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  1. Angels and Henads: How Aquinas’ Angelology Draws Upon Proclus’ Henadology.Seamus O'Neill - 2024 - Dionysius 39:36-71.
    Proclus and Aquinas envision a plurality of divine beings organized hierarchically under the aegis of a first principle: respectively, the One and the henads, and God and His angels. While the differences rule out a wholescale application of Procline henadology to Thomas’ angelology, Aquinas, nevertheless, incorporates Proclus’ henadology into his angelology in two ways. First, Aquinas borrows from Procline henadology when explaining the differences between angels: these can be known in an approximate way from their observable effects. Second, Aquinas incorporates (...)
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  2. Rambla, Josep Mª (2022). Relectura dels Exercicis Espirituals de sant Ignasi de Loiola de Josep Mª Rambla. [REVIEW]Constanti Cabestany - 2023 - Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia 34:161-167.
  3. La problématique de la croyance et la crise de l’autorité / إشكاليّة الاعتقاد وأزمة السّلطة.Marguerite Asmar Bou Aoun - 2024 - Al Machriq Journal 98 (2):9-25.
    Cet article explore la relation étroite entre la crise de l’autorité et celle de la croyance religieuse, ainsi que les conséquences sur le fonctionnement de la société. En nous appuyant sur les travaux de divers philosophes, nous avons défini et délimité les concepts d’autorité et de croyance, nous avons établi que l’autorité est un contenu de la croyance et réfléchi à la problématique de l’autorité de la croyance, et nous avons conclu que la croyance peut être utilisée pour justifier des (...)
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  4. Religion and Global Peace: The Instrumentality of Religion.Malik Mohammad Manzoor - 2011 - Individual and Society 1 (2):149-167.
    Religious believers claim their religions are peaceful and genuine believers are peacekeepers and peacemakers. In substantiating justification to their claim, they very often refer to religious scriptures. Yet, on the contrary, their claim is confronted by an opposite claim: many wars were fought and are being fought in the name of religion; and a great deal of violence can be ascribed to the religious believers. In addition, religious scriptures and history of religions do attest, to a certain extent, permissibility of (...)
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  5. MERCY (RAHMAH) AS THE PRELUDE TO ISLAM.Mohammad Manzoor Malik - 2024 - Prajna Vihara 25 (1):44-60.
    Mercy is central to the very identity of Islam, yet this is not often recognized by theologians and scholars. This paper will demonstrate that the idea of mercy is important as a prelude to the understanding of Islam and an interpretation of its teachings. This important role of mercy is evident in Islam’s primary sources – the Quran and the Sunnah – and is not contingent on political, social, or historical contexts. It is well recognized that the proper comprehension of (...)
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  6. Imam Mahdi Miracles.Reza Rezaie Khanghah - 2024 - Qeios.
    In the story of Moses and Pharaoh, the magicians who were there became the first believers in Moses because they believed in the miraculous power of Moses, which was from Allah. In fact, those sticks (sticks of magicians) did not turn into snakes, but were seen by others as snakes. When Moses dropped his stick and turned into a snake, the sorcerers realized that the stick had become a real snake, and that is why they believed Moses. Today, this magic (...)
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  7. Cross-culture in religious realm due to migration.Tudor-Cosmin Ciocan - 2022 - Dialogo 9 (1):87-94.
    The main purpose of this study is to understand how the ‘laws’ of the cross-cultural model apply to cross-religions/interreligious communications with populations from different cultures amid migration. The aim is to identify the steps in which the cross-culture model generally works and if they apply the same way to the religious realm or not. Being able to navigate through different cultural nuances is a key-skill for us all nowadays, amid globalization, migration, and across borders exchange, while religious/spiritual aids can be (...)
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  8. In Search of Religious Samanvaya- Universal Brotherhood of mankind from the primary perspective of Sikhism.Savio Saldanha - 2023 - Satsophia 1 (1):5-9.
