Results for 'Wolfgang Mincke'

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    Die finnische Rechtstheorie under dem Einfluss der analytischen Philosophie.Wolfgang Mincke - 1979 - Berlin: Duncker und Humblot.
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  2. Part I. Perspectives on infinity from history : 1. Infinity as a transformative concept in science and theology.Wolfgang Achtner - 2011 - In Michał Heller & W. H. Woodin (eds.), Infinity: new research frontiers. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  3. A General Non-Probabilistic Theory of Inductive Reasoning.Wolfgang Spohn - 1990 - In R. D. Shachter, T. S. Levitt, J. Lemmer & L. N. Kanal (eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 4. Elsevier.
    Probability theory, epistemically interpreted, provides an excellent, if not the best available account of inductive reasoning. This is so because there are general and definite rules for the change of subjective probabilities through information or experience; induction and belief change are one and same topic, after all. The most basic of these rules is simply to conditionalize with respect to the information received; and there are similar and more general rules. 1 Hence, a fundamental reason for the epistemological success of (...)
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    Facets of Sociality (Philosophische Analyse/Philosophical Analysis, Volume 15).Wolfgang Detel - 2007 - Heusenstamm Bei Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
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    A difference-making account of causation.Wolfgang Pietsch - unknown
    A difference-making account of causality is proposed that is based on a counterfactual definition, but differs from traditional counterfactual approaches to causation in a number of crucial respects: it introduces a notion of causal irrelevance; it evaluates the truth-value of counterfactual statements in terms of difference-making; it renders causal statements background-dependent. On the basis of the fundamental notions 'causal relevance' and 'causal irrelevance', further causal concepts are defined including causal factors, alternative causes, and importantly inus-conditions. Problems and advantages of the (...)
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    Aufsätze und Vorträge über Physik und Erkenntnistheorie.Wolfgang Pauli - 1961 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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    Did Ernst Mach 'Miss the Target'?Wolfgang Yourgrau & Alwyn Van Der Merwe - 1968 - Synthese 18 (2-3):234-250.
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  8. Interdisciplinary cases and disciplinary knowledge.Wolfgang Krohn - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 32--49.
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    The Core of Free Will.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper pleads for compatibilism by distinguishing the first-person’s normative and the observer’s empirical perspective. In the normative perspective one’s own actions are uncaused and free, in the empirical perspective they are caused and may be predetermined. Still, there is only one notion of causation that is able to account for the relation between the causal conceptions within the two perspectives. The other main idea for explicating free will by explaining free actions or intentions as appropriately caused in a specified (...)
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    The Character of Color Terms : A Materialist View.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper analyzes the meaning of color terms within the framework of Kaplan's character theory (which, when generalized to a treatment of hidden indexicality or dependence on the context world, can perfectly accommodate Kripke's notions of apriority and of (metaphysical) necessity). It explains this framework and why it might be fruitfully applied to color terms. Then it defends six theses: that (1) the predicate "is red" and (2) even the relation "appears red to" are hidden indexicals (i.e., have, as used (...)
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    Gȯdel and physical theory.Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1969 - Mind 78 (309):77-90.
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    Philosophy of Science and Analysis.Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (133):147-151.
    Robert Oppenheimer tells the story about a group of Bible scholars who practised exegesis with grim determination. A visitor, admiring so much earnest learning, inquired whether they did not find certain texts supremely difficult. Answered one Bible student: “Indeed—but what we do not understand we explain to one another.”.
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    What your eyes tell your brain about art: insights from neuroaesthetics and scanpath eye movements.Wolfgang H. Zangemeister - 2017 - [Hauppauge] New York: Nova Science Publishers. Edited by Claudio M. Privitera.
    In the last decade, we have observed a continuous increase of interest in eye movement research. According to a recent investigation, eye movements are discussed in over one million publications. The number of publications with eye movement in the title or abstract has been steadily increasing over the years, with over 1,200 papers published alone in 2013. The last decade has also witnessed the emergence of many new sub-disciplines in the field of neuroscience and cognition - one of them is (...)
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    In the light of being.Wolfgang M. Zucker - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (2):153-163.
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  15. Ist eine Deutung der Welt als Wille und Vorstellung heute noch möglich? Schopenhauer nach der Sprachanalytischen Philosophie.Wolfgang Weimer - 1995 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 76:11-51.
