Results for 'Winstone Nyandiko'

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  1. A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya.Rachel Vreeman, Eunice Kamaara, Allan Kamanda, David Ayuku, Winstone Nyandiko, Lukoye Atwoli, Samuel Ayaya, Peter Gisore, Michael Scanlon & Paula Braitstein - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):23-.
    Background International collaborators face challenges in the design and implementation of ethical biomedical research. Evaluating community understanding of research and processes like informed consent may enable researchers to better protect research participants in a particular setting; however, there exist few studies examining community perspectives in health research, particularly in resource-limited settings, or strategies for engaging the community in research processes. Our goal was to inform ethical research practice in a biomedical research setting in western Kenya and similar resource-limited settings. Methods (...)
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  2. Brain Death without Definitions.Winston Chiong - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):20.
    Most of the world now accepts the idea, first proposed four decades ago, that death means “brain death.” But the idea has always been open to criticism because it doesn't square with all of our intuitions about death. In fact, none of the possible definitions of death quite works. Death, perhaps surprisingly, eludes definition, and “brain death” can be accepted only as a refinement of what is in fact a fuzzy concept.
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    Education, epistemic justice, and truthfulness: Miranda Fricker interviewed by A. C. Nikolaidis and Winston C. Thompson.A. C. Nikolaidis, Winston C. Thompson & Miranda Fricker - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5):791-802.
    In her groundbreaking book, Epistemic Injustice, renowned moral philosopher and social epistemologist Miranda Fricker coined the term epistemic injustice to draw attention to the pervasive impact of epistemic oppression on marginalized social groups. Fricker’s account spurred a flurry of scholarship regarding the discriminatory impact of epistemic injustice and gave birth to a domain of philosophical inquiry that has extended far beyond the disciplinary boundaries of philosophy. In this interview, Fricker responds to questions posed by A. C. Nikolaidis and Winston C. (...)
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    A Taxonomy of Part‐Whole Relations.Morton E. Winston, Roger Chaffin & Douglas Herrmann - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (4):417-444.
    A taxonomy of part‐whole or meronymic relations is developed to explain the ordinary English‐speaker's use of the term “part of” and its cognates. The resulting classification yields six types of meronymic relations: 1. component‐integral object (pedal‐bike), 2. member‐collection (ship‐fleet), 3. portion‐mass (slice‐pie), 4. stuff‐object (steel‐car), 5. feature‐activity (paying‐shopping), and 6. place‐area (Everglades‐Florida). Meronymic relations ore further distinguished from other inclusion relations, such as spatial inclusion, and class inclusion, and from several other semantic relations: attribution, attachment, and ownership. This taxonomy is (...)
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    Insiders and Outsiders: Lessons for Neuroethics from the History of Bioethics.Winston Chiong - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):155-166.
    Recent disputes over the NIH Neuroethics Roadmap have revealed underlying tensions between neuroethics and the broader neuroscience community. These controversies should spur neuroethicists to more clearly articulate an oft-cited ideal of “integrating” neuroethics in neuroscience. In this, it is useful to consider the integration of bioethics in medical practice as both historical precedent and context for integration in neuroethics. Bioethics began as interdisciplinary scholars joined biomedical institutions to serve on newly-created IRBs and hospital ethics committees. These early bioethicists identified as (...)
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    Semantic Richness Effects in Spoken Word Recognition: A Lexical Decision and Semantic Categorization Megastudy.Winston D. Goh, Melvin J. Yap, Mabel C. Lau, Melvin M. R. Ng & Luuan-Chin Tan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    In the hope of nibbana; an essay on Theravada Buddhist ethics.Winston Lee King - 1964 - LaSalle, Ill.,: Open Court.
  8.  17
    Learning new principles from precedents and exercises.Patrick H. Winston - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (3):321-350.
  9.  10
    Action and Responsibility.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 7:45-51.
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  10. The Philosophical Predicament.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1954 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):138-139.
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    Dharma and GospelInterreligious DialogueChristianity and the Religions of the World.Winston L. King, G. W. Houston & Richard W. Rousseau - 1987 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 7:245.
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    Two Treatises of Philo of Alexandria: A Commentary on De Gigantibus and Quod Deus Sit Immutabilis.David Winston & John M. Dillon - 1983 - Brown Judaic Studies.
    "This is a detailed commentary on two paradigmatic books of the Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria."--Provided by publisher.
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    The real problem with equipoise.Winston Chiong - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):37 – 47.