    The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men’ is one of the basic tenets of Sikhism. The act of extending the Universal Brotherhood beyond humans to all the animals and even the vegetation is a beautiful example of the Samanvaya (Harmony) of Universal Brotherhood which binds together not only the humans but all of the creation. At the same time, we see the distress and turmoil being caused in the world where humanity has lost its touch with this ideal. (...)
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  9. Normative appraisals of faith in God.Daniel Howard-Snyder & Daniel J. McKaughan - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (Special Issue 3):383-393.
    Many theistic religions place a high value on faith in God and some traditions regard it as a virtue. However, philosophers commonly assign either very little value to faith in God or significant negative value, or even view it as a vice. Progress in assessing whether and when faith in God can be valuable or disvaluable, virtuous or vicious, rational or irrational, or otherwise apt or inapt requires understanding what faith in God is. This Special Issue on the normative appraisal (...)
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  10. Mystical Rationality.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - In Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt (eds.), Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy: Wisdom From Aang to Zuko. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 88–97.
    In this chapter, we explore some ways in which reasoning based on mysticism can be rational, focusing on the episode “The Fortuneteller,” in which Aang, Katara, and Sokka save a village from a volcanic eruption. Throughout this episode, Sokka advocates a purely empirical approach to reasoning. The villagers, however, believe that no source of knowledge is more reliable than Aunt Wu, the local fortuneteller. At several points in the episode, Sokka claims that the villagers’ reliance on Aunt Wu is irrational. (...)
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  11. Is it a Requisite for a ‘Believer’ to be Part of a Formal/Institutional Church? (6th edition).Dillon Cook - 2023 - Say Something Theological 6 (1):1-28.
    For the purposes of this paper, I attempt to wrestle with the question of whether or not it is a requisite for a “believer” (which turns out to be a loaded and ambiguous term) to be a part of a formal/institutional Christian Church. This is a difficult task to accomplish, and this, I admit. There is no way to answer this, truly with certainty. But Metaphysics are rarely grounded in “certainty.” This is true for many Christian Theological tasks as well. (...)
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  12. Margaret Cavendish and Causality.Jane Duran - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):29-40.
    Lines of argument taken from Cavendish’s Observations and Letters are used to support the notion that her innovative metaphysics was designed to counter the thinking of the new science and Descartes’s own arguments. The work of Broad, Atherton and Lichtenstein is cited, and it is concluded that Cavendish deserves close reading. In addition, although Cavendish does not address notions having to do with Christianity as directly as we might wish, it is clear that these concepts are crucially related to her (...)
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  13. Dangerous Tendencies of Cosmic Theology.John P. Slattery - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):69-82.
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin loved the world, but, theologically and spiritually, he often tried to leave it behind. This essay shows that from the 1920s until his death in 1955, Teilhard de Chardin unequivocally supported racist eugenic practices, praised the possibilities of the Nazi experiments, and looked down upon those who he deemed "imperfect" humans. These ideas explicitly lay the groundwork for Teilhard’s famous cosmological theology, a link which has been largely ignored in Teilhardian research until now. This study concludes (...)
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  14. You Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine.Matthew W. Knotts - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):83-100.
    The task of this article is to propose an alternative method for adjudicating truth claims between various paradigms. Informed by sources such as Augustine, Aquinas, Heidegger, Gadamer, and Kuhn, I argue for a form of reasoning which aspires to credibility, plausibility, and explanatory capacity, rather than absolute proof. Instead of representing a flight from scientific standards, I argue that such an approach ultimately represents the best hope of safeguarding the essence of science and rationality as such.
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  15. The Maker of the Song.Guy Woodward - 2017 - Philosophy and Theology 29 (1):191-198.
    This article seeks explore the complex relations between Beauty and the Sublime. The exploration is guided by two very powerful, but very different, thinkers: Swiss Catholic metaphysical theologian Hans Urs von Balthasat and American naturalist metaphysician Robert S. Corrington. Through reflection upon von Balthasar’s themes of Beauty, Splendor and Being and Corrington’s themes of the Sublime and the Encompassing it is hoped implications of the complex relations between Beauty and the Sublime might be evoked and engaged.
