Results for 'Murat Akcakaya'

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  1.  16
    Feedback Related Potentials for EEG-Based Typing Systems.Paula Gonzalez-Navarro, Basak Celik, Mohammad Moghadamfalahi, Murat Akcakaya, Melanie Fried-Oken & Deniz Erdoğmuş - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Error related potentials, which are elicited in the EEG in response to a perceived error, have been used for error correction and adaption in the event related potential -based brain computer interfaces designed for typing. In these typing interfaces, ERP evidence is collected in response to a sequence of stimuli presented usually in the visual form and the intended user stimulus is probabilistically inferred and presented to the user as the decision. If the inferred stimulus is incorrect, ErrP is expected (...)
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    Characterizing Sleep Differences in Children With and Without Sensory Sensitivities.Amy G. Hartman, Sarah McKendry, Adriane Soehner, Stefanie Bodison, Murat Akcakaya, Dilhari DeAlmeida & Roxanna Bendixen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesIndividuals register and react to daily sensory stimuli differently, which influences participation in occupations. Sleep is a foundational nightly occupation that impacts overall health and development in children. Emerging research suggests that certain sensory processing patterns, specifically sensory sensitivities, may have a negative impact on sleep health in children. In this study, we aimed to characterize sleep in children with and without sensory sensitivities and examine the relationship between sensory processing patterns and sleep using validated parent- and child-reported questionnaires. We (...)
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  3. Affect: Representationalists' Headache.Murat Aydede & Matthew Fulkerson - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):175-198.
    Representationalism is the view that the phenomenal character of experiences is identical to their representational content of a certain sort. This view requires a strong transparency condition on phenomenally conscious experiences. We argue that affective qualities such as experienced pleasantness or unpleasantness are counter-examples to the transparency thesis and thus to the sort of representationalism that implies it.
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  4. The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition.Murat Aydede & P. Robbins (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Since its inception some fifty years ago, cognitive science has seen a number of sea changes. Perhaps the best known is the development of connectionist models of cognition as an alternative to classical, symbol-based approaches. A more recent - and increasingly influential - trend is that of dynamical-systems-based, ecologically oriented models of the mind. Researchers suggest that a full understanding of the mind will require systematic study of the dynamics of interaction between mind, body, and world. Some argue that this (...)
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  5. Pain.Murat Aydede - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Pain is the most prominent member of a class of sensations known as bodily sensations, which includes itches, tickles, tingles, orgasms, and so on. Bodily sensations are typically attributed to bodily locations and appear to have features such as volume, intensity, duration, and so on, that are ordinarily attributed to physical objects or quantities. Yet these sensations are often thought to be logically private, subjective, self-intimating, and the source of incorrigible knowledge for those who have them. Hence there appear to (...)
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  6. Language of Thought.Murat Aydede - 2017 - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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    Do Patients Have Responsibilities in a Free-Market System? a Personal Perspective.Murat Civaner & Berna Arda - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (2):263-273.
    The current debate that surrounds the issue of patient rights and the transformation of health care, social insurance, and reimbursement systems has put the topic of patient responsibility on both the public and health care sectors' agenda. This climate of debate and transition provides an ideal time to rethink patient responsibilities, together with their underlying rationale, and to determine if they are properly represented when being called `patient' responsibilities. In this article we analyze the various types of patient responsibilities, identify (...)
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  8. Concepts, introspection, and phenomenal consciousness: An information-theoretical approach.Murat Aydede & Güven Güzeldere - 2005 - Noûs 39 (2):197-255.
    This essay is a sustained attempt to bring new light to some of the perennial problems in philosophy of mind surrounding phenomenal consciousness and introspection through developing an account of sensory and phenomenal concepts. Building on the information-theoretic framework of Dretske (1981), we present an informational psychosemantics as it applies to what we call sensory concepts, concepts that apply, roughly, to so-called secondary qualities of objects. We show that these concepts have a special informational character and semantic structure that closely (...)
