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David Kaiser [29]David Aram Kaiser [2]David I. Kaiser [1]
  1.  87
    More roots of complementarity: Kantian aspects and influences.David Kaiser - 1992 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (2):213-239.
  2.  76
    Introduction.Hunter Heyck & David Kaiser - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):362-366.
    ABSTRACT Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Cold War looks ever more like a slice of history rather than a contemporary reality. During those same twenty years, scholarship on science, technology, and the state during the Cold War era has expanded dramatically. Building on major studies of physics in the American context—often couched in terms of “big science”—recent work has broached scientific efforts in other domains as well, scrutinizing Cold War scholarship in increasingly international and comparative (...)
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  3.  51
    A Mannheim for All Seasons: Bloor, Merton, and the Roots of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.David Kaiser - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (1):51-87.
    The ArgumentDavid Bloor often wrote that Karl Mannheim had “stopped short” in his sociology of knowledge, lacking the nerve to consider the natural sciences sociologically. While this assessment runs counter to Mannheim's own work, which responded in quite specific ways both to an encroaching “modernity” and a looming fascism, Bloor's depiction becomes clearer when considered in the light of his principal introduction to Mannheim's work — a series of essays by Robert Merton. Bloor's reading and appropriation of Mannheim emerged from (...)
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  4.  66
    Nuclear Democracy.David Kaiser - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):229-268.
    The influential Berkeley theoretical physicist Geoffrey Chew renounced the reigning approach to the study of subatomic particles in the early 1960s. The standard approach relied on a rigid division between elementary and composite particles. Partly on the basis of his new interpretation of Feynman diagrams, Chew called instead for a “nuclear democracy” that would erase this division, treating all nuclear particles on an equal footing. In developing his rival approach, which came to dominate studies of the strong nuclear force throughout (...)
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  5.  37
    Training and the Generalist’s Vision in the History of Science.David Kaiser - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):244-251.
    Commentators have often complained about specialization in the history of science. This essay discusses recent intellectual trends within our discipline in the light of significant changes in graduate training: both a relatively recent consensus as to the types of sources that are appropriate to analyze in a dissertation and the tremendous growth in the number of new dissertations completed each year in our field. It suggests that this kind of focus on pedagogical concerns provides useful analytic tools for historians investigating (...)
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  6. Thomas Kuhn and the psychology of scientific revolutions.David Kaiser - 2016 - In Robert J. Richards & Lorraine Daston (eds.), Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions at fifty: reflections on a science classic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  7.  11
    Groovy science: knowledge, innovation, and American counterculture.David Kaiser & Patrick McCray (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In his 1969 book The Making of a Counterculture, Theodore Roszak described the youth of the late 1960s as fleeing science “as if from a place inhabited by plague,” and even seeking “subversion of the scientific worldview” itself. Roszak’s view has come to be our own: when we think of the youth movement of the 1960s and early 1970s, we think of a movement that was explicitly anti-scientific in its embrace of alternative spiritualities and communal living. Such a view is (...)
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  8.  15
    What Improving Technology Through Ethics Means.Simona Chiodo, David Kaiser, Julie Shah & Paolo Volonté - 2024 - In Simona Chiodo, David Kaiser, Julie Shah & Paolo Volonté (eds.), Improving Technology Through Ethics. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 1-10.
    The hendiadys of technology and ethics is neither novel nor what we really need. Even though dialogue between ethicsEthicsand technology, namely the humanitiesHumanities / human scientistand the social sciencesSocial sciences / social scientist, on the one hand, and science and engineeringEngineering / engineer, on the other hand, is explicitly encouraged in various ways, doing this effectively remains difficult. Obstacles to an authentic dialogue are many, ranging from scientific reasons to research policy reasons to institutional reasons. After reviewing these various obstacles, (...)
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  9.  23
    Niels Bohr's Conceptual Legacy in Contemporary Particle Physics.David Kaiser - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 257--268.
  10. Neither Marxist nor Whig.David Kaiser - 2006 - The Monist 89 (2):325-355.
  11.  23
    Flows into inflation: An effective field theory approach.Feraz Azhar & David I. Kaiser - 2018 - Physical Review D 98 (6).
    We analyze the flow into inflation for generic "single-clock" systems, by combining an effective field theory approach with a dynamical-systems analysis. In this approach, we construct an expansion for the potential-like term in the effective action as a function of time, rather than specifying a particular functional dependence on a scalar field. We may then identify fixed points in the effective phase space for such systems, order-by-order, as various constraints are placed on the Mth time derivative of the potential-like function. (...)
