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A. Van de Putte [69]André Van de Putte [13]A. N. Van de Putte [1]
  1.  35
    Rawls' Political Liberalism.André van de Putte - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (3):107-129.
    We have already stated that Rawls situates his political liberalism within the liberal tradition. The practical meaning of so doing now becomes clear. Rawls presents his theory as a resource for public reflection and self clarification of that tradition. He hopes thereby to bring the process of reflection, which has occupied the liberal tradition for a considerable time, to some conclusion. One might also speak here of a hermeneutic turn in Rawls’ thought. His political philosophy does not withdraw from the (...)
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  2.  39
    Liberalisme en cultuur: Will Kymlicka over multicultureel burgerschap.Dries Chaerle & André Van de Putte - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):215-252.
    This study examines Will Kymlicka's liberal defense of minority rights. The startingpoint of his argument is provided by a particular conception of individual freedom, which stresses the need for a context of choice in which it can be exercised. This contextof choice is conceived of as a societal culture, i.e. as „an intergenerational community, more or less institutionally complete, occupying a given territory or homeland, sharing a distinct language and history”. As far as societal-cultural membership is constitutive for the freedom (...)
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  3.  18
    Althusser's theorie Van de ideologie.A. van de Putte - 1977 - Bijdragen 38 (1):44-71.
  4.  27
    Burgerschap, arbeidsbestel en Recht op arbeid.André Van de Putte - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (4):631-665.
    In this paper the author exposes the implications and consequences of the modern disembeddedness of the economic system. Modernity is characterized by the fact that economic activity is no longer embedded in a wider culture which constrains its expansion. Onthe contrary, economic life has become the centre of societal life. The author analysesthen the characteristics of this autonomous system together with the strains it places on modern communities. From this he concludes that in so far and so long as modern (...)
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  5.  25
    De natuurwet bij Edmund Burke over de grondslagen Van het conservatisme.André Van de Putte - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):393-423.
    In this study, an attempt is made to understand why Burke at the same time refers to the natural law and to the principle of inheritance as moral standards for the human will. Indeed, the latter principle implies reverence to a particular tradition, whereas natural law is a universal standard, binding all people. First, the meaning of the principle of inheritance in Burke's critique of the French Revolution is explained, and next the conception of the natural law he implicitly adopts. (...)
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  6.  20
    Introduction.André van de Putte - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (4):231-231.
    The articles in the present issue are the result of a study day on William Desmond’s recent book, Ethics and the Between, held at the K.U.Leuven's Institute of Philosophy. This important book certainly deserves a thorough discussion and for many reasons. It is the manifestation of an ambition that reminds us of past periods in the history of philosophy. These days not so many philosophers venture to set up a body of work — three volumes — in the tradition of (...)
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    Logica en wetenschapsleer.A. van de Putte - 1982 - Leuven: Acco.
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  8.  31
    Nationalism and Nations.André van de Putte - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (3):104-122.
    No one will deny that the history of the last two centuries is incomprehensible without some insight into the meaning of nationalism. In the modern world, references to ‘nation’ and ‘national feelings’ are political forces of the first order that have played a much greater role than have references to other ideas that had raised expectations among political thinkers. Nevertheless, it is not a simple matter to define nation and nationalism; the terms have a weak analytical and explanatory power. We (...)
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  9.  31
    Nationalisme en naties.Andre Van De Putte - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):13-47.
    In this study an attempt has been made to understand nationalism, notably as the particular political conviction by which the realm of public and civic concern is required to coincide with a culturally and ethnically specified nationality. While exploring the idea of a nation state in its varying developments during the past few centuries, two interpretations are discovered, the revolutionary and the romantic understanding of a nation. This leads, through analysis, to contrast the specific modes of nationalistic logic to which (...)
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  10.  58
    Politieke vrijheid: De republikeinse kritiek Van de liberale opvatting Van vrijheid.André Van de Putte - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):627-656.
    The debate following Berlin's famous lecture Two Concepts of Liberty circled around the opposition between negative and positive liberty. Berlin delivered his lecture during the period of the Cold War. Therefore it not only provoked a very technical debate within analytic philosophy on the concept of liberty but also contained an important butdebatable political message: those who endorse positive liberty should be conscious of the fact that the logic of positive liberty leads, if not necessarily at least easily to despotism, (...)
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  11.  13
    Positieve vrijheid in een liberale samenleving.André Van de Putte - 1997 - de Uil Van Minerva 14 (1):13-21.
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  12.  20
    Remarks on Guo Jianning's Lecture.André Van de Putte - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (4):92-95.
    The first thing that struck me in your lecture is that according to the description you gave, the development of Chinese philosophy in the last decades has been determined by social and political developments. This is true for the three hot topics you have distinguished. The reflection on practice found its starting point in a statement of Deng Xiaoping that forced Chinese Marxist philosophers to answer the question of how this statement might be incorporated in Marxism, and thus to reflect (...)
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  13.  14
    Tocqueville and the Liberal Res Publica.André Van de Putte - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):475.
    The background of the present study is Constant’s interpretation of modern freedom compared with the freedom-participation of the Ancients. In order to understand Tocqueville’s conception of political freedom one has first to explain what he meant by ‘égalité des conditions’ or ‘democracy’. What characterises the democratic era is the disappearance of distinctions of class and cast in and through a process of equalisation, which has long been at work and to which Tocqueville envisages no end. For Tocqueville, a passion for (...)
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  14.  40
    BURGGRAEVE, Roger, The Ethical Meaning of Money in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas. p. 85 DEKKERS, Wim, What Do We Call 'Death'? Some Re-flections on the End of Life in Western Culture. p. 188. [REVIEW]Howard H. Harriott, Samuel Ijsseling, Koen Raes, Bert Roebben, Erik Schokkaert, André van de Putte, Jef van Gerwen, Toon van Houdt, Paul van Tongeren & Johan Verstraeten - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (3):220.
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