People with views similar to those of Rubén Pereda

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Note: similarity is computed nightly based on current answers as seen here.

  1. Eric Brown
    64 / 30 matching answers
  2. Russell Bantiles
    64 / 30 matching answers
  3. William Wood (University of Chicago)
    63 / 30 matching answers
  4. Lucas Angioni (University of Campinas)
    63 / 30 matching answers
  5. Nikola Krestonosich (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello)
    62 / 30 matching answers
  6. Frederic Tremblay
    62 / 30 matching answers
  7. Maria Luisa Couto Soares
    61 / 30 matching answers
  8. Felipe Cherubin (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo)
    61 / 30 matching answers
  9. Juan José Sanguineti (Pontifical University Of The Holy Cross, Pontifical University Of The Holy Cross)
    61 / 30 matching answers
  10. Peter Simpson (CUNY Graduate Center, College of Staten Island (CUNY))
    61 / 30 matching answers
  11. John Schwenkler (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  12. A. Louis Gannaio (University of South Florida)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  13. Stephen Grossman
    60 / 30 matching answers
  14. Ilexa Yardley
    60 / 30 matching answers
  15. Errin Clark (Saint Louis University, Saint Louis University)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  16. Joseph Zahn (University of Dallas)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  17. Robert Asahina
    60 / 30 matching answers
  18. Ralph Kenyon
    60 / 30 matching answers
  19. Mary Christine Ugobi
    60 / 30 matching answers
  20. Steven Andresen (University of Oregon, University of Oregon)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  21. Jerry Kirkpatrick (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  22. Ian Logan
    60 / 30 matching answers
  23. Justin Bzovy (Grant MacEwan University, Concordia University College of Alberta, University of Alberta)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  24. M D
    60 / 30 matching answers
  25. Diya Sharma
    60 / 30 matching answers
  26. Ben Hart (Saint Louis University)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  27. Pedro Mota (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa)
    60 / 30 matching answers
  28. Jose M. Anton
    59 / 30 matching answers
  29. Augustin Laurent-Huyghues-Beaufond
    59 / 30 matching answers
  30. Nikhil Maddirala (University of Amsterdam)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  31. Derrick Fiedler
    59 / 30 matching answers
  32. Carolyn Branecky (Rice University)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  33. Gareth Lloyd (Queen Mary University of London, University of the Arts)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  34. Daisy Mengxi (London School of Economics)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  35. Nicola Stringari (University of Padua)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  36. Seth Miller
    59 / 30 matching answers
  37. Louise Yvonne Goueffic
    59 / 30 matching answers
  38. Adam Rule (University of California, San Diego)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  39. Anthony A. Aiya-Oba
    59 / 30 matching answers
  40. Carlos D. Flores (University of California, Santa Barbara)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  41. Sam Burgess
    59 / 30 matching answers
  42. Cheyne Joslin (University of South Florida)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  43. Monte Johnson (University of California, San Diego)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  44. James Rahner (University of Notre Dame)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  45. Søren Tinning (University of Turin)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  46. A. H. M. Van Iersel Van Iersel (Tilburg University)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  47. Craig Nevin
    59 / 30 matching answers
  48. John Tredinnick-Rowe (University of Plymouth)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  49. Hugo Luzio (University of Lisbon)
    59 / 30 matching answers
  50. Gideon Samid (Case Western Reserve University)
    59 / 30 matching answers