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  9. Pain, philosophical aspects of.Murat Aydede - 2009 - In Patrick Wilken, Timothy J. Bayne & Axel Cleeremans (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 495-498.
    The ordinary conception of pain has two major threads that are in tension with each other. It is this tension that generates various puzzles in our philosophical understanding of pain. This is a short encyclopedia entry surveying some of the major philosophical puzzles about pain.
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  10. Reasons and Theories of Sensory Affect.Murat Aydede & Matthew Fulkerson - 2018 - In David Bain, Michael Brady & Jennifer Corns (eds.), Philosophy of Pain. London: Routledge. pp. 27-59.
    Some sensory experiences are pleasant, some unpleasant. This is a truism. But understanding what makes these experiences pleasant and unpleasant is not an easy job. Various difficulties and puzzles arise as soon as we start theorizing. There are various philosophical theories on offer that seem to give different accounts for the positive or negative affective valences of sensory experiences. In this paper, we will look at the current state of art in the philosophy of mind, present the main contenders, critically (...)
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  11. Is the experience of pain transparent? Introspecting Phenomenal Qualities.Murat Aydede - 2019 - Synthese 196 (2):677-708.
    I distinguish between two claims of transparency of experiences. One claim is weaker and supported by phenomenological evidence. This I call the transparency datum. Introspection of standard perceptual experiences as well as bodily sensations is consistent with, indeed supported by, the transparency datum. I formulate a stronger transparency thesis that is entailed by representationalism about experiential phenomenology. I point out some empirical consequences of strong transparency in the context of representationalism. I argue that pain experiences, as well as some other (...)
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  12. How to Unify Theories of Sensory Pleasure: An Adverbialist Proposal.Murat Aydede - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (1):119-133.
    A lot of qualitatively very different sensations can be pleasant or unpleasant. The Felt-Quality Views that conceive of sensory affect as having an introspectively available common phenomenology or qualitative character face the “heterogeneity problem” of specifying what that qualitative common phenomenology is. In contrast, according to the Attitudinal Views, what is common to all pleasant or unpleasant sensations is that they are all “wanted” or “unwanted” in a certain sort of way. The commonality is explained not on the basis of (...)
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    Other Phenomenics of Social Control: Gramatic Structures.Nuh Akçakaya - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (1):403-442.
    Bu çalışma sosyal kontrol olgusuna farklı bir açıdan bakmak için tasarlanmıştır. Burada daha önce yapılmış olan bir kısım sosyal kontrol çalışmalarının argümanları göz önünde bulundurularak, sosyal kontrolün dilsel yönüne dikkat çekilmiştir. Çalışmada üç başlık açılmıştır. Birinci başlık dilsel yapıların özne üzerinde bir tahakkümünün olduğu iddiası ile açılmış ve bu başlıkta gramer mantığı olan fenomenlerin hepsinin özneyi biçimlendirebileceği ve dönüştürebileceği ifade edilmiştir. Dilsel yapıların sadece söz öbekleri ile alakalı olmadığı, toplumsal kurumların doğasının da dilsel olduğu ifade edilmiştir. Böylece hem söz öbeklerinin (...)
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  14. Causal Determinants, Reasons, and Substantive Autonomy: a Critical Approach to Agency.Murat Baç - 2007 - Problemos 72:135-144.
    Although the notion of agency presents itself as an attractive solution to the puzzle of free will, itfaces a problem vis-à-vis the nature of reasons that are purported to lie behind actions. In this paper,I first point out the significance of a paradigm shift that emerges with the agency view. Then I arguethat the agency theories nonetheless fail in general to give a satisfactory account of various sorts ofreasons underlying our actions and choices. In trying to enlighten the multi-faceted nature (...)
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  15. Wittgenstein Ve Anlamın 'Ortalıkta' Olması.Murat Baç - 2001 - Felsefe Tartismalari 28:47-60.
