In Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks (eds.),
Humean Laws for Human Agents. Oxford: Oxford UP. pp. 1-15 (
A central question in the philosophy of science is: What is a law of nature? Different answers to this question define an important schism: Humeans, in the wake of David Hume, hold that the laws of nature are nothing over and above what actually happens and reject irreducible facts about natural modality (Lewis, 1983, 1994; cf. Miller, 2015). According to Non-Humeans, by contrast, the laws are metaphysically fundamental (Maudlin, 2007) or grounded in primitive modal structures, such as dispositional essences of powerful properties (Bird, 2007), necessitation relations (Armstrong,
1983), or primitive subjunctive facts (Lange, 2009). This volume focuses on recent developments in the discussion of Humeanism, specifically on pragmatic versions of the view that put the needs of limited agents like
us front and center.