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  1.  13
    David Bohm's World: New Physics and New Religion.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1993 - Kendall Hunt.
    David Bohm is a physicist with a broad range of other interests including religion, philosophy, education, art, and linguistics. This book surveys Bohm's physical theories including the quantum potential theory and the implicate order or holomovement theory.
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    Relating the physics and religion of David Bohm.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1990 - Zygon 25 (1):105-122.
    David Bohm's thinking has become widely publicized since the 1982 performance of a form of the Einstein‐Podolsky‐ Rosen (EPR) experiment. Bohm's holomovement theory, in particular, tries to explain the nonlocality that the experiment supports. Moreover, his theories are close to his metaphysical and religious thinking. Fritjof Capra's writings try something similar: supporting a theory (the bootstrap theory) because it is close to his religious beliefs. Both Bohm and Capra appear to use their religious ideas in their physics. Religion, their source (...)
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    From Science to an Adequate Mythology.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1984 - Auckland, N.Z. : Interface Press.
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    Relating science and theology with complementarity: A caution.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1991 - Zygon 26 (2):309-315.
  5.  74
    Biology intersects religion and morality.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (1):77-88.
    Michael Ruse's writings explore what sociobiology says about morality. Further, he claims that sociobiology undermines the base for Christian morality. After responding to criticisms of Ruse, especially those of Arthur Peacocke, I lay a base for meeting his challenge.
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    Holomovement metaphysics and theology.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1993 - Zygon 28 (1):47-60.
    The holomovement metaphysics of David Bohm emphasizes connections and continuous change. Two general movements through space‐time extend Bohm's ideas. One is that the universe was nonlocal when it started but increases in locality. (With nonlocality, two simultaneous but distant events affect each other.) The other is the opposite movement or evolution toward increasingly complex systems exhibiting internal connections and a type of nonlocality. This metaphysics produces a theology when the holomovement is a model for God. Several topics follow, including global (...)
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  7.  27
    Religious and scientific myths.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1982 - Sophia 21 (3):1-16.
  8.  71
    Stanley L. Jaki's Critique of Physics.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (1):55 - 75.
    Disorder and suffering are increasing significantly in our society. Violent crime, unemployment, escape through drug-taking are all on the increase. It is apparent, also, that much of this disorder and suffering, and the anxiety it fosters, is rooted in science and its technological off-spring. The un-employment produced by a micro-technology is only one small example. It is also apparent that one of the principal foundation stones for the scientific enterprise was Christianity.
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    Theological Method and Gordon Kaufman.Kevin J. Sharpe - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (2):173 - 190.
    Gordon Kaufman is a theologian who wrestles with essential theological issues. In a recent amplification of his position, An Essay on Theological Method , 1 he makes an honest attempt to describe the method by which a self-critical theologian might work. This paper sets out a critique of the method Kaufman proposes and from that delineates a path which theologians might choose to follow.
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