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    Ad hominem argumentation in politics.Murat Borovali - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (4):426-436.
    A healthy and robust public political culture is generally regarded as being of utmost necessity for the maintenance of a stable democratic environment. Especially when a country is facing significant challenges and is in the process of devising and implementing radical reforms, the presence of satisfactory collective deliberation can ensure durability and stability. This article will focus on one type of argumentation that stands in the way of such healthy deliberation. It will explore the various forms that ad hominem arguments (...)
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    Kutadgu Biligde Dil Olgusu ve Dilsel Belirlemecilik.Murat Elmali - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):505-505.
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    Private Property in Period of Ottoman Empire and Its Structural Characteristics.Murat ÇİFTÇİ - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:623-644.
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    The Effect Of Greek And Armenian Immigration Movement To Base On Nation-State In Turkey: Evidence From Ethno – Cultural Structure Of Ottoman Provinces In 1897.Murat ÇİFTÇİ - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:866-890.
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  20. Comparing student understanding of quantum physics when embedding multimodal representations into two different writing formats: Presentation format versus summary report format.Murat Gunel, Brian Hand & Sevket Gunduz - 2006 - Science Education 90 (6):1092-1112.
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    A Critique of Agonistic Politics.Murat Ince - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (1).
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    Anatomy Of A Crisis: Belief Crises In Tanzimat Poetry.Murat Kaciroğlu - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2127-2156.
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    Revisiting Aristotle’s Master-Slave Relationship: A Casual Evaluation in the Context of Human-AI Dynamics.Murat Kelikli - 2024 - Futurity Philosophy 3 (2):25–39.
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    Iustinianus'un Hukuk Reformasyonu.Murat Orhun - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 5):267-267.
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    Changing Methodologies in Historicism: An Analysis For Rise and Fall of Rankean Historiography.Murat İplikçi - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:3):977-989.
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    A Method for Accelerating of Convergence of Numerical and Power Series.Murat Sadiku - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (2):114-121.
    In this paper is examined the acceleration of convergence of alternative and non-alternative numerical and power series by means of an Euler-Abel type operator, that is defined earlier by G.A.Sorokin and I.Z.Milovanovic. Through this type of linear operator of generalized difference of sequence is achieved that alternative and non-alternative numerical and power series to be transformed into series with higher speed of convergence than the initial series. At the end of this paper is given the implementation of this method through (...)
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    The Manifest Destiny of Human Being.Murat Sofuoglu - 2004 - Hamilton Books.
    This book represents the author's view of humanity.
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  28. A Contemporary Account of Sensory Pleasure.Murat Aydede - 2018 - In Lisa Shapiro (ed.), Pleasure: A History. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 239-266.
    [This is the penultimate version, please send me an email for the final version]. Some sensations are pleasant, some unpleasant, and some are neither. Furthermore, those that are pleasant or unpleasant are so to different degrees. In this essay, I want to explore what kind of a difference is the difference between these three kinds of sensations. I will develop a comprehensive three-level account of sensory pleasure that is simultaneously adverbialist, functionalist and is also a version of a satisfied experiential-desire (...)
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  29. Pain: Perception or Introspection?Murat Aydede - 2017 - In Jennifer Corns (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain. New York: Routledge.
    [Penultimate draft] I present the perceptualist/representationalist theories of pain in broad outline and critically examine them in light of a competing view according to which awareness of pain is essentially introspective. I end the essay with a positive sketch of a naturalistic proposal according to which pain experiences are intentional but not fully representational. This proposal makes sense of locating pains in body parts as well as taking pains as subjective experiences.
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  30. Defending the IASP Definition of Pain.Murat Aydede - 2017 - The Monist 100 (4):439–464.
    The official definition of ‘pain’ by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) hasn’t seen much revision since its publication in 1979. There have been various criticisms of the definition in the literature from different quarters: that the definition implies a dubious metaphysical dualism, that it requires a strong form of consciousness as well as linguistic abilities, that it excludes many vulnerable groups that are otherwise perfectly capable of experiencing pain, that it has therefore unacceptable practical as well (...)
