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  1. Anthropocide: An Essay in Green Cultural Criminology.Rafe McGregor - forthcoming - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Through an examination of Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men, this book demonstrates the ability of cinematic fictions, and other complex narrative fictions, to contribute to meeting the climate challenge by shaping the desires of audiences. -/- What if there was a single feature film that showed us everything we need to know about climate catastrophe culture? What if that same film also made the philosophies of Slavoj Žižek, Mark Fisher, Francis Fukuyama, and Fredric Jameson accessible? Identifying the climate challenge as (...)
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  2. Empowering Young Voices through Performance Poetry.Karen Simecek, Andrew Cooper & Christopher Earley - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    In this paper we examine the potential of writing and performing poetry to empower young people from marginalized backgrounds to participate in the political life of their communities. Our method combines philosophical analysis with the design and implementation of a poetry workshop in Coventry. Drawing on Cavell’s notion of ‘acknowledgement’, we begin with a philosophical account of the pedagogy that informed the workshop’s design. We then explore how this account informed implementation of the workshop. Finally, we present the results. To (...)
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  3. Bolzano - Essays on Beauty & the Arts. [REVIEW]K. Chan - 2025 - British Journal of Aesthetics:1-4.
    In Essays on Beauty & the Arts (2023) (‘Essays’), Dominic McIver Lopes has unearthed something of a champion for his ongoing mission to rejuvenate analytic aesthetics. ‘The history of analytic aesthetics’, Lopes declares, ‘is dominated by writing on Kant and, to a lesser extent, David Hume. … We badly need to excavate alternatives to the tradition of Hume and Kant’ (p. xvi). As tall of an order this already is, the height of Lopes’s hopes for Bolzano appears to reach further (...)
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  4. Appreciating Taylor’s Versions: An Aesthetic Love Story.Irene Martínez Marín - 2025 - In Brandon Polite (ed.), Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions. Bloomsbury.
    Internal coherence is of great importance for how we think about appreciating objects of aesthetic worth. A disagreement between what we judge to be worthy and what we affectively favor can prevent us from properly grasping its value. However, it is also assumed in the aesthetic domain that our taste changes over time, jeopardising such coherence constraint. These changes can lead to a mismatch between new aesthetic judgments and old aesthetic preferences. This chapter explores a number of issues that emerge (...)
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  5. Aesthetic Values, Ethics and Education.Anja Andriamasy & Ignace Haaz (eds.) - 2024 - Geneva: Globethics Publications.
    This work by fourteen authors, on the topic of aesthetic values, ethics, and education, gathers contributors from diverse backgrounds. University professors, theologians, international practitioners, music performers, and literary artists from different continents, i.e. Africa, Asia, and Europe, explore the profound intersection between intercultural and universal values, ethical considerations, and education through arts. The book presents essays and poems addressing the value and role of arts in challenging cultural and societal norms to nurture reasoning and social responsibility, and ultimately to promote (...)
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  6. Towards a Theory of the Imaginative Dialogue: Four Dialogical Principles.Martijn Boven - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (6):653–672.
    This paper seeks to initiate a theory of “imaginative dialogues” by articulating four dialogical principles that enable such a dialogue to occur. It is part of a larger project that takes the Socratic dialogue, a widely utilized conversation technique in philosophy education, as a starting point and aims to reinterpret it by shifting emphasis to the pre-reflective, pre-linguistic, and multimodal aspects of dialogues, involving both their verbal and embodied dimensions. To integrate the verbal dimensions of a dialogue with its more (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Objectionable Commemorations, Historical Value, and Repudiatory Honouring.Ten-Herng Lai - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):37-47.
    Many have argued that certain statues or monuments are objectionable, and thus ought to be removed. Even if their arguments are compelling, a major obstacle is the apparent historical value of those commemorations. Preservation in some form seems to be the best way to respect the value of commemorations as connections to the past or opportunities to learn important historical lessons. Against this, I argue that we have exaggerated the historical value of objectionable commemorations. Sometimes commemorations connect to biased or (...)
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  8. Educating Character through the Arts. Edited By Laura D’olimpio, Panos Paris, and Aidan P Thompson. [REVIEW]Irene Martínez Marín - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):1049-1052.
  9. Aesthetic Education: A Perceptual-Cognitive Model.Ted Nannicelli - 2024 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 20 (2):283-305.
