Results for 'Ros Wyeth'

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    Görög harmónia: tanulmányok, cikkek.Róbert Falus - 1980 - [Budapest]: Gondolat.
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    Knights in Fragile Armor: The Rise of the “G7+”.Vanessa Wyeth - 2012 - In Timothy Sinclair (ed.), Global Governance. Polity Press. pp. 18--1.
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    Véges végtelen: a körkörösség "fizikája" és "metafizikája".Béla Bíró - 2002 - Budapest: Fríg Kiadó.
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  4. Rōdōsha no tetsugaku.Kenjūrō Yanagida - 1963
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    Finding fault: causality and counterfactuals in group attributions.Ro’I. Zultan, Tobias Gerstenberg & David A. Lagnado - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):429-440.
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    8. Jacopo Strada: KVnstliche Abriß/ allerhand Wasser-Wind- Roß- vnd Handt Mühlen.Nikola Roßbach - 2013 - In Poiesis der Maschine: Barocke Konfigurationen von Technik, Literatur Und Theater. Akademie Verlag.
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    The Place of Ethics in the Christian Tradition and the Confucian Tradition: A Methodological Prolegomenon: YOUNG-CHAN RO.Young-Chan Ro - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (1):51-62.
    Comparative study of religions and philosophies, in spite of its significance and urgency, has been neither fully appreciated nor developed in the study of religion or philosophy. Comparative study, historically speaking, is still young and complex in its approach. Religious Studies as an intellectual discipline has traditionally concentrated on the investigation of a single tradition, enabling a student to become an ‘expert’ in that particular tradition. The world in which we live, however, no longer allows us to be content with (...)
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    The descriptive set-theoretical complexity of the embeddability relation on models of large size.Luca Motto Ros - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1454-1492.
    We show that if κ is a weakly compact cardinal then the embeddability relation on trees of size κ is invariantly universal. This means that for every analytic quasi-order R on the generalized Cantor space View the MathML source there is an Lκ+κ-sentence φ such that the embeddability relation on its models of size κ, which are all trees, is Borel bi-reducible to R. In particular, this implies that the relation of embeddability on trees of size κ is complete for (...)
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    Privacies: philosophical evaluations.Beate Rössler (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This ambitious, interdisciplinary collection responds to present intellectual debates concerning the value and limits of privacy. Ever since the beginning of modernity, the line of demarcation between private and public spaces, and the distinction between them, have continually been challenged and redrawn. Such developments as new technologies that introduce previously unforeseen possibilities for infringement upon privacy and the modern spectacles of television talk shows and “reality-TV” give added urgency to the discussion on privacy. This collection examines the fundamental issues structuring (...)
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    Beyond Borel-amenability: scales and superamenable reducibilities.Luca Motto Ros - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7):829-836.
    We analyze the degree-structure induced by large reducibilities under the Axiom of Determinacy. This generalizes the analysis of Borel reducibilities given in Alessandro Andretta and Donald A. Martin [1], Luca Motto Ros [6] and Luca Motto Ros. [5] e.g. to the projective levels.
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    Profane mythology: the savage mind of the cinema.Yvette Bíró - 1982 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
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  12. Reconsidering Rorty's theory of vocabularies: on the role and scope of persuasion in a post-representationalist culture.Miklós Nyírö - 2019 - In Randall Auxier, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), Rorty and Beyond. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  13. A Powerful Particulars View of Causation.Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This Open Access book (see link to Taylor & Francis below) critically examines the recent discussions of powers and powers-based accounts of causation. The author then develops an original view of powers-based causation that aims to be compatible with the theories and findings of natural science. Recently, there has been a dramatic revival of realist approaches to properties and causation, which focus on the relevance of Aristotelian metaphysics and the notion of powers for a scientifically informed view of causation. In (...)
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  14. Rōdōsha no tetsugaku: tatakai ni ikasu yuibutsuron.Kenjūrō Yanagida - 1969 - Tōkyō: Ayumi Shuppansha.