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  12.  19
    Improving Technology Through Ethics.Simona Chiodo, David Kaiser, Julie Shah & Paolo Volonté (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book deals with the ethics of technology and addresses specific ethical problems related to some emerging technologies, mainly in the field of computer science (from machine learning models to extracting value from data to human–robot interaction). The contributions are authored mainly by scholars in ICT and other engineering fields who reflect on ethical and societal issues emerging from their own research activity. Thus, rather uniquely, the work overcomes the traditional divide between pure ethical theory that disregards what practitioners do (...)
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  13.  7
    Science and society: the history of modern physical science in the twentieth century.Peter Galison, Michael D. Gordin & David Kaiser (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    v. 1 Making special relativity -- v. 2. Making general relativity -- v. 3. Physical science and the language of war -- v. 4. Quantum histories.
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  14.  30
    A Tale of Two Continents: A Physicist's Life in a Turbulent World. Abraham Pais.David Kaiser - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):195-196.
  15.  32
    A Tale of Two Textbooks: Experiments in Genre.David Kaiser - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):126-138.
    ABSTRACT Though the notion of a scientific textbook has been around for almost three centuries, the category has hardly been stable. The plasticity of the textbook genre may be illustrated by recent variations as well as long-term trends. In this brief essay I examine two idiosyncratic but highly successful physics books, each published in the mid 1970s, whose production, marketing, and adoption reveal some of the slippage between such categories as textbook, scholarly monograph, and popular best seller.
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  16.  18
    Bringing the human actors back on stage: the personal context of the Einstein–Bohr debate.David Kaiser - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Science 27 (2):129-152.
    In concluding his ‘Autobiographical notes’, Albert Einstein explained that the purpose of his exposition was to ‘show the reader how the efforts of a life hang together and why they have led to expectations of a definite form’. Einstein's remarks tell of a coherence between personal ‘strivings and searchings’ and scientific activity, which has all but vanished in the midst of the current trend of social constructivism in history of science. As Nancy Nersessian recently pointed out, in the process of (...)
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  17.  18
    Commentary 03 on Galison 1983.David Kaiser - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (1-2):166-167.
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  18.  44
    David Cesarani. Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind. x + 646 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York: Free Press, 1999. $30.David Kaiser - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):540-541.
  19.  20
    Disrupting Science: Social Movements, American Scientists, and the Politics of the Military, 1945–1975.David Kaiser - 2010 - Annals of Science 67 (1):135-137.
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  20.  31
    Eddington's Search for a Fundamental Theory: A Key to the Universe. C. W. Kilmister.David Kaiser - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):675-675.
  21. Foreword.David Kaiser - 2024 - In Alain Aspect (ed.), Einstein and the quantum revolutions. London: University of Chicago Press.
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  22.  60
    Lessons of the history of nationalism: Comments.David Kaiser - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (1):147-150.
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  23.  4
    Quantum legacies: dispatches from an uncertain world.David Kaiser - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Physicists have grappled with quantum theory for over a century. They have learned to wring precise answers from the theory's governing equations, and no experiment to date has found compelling evidence to contradict it. Even so, the conceptual apparatus remains stubbornly, famously bizarre. Physicists have tackled these conceptual uncertainties while navigating still larger ones: the rise of fascism, cataclysmic world wars and a new nuclear age, an unsteady Cold War stand-off and its unexpected end. Quantum Legacies introduces readers to physics' (...)
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  24.  30
    Richard Feynman: A Life in Science. John Gribbin, Mary Gribbin.David Kaiser - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):207-208.
  25.  24
    The Particle Century. Gordon Fraser.David Kaiser - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):802-803.
  26.  36
    The physics of spin: Sputnik politics and American physicists in the 1950s.David Kaiser - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (4):1225-1252.
  27.  30
    Jagdish Mehra and Kimball A. Milton, climbing the mountain: The scientific biography of Julian Schwinger. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2000. Pp. XII+677. Isbn 0-19-850658-9. £45.00. [REVIEW]David Kaiser - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (2):239-240.
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  28.  24
    Klaus Hentschel. Mapping the Spectrum: Techniques of Visual Representation in Research and Teaching. xiv + 562 pp., illus., figs., tables, apps., bibl., indexes. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. $125. [REVIEW]David Kaiser - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):391-392.
  29.  35
    Karl Mannheim. Selected Correspondence of Karl Mannheim, Scientist, Philosopher, and Sociologist. Edited by, Éva Gábor. 504 pp., index. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. £84.95, $139.95. [REVIEW]David Kaiser - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):512-513.
  30.  30
    Sharon Ghamari‐Tabrizi. The Worlds of Herman Kahn: The Intuitive Science of Thermonuclear War. 387 pp., table, index. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2005. $26. [REVIEW]David Kaiser - 2006 - Isis 97 (2):379-382.