    Here is a puzzle about aesthetic education. In a variety of contexts, we commit significant time, energy, and resources to aesthetic education. We teach (and in many cases publicly subsidize) university courses and degrees that have aesthetic education as their primary aim; we also invest public resources into museums, including enrichment programs that are also designed to afford aesthetic education. It would seem that if our commitment to aesthetic education is rational, then aesthetic appreciation is something that can be done (...)
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  10. Interpret*innenkammer – Polyphone Werkstatt. Sound, Performance & Konzept.Raphael Sbrzesny (ed.) - 2024 - Berlin: Distanz Verlag.
    Die Hochschule für Künste Bremen (HfK) gehört zu den wenigen Kunsthochschulen in Deutschland, die die Fachbereiche Musik, Kunst und Design unter einem Dach vereint. 2018 richtete die HfK Bremen eine bundesweit einzigartige Professur ein, die an der Schnittstelle dieser Fachbereiche angesiedelt ist. In diesem Rahmen entstand der durch den bildenden Künstler, Performer und Musiker Raphael Sbrzesny initiierte fachübergreifende Laborraum, die „Interpret*innenkammer“, der die Qualitäten einer Probebühne, eines Proberaums und eines Ateliers in sich vereint. Über fünf Jahre und in rund 50 (...)
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  11. Schiller’s Dancing Vanguard: From Grace and Dignity to Utopian Freedom.Joshua M. Hall - 2023 - Idealistic Studies 53 (1):1-21.
    Against caricatures of the poet-philosopher Friedrich Schiller as an unoriginal popularizer of Kant, or a forerunner of totalitarianism, Frederick Beiser reinterprets him as an innovative, classical republican, broadening his analysis to include Schiller’s poetry, plays, and essays not widely available in English translation, such as the remarkable essay, “On Grace and Dignity.” In that spirit, the present article argues that the latter text, misperceived by Anglophone critics as self-contradictory, is better understood as centering on gender and dance. In brief, grace (...)
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  12. How Dance Can Promote Justice and Well-Being.Deepa Kansra - 2023 - Psychology Today Blog.
    Justice for painful experiences or human rights violations is pursued in many forms. In furtherance of justice, individuals and communities adopt creative and meaningful ways to express their pain, heal, and become more resilient. One such practice is dance—an arts-based solution with both therapeutic value and the power to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Dance has been described as a much-needed “solution to the problems of the world”, and “an important player in countering tyranny [that] helps heal the wounds (...)
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  13. Violence Is a Cleansing Force: Frantz Fanon, the Criminological Imagination, and Blade Runner 2049.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):69-86.
    Abstract:Frantz Fanon is best known as the author of two monographs: Black Skin, White Masks (1952), a literary and psychological account of Black experience and anti-Black racism, and The Wretched of the Earth (1961), a political manifesto arguing for the need to respond to colonial oppression with revolutionary violence. His critics contend that the disciplinary division evinces a failure to successfully integrate the psychological with the political, which detracts from his intellectual legacy. In this article, I employ criminologist Jon Frauley’s (...)
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  14. Introduction: Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):1-11.
    Abstract:The purpose of this introduction is to set out the scope and content of this special issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education, which takes Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art as its subject. I begin by delineating the “aesthetic” itself and then identifying the denotation of “aesthetic education” with which the issue’s authors are concerned. This is followed by a characterization of “narrative art” that belies my preference for representation rather than art and draws attention to the multiple modes of (...)
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  15. النظام التربوي المغربي في أفق تجديد الممارسات المهنية.التقديم.الصديق الصادقي العماري, سعاد اليوسفي & و آخرون - 2023 - In الصديق الصادقي العماري, Seddik Sadiki Amari, سعاد اليوسفي & و آخرون (eds.), النظام التربوي المغربي في أفق تجديد الممارسات المهنية. maroc المغرب .Errachidia الرشيدية: Editions Revue Brochures Educatives منشورات مجلة كراسات تربوية، (سلسلة ''كتب جماعية'' رقم 01). pp. 8-13.