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    Following his own path: Li Zehou and contemporary Chinese philosophy.Jana Rošker - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    In this book, Jana S. Ros̆ker offers the first comprehensive overview and exegesis of the work of Li Zehou, who is one of the most significant and influential Chinese philosophers of our time. Ros̆ker shows us how Li's complex system of thought seeks to revive various Chinese traditions, and at the same time attempts to harmonize or reconcile this cultural heritage with the demands of the dominant economic, political, and axiological structures of our globalized world. Variously characterized as 'neo-traditional,' 'neo-Kantian,' (...)
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  16. The significance of new humanities for current theological education in the context of the Korean Church.Young-Sang Ro - 2019 - In David Fergusson, Bruce L. McCormack & Iain R. Torrance (eds.), Schools of faith: essays on theology, ethics and education in honour of Iain R. Torrance. New York, NY, USA: T & T Clark.
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    Ecofundamentalism: a critique of extreme environmentalism.Rögnvaldur Hannesson - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Ecofundamentalism: A Critique of Extreme Environmentalism is one of few books that focuses on ecofundamentalism, from its philosophical foundations to its policy prescriptions, instead of environmentalism as a whole. Ecofundamentalism places nature above man and is a possible threat to civilization. Rögnvaldur Hannesson critically examines central tenets of environmentalism such as sustainability, biodiversity, and the precautionary principle and he shows that issues like the "population bomb," global warming, and the depletion of the oceans are exaggerated or nonexistent threats.
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    Ádrepur: um sannleika, hlutleysi vísinda, málfrelsi og gagnrýna hugsun: ritgerðir til nota í Heimspekilegum forspjallsvísindum.Róbert H. Haraldsson - 2010 - Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag.
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  19. Notas sobre los trabajos de Topología de A. I. Flores.José Manuel Aroca Hernández-Ros - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):511-515.
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    (1 other version)On the structure of finite level and $\omega$-decomposable Borel functions.Luca Motto Ros - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (4):1257-1287.
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    Understanding doctors: harnessing professionalism.Ros Levenson - 2008 - London: Royal College of Physicians. Edited by Steve Dewar & Susan Shepherd.
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    The rebirth of the moral self: the second generation of modern Confucians and their modernization discourses.Jana Rošker - 2016 - Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
    The Confucian revival which manifests itself in the modern Confucian current belongs to the most important streams of thought in contemporary Chinese philosophy. This book introduces this stream of thought by focusing on the second generation modern Confucians--Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi, Xu Fuguan and Fang Dongmei. They argue that traditional Confucianism, as a specifically Chinese social, political, and moral system of thought can, if adapted to the modern era, serve as the foundation for an ethically meaningful modern life.
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    Immanent denken.Marc Rölli - 2018 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
    Band 1. Mit Deleuze auf den Spuren von Spinoza und Leibniz --.
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    Czy/jak sztuka przeżyła swoją śmierć?Ryszard Różanowski (ed.) - 2011 - Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocławskie Wydawn. Oświatowe.
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    Visual restoration in cortical blindness: Insights from natural and TMS-induced blindsight.Tony Ro & Robert Rafal - 2006 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 16 (4):377-396.
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    Interpreting Chinese philosophy: a new methodology.Jana Rošker - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Understanding Chinese philosophy requires knowledge of the referential framework prevailing in Chinese intellectual traditions. But Chinese philosophical texts are frequently approached through the lens of Western paradigms. Analysing the most common misconceptions surrounding Western Sinology, Jana Rošker alerts us to unseen dangers and introduces us to a new more effective way of reading Chinese philosophy. Acknowledging that different cultures produce different reference points, Rošker explains what happens we use rational analysis, a major feature of the European intellectual tradition, to read (...)
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  27. The neural bases of the multiplication problem-size effect across countries.Jiayan Lu Jérôme Prado, Qi Dong Li Liu, James Xinlin Zhou & R. Booth - 2016 - In Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd (eds.), Abstract mathematical cognition. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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    La desobediencia civil en la campaña La Obra Social de la PAH.Marina Pera Ros - 2019 - Arbor 195 (793):517.
