Results for 'Sergio Parenti'

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  1. Oggetti logici E oggetti scientifici il suggerimento di Tommaso D'Aquino.Sergio Parenti - 2012 - Divus Thomas 115 (1):202-283.
  2. Ghosts in the Machine.Sergio Sismondo - 2009 - Social Studies of Science 39 (2):171-98.
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  3. A Closer Look at Some Subintuitionistic Logics.Ramon Jansana & Sergio Celani - 2001 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (4):225-255.
    In the present paper we study systematically several consequence relations on the usual language of propositional intuitionistic logic that can be defined semantically by using Kripke frames and the same defining truth conditions for the connectives as in intuitionistic logic but without imposing some of the conditions on the Kripke frames that are required in the intuitionistic case. The logics so obtained are called subintuitionistic logics in the literature. We depart from the perspective of considering a logic just as a (...)
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    Is tDCS an Adjunct Ergogenic Resource for Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance Performance? A Systematic Review.Sergio Machado, Petra Jansen, Victor Almeida & Jitka Veldema - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  5. Hans Jonas: gli equivoci della «responsabilitè».Sergio Caruso - 1991 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 6:235-242.
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    Un análisis de las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU ante el principio de la responsabilidad de proteger.Sergio García Magariño - 2013 - Dilemata 13:93-119.
    This paper explores the apparently fairness of the United Nations’ collective security system, through an indicator: the attention paid, in terms of amount of resolutions, by the Security Council to the major episodes of political violence within the second half of twentieth century where the principle of “responsibility to protect” should have been activated. This study, however, is embedded into a wider context: the social conditions which allowed for the emergence of the modern State. The underlying thesis points out that (...)
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  7. La evidencia como criterio de verdad en San Agustín.Sergio Mancini - 2005 - Sapientia 60 (218):251-266.
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  8. En busca del contenido físico de la regla de Luders.Sergio Martínez - 1988 - Dianoia 34 (34):141.
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    Complete and atomic Tarski algebras.Sergio Arturo Celani - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):899-914.
    Tarski algebras, also known as implication algebras or semi-boolean algebras, are the \-subreducts of Boolean algebras. In this paper we shall introduce and study the complete and atomic Tarski algebras. We shall prove a duality between the complete and atomic Tarski algebras and the class of covering Tarski sets, i.e., structures \, where X is a non-empty set and \ is non-empty family of subsets of X such that \. This duality is a generalization of the known duality between sets (...)
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  10. (1 other version)¿ Para qué sirve un ballestrinque? Reflexiones sobre el funcionamiento de artefactos y organismos en un mundo sin funciones.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):57-76.
  11. Dogmática y vida de los derechos humanos en los regímenes autoritarios de América Latina.Sergio Politoff Lifschitz - 1986 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 26:113-134.
  12. Sociabilidad, intercambio y transgresión.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):119-131.
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  13. El" humanismo" en el" fin de la modernidad".Sergio Espinosa Proa - 2000 - A Parte Rei 10:4.
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  14. La transformación del espacio de lo político.Sergio Sevilla Segura - 1998 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11:79-101.
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  15. Política educacional en el Congreso chileno. Éxito y fracaso de los proyectos de ley entre 1990-2006.Sergio Y. Toro - 2006 - Paideia 41:53-64.
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    Distributive Lattices with a Negation Operator.Sergio Arturo Celani - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):207-218.
    In this note we introduce and study algebras of type such that is a bounded distributive lattice and ⌝ is an operator that satisfies the condition ⌝ = a ⌝ b and ⌝ 0 = 1. We develop the topological duality between these algebras and Priestley spaces with a relation. In addition, we characterize the congruences and the subalgebras of such an algebra. As an application, we will determine the Priestley spaces of quasi-Stone algebras.
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  17. Razionalità del volere e inferenza pratica.Sergio Galvan - 2008 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 26 (3).
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  18. La science sociale et l'action, de E. Durkheim.Sergio Sevilla Segura - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):164-166.
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    Locally Tabular $$ne $$ Locally Finite.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):383-400.
    We show that for an arbitrary logic being locally tabular is a strictly weaker property than being locally finite. We describe our hunt for a logic that allows us to separate the two properties, revealing weaker and weaker conditions under which they must coincide, and showing how they are intertwined. We single out several classes of logics where the two notions coincide, including logics that are determined by a finite set of finite matrices, selfextensional logics, algebraizable and equivalential logics. Furthermore, (...)
