Results for 'pictorial representation'

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  1. On pictorial representation.Richard Wollheim - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (3):217-226.
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  2. Pictorial Representation And Moral Knowledge.Katerina Bantinaki - 2004 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 1 (2):69-76.
    The idea that pictorial art can have cognitive value, that it can enhance our understanding of the world and of our own selves, has had many advocates in art theory and philosophical aesthetics alike. It has also been argued, however, that the power of pictorial representation to convey or enhance knowledge, in particular knowledge with moral content, is not generalized across the medium.
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    (1 other version)Pictorial representation and psychology.Derek Matravers - unknown
    This paper examines the views of a philosophical aesthetician who was sympathetic to psychology: Richard Wollheim. It is divided into three parts. The first gives an account of Wollheim’s views on pictorial representation: on ‘seeing-in’, ‘expressive perception’ and ‘visual delight’. The second part discusses the relation between philosophy and psychology. If we regard the first as dealing with constitutive questions, and the second dealing with causal questions, it looks as if they are separate enquiries. However, there are circumstances (...)
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    Using Pictorial Representations as Story-Telling.Sim-Hui Tee - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-21.
    Pictorial representations such as diagrams and figures are widely used in scientific literature for explanatory and descriptive purposes. The intuitive nature of pictorial representations coupled with texts foster a better understanding of the objects of study. Biological mechanisms and processes can be clearly illustrated and grasped in pictures. I argue that pictorial representations describe biological phenomena by telling stories. I elaborate on the role of narrative structures of pictures in the frontier research using a case study in (...)
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  5. Pictorial representation or subjective scenario? Sartre on imagination.Beata Stawarska - 2001 - Sartre Studies International 7 (2):87-111.
    The major thesis developed in Sartre's L'imaginaire is that all imaginary acts can be subsumed under the heading of one "image family" and, therefore, that imagination as a whole can be theorized in terms of pictorial representation. Yet this theory fails to meet the objective of Sartre's study, to demonstrate that imaginary activity is not a derivative of perception but an attitude with a character and dignity of its own. The subsidiary account of imagination in terms of neutralization (...)
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    Pictorial Representation and the Act of Drawing.Susan L. Feagin - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2):161 - 170.
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  7. Pictorial representation: When cognitive science meets aesthetics.Mark Rollins - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):387 – 413.
    Pictorial representation is a subject of interest to both cognitive science and aesthetics. Standard theories of depiction often draw on vision science, and vision science must give an account of picture perception. I offer a critical overview of standard theories of depiction and argue that none of them is adequate. I then describe ways in which new theories of perception blend elements of representationalism with an emphasis on attention and motor control. Such theories, in effect, limit the reliance (...)
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  8. Pictorial representation.Mark Rollins - 2000 - In Berys Nigel Gaut & Dominic Lopes (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics. New York: Routledge.
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    Pictorial Representations of Alchemical Theory.Tenney Davis - 1938 - Isis 28 (1):73-86.
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    The paradox of pictorial representation. A Wittgensteinian solution.Alessandro Cavazzana - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21 (3):137-155.
    When Wittgenstein claims that "the expression of a change of aspect is the expression of a new perception and at the same time of the perception's being unchanged" (Wittgenstein 1953: 196), he expresses a paradox that Gombrich (Gombrich 1960) modifies in this way: (a 1) the observer x perceives a picture P under a new aspect; (b 1) if x perceives P under a new aspect then x's perception of P has changed; (c 1) but x's perception of P has (...)
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  11. Pictorial Representation and Abstract Pictures.Elisa Caldarola - 2010 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 2:46-61.
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    Pictorial representation in biology.Peter J. Taylor & Ann S. Blum - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):125-134.
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    Pictorial representation in art.Graham McFee - 1994 - British Journal of Aesthetics 34 (1):35-47.
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  14. Pictorial representation: A matter of resemblance.Karen Neander - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (3):213-226.
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    The Pictorial Representation of Timeless Reality in the Mozarabic Illuminations of the Beatus Commentary to the Apocalypse in Spain.David Wirmer & Andreas Speer - 2008 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Sein der Dauerthe Duration of Being. Walter de Gruyter.
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  16. Pictorial representation.John Kulvicki - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (6):535–546.
    Maps, notes, descriptions, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, paintings, and prints, all, in one way or another, manage to be about things or stand for them. This article looks at three ways in which philosophers have explained the way that pictures represent the world. It starts by describing some leading perceptual accounts and then surveys contemporary content and structural alternatives.
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    Pictorial Representation: A Defense of the Aspect Theory.T. E. Wilkerson - 1991 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 16 (1):152-166.
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    Pictorial Representation and Appreciation.Part Vii - 2011 - In Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann & Peter Goldie (eds.), The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press. pp. 389.