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  16. A Plea for the Novum Instrumentum.Toan Do - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):141-163.
    In the wake of the humanism in the early sixteenth century, Erasmus of Rotterdam was often taxed with the “sin of journalism” as having little to contribute to the then--current obsolete Latinism. Despite much of the false accusation against his scholarship and erudition, one of Erasmus’s inaugural works, whose impact reverberates to this day, was the Novum Instrumentum (1516). Many of Erasmus’s contemporaries misunderstood this “new” Latin edition to be just “another” Greek edition of the New Testament. This article seeks (...)
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  17. Of Mosquitoes and Men.Jasper Doomen - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):225-242.
    This article discusses whether animal rights may be defended from a natural rights or an ethical perspective. Both options fail. The same analysis applies in the case of humankind. ‘Humankind’ does not bring with it the acknowledgement of rights, nor does a focus on what is arguably characteristic of humankind, reason. Reason is decisive, though, in another respect: the fact that reasonable beings can claim and lay down rights. It does not follow from this that animals should have no rights, (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Una Chiesa senza vescovi? La sacramentalità dell'episcopato tra storia, teologia e liturgia.Cristiano Calì - 2019 - Bologna: EDIZIONI DEHONIANE.
    Il rapporto sacramentale tra presbitero e vescovo non è una questione facilmente risolvibile: basti pensare come tale argomento abbia interrogato ininterrottamente la Chiesa per circa 2000 anni, e come a più riprese il lavoro degli stessi teologi si sia allontanato dai contenuti della preghiera rituale. Il testo mette in luce la problematica riguardante il riconoscimento di un valore sacramentale all’ordinazione episcopale, e lo fa prendendo le mosse dal tempo apostolico e patristico, per passare al Concilio di Trento e al Vaticano (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Una Chiesa senza vescovi? La sacramentalità dell'episcopato tra storia, teologia e liturgia. Presentazione di Marcello Semeraro.Cristiano Calì - 2019 - Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane.
    Il rapporto sacramentale tra presbitero e vescovo non è una questione facilmente risolvibile: basti pensare come tale argomento abbia interrogato ininterrottamente la Chiesa per circa 2000 anni, e come a più riprese il lavoro degli stessi teologi si sia allontanato dai contenuti della preghiera rituale. Il testo mette in luce la problematica riguardante il riconoscimento di un valore sacramentale all’ordinazione episcopale, e lo fa prendendo le mosse dal tempo apostolico e patristico, per passare al Concilio di Trento e al Vaticano (...)
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  20. Ta'ziyeh.Reza Rezaie Khanghah - 2023 - Qeios.
    The term "Ta'ziyeh" implies an Iranian dramatic genre and is the original drama of the entire Islamic world. This ritual drama has both Islamic and Persian heritage, with the tragic and heroic martyrdom of Imam Husayn as a central theme.
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  21. Evaluating World Religion Paradigm through the Idea of Ultimate Reality.Andi Alfian - 2022 - Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies 6 (1):63-74.
    This study aims to evaluate whether the idea of ultimate reality in world religions contributes to the characteristics of the world religion paradigm, which is hierarchical cosmology or “subject-object cosmology.” Several research on this topic claims that one of the characteristics of the world religion paradigm is its hierarchical perspective. Discussing this issue is important to distinguish the world religions as the paradigm and the world religions as the most widely embraced religion. This study argues that the hierarchical perspective of (...)
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  22. Gift and Responsibility: The Philosophy of Faith of Saint Augustine.Alexis Deodato Itao - 2010 - Lumina 21 (2):1-12.
    One of the intellectual giants in church history who first utilized philosophy to embark on the depths of faith was St. Augustine of Hippo (a.D. 354 - 430). But what had prompted Augustine to approach faith through philosophy? What is his conception of faith? How did he arrive at a deeper and better understanding of faith via philosophy? In this paper, I will explore the saint's philosophy of faith and argue that in Augustine, we can find not just one but (...)