    شهد قطاع التعليم المغربي عدة تغييرات شملت مجالات متنوعة إن على مستوى المنهاج أو إصلاح الفضاءات التعليمية أو تكوين المدرسين. ولعل مردّ ذلك هو الانفجار المعرفيّ المتزايد، والمكانة المتميّزة للتّربية والتّعليم، واهتمامات الدولة التي أصبحت مركزة على الظواهر المدرسية وفي علاقتها بتغيير المجتمع وارتباطها بالأسرة والمحيط، وتأثرها بالمرجعية الثقافية والدينية، وتفاعلها مع الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية انطلاقا من التيمات الكبرى التي أُنتِجت حول المدرسة من قبيل تصرفات المتعلم وسلوكياته داخل المدرسة، وعلاقات المدرسة بالآباء، وظاهرة العنف، والهدر المدرسي، ودراسة العلاقات التربوية، والأدوار (...)
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  16. إشكالية حضور المتعلم المغربي في بيداغوجيا الكفايات.سليمان لمراني علوي - 2023 - In الصديق الصادقي العماري, Seddik Sadiki Amari, سعاد اليوسفي & و آخرون (eds.), النظام التربوي المغربي في أفق تجديد الممارسات المهنية. maroc المغرب .Errachidia الرشيدية: Editions Revue Brochures Educatives منشورات مجلة كراسات تربوية، (سلسلة ''كتب جماعية'' رقم 01). pp. 29-41.
    ملخص: نروم في هذه الورقة البحثية أن نطرح إشكالية حضور المتعلم المغربي في بيداغوجيا الكفايات التي ناد بها النظام التربوي في ظل المشاكل التي تتخبط فيها المنظومة التعليمية التعلمية في بلادنا، ومسايرة لها للإصلاحات التي مست هذا القطاع، إيمانا منه أنها الحل الذي سينقد المدرسة المغربية من التراجع الملحوظ رغم العديد من الإصلاحات التي طالت التعليم وصولا إلى قانون الإطار لسنة 2019، وبحثا عن تحقيق الجودة، وتجاوز بيداغوجيا الأهداف التي تعتمد التلقين والحفظ والاسترجاع للمعرفة المتعلمة، لكن من خلال ما نلحظه (...)
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  17. مجلة كراسات تربوية. العدد 10. أبريل 2023.مجموعة من المؤلفين & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2023 - maroc المغرب. Rabat الرباط: ROA PRINT مطبعة رؤى برينت. Edited by الصديق الصادقي العماري.
    ....تقديم: ..الصديق الصادقي العماري.. ...المدير ورئيس التحرير... إن واقعا بشريا يعيش تحديات ورهانات على مستوى المعرفة والعلم وعلاقتهما بمهننة التربية والعدالة الاجتماعية، إن على المستوى الاقتصادي أو فرص الحياة وأنماطها، لا يمكن تدبيره إلا في إطار جو ديمقراطي يتم فيه تدبير الشأن العام والبحث عن تحقيق الخير الأسمى للجميع بحرية وحوار ومشاركة عقلانية، وذلك من خلال استخلاص القيم والخصوصيات الضامنة للوحدة والهوية وتحليل الواقع، عبر التعامل النقدي مع المطالب الآنية في ظل إكراهات الواقع المحلي والدولي، واستشراف المستقبل، وذلك بالبحث عن (...)
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  18. On the Educational Significance and Value of Visual Arts.David Carr - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (2):1-22.
    There can be little doubt, from the enduring contemporary popularity of art galleries and museums, that such visual arts as painting and sculpture are sources of perceptual and emotional satisfaction and pleasure to a large viewing public. Still, given the contemporary unfamiliarity of much of the subject matter of past art and the absence of any clearly comprehensible subject matter in much modern (abstract and other) art, it may be less clear what younger or older viewers might come to learn (...)
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  19. Art Education and the Investment of Attention.David Fenner - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (2):23-36.
    This paper is written for students of art and for teachers who are working to introduce students to art. It offers a practical answer to a practical question: how much time and attention should be directed toward a work of art that does not seem to be rewarding such an investment before deciding to give up and/or move on to an investment of time and attention in a different work of art? Reductionist tests such as “After fifteen minutes in a (...)
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  20. Educazione ambientale ed estetica quotidiana: una riflessione filosofica.Andrea Fiore - 2022 - In Giovani, educazione ed ecologia. Atti del seminario di studio - rivista Orientamenti Pedagogici. Roma: LAS. pp. 103-110.
    This paper aims to suggest some philosophical hints for an environmental education inspired by everyday aesthetics, a comparatively recent research field with many educational and ecological implications. Starting from the definition of everyday aesthetics, the discourse lingers on the connections between everyday aesthetics and education to finally come to the notion of “de-familiarization of familiar”, useful to dismantle the relation human being-environment in order to reconstruct it within a sustainable horizon. -/- Questo contributo intende offrire alcuni spunti filosofici per un’educazione (...)
