identities.Karsten Schubert, Ligia Fabris & Holly Patch - 2022 - In Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth & Heidemarie Winkel (eds.), Global Contestations of Gender Rights. Bielefeld University Press. pp. 269-286.
    The Yogyakarta Principles for the application of human rights to sexual orientation and gender identity define gender identity as “each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech, and mannerisms.” This definition and its acknowledgment within human rights politics is a key step in the fight of trans people for legal protection. Our (...)
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  21. Hegelian Roots of Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition.Mete Han Arıtürk - 2021 - MSFAU Journal of Social Sciences 23 (1):15-27.
    This study attempts to understand whether there were changes over time in Hegel’s opinions on the idea of recognition, which were the basis of Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition, and how later philosophers writing on recognition and intersubjectivity have comprehended Hegel’s intellectual heritage, together with their criticism of peculiar aspects of Hegel’s point of view. In this regard, in order to be able to understand Honneth’s theory of recognition, it is necessary to inquire into the relation between Honneth’s and Hegel’s (...)
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  22. Gonzalez, Mike. The Plot to Change America: How Identity Politics is Dividing the Land of the Free. [REVIEW]Gerald De Maio - 2021 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 33 (1-2):180-182.
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  23. Cis: The Rightist Appropriation of Identity Politics and its Boundaries.Luca Di Blasi - 2021 - In Dominik Finkelde & Rebekka Klein (eds.), In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy. De Gruyter. pp. 145-164.
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  24. Identity politics, liberalism, and the democratizing power of biopolitics.Matthew MacLellan - 2021 - Constellations 28 (4):555-569.
    Constellations, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 555-569, December 2021.
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  25. The Politics of Perception and the Aesthetics of Social Change.Jason Miller - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
    In both politics and art in recent decades, there has been a dramatic shift in emphasis on representation of identity. Liberal ideals of universality and individuality have given way to a concern with the visibility and recognition of underrepresented groups. Modernist and postmodernist celebrations of disruption and subversion have been challenged by the view that representation is integral to social change. Despite this convergence, neither political nor aesthetic theory has given much attention to the increasingly central role of art in (...)
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  26. How Identity Politics Objectifies People and Undermines Rational Agency.Philip Shields - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):463-480.
    In our contemporary society it is widely recognized that public discourse has become increasingly polemical and polarized, as claims to truth and justice are cynically dismissed as manipulative power plays. We argue first that this growth of power politics reflects the triumph of the objectifying stance of the social sciences, and the consequent loss of any distinction between legitimate and illegitimate power, and second that it is ad hominem to dismiss or accept people’s arguments simply because of their identity interests, (...)
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  27. Towards a kenotic identity politics: Migration, transformation and the eucharist.Matthew John Paul Tan - 2021 - Religions 12 (6).
    This paper will focus on one element of the pushback against the massive influx of immigrants taken in for humanitarian purposes, namely, an identity-based chauvinism which uses identity as the point of resistance to the perceived dilution of that identity, brought about by the transformation of culture induced by the incorporation of a foreign other. The solution to this perceived dilution is a simultaneous defence of that culture and a demand for a conformity to it. While those in the critical (...)
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  28. Politics without Romance? The pursuit of consent in democracy.Arianna Bove - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (3):325-340.
    Democratic governance is under increasing scrutiny as a result of waning trust in political institutions, and a widening gap between public aspirations and government performance. The purpose of this paper is to address what is currently diagnosed as a democratic deficit by calling into question the notion of consent, procedures advocated in its pursuit, and its relationship with democracy. To this purpose, the paper reviews seminal works that have investigated the nexus of democracy and consent over time: The Calculus of (...)
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  29. Identity politics.Cressida Heyes - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    An encyclopedia entry providing an overview of the philosophical issues entailed in the theory and practice of "identity politics." Open access and online. Regularly updated.
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  30. Populism and Global Justice: A Sibling Rivalry?Benjamin McKean - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (2):1-26.
    As academic literatures and political demands, global justice and populism look like competing ways of diagnosing and addressing neoliberal inequality. But both misunderstand neoliberalism and consequently risk reinforcing rather than undermining it. Neoliberalism does not just break down political and social hierarchies, but also relies on and sustains them. Unless populists recognize this, they will find that assertions of sovereignty do more to reinforce neoliberalism and reproduce its hierarchies than to resist them. Recognizing neoliberalism as not simply corrosive of solidarity (...)
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  31. A Multicultural Retrospective on Endogenous Chinese Sino-Centric Civilizational Becoming.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2020 - Dissertation, Communication University of China
    Contemporary globalization is largely shaped by the predominant position and strength of the United States, and the concept of globalization is cast upon the polity and social aspects of P.R. China after Reform and Opening. Globalization, though substantially varied in a modern scene, is not without historical and cultural roots. The future holds anew, whereas newly arisen pieces of knowledge and information shed new light on the past, the blood and violence of the political progress on the Chinese soil. This (...)
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  32. Umkämpfte Kunstfreiheit - ein Differenzierungsvorschlag.Karsten Schubert - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Menschenrechte 14 (2):195–204.
