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Catarina Belo [11]Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura Belo [3]
  1.  17
    (1 other version)Essence and existence in Avicena and Averroes.Catarina Belo - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (2):403-426.
    El presente artículo explora las percepciones sobre la existencia de los filósofos medievales musulmanes Avicena (m. 1037) y Averroes (m. 1198), cuyas obras se encuentran muy próximas a la filosofía de Aristóteles. Además de la influencia aristotélica, que caló en toda la filosofía islámica medieval, Avicena y Averroes estuvieron inspirados por la teología islámica, conocida en árabe como Kalam. La distinción entre esencia y existencia es uno de los más fundamentales y controvertidos aspectos de la filosofía de Avicena junto a (...)
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  2.  78
    The concept of 'nature' in Aristotle, avicenna and averroes.Catarina Belo - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):45-56.
    This study is concerned with 'nature' specifically as the subject-matter of physics, or natural science, as described by Aristotle in his "Physics". It also discusses the definitions of nature, and more specifically physical nature, provided by Avicenna and Averroes in their commentaries on Aristotle's "Physics". Avicenna and Averroes share Aristotle's conception of nature as a principle of motion and rest. While according to Aristotle the subject matter of physics appears to be nature, or what exists by nature, Avicenna believes that (...)
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  3.  17
    The Formation of Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam By Frank Griffel.Catarina Belo - 2022 - Journal of Islamic Studies 34 (2):253-257.
    In this work, Frank Griffel provides a historical and philosophical overview of important developments in Islamic philosophy and theology in the eastern parts o.
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  4.  5
    Existence, cause, essence: essays in Islamic philosophy and theology = Existência, causa, essência: estudos sobre filosofia e teologia Islâmicas.Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura Belo - 2012 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
  5.  8
    Averroes and Hegel on philosophy and religion.Catarina Carriço Marques de Moura Belo - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Comparing Averroes' and Hegel's positions on the relation between philosophy and religion, this book explores the relation between faith and reason in a medieval Islamic and a modern Christian context. Through an in-depth analysis of Averroes' and Hegel's views on philosophical and religious language and method, Belo presents new insights into their perspectives on the relation between philosophical knowledge and religious knowledge. In addition to discussing the parallels and differences of their positions, Belo explores particular works which have not yet (...)
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    Averroes and the Legacy of Dialogue.Catarina Belo - 2022 - Culture and Dialogue 10 (2):195-201.
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  7.  30
    Avicenna. the Physics of the Healing: A Parallel English-Arabic Text in Two Volumes.Catarina Belo - 2012 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 132 (1):146.
  8.  25
    Ibn Rushd on God's Decree and Determination (al-qada' wa-l-Qadar).Catarina Belo - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):245-264.
    Este artículo se basa en el capítulo de Ibo Ruid sobre los atributos qa'd wa-qadar de Alláb, que se ocupa del concepto de "predestinación", como ejemplo de una aproximación racionalista que introduce conceptos filosóficos en un viejo debate religioso. Es mi propósito presentar el argumento de Ibo RuId que contiene inequívocas alusiones aristotélicas; por tanto, la armonización de la religión y la filosofia implícita en sus argumentos es uno de los puntos que trataré de explorar en este trabajo. Igualmenle, estoy (...)
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  9.  32
    Mu‘tazilites, al-Ash‘ari and Maimonides on Divine Attributes.Catarina Belo - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (3):117-131.
    Este artigo analisa o debate acerca dos atributos divinos na teologia islâmica medieval, mais especificamente na teologia mu‘tazilita e ash‘arita. Nele se compara a abordagem da teologia islâmica medieval com a de Moisés Maimónides, filósofo judeu do período medieval. Em particular este artigo debruça-se sobre a identficação dos atributos divinos com a essência de Deus na teologia mu‘tazilita, que se desenvolveu na primeira metade do século IX, e analisa a reação dos ash‘aritas que se seguiu e que insistiu em considerar (...)
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  10.  16
    Avicenna’s Theory of Science: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology By Riccardo Strobino. [REVIEW]Catarina Belo - 2023 - Journal of Islamic Studies 34 (3):407-410.
    Recent studies on the philosophy of Avicenna have traditionally focused on his metaphysics, his psychology, and his influence on subsequent philosophers within.
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