  1.  26
    How to Improve the Well-Being of Youths: An Exploratory Study of the Relationships Among Coping Style, Emotion Regulation, and Subjective Well-Being Using the Random Forest Classification and Structural Equation Modeling.Xiaowei Jiang, Lili Ji, Yanan Chen, Chenghao Zhou, Chunlei Ge & Xiaolin Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The relationship between coping styles and subjective well-being has recently received considerable empirical and theoretical attention in the scientific literature. However, the mechanisms underlying this relationship have primarily remained unclear. The present research aimed to determine whether emotion regulation mediated the relationship between coping styles and subjective well-being. Our hypothesis is based on the integration of theoretical models among 1,247 Chinese college students. The SWB questionnaire, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire were used to correlate SWB, emotion regulation (...)
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  2.  16
    Effect of Executive Function on Event-Based Prospective Memory for Different Forms of Learning Disabilities.Lili Ji, Qi Zhao, Huang Gu, Yanan Chen, Junfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Jiang & Lina Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Students with learning disabilities (LDs) suffer from executive function deficits and impaired prospective memory (PM). Yet the specificity of deficits associated with different types of LDs is still unclear. The object of the present research was to compare subgroups of students with different forms of LDs (<25th percentile) on executive function and PM. Students with a mathematics disability (MD,n= 30), reading disability (RD,n= 27), both (RDMD,n= 27), or neither (typically developing, TD,n= 30) were evaluated on a set of executive functioning (...)
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  3.  18
    Increased Amygdala-Paracentral Lobule/Precuneus Functional Connectivity Associated With Patients With Mood Disorder and Suicidal Behavior.Ran Zhang, Luheng Zhang, Shengnan Wei, Pengshuo Wang, Xiaowei Jiang, Yanqing Tang & Fei Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:585664.
    Mood disorder patients have greater suicide risk than members of the general population, but how suicidal behavior relates to brain functions has not been fully elucidated. This study investigated how functional connectivity (FC) values between the right/left amygdala and the whole brain relate to suicidal behavior in patients with mood disorder. The participants in this study were 100 mood disorder patients with suicidal behavior (SB group), 120 mood disorder patients with non-suicidal behavior (NSB group), and 138 age- and gender-matched healthy (...)
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