For a set x, let S(x) be the set of all permutations of x. We prove by the method of permutation models that the following statements are consistent with ZF:
(1) There is an infinite set x such that |p(x)|<|S(x)|<|seq^1-1(x)|<|seq(x)|, where p(x) is the powerset of x, seq(x) is the set of all finite sequences of elements of x, and seq^1-1(x) is the set of all finite sequences of elements of x without repetition.
(2) There is a Dedekind infinite set x such that |S(x)|<|[x]^3| and such that there exists a surjection from x onto S(x).
(3) There is an infinite set x such that there is a finite-to-one function from S(x) into x.