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  1. Prácticas del maestro ignorante. Rancière y la educación para la emancipación.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2023 - In Alba Vico Bosch & Luisa Vega Caro (eds.), Caminando hacia la innovación en educación: de la teoría a la práctica. Dykinson. pp. 476-491.
    Quien enseña sin emancipar no solo embrutece, predicaba Joseph Jacotot, sino que también adoctrina. Pasado un siglo y medio desde entonces, el filósofo y esteta francés emérito de la Universidad de París VIII y European Graduate School Jacques Rancière, en un ejercicio característico de la filosofía de la educación, publica en 1987 El maestro ignorante a partir de la experiencia de Jacotot. A lo largo de su vida y producción literaria, Rancière reflexiona concienzudamente sobre la naturaleza del proceso de enseñanza (...)
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  2. Isonousía y pereza en el pensamiento de Jacques Rancière.Raquel Ferrández Formoso - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2020 (80):109-124.
    La pedagogía es un tema crucial en el pensamiento de Rancière y juega un rol principal en su obra El maestro ignorante, texto que el presente escrito analiza y cuestiona. Su propuesta emancipadora establece como punto de partida una igualdad de inteligencias que en este escrito hemos denominado «isonousía», y según nuestra hipótesis, esta igualdad lleva aparejada una desigualdad de las voluntades (anisothelema). En consecuencia, la propuesta de Rancière no altera en absoluto “el orden explicador” que denuncia, pues el maestro (...)
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  3. How to Fix Education: A Handbook for Direct Action.Glenn Wallis - 2020 - New York City: Warbler Press.
    What concrete actions might a change-minded teacher take? This is the question driving How to Fix Education. -/- An uncanny anticipation fills the halls of American higher education today. It is the sense that a reckoning is coming. Whether it is the case that higher education is in the teeth of a catastrophic crisis or only headed in that direction, many college professors, administrators, and students can no longer stave off their suspicion that something is seriously amiss. -/- In How (...)
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  4. Psycho-politicising educational subjectivity: A posthumanist consideration of Rancière and Lacan.Sajad Kabgani, Richard Niesche & Kalervo N. Gulson - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (13):1259-1270.
    Drawing on the aesthetic theory of Jacques Rancière and the Lacanian conception of lack, this paper offers an intervention into the notion of subjectivity which can be applied in critical studies of education. Critiquing the progressive and knowledge-oriented ideology of neoliberal systems, Rancière depicts a world in which politics turns out to delimit the subject’s perceptual experience and in this way, argues that what remains out of this ideological demarcation is susceptible to a challenge of the social order on which (...)
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  5. The Ingnorant Schoolmaster as Example - Jacques Rancière: From Practice to Principle [De onwetende meester als voorbeeld - Jacques Rancière: van praktijk naar principe].Martijn Boven - 2017 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 3 (57):6-15.
    Is the primary function of an educator to elucidate and convey their own knowledge? French philosopher Jacques Rancière demonstrates that an incidental experiment by Joseph Jacotot presents an alternative paradigm: the ignorant schoolmaster. In his work The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation [Le maître ignorant: cinq leçons sur l'émancipation intellectuelle], Rancière posits that the ignorant schoolmaster is equally, if not more, capable of instructing students compared to the knowledgeable educator. Rancière examines two educational methodologies: the conventional approach of (...)
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  6. The Notion of Pedagogical Authority in the Community of Inquiry.Peter Paul E. Elicor - 2017 - Kritike 11 (2):80-92.
    This article explores the notion of pedagogical authority as exercised in the Community of Inquiry, the method for facilitating Philosophy for Children (P4C). It argues that the teachers’ pedagogical authority in a Community of Inquiry is not predicated on their intellectual superiority or status. Rather it finds its legitimacy in their role as instigators of students’ thinking skills, which are assumed to be already possessed by the learners. This thesis is discussed in relation to Rancière’s concept of the dissociation of (...)