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  23. Miracle as Natural: A Contemporary Chinese American Religious Healer.Kin Cheung - 2022 - In Karen R. Zwier, David L. Weddle & Timothy D. Knepper (eds.), Miracles: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion. Springer. pp. 131-154.
    I apply the Buddhist and Chinese religious understandings of miracles as natural events to a contemporary Chinese American religious healer who employs Buddhist spells, qigong, and a range of Chinese medical arts to successfully treat conditions such as a golf-ball-sized cancerous tumor, a balance and memory disorder, and stroke-induced facial hemiparesis. In doing so, I build upon the work of anthropologists and historians to do comparative philosophy on the theoretical categories of and boundaries among miracles, the natural, the supernatural, healing, (...)
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  24. Realization of God.Saifullahi Suleiman - 2022 - Realization of God.
    Realization of God is very important aspect and indeed the building blocks of Islamic religion, many Islamic realization of God was Scholars likes; Maulana Sheikh been discussed by Ibrahim Niasse (RTA) , and indeed taught by many others prominent Islamic scholars like; Maulana Wahidudd in Khan (RTA) in all their tireless efforts to call in to the way of ALLAH. As been ordered in a sound Hadith 1 , The prophet (SAW) Said: Allah (SWT) said "Know Me before you worship (...)
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  25. Two Views on Justification: Martin Luther & Jacques Maritain.Scott Ventureyra - 2018 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 34 (1):23-38.
    In this article, I examine a critical issue that is central to the Christian faith; one that has divided Western Christendom ever since. I will explore Martin Luther's and Jacques Maritain's positions on justification by faith. First, I will outline Luther's view which is more accurately known as sola fide, that is, justification by faith alone. Second, I will outline Maritain's understanding of faith and examine his criticism of Martin Luther in his Three Reformers (1925) which analyzes the coherence of (...)
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  26. The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism. Cometan - 2021 - Preston, UK: Astral Publishing.
    The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism is the cumulation of receptions between Cometan and the astronomical world during the Founding era (2013-2021). The publication of this very first full-length Institutional Dictionary of Astronism represents eight years of the development of Astronism from its inception to how it stands today in 2021. The publication of this dictionary also encapsulates Astronism exactly as it exists now and how Cometan conceives it by the end of the Founding era. This dictionary and its contents capture (...)
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  27. Syncretic Religion.Sirois James - manuscript
    Religions seem to merge over time in order to achieve political and cultural stability; In the context of the modern-day, as the rate of globalization continues to increase, a greater understanding of syncretism is needed.
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  28. The kingdom of ghosts: Spectral witnesses at the shore of life.John Ryan & Baden Offord - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (2):130-141.
    Bearing witness is complex, and haunted by the past and the present. It takes place through and within a web of power relations attested by truth telling. This essay suggests that ghosts have the c...
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  29. Tempo da Decisão e Chamado à Decisão em Yeshua Hamashiach.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Chisinau, Moldávia: Novas Edições Acadêmicas/OmniScriptum Publishing Group.
    Detendo-se na pregação ético-escatológica de Jesus, que anuncia o reino de Deus e o tempo da decisão e o chamado à decisão, o Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa assinala que, escapando à condição de um dever que pressupõe a formação do caráter e o princípio de determinação da comunhão humana, é a exigência do amor que se impõe à pregação escatológica de Jesus e a sua pregação ética e ao conhecimento da vontade de Deus, que implica o dever-ser e (...)
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  30. a struggle through life: reflections of a young man.Lionel Fynn (ed.) - forthcoming - Marrianhill: Marrianhill Press.
    Jamie is a young man who finds himself unemployed and living in poverty. He struggles to come out of this poverty the best way he knows how: by educating himself. Little did he know that his opportunity to educate himself would come in the form of the Priesthood. Jamie struggles to discern Gods will in his life, thus in following this opportunity for the priesthood, Jamie finds himself torn between actually becoming a priest or leaving and following his dream career.
