Jon Doyle [10]Jonathan Doyle [1]
  1.  36
    A truth maintenance system.Jon Doyle - 1979 - Artificial Intelligence 12 (3):231-272.
  2.  47
    Non-monotonic logic I.Drew McDermott & Jon Doyle - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (1-2):41-72.
  3.  14
    Impediments to universal preference-based default theories.Jon Doyle & Michael P. Wellman - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 49 (1-3):97-128.
  4.  22
    Two theses of knowledge representation: Language restrictions, taxonomic classification, and the utility of representation services.Jon Doyle & Ramesh S. Patil - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (3):261-297.
  5.  81
    What is church's thesis? An outline.Jon Doyle - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (4):519-520.
  6. An Education for Love - Catholic Young People and Sexuality Formation.Jonathan Doyle - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (2):212.
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  7. Extending Mechanics to Minds: The Mechanical Foundations of Psychology and Economics.Jon Doyle - 2006 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  8.  30
    Perceptive questions about computation and cognition.Jon Doyle - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):661-661.
  9.  11
    Rational control of reasoning in artificial intelligence.Jon Doyle - 1991 - In Andre Fuhrmann & Michael Morreau (eds.), The Logic of Theory Change: Workshop, Konstanz, FRG, October 13-15, 1989, Proceedings. Springer. pp. 19--48.
  10. Dag Westerstahl.Elisabeth Engdahl, Dov Gabbay, U. Cambridge, Johan van Benthem, Jon Barwise, Robin Cooper, Jon Doyle, Brian Skyrms & U. Irvine - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 5:107-112.
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  11.  8
    The local geometry of multiattribute tradeoff preferences.Michael McGeachie & Jon Doyle - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1122-1152.
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