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  7. Teaching as Attention Formation : A Relational Approach to Teaching and Attention.Rytzler Johannes - 2017 - Dissertation, Mälardalen University
    The purpose of the thesis is to put forth and explore a notion of teaching as a practice of attention formation. Drawing on educational philosophy and the Didaktik/Pädagogik-traditions, teaching is explored as a relational and lived-though practice that can promote, form, and share attention. In the context of teaching, attention is connected to the acts of showing and observing. As such, teaching can be seen as a complex of relations that emerges through the intersection of the intentions of the one (...)
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  8. Political and Aesthetic Equality in the Work of Jacques Rancière: Applying his Writing to Debates in Education and the Arts.Mcdonnell Jane - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (2):387-400.
    This paper draws on insights from Jacques Rancière's writing on politics and aesthetics to offer new perspectives on debates in education and the arts. The paper addresses three debates in turn; the place of contemporary art in schools and gallery education, the role of art in democratic education and the blurring of boundaries between participatory art and community education. I argue that Rancière's work helps to illuminate some essentialist assumptions behind dichotomous arguments about contemporary art in the classroom—both over-hyped claims (...)
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  9. Re‐envisioning Human Rights in the Light of Arendt and Rancière: Towards an Agonistic Account of Human Rights Education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (4):709-724.
    This article takes up Arendt's ‘aporetic’ framing of human rights as well as Rancière's critique and suggests that reading them together may offer a way to re-envision human rights and human rights education —not only because they make visible the perplexities of human rights, but also in that they call for an agonistic understanding of rights; namely, the possibility to make new and plural political and ethical claims about human rights as practices that can be evaluated critically rather than taken (...)
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  10. Untology.Éamonn Dunne - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (4):571-588.
    What does it mean to be un? This is not my question; it’s Jacques Rancière’s. In what follows I assign myself the simple task of explaining this turbulent little prefix and of recounting what this un connotes in Jacques Rancière’s work. More specifically, I tease out what it means in view of his prodigious writings on the politics and practice of education, of what it means to teach, to learn, and to fail to do either, of the aftermath of knowing (...)
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  11. Rhetoric, Poetics, and Jacques Rancière's The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation.Joshua P. Ewalt - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (1):26-48.
    I like punk rock. I like girls with weird eyes. I like drugs but my body and mind won’t allow me to take them. I like passion. I like things that are built well. I like innocence. I like and am grateful for the blue collar worker whos existence allows Artists to not have to work at menial jobs. I like killing gluttony. I like playing my cards wrong. I like various styles of music. I like making fun of musicians (...)
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  12. De maestros y poetas. Educación y arte en Nietzsche y Rancière.Leonardo Javier Colella - 2014 - Educação E Filosofia 28 (56):827-840.
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  13. Reimagining the Role of Art in the Relationship between Democracy and Education.Jane McDonnell - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (1):1-13.
    Increased attention to the relationship between democracy and education in the UK has been accompanied over the past thirteen years by an interest in how art can be used to promote democratic citizenship.While this approach has led to increased funding for the arts, it is not without its problems,and has often entailed an apolitical and instrumentalist view of both art and education. This paper turns to the political philosophy of Mouffe and Rancière, the work of Rancière in aesthetics, and Biesta’s (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Highlighting the Importance of Education and Work in Rancière. An Encounter with: Jean-Philippe Deranty and Alison Ross (eds), Jacques Rancière and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality.Adam Burgos - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (1):297-310.
  15. Jacques Rancière’s Lesson on the Lesson.Samuel A. Chambers - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):637-646.
    This article examines the significance of Jacques Rancière’s work on pedagogy, and argues that to make sense of Rancière’s ‘lesson on the lesson’ one must do more but also less than merely explicate Rancière’s texts. It steadfastly refuses to draw out the lessons of Rancière’s writings in the manner of a series of morals, precepts or rules. Rather, it is committed to thinking through the ‘lessons’ of Rancière in another sense. Above all, Rancière wants to ‘teach’ his readers something absolutely (...)
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  16. Ranciere Now.Oliver Davis - 2013 - Polity.