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  16. Probleme und Resultate der Wissenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie, Band II: Theorie und Erfahrung.Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1972 - Synthese 25 (1):229-233.
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    Causal laws are objectifications of inductive schemes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 223-252.
    And this paper is an attempt to say precisely how, thus addressing a philosophical problem which is commonly taken to be a serious one. It does so, however, in quite an idiosyncratic way. It is based on the account of inductive schemes I have given in (1988) and (1990a) and on the conception of causation I have presented in (1980), (1983), and (1990b), and it intends to fill one of many gaps which have been left by these papers. Still, I (...)
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  18. Power and Limits of a Picture: On the Notion of Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Literature.Wolfgang Huemer - 2019 - In Falk Bornmüller, Johannes Franzen & Mathis Lessau (eds.), Literature as Thought Experiment?: Perspectives From Philosophy and Literary Studies. Paderborn, Deutschland: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 71-82.
  19. Zum Begriff eines Wahrheitskriteriums.Wolfgang Becker - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (3):397.
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  20. Brill Online Books and Journals.Wolfgang Heinrichs, Thomas Kremers-Sper, Michael Klöcker, Hanna Delf & Gustav Landauer - 1992 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 44 (3).
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  21. (1 other version)Die ethische Forderung.Wolfgang Schmithals - 1991 - Philosophische Rundschau 38 (1-2):131-142.
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    Erkenntnis Orientated: A Centennial Volume for Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach.Wolfgang Spohn (ed.) - 1991 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Rudolf Carnap was born on May 18, 1891, and Hans Reichenbach on September 26 in the same year. They are two of the greatest philosophers of this century, and they are eminent representatives of what is perhaps the most powerful contemporary philosophical movement. Moreover, they founded the journal Erkenntnis. This is ample reason for presenting, on behalf of Erkenntnis, a collection of essays in honor of them and their philosophical work. I am less sure, however, whether it is a good (...)
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  23. Jahre Gettier : Reichen Vielleicht.Wolfgang Spohn - 2013 - In Gerhard Ernst & Lisa Marani (eds.), Das Gettierproblem. Eine Bilanz nach 50 Jahren. Münster: mentis.
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  24. (1 other version)Newtonianismus am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland am Beispiel Benjamin Martin.Wolfgang Neuser - 1989 - Hegel-Studien 24:195-203.
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    Gibt es Fehler im fiktionalen Kontext? Grenzen der dichterischen Freiheit.Wolfgang Huemer - 2010 - In Otto Neumaier (ed.), Was aus Fehlern zu lernen ist in Alltag, Wissenschaft und Kunst. LIT Verlag. pp. 211-227.
  26. Shamanic Symbolism in Salish Indian Rituals.Wolfgang Jilek & Louise Jilek-Aall - 1982 - In Ino Rossi (ed.), The Logic of culture: advances in structural theory and methods. South Hadley, Mass.: J.F. Bergin Publishers. pp. 127--136.
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  27. Trudy po kvantovoĭ teorii.Wolfgang Pauli - 1975
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    Persönlichkeit, Wille und Freiheit im Werke Jherings.Wolfgang Pleister - 1982 - Ebelsbach: Gremer.
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    Sokrates: der Beginn des philosophischen Dialogs.Wolfgang H. Pleger - 1998 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch.
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    Literary style.Wolfgang Huemer - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge.
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    Rechtsphilosophische Grundbegriffe.Wolfgang Naucke - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: A. Metzner.
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  32. Eugen Wüster et les critiques du langage du cercle de Vienne.Wolfgang Nedobity - 1988 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 21 (3-4):399-410.
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    Bedingungen und Strukturen einer modernen Naturphilosophie: kann eine Naturphilosophie aus Hegelschen Prinzipien noch gelingen?Wolfgang Neuser & Renate Wahsner (eds.) - 2014 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Gesunde Vernunft und Natur der Sache.Wolfgang Neusüss - 1970 - Berlin,: Duncker u. Humblot.