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  31. Incarnation as Incognito: The Kierkegaardian Character of Barth's Account of Divine Self-Disclosure.Charles Duke - 2023 - Restoration Quarterly 65 (1).
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  32. (1 other version)Why God Did Not Choose All Souls: New Scriptural Evidence.Jeff Grupp - 2020 - Philosophy and Theology 32 (1):93-117.
    An analysis of Scripture uncovers a new model of God’s election and predestination of souls, which fits under the umbrella of the Calvinist theologies, but where this model involves an answer to the long-standing question of why God chose some, rather than all. It will be explored how before souls were elected (or condemned), God looked at them and knew them in a pre-election state, which God used to predestine each soul in physical reality. This analysis reveals why it could (...)
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  33. Sobre la correlación que involucra el aspecto histórico de la escritura y su carácter de Logos entre Kerigma y el proceso de desmitologización en Rudolf Bultmann según Paul Ricoeur.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2021 - Revista Cuestiones Teológicas 48 (110):230-247.
    Al correlacionar el aspecto histórico de la Escritura y su estatus como logos, Rudolf Bultmann introduce un procedimiento exegético-hermenéutico basado en la investigación histórico-crítica de la Escritura e impone, a su vez, la interpretación del logos como kerigma en un proceso que involucra las posibilidades de conocimiento presentes en un determinado contexto histórico-cultural y que conduce a la necesidad de corresponder a la cosmovisión de la época actual. Así, a partir del análisis crítico de Paul Ricoeur, el artículo se centra (...)
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  34. A transformação do sujeito em si mesmo e a fé em Kierkegaard: Abraão, “Pai da Fé” e “Amigo de Deus”, como protótipo de um novo ser e de um novo modo de existência.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2018 - Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Ilhas Maurício: Novas Edições Acadêmicas (OmniScriptum Publishing Group).
    Atribuindo à ironia a possibilidade de exercício da liberdade subjetiva, Kierkegaard sublinha a negatividade absoluta de tal processo em Sócrates, convergindo para assinalar o absoluto e irredutível valor do indivíduo em um movimento que envolve o início absoluto da vida pessoal entre criar-se e deixar-se criar (poeticamente), cuja construção encerra a tensão inaplacável entre existência e transcendência e implica a necessidade de tornar-se subjetivo, haja vista que a verdade consiste na transformação do sujeito em si mesmo entre a vertigem da (...)
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  35. A transformação do sujeito em si mesmo e a fé como relação absoluta com o Absoluto em Kierkegaard: Abraão, “Pai da Fé” e “Amigo de Deus”, como protótipo de um novo ser e de um novo modo de existência.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2019 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: PZP - Politikón Zôon Publicações.
    "Chegaram ao lugar que Deus lhe havia designado; ali edificou Abraão um altar, sobre ele dispôs a lenha, amarrou Isaque, seu filho, e o deitou no altar, em cima da lenha; e, estendendo a mão, tomou o cutelo para imolar o filho. Mas do céu lhe bradou o Anjo do SENHOR: Abraão! Abraão! Ele respondeu: Eis-me aqui! Então, lhe disse: Não estendas a mão sobre o rapaz e nada lhe faças; pois agora sei que temes a Deus, porquanto não me (...)
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  36. Abraão e a fé como relação absoluta com o Absoluto em Kierkegaard: Da angústia fundamental ao desafio do desespero entre o paradoxo absoluto e a paixão infinita da interioridade.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Novas Edições Acadêmicas (OmniScriptum Publishing Group).
    Consistindo em diferentes possibilidades diante da condição trágica da existência, o estético, o ético e o religioso são os modos existenciais em Kierkegaard que trazem como personagens o Poeta, o Herói Trágico e o Cavaleiro da Fé. Se o que perfaz o estético é a fruição do prazer em uma relação baseada na pura imediatez e sedução como esforço de conquista de si mesmo, o ético encerra a harmonização da subjetividade com a generalidade do bem e do mal, convergindo ambos (...)
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  37. The Inference That Makes Science.Ernan McMullin - 1992 - Milwaukee, WI, USA: Marquette University Press.
