Paolo Bozzi [5]Paola Bozzi [4]P. Bozzi [3]
  1. Frammenti da opere perdute.P. Bozzi - 1999 - Rivista di Estetica 39 (10):3-24.
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    Rhapsody in Blue: Vilém Flusser und der Vampyroteuthis infernalis.Paola Bozzi - 2005 - Flusser Studies 1:1-20.
    The depths of the sea, their obscure inhabitants and their mysteries have always been a rich source of myths and metaphors for authors and philosophers. Fables about giant squids and monstrous octopuses run through the history of literature and culture. The vampire squid is only a small phylogenetic relic, but it provides a useful model for Flusser's hybrid philosophical fiction Vampyroteuthis Infernalis. Flusser slips metaphorically into the creature’s gelatinous skin in order to speculate on the paradigms of postmodern life, measuring (...)
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