PhilPapers at Amherst College

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Amherst College. It is likely that many other users at Amherst College are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Amherst College for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

48 registered users found. 46 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. John Drabinski (Black Studies)
  2. Jyl Gentzler (Philosophy)
  3. Alexander George (Philosophy)
  4. Joseph Moore (Philosophy)
  5. Jonathan Vogel (Philosophy)
  6. Rafeeq Hasan (Philosophy)
  7. Masha Gessen (Political science)
  8. John E. Drabinski (Black Studies)
  9. Lauren Leydon-Hardy (Philosophy)
  10. Alice McVittie (Philosophy)
  11. Missy Roser (Libraries)
  12. Eg Wyn (Philosophy)
  13. Lilly Victoria (Philosophy)
  14. Hadley Philip Arkes (Philosophy)
  15. Angela Okan (Philosophy)
  16. Rose Lenehan (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Judy Piotrkowski (Philosophy)
  2. Jennifer Smith (physics)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. DECONHorizon Ian (Philosophy)
  2. Justin Turner (Mathematics)
  3. Eln Chau (Philosophy)
  4. Brendan Burke (Philosophy)
  5. Natalie Dugan (Philosophy)
  6. Molly Levy (Psychology)
  7. Jeong Yeop Terence Kim (Philosophy, Computer Science)
  8. Julia Milmed (Philosophy)
  9. Joe Prive (Political Science)
  10. Humberto C. Martinez (Philosophy)
  11. Aaron Revzin (Philosophy)
  12. William Herman (Philosophy)
  13. Samuel Pensler (Philosophy)
  14. Gabrielle Doran (Philosophy)
  15. David Ruth (Architectural Studies)
  16. Darian Ehsani (Philosophy)
  17. Hunter Voegele (Philosophy)
  18. Aaron Cooper-Lob (Philosophy)
  19. David Ingraham (Philosophy)
  20. John Kim (Philosophy)
  21. Joshua Burns (Philosophy)
  22. Sebastian Montesinos (Philosophy of Religion, Psychology)
  23. Daniel Fleer (Philosophy)
  24. Michael Katz (English)
  25. Susan Kimball (Science)
  26. Dee Brace Brace (Philosophy)
  27. Megan Estes (Philosophy)
  28. Elizabeth Kolenda ()