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    Relationships among computational performance, pictorial representation, symbolic representation and number sense of sixth‐grade students in Taiwan.Der‐Ching Yang & Fang‐Yu Huang - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (4):373-389.
    Twenty classes in ten schools with 627 sixth?grade students in five cities in Taiwan participated in this study. The research provides information on the performance differences among written computation, pictorial representation, symbolic representation and number sense. The results of One?way ANOVA analysis indicate that significant difference was found among WCT, PRT, SRT and NST tests, with F=536.327, p=0.000. The a posteriori comparisons show for each pair (WCT vs PRT, WCT vs SRT, WCT vs NST, PRT vs SRT (...)
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    Wollheim, Wittgenstein, and Pictorial Representation: Seeing-as and Seeing-In.Gary Kemp & Gabriele M. Mras (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Pictorial representation is one of the core questions in aesthetics and philosophy of art. What is a picture? How do pictures represent things? This collection of specially commissioned chapters examines the influential thesis that the core of pictorial representation is not resemblance but 'seeing-in', in particular as found in the work of Richard Wollheim. We can see a passing cloud _as_ a rabbit, but we also see a rabbit _in_ the clouds. 'Seeing-in' is an imaginative act (...)
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    Pictorial Representation and Abstract Pictures.Elisa Caldarola - 2011 - Dissertation, Università Degli Studi di Padova
    This work is an investigation into the analytical debate on pictorial representation and the theory of pictorial art. My main concern are a critical exposition of the questions raised by the idea that it is resemblance to depicted objects that explains pictorial representation and the investigation of the phenomenon of abstract painting from an analytical point of view in relation to the debate on depiction. The first part is dedicated to a survey of the analytical (...)
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  22. Content and Target in Pictorial Representation.Gabriel Greenberg - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    This essay argues for a model of pictorial representation which aims to explain the relationship between pictorial content and pictorial accuracy. Focusing on cases where pictures are intended to convey accurate information, the model distinguishes between two fundamental representational relations: on one hand, a picture expresses a content; on the other, it aims at a target scene. Such a picture is accurate when the content it expresses fits the target scene it aims at. In addition, the (...)
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    The Paradox of Painting: Pictorial Representation and the Dimensionality of Visual Space.Marx Wartofsky - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
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    On the Analysis of Pictorial Representation.Risto Pitkänen - 1981
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  25. Puzzles of pictorial representation.Joseph Margolis - 1987 - In Philosophy looks at the arts: contemporary readings in aesthetics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 338--357.
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    Support for an intermediate pictorial representation.Michael Mohnhaupt & Bernd Neumann - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):452-453.
  27. Some functions of pictorial representation.Dorothy Walsh - 1981 - British Journal of Aesthetics 21 (1):32-38.
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    Colour and Pictorial Representation.A. Lee - 2005 - British Journal of Aesthetics 45 (1):49-63.
    I argue that naturalistic pictures provide a guide and a justification for our concept of colour. The crucial relation between pictures and colours is to be brought out, not by reference to the ‘internal’ relations between colours (for example, what differentiates green from red), but by considering how colours are differentiated from the wider range of visually discriminable qualities. Naturalistic pictures effect such a differentiation by simulating colour-like qualities such as gold, amber, and blond, while requiring nothing beyond the three-dimensional (...)
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  29. Ernst H. Gombrich, Pictorial Representation, and Some Issues in Art Education.Nanyoung Kim - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (4):32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.4 (2004) 32-45 [Access article in PDF] Ernst H. Gombrich, Pictorial Representation, and Some Issues in Art Education Nanyoung Kim Introduction This essay will deal with different ways of conceptualizing pictorial representation in art education and their implications. The philosophical issues involved in pictorial representation have fascinated philosophers since the time of Plato and Aristotle. In the first (...)
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    The Perception of Pictorial Representations.Julian Hochberg - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
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  31. Appendix 4: The Pictorial Representation of Pleasure in Western Art.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 407–411.
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    Hypostatic Union and Pictorial Representation of Christ in Iconophile Apologia.Anita Strezova - 2009 - Philotheos 9:152-172.
    This article explores the fundamental Christological principles discussed by Byzantine iconophile writers of the eight and ninth centuries, John of Damascus (675-749), Theodore the Studite (759-826) and Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople (758-828). Within the larger context of theological concerns, the iconophile focus their attention on two key points: (a) the notion of the hypostatic union of human and divine natures in Christ; and (b) the properties of circumscription and uncircumscribability. These Christological aspects play critical part in supporting the main (...)
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  33. Wollheim, Wittgenstein, and Pictorial Representation. Seeing-as and Seeing-in. [REVIEW]Matteo Ravasio - 2018 - British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (2):209-212.
    Wollheim, Wittgenstein, and Pictorial Representation. Seeing-as and Seeing-in KempGary and MrasGabriel M. Routledge. 2016. pp. 308. £110.00.
