Results for ' P3004'

  1.  9
    A separable convolutional neural network-based fast recognition method for AR-P300.Chunzhao He, Yulin Du & Xincan Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:986928.
    Augmented reality-based brain–computer interface (AR–BCI) has a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and high real-time requirements. Classical machine learning algorithms that improve the recognition accuracy through multiple averaging significantly affect the information transfer rate (ITR) of the AR–SSVEP system. In this study, a fast recognition method based on a separable convolutional neural network (SepCNN) was developed for an AR-based P300 component (AR–P300). SepCNN achieved single extraction of AR–P300 features and improved the recognition speed. A nine-target AR–P300 single-stimulus paradigm was designed to (...)
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