    The French philosopher Jacques Rancière is well known across the world for his groundbreaking contributions to aesthetic and political theory and for his radical rethinking of the question of equality. This much-needed new collection situates Rancière's thought in a range of practical and theoretical contexts. These specially commissioned essays cover the complete history of Rancière's work and reflect its interdisciplinary reach. They span his early historical research of the 1960s and '70s, his celebrated critique of pedagogy and his later political (...)
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  17. Jacques Rancière's Aesthetic Regime and Democratic Education.Tyson E. Lewis - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (2):49-70.
    In the novel The City and the City, by China Mieville, the reader follows the Kafkaesque journey of Inspector Tyador Borlu through a labyrinthian political conspiracy set in two politically autonomous yet territorially overlapping cities: Beszel and Ul Qoma. Although “grosstopically” interwoven like topographic doppelgangers, the two cities are perceived as distinct political and cultural territories. Even as citizens from the two cities intermingle on divided streets, live in buildings where different floors exist in different cities, and children climb on (...)
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  18. Jacques Rancière and the Contemporary Scene. The Philosophy of Radical Equality, ed. by Jean‐Philippe Deranty and Alison Ross. London and New York, Continuum 2012. [REVIEW]Ruth Sonderegger - 2013 - Constellations 20 (2):365-367.
  19. Of Slumdogs and Schoolmasters: Jacotot, Rancière and Mitra on self-organized learning.Richard Stamp - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (6):647-662.
    This article argues that the concept and practice of ‘self-organized learning’, as pioneered by Sugata Mitra (and his team) in the ‘Hole-in-the-Wall’ experiments (1999–2005) that inspired the novel Q & A (2006) and the resulting movie, Slumdog millionaire (2008) bear direct, but not uncritical comparison with Jacques Rancière’s account of ‘universal teaching’ discovered by maverick nineteenth century French pedagogue Joseph Jacotot. In both cases, it is argued, there is a deliberate dissociation of two functions of ‘teaching’ that are often conflated: (...)
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  20. Alphabetization as Emancipatory Practice: Freire, Rancière, and Critical Pedagogy.Joris Vlieghe - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:185-193.
  21. Response to Caroline Pelletier’s Review of Jacques Rancière: Education, Truth, Emancipation.Gert Biesta & Charles Bingham - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (6):621-623.
  22. Scenes of Aesthetic Education: Rancière, Oedipus, and Notre Musique.Arne de Boever - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (3):69-82.
    In an interview titled “The Janus-Face of Politicized Art,” Gabriel Rockhill notes that Jacques Rancière’s methodology “[calls] into question the symptomatology that attempts to unveil the truth hidden behind the obscure surface of appearances.”1 But how does Rancière himself avoid “this logic of the hidden and the apparent”? How does Rancière himself describe his own methodology? Rancière’s answer to Rockhill provides some more information: I always try to think in terms of horizontal distributions, combinations between systems of possibilities, not in (...)
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  23. Jacques Ranciere and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Alison Ross (eds.) - 2012 - London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
    The book forms the first critical study of Jacques Rancière’s impact and contribution to contemporary theoreticaland interdisciplinary studies. It showcases the work of leading scholars infields such as political theory, history and aesthetic theory; each of whom areuniquely situated to engage with the novelty of Rancière’s thinking withintheir respective fields. Each of the essays provides aninvestigation into the critical stance Rancière takes towards hiscontemporaries, concentrating on the versatile application of his thought todiverse fields of study. The aim ofthis collection is (...)
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  24. Jacques Ranciere and the contemporary scene: The evidence of equality and the practice of writing.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Alison Ross - 2012 - In Jean-Philippe Deranty & Alison Ross (eds.), Jacques Ranciere and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. pp. 1-13.
  25. Reconsidering emancipatory education: Staging a conversation between Paulo Freire and Jacques Rancière.Sarah Galloway - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (2):163-184.
    In this essay Sarah Galloway considers emancipation as a purpose for education through examining the theories of Paulo Freire and Jacques Rancière. Both theorists are concerned with the prospect of distinguishing between education that might socialize people into what is taken to be an inherently oppressive society and education with emancipation as its purpose. Galloway reconstructs the theories in parallel, examining the assumptions made, the processes of oppression described, and the movements to emancipation depicted. In so doing, she argues that (...)
