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  1.  83
    Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia.Manuela Piazza, Andrea Facoetti, Anna Noemi Trussardi, Ilaria Berteletti, Stefano Conte, Daniela Lucangeli, Stanislas Dehaene & Marco Zorzi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):33-41.
  2.  25
    Nested incremental modeling in the development of computational theories: The CDP+ model of reading aloud.Conrad Perry, Johannes C. Ziegler & Marco Zorzi - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):273-315.
  3.  37
    Representation of numerical and non-numerical order in children.Ilaria Berteletti, Daniela Lucangeli & Marco Zorzi - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):304-313.
  4.  35
    Modeling language and cognition with deep unsupervised learning: a tutorial overview.Marco Zorzi, Alberto Testolin & Ivilin P. Stoianov - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  5.  30
    Temporal order judgment reveals how number magnitude affects visuospatial attention.Marco Casarotti, Marika Michielin, Marco Zorzi & Carlo Umiltà - 2007 - Cognition 102 (1):101-117.
  6.  73
    Visuospatial priming of the mental number line.Ivilin Stoianov, Peter Kramer, Carlo Umiltà & Marco Zorzi - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):770-779.
    It has been argued that numbers are spatially organized along a "mental number line" that facilitates left-hand responses to small numbers, and right-hand responses to large numbers. We hypothesized that whenever the representations of visual and numerical space are concurrently activated, interactions can occur between them, before response selection. A spatial prime is processed faster than a numerical target, and consistent with our hypothesis, we found that such a spatial prime affects non-spatial, verbal responses more when the prime follows a (...)
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  7.  92
    Spatial and Verbal Routes to Number Comparison in Young Children.Francesco Sella, Daniela Lucangeli & Marco Zorzi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  8. A Computational and Empirical Investigation of Graphemes in Reading.Conrad Perry, Johannes C. Ziegler & Marco Zorzi - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (5):800-828.
    It is often assumed that graphemes are a crucial level of orthographic representation above letters. Current connectionist models of reading, however, do not address how the mapping from letters to graphemes is learned. One major challenge for computational modeling is therefore developing a model that learns this mapping and can assign the graphemes to linguistically meaningful categories such as the onset, vowel, and coda of a syllable. Here, we present a model that learns to do this in English for strings (...)
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  9.  57
    Do current connectionist learning models account for reading development in different languages?Florian Hutzler, Johannes C. Ziegler, Conrad Perry, Heinz Wimmer & Marco Zorzi - 2004 - Cognition 91 (3):273-296.
  10.  31
    Optokinetic Stimulation Modulates Neglect for the Number Space: Evidence from Mental Number Interval Bisection.Konstantinos Priftis, Marco Pitteri, Francesca Meneghello, Carlo Umiltà & Marco Zorzi - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  11.  45
    Through Neural Stimulation to Behavior Manipulation: A Novel Method for Analyzing Dynamical Cognitive Models.Thomas Hope, Ivilin Stoianov & Marco Zorzi - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (3):406-433.
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  12. Ipsilesional Impairments of Visual Awareness After Right-Hemispheric Stroke.Mario Bonato, Zaira Romeo, Elvio Blini, Marco Pitteri, Eugenia Durgoni, Laura Passarini, Francesca Meneghello & Marco Zorzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  13.  43
    Consciousness does not seem to be linked to a single neural mechanism.Carlo Umiltà & Marco Zorzi - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):701-702.
    On the basis of neuropsychological evidence, it is clear that attention should be given a role in any model of consciousness. What is known about the many instances of dissociation between explicit and implicit knowledge after brain damage suggests that conscious experience might not be linked to a restricted area of the brain. Even if it were true that there is a single brain area devoted to consciousness, the subicular area would seem to be an unlikely possibility.
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  14.  14
    Computational foundations of the visual number sense.Ivilin Peev Stoianov & Marco Zorzi - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  15.  45
    A momentum effect in temporal arithmetic.Mario Bonato, Umberto D'Ovidio, Wim Fias & Marco Zorzi - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104488.
    The mental representation of brief temporal durations, when assessed in standard laboratory conditions, is highly accurate. Here we show that adding or subtracting temporal durations systematically results in strong and opposite biases, namely over-estimation for addition and under-estimation for subtraction. The difference with respect to a baseline temporal reproduction task changed across durations in an operation-specific way and survived correcting for the effect due to operation sign alone, indexing a reliable signature of arithmetic processing on time representation. A second experiment (...)