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  21. Educazione ambientale ed estetica quotidiana: una riflessione filosofica.Andrea Fiore - 2022 - In Giovani, educazione ed ecologia. Atti del seminario di studio - rivista Orientamenti Pedagogici. Roma: LAS. pp. 103-110.
    This paper aims to suggest some philosophical hints for an environmental education inspired by everyday aesthetics, a comparatively recent research field with many educational and ecological implications. Starting from the definition of everyday aesthetics, the discourse lingers on the connections between everyday aesthetics and education to finally come to the notion of “de-familiarization of familiar”, useful to dismantle the relation human being-environment in order to reconstruct it within a sustainable horizon. -/- Questo contributo intende offrire alcuni spunti filosofici per un’educazione (...)
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  22. Giovani, educazione ed ecologia. Atti del seminario di studio - rivista Orientamenti Pedagogici.Andrea Fiore (ed.) - 2022 - Roma: LAS.
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  23. Aesthetic Humility: A Kantian Model.Samantha Matherne - 2022 - Mind 132 (526):452-478.
    Unlike its moral and intellectual counterparts, the virtue of aesthetic humility has been widely neglected. In order to begin filling in this gap, I argue that Kant’s aesthetics is a promising resource for developing a model of aesthetic humility. Initially, however, this may seem like an unpromising starting point as Kant’s aesthetics might appear to promote aesthetic arrogance instead. In spite of this prima facie worry, I claim that Kant’s aesthetics provides an illuminating model of aesthetic humility that sheds light (...)
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  24. Reading Ideas in Victorian Literature: Literary Content as Artistic Experience.Rafe McGregor - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (4):708-711.
    Patrick Fessenbecker is Assistant Professor in Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas at Bilkent University in Ankara. Reading Ideas in Victorian Literature is his first monograph and constitutes a substantial development of the argument he introduced in ‘In Defense of Paraphrase’, the essay that won New Literary History’s Ralph W. Cohen Prize in 2013. The purpose of the book is twofold: to problematize the formalist approach that has achieved hegemony in contemporary literary studies and to offer an alternative way of approaching literary (...)
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  25. Nietzsche on Aesthetic Education: A Fictional Narrative.Steven A. Stolz - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (2):37-55.
    Drawing from Nietzsche, I explore the topic of aesthetic education. Even though Nietzsche never formally uses the term “aesthetic education” in his works, this is a novel initiative of my own doing based on what I think he would have to say on the topic. Just as Nietzsche adopted his own experimental approach or style, in a sense, my intention is to experiment with a narrative, which takes the form of a fictional dialogue between Nietzsche and a student. To make (...)
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  26. On Certain Values of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Logical Culture: Towards Challenges of Contemporaneousness.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (1):53-66.
    This article explores the question of how the members of the Lvov-Warsaw School promoted values that can be regarded as components of so-called logical culture. The author argues that these values are strictly connected with science. With references to Łukasiewicz, Czeżowski, and Kotarbiński,the article explores how values shape the logical culture and determines society as directed towards values. The article connects the meta-philosophical perspective with the philosophical one.
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  27. Art Clusters: The Importance of Similarities in Aesthetic Research and Education.Aaron Meskin - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (4):40-50.
    In his presidential address, at the fiftieth anniversary of the American Society of Aesthetics in 1992, Peter Kivy suggested that "progress in the philosophy of art in the immediate future is to be made not by theorizing in the grand manner, but by careful and imaginative philosophical scrutiny of the individual arts and their individual problems." The study of the individual arts, and the differences between them, has, in the ensuing decades, provided a useful corrective to aesthetic theorizing in the (...)
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  28. Neutral phantasies and possible emotions. A phenomenological perspective on aesthetic education.Francesco Pisano - 2021 - Philosophical Inquiries 9 (1-2021):29-48.
    In this paper I draw from Husserl’s lectures on ethics and manuscripts on phantasy to clarify the role and the structure of aesthetic education within a phenomenological theory of value experience. First, I show that Husserl’s take on emotions as material contents of value experiences involves the problem of justifying the validity of the relation between factual emotional states and ideal values. I then suggest, on the basis of some of Husserl’s phenomenological arguments on phantasy, that this discrepancy can be (...)