    Abstract In his Aquinas Lecture 1992 at Marquette University, Ernan McMullin discusses whether there is a pattern of inference that particularly characterizes the sciences of nature. He pursues this theme both on a historical and a systematic level. There is a continuity of concern across the ages that separate the Greek inquiry into nature from our own vastly more complex scientific enterprise. But there is also discontinuity, the abandonment of earlier ideals as unworkable. The natural sciences involve many types of (...)
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  38. Brady on Suffering and Virtue.Christian B. Miller - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):583-591.
  39. Precis of Suffering and Virtue.Michael Brady - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):567-569.
  40. Response to Commentators on Suffering and Virtue.Michael Brady - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):611-623.
  41. How Good is Suffering?: Commentary on Michael S. Brady, Suffering and Virtue.Nancy E. Snow - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):571-582.
  42. O chamado à decisão entre o conhecimento da vontade de Deus e o arrependimento na teologia escatológico-existencial de Bultmann.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Caminhando 25 (3):161-184.
    Se a pregação de Jesus consiste no pressuposto da teologia neotestamentária, segundo o pensamento de Bultmann, a análise do seu conteúdo emerge como fundamental para a compreensão do querigma cristão e da construção literário-teológica da comunidade primitiva. Dessa forma, o artigo se detém na pregação ético-escatológica de Jesus, que anuncia o reino de Deus e o tempo da decisão e o chamado à decisão, que converge para a radicalidade e exige a obediência escatológica enquanto realização da vontade de Deus. Assim, (...)
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  43. A Oração Entre Yahveh e Abba no Monoteísmo Judaico-Cristão: Das práticas mágico-religiosas do politeísmo ao relacionamento pactual do Deus de Abraão, de Isaque e de Jacó.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Novas Edições Acadêmicas (OmniScriptum Publishing Group).
    Sublinhando que a evocação dos acontecimentos que tiveram lugar ab origine convergir, segundo a perspectiva mítico-religiosa, para a manifestação das sagradas, o Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa, baseado no método histórico-comparativo de Mircea Eliade, atribui à prece a condição de suscitar o poder sagrado em um processo capaz de exercer influência sobrenatural e alcançar os recônditos da consciência, como afirma Marcel Mauss. Dessa forma, sobrepondo-se às práticas mágico-religiosas e aos processos litúrgico-rituais do politeísmo, a oração característica do monoteísmo de (...)
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  44. La Prière Entre Yahveh Et Abba Dans Le Monothéisme Judéo-Chrétien: Des pratiques magico-religieuses du polythéisme à la relation pacifique du Dieu d'Abraham, d'Isaac et de Jacob.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Editions Notre Savoir.
    Soulignant que l'évocation des événements qui ont eu lieu ab origine converge, selon la perspective mythique-religieuse, pour la manifestation des forces sacrées, le professeur Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa, s'appuyant sur la méthode historico-comparative de Mircea Eliade, attribue à la prière la condition d'éveiller le pouvoir sacré dans un processus capable d'exercer une influence surnaturelle et d'atteindre les recoins de la conscience, comme l'affirme Marcel Mauss. Ainsi, en superposant les pratiques magico-religieuses et les processus liturgiques-rituels du polythéisme, la prière caractéristique (...)
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  45. Modlitwa Między Jahwe I Abba W Monoteizmie Judeo-Chrześcijańskim: Od magiczno-religijnych praktyk politeizmu do pokojowej relacji Boga Abrahama, Izaaka i Jakuba.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza.
    Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa, opierając się na historiaczno-komparatywnej metodzie Mircea Eliade, przypisuje modlitwie warunek wzbudzenia świętej mocy w procesie zdolnym do wywierania śdwierania nadnaturalnego zakówierania twiero marciano marciano zakówiwieria marciano zakówieria marciano marciano marciano wpływieria marciano mar zdociwier do marciano marciadoci docciwier do mar. W sposób dez, nakładając nd siebie praktyki magiczno-religijne i procesy liturgiczno-krytyczne politeizmu, charakterystyczna dla monoteizmu Izraela Modlitwa, według biblijno-teologicznej perspektywy kombatanckiej, oznacza pokojowy Związek i Sojusz, który angażuje Yahvé i moralne postulaty zawarte w jego atrybutach, (...)