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  26. Theory and Texts of Educational Policy: Possibilities and Constraints. [REVIEW]Teresa N. R. Gonçalves, Elisabete Xavier Gomes, Mariana Gaio Alves & Nair Rios Azevedo - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):275-288.
    In our paper we aim at reflecting upon the extent to which educational theory may be used as a framework in the analysis of policy documents. As policy texts are ‘heteroglossic in character’ (Lingard and Ozga, in The Routledge Falmer reader in education policy and politics, Routledge, London and New York, 2007 , p. 2) and create “circumstances in which the range of options available in deciding what to do are narrowed or changed” (Ball in, Education policy and social class: (...)
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  27. Redistributing the sensory : the critical pedagogy of Jacques Rancière.Cath Lambert - 2012 - Critical Studies in Education 53 (2):211-227.
    Jacques Rancière remains neglected within educational debates. In this paper I examine the potential of his philosophies for enacting critical interventions in relation to contemporary educational concerns. Rancière argues against the progressive temporality of pedagogic relations and provides an alternative thesis that equality is a point of departure for social and pedagogic encounters. He also emphasises the importance of aesthetics and the ‘distribution of the sensible’ as a mechanism for understanding who is un/able to be seen, speak and produce knowledge. (...)
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  28. Initiating 'The Methodology of Jacques Rancière': How Does it All Start?Duncan P. Mercieca - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (4):407-417.
    Educationalists are currently engaging with Jacques Rancière’s thought on emancipation and equality. The focus of this paper is on what initiates the process that starts emancipation. With reference to teachers the question is: how do teachers become emancipated? This paper discusses how the teacher’s life is made ‘sensible’ and how sense is distributed in her life. Two stories are taken from Rancière’s own work, that of Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Jacotot, that give us an indication of the initiation process of (...)
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  29. Learning to trust our students.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (2):149-161.
    Thayer-Bacon uses this opportunity to further explore Rancière's ideas concerning equality as described in The Ignorant Schoolmaster and their connection to democracy, as he explains in Hatred of Democracy. For Rancière, intelligence and equality are synonymous terms, just as reason and will are synonymous terms. Rancière recommends the only way to really teach a student is by viewing the student as an equal. Thayer-Bacon learned to view students as equals through her experience as a Montessori teacher, and so she brings (...)
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  30. The Ignorant Citizen: Mouffe, Rancière, and the Subject of Democratic Education.Gert Biesta - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):141-153.
    Much work in the field of education for democratic citizenship is based on the idea that it is possible to know what a good citizen is, so that the task of citizenship education becomes that of the production of the good citizen. In this paper I ask whether and to what extent we can and should understand democratic citizenship as a positive identity. I approach this question by means of an exploration of four dimensions of democratic politics—the political community, the (...)
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  31. Childhood, Education and Philosophy: Notes on Deterritorialisation.Walter Omar Kohan - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):339-357.
    This paper aims to argue how education might be considered and practised if not under the logic of the formation of childhood. As such, it puts into question the traditional way of considering children as representing adults’ opportunity to impose their own ideals, and considering education to be an appropriate instrument for such an end. More specifically, it considers how the purposes of practising philosophy with children might be affirmed as other than in the service of the social and political (...)
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  32. Aesthetics, Affect, and Educational Politics.Alex Means - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1088-1102.
    This essay explores aesthetics, affect, and educational politics through the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Rancière. It contextualizes and contrasts the theoretical valences of their ethical and democratic projects through their shared critique of Kant. It then puts Rancière's notion of dissensus to work by exploring it in relation to a social movement and hunger strike organized for educational justice in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood. This serves as a context for understanding how educational provisions are linked to the aesthetic (...)
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  33. DOSSIER-The Althusser-Rancière Controversy-Introduction to Althusser's' Student Problems'.Warren Montag - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 170:8.