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  29. (2 other versions)Learning Jazz Language by Aural Imitation: A Usage-Based Communicative Jazz Theory.Mattias Solli, Erling Aksdal & John Pål Inderberg - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (4):82-122.
    How can imitation lead to free musical expression? This article explores the role of auditory imitation in jazz. Even though many renowned jazz musicians have assessed the method of imitating recorded music, no systematic study has hitherto explored how the method prepares for aural jazz improvisation. The article picks up an assumption presented by Berliner (1994), suggesting that learning jazz by aural imitation is “just like” learning a mother tongue. The article studies three potential stages in the method, comparing with (...)
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  30. المقاربة بالكفايات ونظريات التعلم.الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2021 - In الصديق الصادقي العماري وآخرون & Seddik Sadiki Amari (eds.), واحات زيز وغريس: المجال والإنسان والمجتمع. pp. 121-131.
    إن التعلم جوهري للوجود الإنسان ، وأساسي للتربية وهو منطلق أساسي لدراسة علم النفس ولازم لفهم حقيقة العقل البشري. والواقع أنه لم يحظ أي موضوع آخر من موضوعات علم النفس بمثل ما حظي به موضوع التعلم من عمق في البحث والدراسة. ومنذ أن بدأ الاهتمام بدراسة سلوك الإنسان ظل التعلم وقضاياه موضع اهتمام الباحثين والدارسين حتى أن بعض المفكرين أمثال أرسطو والقديس أوغسطين وجون لوك كانوا يعتبرون التعلم قضية رئيسية. كما بلغ الاهتمام بقضايا التعلم ومشكلاته ذروته في أوائل القرن العشرين. (...)
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  31. Becoming Heautonomous: Exercising Judgment.Stelios Gadris - 2020 - Annali Online Della Didattica E Della Formazione 19 (12):123 - 140.
    In this article I aim to show how the sensus communis grounds – with the use of its maxims – the possibility of reflection, endowing the subject with a duty, that of becoming human, where becoming human presupposes self-education. Self-education entails on one hand overcoming one’s self interest or private feelings – that is what an aesthetic judgment demands: To love something other than one-self; on the other hand, and more fundamentally, self-education entails to place one-self under the indeterminate idea (...)
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  32. Producing marks of distinction: hilaritas and devotion as singular virtues in Spinoza’s aesthetic festival.Christopher Davidson - 2019 - Textual Practice 34:1-18.
    Spinoza’s concepts of wonder, the imitation of affects, cheerfulness, and devotion provide the basis for a Spinozist aesthetics. Those concepts from his Ethics, when combined with his account of rituals and festivals in the Theological-Political Treatise and his Political Treatise, reveal an aesthetics of social affects. The repetition of ritualised participatory aesthetic practices over time generates a unique ingenium or way of life for a social group, a singular style which distinguishes them from the general political body. Ritual and the (...)
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  33. (3 other versions)Black Mountain College Case: Transformation Trends in Art Education in the First Half of the 20th century.Jana Migašová - 2019 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):51-58.
    In the 19th century, a gradual reform of art education began, which achieved its peak in the 1930s. This process manifested itself in the form of schools with an explicit anti-academic spirit – the Bauhaus in Europe and Black Mountain College in the United States. In this paper, I contend that such attempt at reform has never repeated again after the Black Mountain College case, where the combination of John Dewey’s educational principles, Josef Albers’ peculiar conception of art instruction, and (...)
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  34. Enriching Arts Education through Aesthetics. Experiential Arts Integration Activities for Early Primary Education.Marina Sotiropoulou-Zormpala & Alexandra Mouriki - 2019 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Enriching Arts Education through Aesthetics examines the use of aesthetic theory as the foundation to design and implement arts activities suitable for integration in school curricula in pre-school and primary school education. This book suggests teaching practices based on the connection between aesthetics and arts education and shows that this kind of integration promotes enriched learning experiences. -/- The book explores how the core ideas of four main aesthetic approaches – the representationalist, the expressionist, the formalist, and the postmodernist – (...)
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  35. Alienation and Affirmation: The Comedy of Heiner Müller’s Hamletmaschine.Katrin Trüstedt - 2019 - Brecht Yearbook 44:102-121.
    Against the tendency to regard Müller as a tragedian and his Hamletmaschine as a tragedy, I will read his play as an experiment on the possibility of comedic theater after Brecht. Hamletmaschine can thus be understood as an attempt to affirm the possibilities of theater and its own forms of estrangement without abstracting from tragedy, alienation, and negativity. The play contains three such models internally connecting alienation and affirmation: while “Hamlet” in his commitment to the negativity of a lost tragedy (...)