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  31. The Ontological Status of Truthmakers: An Alternative to Tractarianism and Metaphysical Anti-Realism.Murat Baç - 2003 - Metaphysica 4 (2):5-28.
    This paper aims to describe and defend a Pluralistic Kantian, as opposed to a Tractarian, version of realism vis-à-vis the ontological basis of truthmaking relations. One underlying assumption of my position is that propositional truth is a robust property and, consequently, is normatively distinct from epistemic justification. Still, it does not follow from this realist contention that truth is generated ontologically, viz., independently of cognitive and intensional contributions of human agents. This point brings my view notably close to H. Putnam’s (...)
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    Simple Collective Identity Functions.Murat Ali Çengelci & M. Remzi Sanver - 2010 - Theory and Decision 68 (4):417-443.
    A Collective Identity Function (CIF) is a rule which aggregates personal opinions on whether an individual belongs to a certain identity into a social decision. A simple CIF is one which can be expressed in terms of winning coalitions. We characterize simple CIFs and explore various CIFs of the literature by exploiting their ability of being expressed in terms of winning coalitions. We also use our setting to introduce conditions that ensure the equal treatment of individuals as voters or as (...)
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    The Place and Reliability of Aristotle's Induction in the Scientific Process.Murat Kelikli - 2024 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 8 (1):11-26.
    This article analyses the relationship between deduction and induction by focusing on Aristotle's knowledge acquisition processes. The deductive and inductive processes in Aristotelian science are analysed in depth, and it is emphasised that these two processes are, in fact, interrelated. It is claimed that induction and deduction use logical inference but are not themselves an inference. The structure of inductive inference is determined, and the deductive inference and the inferential part of the scientific process are given. Furthermore, the article addresses (...)
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  34. Scheme-based alethic realism: Agency, the environment, and truthmaking.Murat Baç & Renée Elio - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (2):173-196.
    This paper presents a position called Scheme-based Alethic Realism, which reconciles a realist position on the nature of truth with a pluralistic Kantian perspective that allows for multiple environments in which truthmaking relationships are established. We argue that truthmaking functions are constrained by a stable phenomenal world and a stable cognitive architecture. This account takes truth as normatively distinct from epistemic justification while relativizing the truth conditions of our statements to what we call Frameworks. The pluralistic aspect allows that these (...)
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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Indicates That Asymmetric Right Hemispheric Activation in Mental Rotation of a Jigsaw Puzzle Decreases With Task Difficulty.Murat Can Mutlu, Sinem Burcu Erdoğan, Ozan Cem Öztürk, Reşit Canbeyli & Hale Saybaşιlι - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Köprülüz'de Ebû N'ile Abdullah Paşa ve Kasîde-i V'viyyesi.Murat Sula - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1865-1865.
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    Corruption and Internal Fraud in the Turkish Construction Industry.Murat Gunduz & Oytun Önder - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):505-528.
    The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding about the internal fraud and corruption problem in the Turkish construction industry. The reasons behind the internal fraud and corruption problem as well as the types of prevention methods were investigated; and as a result various recommendations were made. To this end, a risk awareness questionnaire was used to understand the behavioral patterns of the construction industry, and to clarify possible proactive and reactive measures against internal fraud and corruption. The (...)
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  38. Does the IASP Definition of Pain Need Updating?Murat Aydede - 2019 - PAIN Reports 4 (5 - e777):1-7.
    The current IASP definition of pain has come under renewed criticisms recently. There is a new momentum for its revision as reflected by the fact that IASP has now a Presidential Task Force dedicated to look into whether there is enough warrant to update the definition. I critically review all the major criticisms of the current definition in detail, and raise new difficulties rarely discussed before. I show that none of the major criticisms has enough warrant to force us to (...)