  34. Review of Charles Bingham and Gert Biesta, Jacques Rancière: Education, Truth, Emancipation: Continuum, 2010. [REVIEW]Caroline Pelletier - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (6):613-619.
  35. What I Talk About When I Talk About Teaching and Learning.Carl Anders Säfström - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):485-489.
    In this text I discuss two events in which I learned something important about life and about education in order to formulate in a precise manner two propositions for my pedagogical creed. In focus for both are the interrelatedness of theory and life. The stories are told through the lenses of Emmanuel Levinas’s and Jacques Rancière’s thinking, but the stories also are shown to be essential in my understanding of their thinking. The first story is about learning ethics as a (...)
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  36. Rancire, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein (eds.) - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy_ introduces the political and educational ideas of Jacques Rancière, a leading philosopher increasingly important in educational theory. In light of his ideas, the volume explores the current concern for democracy and equality in relation to education. The book introduces and discusses the works of Jacques Rancière, a leading philosopher increasingly important in the field of educational theory and philosophy The volume will have a broad appeal to those in the field of education (...)
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  37. Restaging Ranciere: New Scenes of Equality and Democracy in Education.Meredith Whittaker - 2011 - Dissertation, Proquest
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  38. (1 other version)Militants of Truth, Communities of Equality: Badiou and the ignorant schoolmaster.Charles Andrew Barbour - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):251-263.
    Badiou's philosophy of the ‘event’ has itself become an event of sorts for contemporary social and political theory. It has broken radically with a set of propositions concerning the operation of power, the status of knowledge, and the possibility of action that were for some time considered nearly unquestionable, in many ways defining what Badiou might call ‘the state of the situation’. After briefly outlining the manner in which Badiou's reinvigoration of the concept of ‘truth’ constitutes a serious challenge for (...)
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  39. Learner, Student, Speaker: Why it matters how we call those we teach.Gert Biesta - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):540-552.
    In this paper I discuss three different ways in which we can refer to those we teach: as learner, as student or as speaker. My interest is not in any aspect of teaching but in the question whether there can be such a thing as emancipatory education. Working with ideas from Jacques Rancière I offer the suggestion that emancipatory education can be characterised as education which starts from the assumption that all students can speak. It starts from the assumption, in (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Settling no Conflict in the Public Place: Truth in education, and in Rancièrean scholarship.Charles Bingham - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):649-665.
    This essay offers an educational understanding of truth deriving from the work of Jacques Rancière. Unlike other educational accounts—the traditional, progressive, and critical accounts—of truth that take education as a way of approaching pre‐existing truths (or lack of pre‐existing truths), this essay establishes an account of truth that is intrinsic to education. It uses Rancière's language theory to do so, showing that Rancière's own perspective on truth is in fact opposed to the one so often promoted in and through education. (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The Public Role of Teaching: To keep the door closed.Goele Cornelissen - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):523-539.
    In this article, I turn my attention to the figure of the ignorant master, Joseph Jacotot, that is depicted in The Ignorant Schoolmaster. Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation (1991). I will show that the voice of Jacotot can actually be read as a reaction against the progressive figure of the teacher which, following Rancière's view, can be seen as effecting a stultification. In some respects, however, Rancière's analysis of the pedagogical order no longer seems to be valid in today's partly (...)
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  42. Democratic Education: An possibility that yet remains to come.Bryn Jaastad Daniel Friedrich - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):571-587.
    Efforts to develop democratic schools have moved along particular rules and standards of ‘reasoning’ even when expressed through different ideological and paradigmatic lines. From attempts to make a democratic education to critical pedagogy, different approaches overlap in their historical construction of the reason of schooling: designing society by designing the child. These approaches to democracy make inequality into the premise of equality, assuming a consensual partition of the world and the need for specific agents to monitor partitioned boundaries, thus reinserting (...)
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  43. Jacques Rancire.Oliver Davis - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This book is a critical introduction to contemporary French philosopher Jacques Rancière. It is the first introduction in any language to cover all of his major work and offers an accessible presentation and searching evaluation of his significant contributions to the fields of politics, pedagogy, history, literature, film theory and aesthetics. This book traces the emergence of Rancière’s thought over the last forty-five years and situates it in the diverse intellectual contexts in which it intervenes. Beginning with his egalitarian critique (...)