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  36. Aesthetics in Motion. On György Szerdahely’s Dynamic Aesthetics.Botond Csuka - 2018 - In Anthropologische Ästhetik in Mitteleuropa (1750–1850). Anthropological Aesthetics in Central Europe (1750–1850). (Bochumer Quellen und Forschungen zum achtzehnten Jahrhundert, 9). Hannover, Németország: pp. 153-180.
    György Alajos Szerdahely, the first professor of aesthetics in Pest, publishes his Aesthetica in 1778, a work, written in Latin, that not only engages with the eclectic university aesthetics of late-18th-century Germany and Central Europe, but also marks the beginning of the Hungarian aesthetic tradition. Szerdahely proposes aesthetics as the doctrine of taste, a philosophical discipline that can polish our manners and social conduct through a sensual-affective Bildung offered by art experiences. Highlighting his sources in both British criticism and German (...)
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  37. Art, Therapy, and Design.Gordon Graham - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):59-70.
    This paper first elaborates ‘Art’ and the aesthetic as these concepts emerged in the eighteenth century, and uncovers the conflict between the resulting ideal of ‘art for art’s sake’ and the increasing use ‘art therapy’ for personal and social purposes. Taking this conflict to be a reason for the rejection of ‘Art’, it considers two accounts of ‘the end of Art’, one by Arthur Danto and the other by Nicholas Wolterstorff. The paper argues that both accounts fall short of adequately (...)
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  38. Experience is Not The Whole Story: The Integral Role of the Situation in Dewey's Democracy and Education.David L. Hildebrand - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (2):287-300.
    The central objective of Dewey’s Democracy and Education is to explain ‘what is needed to live a meaningful life and how can education contribute?’ While most acquainted with Dewey’s educational philosophy know that ‘experience’ plays a central role, the role of ‘situations’ may be less familiar or understood. This essay explains why ‘situation’ is inseparable from ‘experience’ and deeply important to Democracy and Education’s educational methods and rationales. First, a prefatory section explores how experience is invoked and involved in pedagogical (...)
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  39. Narrative Justice.Rafe McGregor - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This important new book provides an original and compelling argument for a new theory of aesthetic education. Rafe McGregor proposes a model of interdisciplinary inquiry, applying a combined philosophical and critical approach to illuminate issues in a social science. The book makes an original contribution to the field of narrative criminology.
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  40. “Visual Culture” as Neoliberal Aesthetic Education.Chris Peers - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (2):95.
    This article addresses a discourse on visual culture and its comparability to visual arts in school curriculum; it focuses initially on Kevin Tavin’s 2005 history of popular and visual culture in relation to visual-art education.1 In the second part, I also discuss contributions to this discourse by Kerry Freedman2 and Paul Duncum.3 There are two concerns that I raise here about arguments made against visual-arts curriculum in this discourse. First, they are generally lacking in rigor, making generalized criticisms of different (...)
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  41. La triple dinámica: educación, ética y estética.José Emilio Silvaje Aparisi - 2018 - In Adela Cortina Orts & Domingo García Marzá (eds.), Ética y filosofía política: homenaje a Adela Cortina. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos. pp. 132-138.
    The importance of this article for society lies in its exploration of the intersection between ethics and aesthetics as a foundation for quality education. In today's rapidly evolving and complex world, there is a pressing need to cultivate individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethically conscious and culturally sensitive. By integrating ethical and aesthetic considerations into educational practices, this article advocates for a holistic approach that fosters the full development of human personality and promotes a culture of peace. (...)
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  42. La triple dinámica: educación, ética y estética.José Emilio Silvaje Aparisi - 2018 - In Adela Cortina Orts & Domingo García Marzá (eds.), Ética y filosofía política: homenaje a Adela Cortina. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos. pp. 132-138.
    The importance of this article for society lies in its exploration of the intersection between ethics and aesthetics as a foundation for quality education. In today's rapidly evolving and complex world, there is a pressing need to cultivate individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethically conscious and culturally sensitive. By integrating ethical and aesthetic considerations into educational practices, this article advocates for a holistic approach that fosters the full development of human personality and promotes a culture of peace. (...)