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    Measuring the Impacts of Extra-Musical Elements in Guitar Music Playing: A Pilot Study.Isabelle Héroux, Sergio Giraldo, Rafael Ramírez, Francis Dubé, Andrea Creech & Louis-Édouard Thouin-Poppe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. hacia una filosofía de la ciencia centrada en prácticas.Sergio F. Martinez - 2015 - Mexico: UNAM-Bonilla Artigas.
    La filosofía de la ciencia se desarrolló durante la primera mitad del siglo xx bajo el supuesto de que la ciencia podía caracterizarse por la estructura lógica tanto del conocimiento articulado en las teorías más exitosas como de sus explicaciones. En la segunda mitad del siglo xx se cuestiona fuertemente esa idea, pero se sigue asumiendo que la filosofía de la ciencia debe hacerse siguiendo los cánones de una epistemología fundamentalista que considera que el avance de la ciencia pasa por (...)
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  22. Geografía de las prácticas científicas. Racionalidad, heurística y normatividad.Sergio F. Martínez - 2005 - Critica 37 (111):97-106.
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  23. Individualismo y estado mundial. Esbozo de las premisas del modelo Kantiano.Sergio Raul Castano - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (3):283-300.
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    Aplicación de la metodología Espacio-Estado en el análisis de las series de desempleo: caso Región del Bío-Bío.Sergio Contreras, Osvaldo Pino & Adrián Pizzinga - 2006 - Theoria 15 (1):65-78.
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  25. Lüders's rule as a description of individual state transformations.Sergio Martinez - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (3):359-376.
    Usual derivations of Lilders's projection rule show that Liuders's rule is the rule required by quantum statistics to calculate the final state after an ideal (minimally disturbing) measurement. These derivations are at best inconclusive, however, when it comes to interpreting Liuders's rule as a description of individual state transformations. In this paper, I show a natural way of deriving Liiders's rule from well-motivated and explicit physical assumptions referring to individual systems. This requires, however, the introduction of a concept of individual (...)
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    (1 other version)Impact of victory and defeat on the perceived stress and autonomic regulation of professional eSports athletes.Sergio Machado, Leandro de Oliveira Sant'Ana, Luis Cid, Diogo Teixeira, Filipe Rodrigues, Bruno Travassos & Diogo Monteiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Competitive sports involve physiological, technical and psychological skills, which influence directly on individuals’ performance. This study aims to investigate the levels of perceived stress and Heart Rate Variability before and after matches with victory and defeat in professional eSports athletes. Our hypothesis was that the winners would have better autonomic and stress responses after match, thus corroborating the literature on neurocardiac connections. Fifty male eSport players were selected players from 10 different Brazilian teams. The experiment was carried out in 2 (...)
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    Hartmann, Hoefer & Bovens, eds. 2008. Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science.Sergio F. Martínez - 2011 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 26 (1):90-93.
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  28. ¿ El primer arte? Artesanías.Sergio Sandoval Medina - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (5).
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    Case Report: Theory of Mind and Figurative Language in a Child With Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.Sergio Melogno, Maria Antonietta Pinto, Teresa Gloria Scalisi, Fausto Badolato & Pasquale Parisi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this case report, we studied Theory of Mind and figurative language comprehension in a 7.2-year-old child, conventionally named RJ, with isolated and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, a rare malformation due to the absence of the corpus callosum, the major tract connecting the two brain hemispheres. To study ToM, which is the capability to infer the other’s mental states, we used the classical false belief tasks, and to study figurative language, i.e., those linguistic usages involving non-literal meanings, we (...)
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  30. Hiftory of Science.Sergio Moravia, Martin Rudvvick & John Forrester - forthcoming - History of Science.
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    Do Desejo à Vontade - A constituição da sociedade política em Rousseau.Sergio Cardoso - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):151-186.
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  32. La naciente genética y el movimiento eugenésico argentino.Sergio Cecchetto - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (28):119-139.
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    Técnica (s), artificialidad y naturaleza.Sergio Cecchetto - 2007 - Tópicos 15:131-139.