    Este artículo analiza los factores que llevaron a personas sin activismo político previo a participar en la campaña del movimiento de la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) la obra social de la PAH. El contexto del estudio es la crisis hipotecaria, con más de 580.000 ejecuciones hipotecarias en el Estado español entre 2009 y 2015. A través del análisis de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, los resultados muestran cómo los interlocutores construyen un relato legitimador de la desobediencia civil como última opción (...)
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    The Korean Neo-Confucianism of Yi Yulgok.Young-Chan Ro - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    Ro explores the philosophical and religious dimensions of Korean neo-Confucianism as expounded by one of its foremost thinkers, Yi Yulgok.
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    Begründung und Begriff: Wandlungen des Verständnisses begrifflicher Argumentationen.Arno Ros - 1989 - Hamburg: CCH Canadian.
    Bd. 1. Antike, Spätantike und Mittelalter -- Bd. 2. Neuzeit -- Bd. 3. Moderne.
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    Materie und Geist: eine philosophische Untersuchung.Arno Ros - 2005 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Dieses Buch schlägt - unter dem Titel "synthetischer Materialismus" - einen neuen Weg zur Klärung des Geist-Materie-Problems vor. Ausgangspunkt ist die These, dass wir als Betrachter der Welt frei sind, dieselben Gegenstände in unterschiedlich komplexe raum-zeitliche Zusammenhänge einzuordnen, und dass sich daraus unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der Klassifikation von Gegenständen ergeben können: Wenn wir von "Lebewesen", "Handlungssubjekten" und "Personen" sprechen, und ihnen psychische Phänomene zuschreiben, nutzen wir den Umstand, dass die Konstellationen von Kohlehydraten, Eiweißen, Wasser und Nukleinsäuren, die jene Entitäten auch sind, (...)
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    Sein und Wohnen: Philosophische Streifzüge zur Geschichte und Bedeutung des Wohnens.Florian Rötzer - 2020 - Frankfurt: Westend Verlag.
    Mit der Coronavirus-Pandemie und den Lockdowns wurde noch einmal klar, dass die Wohnung ein entscheidender Lebens- und Rückzugsort, aber auch ein Gefängnis ist. Obgleich der Mensch ein wohnendes Wesen ist, haben sich nur wenige Philosophen damit beschäftigt. Florian Rötzer unternimmt einen erstaunlichen Streifzug durch die Kulturgeschichte des Wohnens und wirft einen Blick in die digitale Zukunft, die das Wohnen radikal verändert. Denn unsere Wohnung von morgen ist nicht länger ein privater Rückzugsraum, sondern kann von überall gesteuert, eingesehen und gehackt werden.
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  33. Der chrisdiche Glaube an Gott als Schöpfer : Kritik einer Ideologie des genetischen Enhancements.Josef Römelt - 2018 - In Thomas Bahne & Katharina Waldner (eds.), Die Perfektionierung des Menschen?: religiöse und ethische Perspektiven. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Der Nahe und der ferne Gott: nichttheologische Texte zur Gottesfrage im 20. Jahrhundert: ein Lesebuch.Hans Rössner (ed.) - 1981 - Berlin: Severin und Siedler.
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    Determinismus und Physik.Ulrich Röseberg - 1975 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  36. L'existence tragique: essai de synthèse philosophique.Dumitru D. Roșca - 1977 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Learning through obstacles in an interprofessional team meeting.Jenny Ros & Michèle Grossen - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (2):29-59.
    Drawing both on cultural-historical activity theory and on a dialogical approach to discourse, this article expands a method of analysis developed by Engeström & Sannino to capture discursive manifestations of contradictions in an activity system. The data consist of recorded meetings of an interprofessional team working with persons living with both a mental handicap and psychiatric disorders. The mission of this team is to coordinate socio-educative and psychiatric work. A sequence taken from one of these meetings was submitted to a (...)