    „Political Correctness“, „Identitätspolitik“ und „Cancel Culture“ werden heutzutage überwiegend als Waffen von Konservativen eingesetzt, um ihre Privilegien gegen emanzipative Neuregelungen zu verteidigen. Solche Neuregelungen als Einschränkung der Kunst- und Meinungsfreiheit zu kritisieren ist deshalb meist falsch. Tatsächlich tragen „Political Correctness“, „Identitätspolitik“ und „Cancel Culture“ zur inklusiveren Verwirklichung der Demokratie bei. Im Artikel zeige ich, dass es darauf ankommt, auf welcher Ebene politische Regulierungen der Kunst stattfinden: nicht-staatlich im allgemeinen Kunstbetrieb, para-staatlich im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk, oder staatlich. Nur wenn der Staat mit (...)
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  33. Demokratisierung durch „Cancel Culture“: Zum Verhältnis von Kunstfreiheit und Emanzipation.Karsten Schubert - 2020 - Verfassungsblog.
    Vor wenigen Tagen hat das Hamburger Kabarett-Theater Schmidts Tivoli die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Komiker Kay Ray beendet, offenbar weil rassistische Witze in der Show einen zentralen Platz einnehmen. Kurz nach der Cancel-Affäre zwischen Lisa Eckhart und dem Hamburger Nochtspeicher sieht sich nun auch Ray als Opfer von „Cancel Culture“, die die Kunstfreiheit immer weiter einschränke. Um die Kunst und Kunstfreiheit geht es dabei aber eigentlich gar nicht. Sie ist nur der Austragungsort gesellschaftspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen um Sexismus, Rassismus und Transphobie. Dabei sind (...)
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  34. O’Hear on Popper, Criticism and the Open Society.Danny Frederick - 2019 - Cosmos + Taxis 6 (6-7):43-48.
    Karl Popper champions an open society in which all institutions, principles and values are open to criticism. Anthony O’Hear contends that Popper’s vision is utopian because an open society can survive only if some non-liberal values are assumed, including the prohibition of criticism of fundamental liberal principles and values. I correct O’Hear’s interpretation of Popper and I rebut most of his criticisms, arguing that an open society is stronger if it permits criticism of all views. However, I accept and strengthen (...)
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  35. La politica come affare di coscienza.Lucia Gangale - 2019 - Dialegesthai. Rivista Telematica di Filosofia 2019.
    L'intérêt pour la politique du pape émérite Joseph Ratzinger est ancien et s'est exprimé dans de nombreuses réunions publiques. Comme celui tenu au Parlement allemand à l'occasion du Voyage apostolique en Allemagne en 2011. Le discours qui fait l'objet d'analyse ici a été prononcé par Ratzinger le 22 septembre 2011 au Reichstag à Berlin. Le titre du discours de Ratzinger est : Affirmer la loi et combattre l'injustice. On peut aujourd'hui le lire dans son intégralité dans le volume « Libérer (...)
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  36. The Instrumental Value Arguments for National Self-Determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2019 - Dialogue—Canadian Philosophical Review 58 (1):65-89.
    David Miller argues that national identity is indispensable for the successful functioning of a liberal democracy. National identity makes important contributions to liberal democratic institutions, including creating incentives for the fulfilment of civic duties, facilitating deliberative democracy, and consolidating representative democracy. Thus, a shared identity is indispensable for liberal democracy and grounds a good claim for self-determination. Because Miller’s arguments appeal to the instrumental values of a national culture, I call his argument ‘instrumental value’ arguments. In this paper, I examine (...)
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  37. Cultural appropriation and oppression.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):1003-1013.
    In this paper, I present an outline of the oppression account of cultural appropriation and argue that it offers the best explanation for the wrongfulness of the varied and complex cases of appropriation to which people often object. I then compare the oppression account with the intimacy account defended by C. Thi Nguyen and Matt Strohl. Though I believe that Nguyen and Strohl’s account offers important insight into an essential dimension of the cultural appropriation debate, I argue that justified objections (...)
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  38. Universality and Identity Politics.Todd McGowan - 2019 - Columbia University Press.
    The great political ideas and movements of the modern world were founded on a promise of universal emancipation. But in recent decades, much of the Left has grown suspicious of such aspirations. Critics see the invocation of universality as a form of domination or a way of speaking for others, and have come to favor a politics of particularism—often derided as “identity politics.” Others, both centrists and conservatives, associate universalism with twentieth-century totalitarianism and hold that it is bound to lead (...)
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  39. Cultural appropriation and the intimacy of groups.C. Thi Nguyen & Matthew Strohl - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):981-1002.
    What could ground normative restrictions concerning cultural appropriation which are not grounded by independent considerations such as property rights or harm? We propose that such restrictions can be grounded by considerations of intimacy. Consider the familiar phenomenon of interpersonal intimacy. Certain aspects of personal life and interpersonal relationships are afforded various protections in virtue of being intimate. We argue that an analogous phenomenon exists at the level of large groups. In many cases, members of a group engage in shared practices (...)