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  43. Aesthetic-based Arts Integration in Elementary Education.Marina Sotiropoulou-Zormpala & Alexandra Mouriki - 2018 - International Journal of Arts Education 13 (1):33-44.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how different aspects of aesthetic theory can be utilized in education so as to contribute to a workable, coherent, and multifaceted arts integration approach in elementary education. The authors begin by presenting specific aspects of aesthetic theory as indicative of the basic theoretical and philosophical approaches to the phenomenon of art. They then refer to examples of activities designed on the basis of these different aesthetic aspects, and finally, they present the findings (...)
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  44. Virtue and Virtuosity: Xunzi and Aristotle on the Role of Art in Ethical Cultivation.Lee Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 30:75–103.
    Christian B. Miller has noted a “realism challenge” for virtue ethicists to provide an account of how the character gap between virtuous agents and non-virtuous agents can be bridged. This is precisely one of Han Feizi’s key criticisms against Confucian virtue ethics, as Eric L. Hutton argues, which also cuts across the Aristotelian one: appealing to virtuous agents as ethical models provides the wrong kind of guidance for the development of virtues. Hutton, however, without going into detail, notes that the (...)
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  45. التربية الجمالية بالمدرسة الابتدائية.الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2018 - Revue Brochures Educatives مجلة كراسات تربوية 1 (3):28-52.
    الإحساس بالجمال خاصیة إنسانیة، وهو من عجائب النفس البشریة التي لا تستطیع تفسیرها، وإنما تشعر بها وتحسها، وتقع تحت سلطان تأثیرها ونفوذها الواسع، فكون التذوق الجمالي یخفف من إیقاع المادیة على النفس الإنسانیة، ویفتح لها مجالا خصبا للتعبیر عن شعورها وإحساسها، فإنه مع ذلك حاجة فطریة ضروریة على وجه العموم، والإنسان یستشعر الجمال بلذة ورضى حتى و إن لم یكن مالكا له؛ لأن القلوب مطبوعة على حب الصور الحسنه المتقنة، ومازال الإنسان یبذل غالب جهده العلمي وقدراته المتفوقة في التحسین والإبداع (...)
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  46. الفكر التربوي عند العلامة فريد بن الحسن الأنصاري.لخلافة متوكل - 2018 - Revue Brochures Educatives مجلة كراسات تربوية 1 (3):81-94.
    هو العلامة فريد بن الحسن الأنصاري الخزرجي السجلماسي، ولد بإقليم الرشيدية (أنيف) عام1380 ه/1960م ، قضى طفولته بمدينة الجرف، وبها تلقى تعليمه الابتدائي، وتابع تعليمه الإعدادي بمدينة أرفود، قبل أن ينتقل إلى مدينة كلميمة لإتمام دراسته بالتعليم الثانوي ، وكان ذلك بثانوية غريس واسمها اليوم ثانوية محمد الخامس التأهيلية. التحق سنة 1981 بشعبة الدراسات الإسلامية، بكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية ظهر المهراز بفاس، وهي يومئذ شعبة حديثة فتية، إذ لم يمر على تأسيسها إلا موسما واحدا. وبعد حصوله على الإجازة التحق بما (...)
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  47. Against value in the arts and education. [REVIEW]Laura D’Olimpio - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies:1-3.
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  48. Playing with Philosophy: Gestures, Performance, P4C and an Art of Living.Laura D’Olimpio & Christoph Teschers - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-10.
    It can hardly be denied that play is an important tool for the development and socialisation of children. In this article we argue that, through dramaturgical play in combination with pedagogical tools such as the Community of Inquiry (CoI), in the tradition of Philosophy for Children (P4C), students can creatively think, reflect and be more aware of the impact their gestures (Schmid 2000b) have on others. One of the most fundamental aspects of the embodied human life is human interaction that (...)
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  49. Art museum education: facilitating gallery experiences. By Olga Hubard.Ceri Jones - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):126-128.
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  50. The Person of the Torturer: Secret Policemen in Fiction and Nonfiction.Rafe McGregor - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (4):44-59.
    Early modern conceptions of aesthetic education propose a necessary relation between aesthetic and moral values such that the appreciation of beauty is a necessary condition for the attainment of virtue. Contemporary conceptions retain the causal connection, claiming that the appreciation of literature in particular produces more responsive readers such that the aesthetic merits of novels are moral merits. J. M. Coetzee agrees that there is a relation between the two spheres of value but maintains that the novelist seeking to represent (...)
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