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    Teaching Philosophy by Pictorial Representations: The ‘Divergent’ Example.Sunday Af - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (1):1-8.
    Teaching philosophy at pre-tertiary levels faces some fundamental challenges, including the misconception that philosophy is an abstract and esoteric field of study. This mind-set hinders teaching philosophy at all levels, particularly in the pre-tertiary stage. Nonetheless, philosophy holds significant cognitive values when taught to children. Therefore, it is crucial to find ways to simplify the process of learning philosophy, especially when children are in their formative years and have a greater capacity for learning. Children possess qualities necessary for engaging with (...)
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    A new perspective on pictorial representation.Daniel Gilman - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (2):174 – 186.
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  36. Deeper Into Pictures: An Essay on Pictorial Representation.Flint Schier - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents an original theory of the nature of pictorial representation. The most influential recent theory of depiction, put forward by Nelson Goodman, holds that the relation between depictions and what they represent is entirely conventional. Flint Schier argues to the contrary that depiction involves resemblance to the things depicted, providing a sophisticated defence of our basic intuitions on the subject. Canvassing an attractive theory of 'generativity' rather than resemblance, Dr Schier provides a detailed account of depiction, (...)
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  37. The resemblance view of pictorial representation.Risto Pitkänen - 1976 - British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (4):313-323.
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  38. Wollheim on pictorial representation.Jerrold Levinson - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (3):227-233.
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  39. The opticality of pictorial representation.Katerina Bantinaki - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (2):183–192.
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  40. The end (s) of pictorial representation: Merleau-Ponty and Lyotard.Mark Roberts - 1998 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Cultural Semiosis: Tracing the Signifier. New York: Routledge. pp. 129--139.
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    The logical structure of pictorial representation.Robert Howell - 1974 - Theoria 40 (2):76-109.
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  42. Deeper into Pictures: An Essay on Pictorial Representation.Flint Schier - 1987 - Mind 96 (384):583-587.
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  43. Feynman's Diagrams, Pictorial Representations and Styles of Scientific Thinking.Dorato Mauro & Emanuele Rossanese - 2017
    In this paper we argue that the different positions taken by Dyson and Feynman on Feynman diagrams’ representational role depend on different styles of scientific thinking. We begin by criticizing the idea that Feynman Diagrams can be considered to be pictures or depictions of actual physical processes. We then show that the best interpretation of the role they play in quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics is captured by Hughes' Denotation, Deduction and Interpretation theory of models (DDI), where “models” are (...)
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    Does Group Contact Shape Styles of Pictorial Representation? A Case Study of Australian Rock Art.C. Granito, J. J. Tehrani, J. R. Kendal & T. C. Scott-Phillips - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (3):237-260.
    Image-making is a nearly universal human behavior, yet the visual strategies and conventions to represent things in pictures vary greatly over time and space. In particular, pictorial styles can differ in their degree of figurativeness, varying from intersubjectively recognizable representations of things to very stylized and abstract forms. Are there any patterns to this variability, and what might its ecological causes be? Experimental studies have shown that demography and the structure of interaction of cultural groups can play a key (...)
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    Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation.George Boas - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (2):229-229.
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    A causal theory of pictorial representation.T. R. Quigley - 2000 - In Ananta Charana Sukla (ed.), Art and Representation: Contributions to Contemporary Aesthetics. Westport, CT, USA: Praeger. pp. 148--162.
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    A Discussion of Some Theories of Pictorial Representation.Sheldon Richmond - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (3):229-240.
    SummaryThe main question of this paper is — how do representational pictures convey information? I argue: 1) This question is approached from three opposing metaphysical frameworks. a) Monism answers this question by treating representational pictures as a species of cognitive symbolism. b) Polarism answers this question by sharply distinguishing between natural symbolism and languages; and, between symbolism and reality — representational pictures are natural symbols, mimics of reality. c) Pluralism treats pictures as occupying a mid‐point between the scales of reality (...)
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    Political semiotics of national campaign posters and pictorial representation: Thailand's 2011 general elections.William J. Jones - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (199):269-296.
    The 2011 Thai general election was seen by many Thai political analysts as a watershed moment that would hopefully be the tipping point of socio-political reconciliation in the drawn out political struggle that has characterized Thai politics since 2005. The highly contested nature of Thai politics becomes salient when viewing campaign posters pictorial and linguistic content. The most controversial of which was the ``Vote No'' campaign taken on by the For Heaven and Earth Party, which is a political party (...)
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    Emotion understanding, pictorial representations of friendship and reciprocity in school-aged children.Fiorenzo Laghi, Roberto Baiocco, Anna Di Norcia, Eleonora Cannoni, Emma Baumgartner & Anna Silvia Bombi - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (7):1338-1346.
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    Twofoldness and Three-Layeredness in Pictorial Representation.Alberto Voltolini - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 55 (1):89.
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