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  46. Het Gebed Tussen Yahveh En Abba In Joods-Christelijke Monotheïsme: Van de magisch-religieuze praktijken van polytheïsme tot de vreedzame relatie van de God van Abraham, Isaak en Jakob.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Uitgeverij Onze Kennis.
    De evocatie van de gebeurtenissen die plaatsvonden ab origine convergeert, volgens het mythisch-religieuze perspectief, voor de manifestatie van de heilige krachten, schrijft Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa, gebaseerd op de historisch-vergelijkende methode van Mircea Eliade, aan het gebed de voorwaarde toe van het opwekken van de heilige kracht in een proces dat in staat is om bovennatuurlijke invloed uit te oefenen en de uitsparingen van het bewustzijn te bereiken, zoals Marcel Mauss stelt. Door de magisch-religieuze praktijken en liturgisch-rituele processen (...)
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  47. Faith and Philosophy: Richard Swinburne and the Analytic Philosophy of Religion – An Interview.Damiano Migliorini - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (4):345-371.
    Richard Swinburne is one of the best-known names in the international philosophical scene. His apologetic project is considered one of the largest and most impactful and profound of the last century. The interview conducted here explores many biographical and theoretical issues (Omniscience, Eternity, God’s existence, Free will, Analogy, Relational ontology and Powers ontology, Soul-Body relation, Trinity, Evil) and it aims to trace a broad (albeit necessarily partial) path through his numerous works. The interview took place in 2016, in Oxford, at (...)
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  48. Emotionale Tiefe und die Spielarten der affektiven Intentionalität: Eine Anwendung auf die Philosophie der Religion.Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran - 2022 - In Moritz von Kalckreuth (ed.), Philosophische Anthropologie und Religion Religiöse Erfahrung, soziokulturelle Praxis und die Frage nach dem Menschen. De Gruyter.
    This paper provides an account on how to understand “emotional depth” and applies it to the particular case of religious experiences. After motivating the topic (section 1), I turn to classical and contemporary approaches to “emotional depth”. I divide these accounts into two main groups depending on whether they interpret depth as a constitutive or a momentary feature of the affective experience. I argue that despite their descriptive power, none of the existing accounts adequately captures the depth of affective religious (...)
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  49. Christianity 101: A Simpler Way Forward.Reid A. Ashbaucher - 2020 - Toledo, OH, USA: Reid Ashbaucher Publications.
    Christianity 101 is a book that provides foundational knowledge about the Christian faith. When learning any new subject, there is a learning curve that can sometimes feel like you are in a maze. Questions arise like, What does that term mean? How does that subject relate to the others, and where do I start in this learning process? Christianity 101 provides a starting place that provides knowledge about terminology and how to understand the foundational teachings of faith in Jesus Christ. (...)
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  50. DAS GEBET ZWISCHEN YAHVEH UND ABBA IM JÜDISCH-CHRISTLICHEN MONOTHEISMUS: Von den magisch-religiösen Praktiken des Polytheismus zur friedlichen Beziehung des Gottes von Abraham, Isaak und Jakob.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Saarbrücken, Alemanha: Verlag Unser Wissen.
    Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa unterstreicht, dass die Evokation der Ereignisse, die ab origine stattgefunden haben, gemäß der mythisch-religiösen Perspektive für die Manifestation der heiligen Kräfte konvergiert. Auf der Grundlage der historisch-komparativen Methode von Mircea Eliade schreibt Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa dem Gebet die Bedingung zu, die heilige Kraft in einem Prozess zu erwecken, der in der Lage ist, einen übernatürlichen Einfluss auszuüben und die Vertiefungen des Bewusstseins zu erreichen, wie Marcel Mauss feststellt. Auf diese Weise überlagert (...)
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