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    Pädagogische Dimensionen der Dialektik von Individuum und Gesellschaft.Manfred Rösel - 1972 - Essen,: Neue Deutsche Schule Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Transkulturelle Wertekonflikte: Theorie und wirtschaftsethische Praxis.Kurt Röttgers, Peter Koslowski & Hubertus Busche (eds.) - 2002 - Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
    Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Globalisierung der Wirtschaft kooperieren Wirtschaftsakteure immer häufiger mit Partnern in anderen Teilen der Welt, die anderen kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen verpflichtet sind. Dabei treten oft Handlungs- und Normkonflikte auf. Das vorliegende Buch behandelt diese transkulturellen Wertekonflikte aus unterschiedlichen philosophischen und wirtschaftsethischen Perspektiven: Grundsatzfragen der Transkulturalität, wie die Gefahr des Verlusts des Fremden werden ebenso behandelt wie der mögliche Umgang mit transkulturellen Wertekonflikten oder die Frage nach einer ökonomischen Moral. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wird auf den Aspekt des Kulturwandels und (...)
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  40. Vom "Ideal der Schönheit" zum Prinzip der subjektiven Freiheit und dem "formellen Gesetz" des Schönen : Hegels These über das Ende der Kunst.Erzsébet Rózsa - 2015 - In Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli & Federico Vercellone (eds.), Das Ende der Kunst als Anfang freier Kunst. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Szabadon élni: Heller Ágnes 1929-2019.P. József Kőrössi & Zsigmond Kassai (eds.) - 2019 - Budapest: Noran Libro.
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  42. Kant als Mystiker? Zur These von Carl Arnold Wilmans’ dissertatio philosophica.Christian Rößner - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):7-30.
  43. The "distraction" of contemporary art according to Yves Michaud.Róbert Karul - 2020 - In Peter Šajda (ed.), Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Das Begehren der reinen praktischen Vernunft: Kants Ethik in phänomenologischer Sicht.Inga Römer - 2018 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Stehen sich Kants Ethik und die mit Edmund Husserl beginnende phänomenologische Bewegung tatsächlich in Form eines Antagonismus gegenüber? Noch immer wird diese Frage nicht selten bejaht. Die Hypothese der vorliegenden Studie ist jedoch, dass die Behauptung eines solchen Antagonismus letztlich weder aus der Perspektive der kantischen Schriften noch aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Phänomenologie heraus aufrecht erhalten werden kann. Denn gibt es nicht in Kants Ethik und ihrer Grundlegung Perspektiven, die den Vorwurf des abstrakten, lebensfernen Formalismus bereits entkräften? Und findet sich (...)
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    ‘The Epidermis of Reality’: Artaud, the Material Body and Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc.Ros Murray - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):445-461.
    This article examines Artaud's 1920s cinema texts, arguing that like other theorists writing at the time, Artaud envisaged the medium of cinema as capable of forging new types of corporeal experience, both through the types of bodies that were portrayed onscreen, and their relationship to the body of the audience, conceived as collective force rather than an individual spectator. It pays particular attention to Artaud's theories of corporeal materiality, and argues that these are relevant to more recent approaches to embodiment (...)
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    Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback: a systems neuroscience framework.Tomas Ros, Bernard J. Baars, Ruth A. Lanius & Patrik Vuilleumier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  47. (1 other version)Welfare, freedom, and inflation.Wilhelm Röpke - 1957 - London,: Pall Mall Press.
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  48. Unmittelbares Selbstbewusstsein: Woraus es besteht und wie es sich entwickelt haben kann.Arno Ros - 2009 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 13.
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  49. El obispo Rafael de Vélez y el Trienio constitucional (1820-1823).C. Sanz Ros - 1971 - Naturaleza y Gracia 18:139-158.
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  50. Australian Republic: To Be or Not to Be?Ros White - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology:28.
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