    This paper presents a short review and then examines in some detail a text by Ricardo Maliandi on the natural motives of technique. It offers/provides methodological considerations and raises anthropological and ethical issues, casting doubt about the sense and scope of the technical in relation to human evolution.Esta comunicación resume primero y analiza después con cierto detalle un escrito de Ricardo Maliandi sobre los resortes naturales de la técnica , haciendo consideraciones de método, cuestionamientos antropológicos y éticos, sentando otros reparos (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Hilbert Algebras with Hilbert-Galois Connections II.Sergio A. Celani & Daniela Montagie - forthcoming - Bulletin of the Section of Logic:20 pp..
    Hilbert algebra with a Hilbert-Galois connection, or HilGC-algebra, is a triple \(\left(A,f,g\right)\) where \(A\) is a Hilbert algebra, and \(f\) and \(g\) are unary maps on \(A\) such that \(f(a)\leq b\) iff \(a\leq g(b)\), and \(g(a\rightarrow b)\leq g(a)\rightarrow g(b)\) forall \(a,b\in A\). In this paper, we are going to prove that some varieties of HilGC-algebras are characterized by first-order conditions defined in the dual space and that these varieties are canonical. Additionally, we will also study and characterize the congruences of (...)
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  35. Legitimacy: a Mirage?Jeanne Ferguson & Sergio Cotta - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (134):96-105.
    The word “legitimacy” and its derivations (legitimate, legitimation, etc.) are widely employed in scientific language as they also are in current usage. In fact, we find them in several areas, from that of reasoning (“this conclusion is legitimate”) to that of law (“judgment of legitimacy”, “legitimate family”) and politics (“legitimate sovereign”). It is particularly in this latter domain, however, that they have their normal use as qualifications for power, and it is this particular aspect that I shall consider in this (...)
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    Bayle, Vico e la Cina.Sergio Zoli - 1987 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 17:237-252.
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  37. Finite axiomatizability of logics of distributive lattices with negation.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper focuses on order-preserving logics defined from varieties of distributive lattices with negation, and in particular on the problem of whether these can be axiomatized by means Hilbert-style calculi that are finite. On the negative side, we provide a syntactic condition on the equational presentation of a variety that entails failure of finite axiomatizability for the corresponding logic. An application of this result is that the logic of all distributive lattices with negation is not finitely axiomatizable; we likewise establish (...)
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  38. Aborto ed eutanasia: un confronto.Sergio Cotta - 1983 - Rivista di Filosofia 25:5.
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    Dalla guerra alla pace: un itinerario filosofico.Sergio Cotta - 1989 - Rusconi Libri.
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    Il pensiero politico di Montesquieu.Sergio Cotta - 1995
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  41. La famiglia nei suoi princìpi antropologici ed etico-giurdici.Sergio Cotta - 1994 - Studium 90 (6):837-849.
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  42. La ideología de la violencia.Sergio Cotta - 1982 - Escritos de Filosofía 5 (9):3-15.
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    La philosophie du droit en Italie et ses problèmes.Sergio Cotta - 1971 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:155.
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  44. Partecipazione: a che cosa.Sergio Cotta - 1970 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 47 (1).
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  45. (1 other version)Prospettive di filosofia del diritto.Sergio Cotta - 1971 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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    Positive Law and Natural Law.Sergio Cotta - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (2):265 - 285.
    I DO NOT INTEND to present, in this paper, either a renewed account of the classical doctrine of natural law, or a modern version of its foundation in human nature. This does not mean that I consider superfluous or meaningless both these tasks. Indeed, I am convinced that the notion of natural law is still important for a full understanding of what we mean by "law." Natural law could be interpreted, for instance, as the transcendental condition of legal experience. And (...)
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    (1 other version)Menón el politikos. Política y unidad del alma en el Menón de Platón.Sergio Ariza - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):39-58.
    Se analizan algunos usos del tópico de la política en el Menón, para mostrar que la virtud discutida es política, no sólo porque los interlocutores están interesados exclusivamente en la cualidad que debe poseer el gobernante, sino también porque tal cualidad consiste en una forma de autogobierno de..
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  48. Convivencia diflcil com a social-democracia.Sérgio Barroso - 1992 - Princípios 23.
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    Nonstandard Analysis and a Classification of Probability Spaces.Sergio Fajardo - 1999 - In Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (ed.), Language, Quantum, Music. Springer. pp. 61--71.
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    3 Ontological Frames.Sergio Galvan - 2012 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski (ed.), Ontological Proofs Today. Ontos Verlag. pp. 50--217.
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