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    Response to Drs. Anand, Craig, and Williams.Murat Aydede - 2020 - PAIN Reports 5 (e812):1-2.
    This is a Letter to Editor responding to the reaction by Ken Craig, Amanda Williams, KJS Anand, to my previous article on the IASP definition of pain that appeared in PAIN Reports 4(2019)e777. The reaction is also in the form of a Letter to Editor in PAIN Reports 5(2020)e811.
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    60-66 Ay Aralığında İlkokula Başlayan Öğrencilerin Kişisel Öz Bakım Ve İlkokuma-Yazma Becerilerinin.Murat BAŞAR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):241-241.
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  41. Çağdaş Bir Görüngü Olarak Özgürlüğün Dağıtımı ve Tüketimi.Murat Baç - 2003 - Felsefe Tartismalari 31:11-32.
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    Is Causation "In Here" or "Out There"? Hume's Two Definitions of "Cause".Murat Baç - 1999 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 16 (1):19-35.
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  43. The Nature of Truth and the House of Pragma.Murat Baç - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 2.
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  44. “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Çatışmalar.Murat Belge - 1995 - Cogito 3:43-54.
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    The Role of Network Learning Capability in the Relationship between Open Mindedness and Innovation Performance.Murat Çemberci, Mustafa Emre Civelek, Yonca Gürol & Perlin Naz Cömert - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):18-41.
    Learning, which is the main key of innovation, is an indispensable element for companies to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Although not being adequately studied in management literature, network learning capability, a type of organizational learning ability, is a determining factor in the innovation process. Likewise, open-mindedness is a component that accelerates the creation of knowledge in the organization as well as encouraging the organization to be open towards new opportunities and to value different opinions. In this study, a model including (...)
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    The Fourth Figure in Aristotle.Murat Kelikli - 2018 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 2 (2):75-98.
    This paper investigates whether Aristotle was aware of the fourth figure, and if he was aware of the fourth figure, why he excluded it from his system. Various commentators have explained why this figure does not exist in the system, so this paper compiles ane examines these arguments through a certain logical frame. By inquiring into why the fourth figure was not included in his logical system, the paper considers whether logical factors may explain this exclusion.
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    Muslim Turcophobia: A Study of Two Missionary Authors.Murat Köylü - forthcoming - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi.
    Among Turks, major religions with universal messages have always been tolerated. The fact that Turks generally did not convert to religions other than Islam led to the interpretation of Islam as “the most suitable religion for the character and national culture of the Turks”; therefore, Turks accepted Islam voluntarily, not by force. Among all these belief systems and religions, Islam was based on the belief in “Gök Tengri”. The proximity of the Turks to the Muslim Regions made it easier for (...)
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    (1 other version)The Invention of the Neuter.Murat Laure - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (4):61-72.
    From the Symbolist period to the inter-war years, and in works ever more numerous as time went by, literature and medicine, both together and separately, constructed a discourse progressively focused on the enigma of the ‘third sex’. But how perceived? As an aberration, a mere legend, a mirage, a mental defect, a mistake of nature? The ‘third sex’ came to designate the sex of the indistinct, that which has no name, drawing within its sphere the primordial Adam, the angel, the (...)
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    Çizgi Film Ve Bilgisayar Oyunlarının 5-6 Yaş Grubu Çocukların Sanatsal Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri.Erol Murat Yildiz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):841-841.
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    Theological Indications of Early Turkish-Muslim Faith in Dede Korkut Stories.Murat Serdar & Harun Işik - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):489-513.
    Dede Korkut Stories are a national cultural heritage that narrates about events and challenges of Oghuz Turks in 10th-11th centuries. This period of time is important, as it was the times when Turks became Muslims. In this work, heroism, customs, habits and traditions, socio-cultural and moral life of the Turks before and after becoming Muslims are analysed. One of the topics addressed in this work is religious beliefs and worships of the Turks after became Muslims. In this context, the belief (...)
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