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    Natur zwischen Logik und Geschichte: Beiträge zu Hegels Naturphilosophie.Wolfgang Neuser & Steffen Lange (eds.) - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  36. The Three-Component Structure of Human Colour Vision: The Inverse Process of Colour Mixing.Wolfgang Jaeger - 1995 - In Heinz Lübbig (ed.), The Inverse Problem. Akademie Verlag und VCH Weinheim. pp. 153.
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  37. Subjektsein heute. Zum Zusammenhang von Subjektivität, Pluralität und Transversalität.Wolfgang Welsch - 1992 - Studia Philosophica 51 (1992):153-182.
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    Two Coherence Principles.Wolfgang Spohn - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):155-175.
    The paper proposes two principles of coherence (thus taking up work started in Spohn (1991) "A Reason for Explanation: Explanations Provide Stable Reasons"). The latter indeed serves as a weak, but precise explication of the notion of coherence as it is used in the current epistemological discussion. After discussing their epistemological setting, the paper considers four ways of establishing these principles. They may be inferred neither from enumerative induction, nor from the nature of propositions as objects of belief, nor in (...)
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  39. Edgar Morscher, ed., Bernard Bolzanos geistiges Erbe für das 21. Jahrhundert Reviewed by.Wolfgang Huemer - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (3):199-201.
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  40. (1 other version)Roberto Poli, ed., The Brentano Puzzle Reviewed by.Wolfgang Huemer - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (3):206-209.
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    Der stehende Sturm: zur Dynamik gesellschaftlicher Selbstauflösung (1600-2000).Wolfgang Kaempfer - 2005 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
    Der eigentümliche Ausdruck, der heute meist für Welt steht, der Ausdruck Umwelt, scheint ein Welt-Verhältnis auszudrücken, das den Akzent nicht aufs Objekt, sondern aufs Subjekt verlegt hat, auf die den Weltmittelpunkt einnehmende Monade. Diese scheint die Welt nicht mehr als gegebene, sondern als Ensemble von Varietäten zu verstehen, auf die sie zugreifen kann, dem Flaneur auf den Supermärkten dieser Welt vergleichbar. Der Form nach hält sie an einem Eigentumsbegriff fest, der als substantiell, als statisch auslegt, was in Wirklichkeit dynamisch ist (...)
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  42. Buena gobernanza de Internet sin fronteras:¿ quién debe hacer qué?Wolfgang Kleinwächter - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 80:63-80.
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  43. Binding principles in the theta frequency range.Wolfgang Klimesch - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger (eds.), Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  44. Kant, Rohs y la pragmática trascendental.Wolfgang Kuhlmann - 1998 - Ideas Y Valores 47 (106):18.
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  45. Abtreibung, Intersubjektiver Nutzenvergleich und der Wert des Lebens.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (2):200.
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  46. Enumerative Induction and Lawlikeness.Wolfgang Spohn - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (1):164-187.
    The paper is based on ranking theory, a theory of degrees of disbelief (and hence belief). On this basis, it explains enumerative induction, the confirmation of a law by its positive instances, which may indeed take various schemes. It gives a ranking theoretic explication of a possible law or a nomological hypothesis. It proves, then, that such schemes of enumerative induction uniquely correspond to mixtures of such nomological hypotheses. Thus, it shows that de Finetti's probabilistic representation theorems may be transformed (...)
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  47. Das Problem der Induktion : Humes Herausforderung und moderne Antworten, en, Der sogenannte Zirkel des Verstehens.Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1977 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 39 (2):359-360.
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    Introduction: Wittgenstein, language, philosophy of literature.Wolfgang Huemer - 2004 - In John Gibson & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), The Literary Wittgenstein. Routledge. pp. 1--13.
  49. No Interpretation of Probability.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (6):1195-1212.
    I argue that none of the usual interpretations of probability provide an adequate interpretation of probabilistic theories in science. Assuming that the aim of such theories is to capture noisy relationships in the world, I suggest that we do not have to give them classical truth-conditional content at all: their probabilities can remain uninterpreted. Indirectly, this account turns out to explain what is right about the frequency interpretation, the best-systems interpretation, and the epistemic interpretation.
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    La filosofia della letteratura: un pregiudizio a favore della finzione.Wolfgang Andreas Huemer - 2017 - In Ferraro Guido & Santangelo Antonio (eds.), Finzione e realtà. Il senso degli eventi. Aracne. pp. 137-54.
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