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  44. Jacques Ranciere: Key Concepts.Jean-Philippe Deranty (ed.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Although relatively unknown a decade ago, the work of Jacques Ranciere is fast becoming a central reference in the humanities and social sciences. His thinking brings a fresh, innovative approach to many fields, notably the study of work, education, politics, literature, film, art, as well as philosophy. This is the first, full-length introduction to Ranciere's work and covers the full range of his contribution to contemporary thought, presenting in clear, succinct chapters the key concepts Ranciere has developed in his writings (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Democratic Education: An (im)possibility that yet remains to come.Daniel Friedrich, Bryn Jaastad & Thomas S. Popkewitz - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):571-587.
    Efforts to develop democratic schools have moved along particular rules and standards of ‘reasoning’ even when expressed through different ideological and paradigmatic lines. From attempts to make a democratic education to critical pedagogy, different approaches overlap in their historical construction of the reason of schooling: designing society by designing the child. These approaches to democracy make inequality into the premise of equality, assuming a consensual partition of the world and the need for specific agents to monitor partitioned boundaries, thus reinserting (...)
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  46. Visual art and education in an era of designer capitalism: deconstructing the oral eye.Jan Jagodzinski - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The oral eye is a metaphor for the dominance of global designer capitalism. It refers to the consumerism of a designer aesthetic by the 'I' of the neoliberalist subject, as well as the aural soundscapes that accompany the hegemony of the capturing attention through screen cultures. An attempt is made to articulate the historical emergence of such a synoptic machinic regime drawing on Badiou, Bellmer, Deleuze, Guattari, Lacan, Rancir̈e, Virilio, Ziarek, and Zizek to explore contemporary art (post-Situationism) and visual cultural (...)
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  47. The Hatred of Public Schooling: The school as the mark of democracy.Maarten Simons Jan Masschelein - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5):666-682.
    This article takes up a text that Rancière published shortly after The Ignorant School Master appeared in French, ‘École, production, égalité’[School, Production, Equality] (1988), in which he sketched the school as being preeminently the place of equality. In this vein, and opposed to the story of the school as the place where inequality is reproduced and therefore in need of reform, the article wants to recount the story of the school as the invention of a site of equality and as (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Endgame: Reading, writing, talking (and perhaps thinking) in a faculty of education.Jorge Larrosa - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):683-703.
    The article offers a conversation with the ghost of the madman ‘Jacotot/rancière’: one of the possible dialogues between the ignorant schoolmaster and my own perplexities in what I feel to be an endgame. Is there any point at the present time, in the declining mercantilist university, in pondering once again the issue of the place of philosophy in institutions responsible for training people who will work in the sphere of education? ‘We’ knew the old words, so the article goes, but (...)
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  49. The Future of the Image in Critical Pedagogy.Tyson E. Lewis - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (1):37-51.
    Although there is ample interrogation of advertising/commercial/media culture in critical pedagogy, there is little attention paid to the fine arts and to aesthetic experience. This lacuna is all the more perplexing given Paulo Freire’s use of artist Francisco Brenand’s illustrations for his culture circles. In this essay I will return to Freire’s original description of the relationship between fine art images and conscientizacao in order to map out the future of the image in critical pedagogy. This return to the origin (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Paulo Freire's Last Laugh: Rethinking critical pedagogy's funny bone through Jacques Rancière.Tyson Edward Lewis - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):635-648.
    In several enigmatic passages, Paulo Freire describes the pedagogy of the oppressed as a ‘pedagogy of laughter’. The inclusion of laughter alongside problem‐posing dialogue might strike some as ambiguous, considering that the global exploitation of the poor is no laughing matter. And yet, laughter seems to be an important aspect of the pedagogy of the oppressed. In this paper, I examine the role of laughter in Freire's critical pedagogy through a series of questions: Are all forms of laughter equally emancipatory? (...)
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