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  16.  30
    Difficulty matters: Unspecific attentional demands as a major determinant of performance highlighted by clinical studies.Mario Bonato, Marco Zorzi & Carlo Umiltà - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):680-681.
    The cognitive impairments shown by brain-damaged patients emphasize the role of task difficulty as a major determinant for performance. We discuss the proposal of Kurzban et al. in light of our findings on right-hemisphere–damaged patients, who show increasing awareness deficits for the contralesional hemispace when engaged with resource-consuming dual tasks. This phenomenon is readily explained by the assumption of unspecific depletable resources.
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  17.  16
    Effects of attentional shifts along the vertical axis on number processing: An eye-tracking study with optokinetic stimulation.Arianna Felisatti, Mariagrazia Ranzini, Elvio Blini, Matteo Lisi & Marco Zorzi - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104991.
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  18.  12
    Electrophysiological Signatures of Numerosity Encoding in a Delayed Match-to-Sample Task.Wanlu Fu, Serena Dolfi, Gisella Decarli, Chiara Spironelli & Marco Zorzi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The number of elements in a small set of items is appraised in a fast and exact manner, a phenomenon called subitizing. In contrast, humans provide imprecise responses when comparing larger numerosities, with decreasing precision as the number of elements increases. Estimation is thought to rely on a dedicated system for the approximate representation of numerosity. While previous behavioral and neuroimaging studies associate subitizing to a domain-general system related to object tracking and identification, the nature of small numerosity processing is (...)
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  19.  40
    Learning Orthographic Structure With Sequential Generative Neural Networks.Alberto Testolin, Ivilin Stoianov, Alessandro Sperduti & Marco Zorzi - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):579-606.
    Learning the structure of event sequences is a ubiquitous problem in cognition and particularly in language. One possible solution is to learn a probabilistic generative model of sequences that allows making predictions about upcoming events. Though appealing from a neurobiological standpoint, this approach is typically not pursued in connectionist modeling. Here, we investigated a sequential version of the restricted Boltzmann machine, a stochastic recurrent neural network that extracts high-order structure from sensory data through unsupervised generative learning and can encode contextual (...)
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  20.  31
    Contact points between lexical retrieval and sentence production.Gabriella Vigliocco & Marco Zorzi - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):58-59.
    Speakers retrieve words to use them in sentences. Errors in incorporating words into sentential frames are revealing with respect to the lexical units as well as the lexical retrieval mechanism; hence they constrain theories of lexical access. We present a reanalysis of a corpus of spontaneously occurring lexical exchange errors that highlights the contact points between lexical and sentential processes.
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  21.  44
    Compositional semantics and the lemma dilemma.Marco Zorzi & Gabriella Vigliocco - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):60-61.
    We discuss two key assumptions of Levelt et al.'s model of lexical retrieval: (1) the nondecompositional character of concepts and (2) lemmas as purely syntactic representations. These assumptions fail to capture the broader role of lemmas, which we propose as that of lexical–semantic representations binding (compositional) semantics with phonology (or orthography).
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  22.  58
    Dissociation between regular and irregular in connectionist architectures: Two processes, but still no special linguistic rules.Marco Zorzi & Gabriella Vigliocco - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1045-1046.
    Dual-mechanism models of language maintain a distinction between a lexicon and a computational system of linguistic rules. In his target article, Clahsen provides support for such a distinction, presenting evidence from German inflections. He argues for a structured lexicon, going beyond the strict lexicon versus rules dichotomy. We agree with the author in assuming a dual mechanism; however, we argue that a next step must be taken, going beyond the notion of the computational system as specific rules applying to a (...)
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  23.  38
    Priming in neglect is problematic for linking consciousness to stability.Marco Zorzi & Carlo Umiltà - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):174-175.
    O'Brien & Opie argue that (1) only explicit representations give rise to conscious experience, and (2) explicit representations depend on stable patterns of activation. In neglect patients, the stimuli presented to the neglected hemifield are not consciously experienced but exert causal effects on the processing of other stimuli presented to the intact hemifield. We argue that O'Brien & Opie cannot account for a nonconscious representation that is stable, as attested by the fact that it affects behavior, but is neither potentially (...)
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