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  40. Multiculturalism, Autonomy, and Language Preservation.Ethan Nowak - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    In this paper, I show how a novel treatment of speech acts can be combined with a well-known liberal argument for multiculturalism in a way that will justify claims about the preservation, protection, or accommodation of minority languages. The key to the paper is the claim that every language makes a distinctive range of speech acts possible, acts that cannot be realized by means of any other language. As a result, when a language disappears, so does a class of speech (...)
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  41. Decency and difference: humanity and the global challenge of identity politics.Steven C. Roach - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Decency remains one of the most prevalent yet least understood terms in today's political discourse. In evoking respect, kindness, courage, integrity, reason, and tolerance, it has long expressed an unquestioned duty and belief in promoting and protecting the dignity of all persons. Today this unquestioned belief is in crisis. Tribalism and identity politics have both hindered and threatened its moral stability and efficacy. Still, many continue to undertheorize its political character by isolating it from the effects of identity politics. Decency (...)
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  42. On the Way to Decolonization in a Settler Colony: Re-introducing Black Feminist Identity Politics.Kristie Dotson - 2018 - AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 14 (3):190-199.
    In this paper, I explain Black feminist identity politics as a practice that is ‘on the way’ to settler decolonization in a US context for the fact that it makes demands that we attend to our “originating” stories and, in doing so, 1) generate potential for difficult coalitions for decolonization in settler colonial USA and 2) promoting a range of refusals (Simpson 2014) that aid in resisting the completion of settler colonialism in North America, which is still an uncompleted project. (...)
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  43. Complexity of Varna and Jāti: A Relook at the Indian Caste System.Anil Kumar - 2018 - International Journal of Novel Research and Development 3 (12):59-63.
    This paper examines the complexity of the interconnection of varna and caste systems in Indian society. It reflects the complexities of the traditions of different caste groups and the system that regulates their relationship with each other. It will also reflect on the modes where they turn slightly flexible and become harshly rigid. The concept of community no longer exists. However, it is a stronger claim but is made while stressing the importance of the social Purushārtha Sādhana. Both terms (caste (...)
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  44. La disparition de la politique : le rap entre Israël et la Palestine, entre Juifs et Arabes.Anna C. Zielinska - 2018 - Mouvements 96 (2018/4):102-110.
    Politics, and in particular the question of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is currently dealt with rather through fiction and art, and much less through genuine political actions, is a strong sign of the failure of politics as a positive, voluntaristic political project. Rap /hip hop music, the most naturally political art, does not have the political agenda anymore. The particular history or Israeli rap illustrates this process in a striking way, embodying the recent evolution of the Israeli society. The country was (...)
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  45. Le Véganisme.Valéry Giroux & Renan Larue - 2017 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Plus qu’un régime ou un mode de vie, le véganisme est un mouvement social et politique visant à libérer les animaux du joug humain. S’opposant au carnisme, les véganes renoncent autant que possible à utiliser des produits ou des services issus de leur exploitation. Leurs arguments rencontrent aujourd’hui un écho de plus en plus favorable parmi les consommateurs, alors même que les animaux, sur terre et dans la mer, n’ont jamais été tués dans de si grandes proportions. Cet essai est (...)
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  46. Art after the hipster: identity politics, ethics and aesthetics.Wes Hill - 2017 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book examines the complexities of the hipster through the lens of art history and cultural theory, from Charles Baudelaire's flan̂eur to the contemporary 'creative' borne from creative industries policies. It claims that the recent ubiquity of hipster culture has led many artists to confront their own significance, responding to the mass artification of contemporary life by de-emphasising the formal and textual deconstructions so central to the legacies of modern and postmodern art. In the era of creative digital technologies, long (...)
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  47. Identity Politics in Science.Todd K. Shackelford & Austin John Jeffery - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):81-84.
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  48. History and identity in Hayden White’s The Practical Past[REVIEW]Torbjörn Gustafsson Chorell - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (1):128-135.
  49. Derfor skaber Bertel Haarders politiske ensretning vold i familien.Philip Højme - 2016 - KONTRADOX: Modkraft.Dk.
    Når politikere truer kontanthjælpsmodtagere, flygtninge forvises til teltlejre, og vi skal assimileres til bestemt dansk kultur, er det den samme voldelige struktur, der reproduceres, når forældre begår vold mod børn. Psykoanalysen forklarer sammenhængen mellem institutionel vold og vold i relationer.
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  50. Theorien des Fremden: Eine Einführung.Wolfgang Müller-Funk - 2016 - Tübingen: UTB.
    Was heißt es, fremd zu sein, sich fremd zu fühlen, als Fremder gesehen zu werden? Dieser Band beschreibt, diskutiert und reflektiert die wichtigsten Ansätze von Fremdheit und Fremdsein. Über mehrere transdisziplinäre Zugänge wird sowohl die Figur des und der Fremden als auch die Erfahrung von Fremdheit betrachtet. Das Buch führt umfassend in ein hochaktuelles Thema ein.
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