    The equipoise requirement in clinical research demands that, if patients are to be randomly assigned to one of two interventions in a clinical trial, there must be genuine doubt about which is better. This reflects the traditional view that physicians must never knowingly compromise the care of their patients, even for the sake of future patients. Equipoise has proven to be deeply problematic, especially in the Third World. Some recent critics have argued against equipoise on the grounds that clinical research (...)
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  14.  40
    Supported Decision-Making for People with Dementia Should Focus on Their Values.Winston Chiong & Agnieszka Jaworska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):19-21.
    In their thoughtful and rigorous article, Peterson and colleagues extend an account of supported decision-making that was originally developed for people with static cognitive impairments, t...
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  15. The Internal Morality of Chinese Legalism.Kenneth Winston - 2005 - Singapore Journal of Legal Studies:313-347.
    It is widely held that there are no indigenous roots in China for the rule of law; it is an import from the West. The Chinese legal tradition, rather, is rule by law, as elaborated in ancient Legalist texts such as the Han Feizi. According to the conventional reading of these texts, law is amoral and an instrument in the hands of a central ruler who uses law to consolidate and maintain power. The ruler is the source of all law (...)
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    Learning by creatifying transfer frames.Patrick H. Winston - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (2):147-172.
  17. The myth of sense-data.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1945 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 45 (1):89-118.
  18. Theravada Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga.Winston L. King - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (4):463-465.
  19.  10
    Education within a Damaged Democracy: A Few Diagnoses and Definitions.Winston C. Thompson - 2023 - Philosophy of Education 79 (1):29-34.
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    Buddhism and Christianity: Some Bridges of Understanding.Winston L. King - 2008 - Routledge.
    After a brief historical survey, the doctrines of dharma and karma are discussed and key elements that appear in contrasting forms in the two religions are examined. Originally published in 1963.
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    The holy imperative.Winston Lee King - 1949 - New York,: Harper.
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    Compatibilism - reply to Locke.Winston Nesbitt - 1981 - Mind 90 (February):435-440.
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    Deweyan Growth, Egalitarianism, and Rawls.Winston C. Thompson - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:346-350.
  24.  10
    On the Promises of Hope in Perilous Times.Winston Thompson - 2020 - Philosophy of Education 76 (4):31-38.
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    AIDS, Confidentiality, and the Right to Know.Morton E. Winston - 1988 - Public Affairs Quarterly 2 (2):91-104.
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    An Interpretation of the Anjin KetsujGshG.L. Winston - 1986 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 13:1314.
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  27. Aspects of Philo's Linguistic Theory.David Winston - 1991 - The Studia Philonica Annual 3:109-25.
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    Embodied Aesthetics in Drama Education: Theatre, Literature and Philosophy by Matthew DeCoursey.Joe Winston - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (1):109-122.
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    The Timing of Economic Activities: Firms, Households and Markets in Time-Specific Analysis.Gordon C. Winston - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    This study introduces 'time-specific' analysis of economic processes. Economic processes are conventionally analysed from one point in time to another over a series of time units - days, weeks, or years. By contrast, these time-specific models focus on the temporal character of events within the unit time - their timing, duration, and sequence - utilizing the information that is lost in the macroscopic time perspective of standard economic theory. What time-specific analysis reveals are economic and technological characteristics of goods and (...)
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  30. Yugoslavia's wars and the Humanitarian Impulse: Comment.M. Winston - 1997 - Ethics and International Affairs 11:137-140.
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    The Inaugural Address: Ethics without Propositions.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1948 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 22 (1):1 - 30.
    Winston H. F. Barnes; The Inaugural Address: Ethics without Propositions, Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, Volume 22, Issue 1, 11 July 1948, Pages 1–3.
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    The ideal element in a definition of law.Kenneth I. Winston - 1986 - Law and Philosophy 5 (1):89 - 111.
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    Ngo Strategies For Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility.Morton Winston - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (1):71-87.
    Winston evaluates strategies that have been used by international human rights nongovernmental organizations in attempts to influence the behavior of multinational corporations.
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  34. Action.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1941 - Mind 50 (199):243-257.
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    Case Studies: AIDS and a Duty to Protect.Morton Winston & Sheldon H. Landesman - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (1):22.
  36. The Principles of Social Order Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller /Edited, with an Introd. By Kenneth I. Winston. --. --.Lon L. Fuller & Kenneth I. Winston - 1981 - Duke University Press, 1981.
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    Taking responsibility: comparative perspectives.Winston Davis (ed.) - 2001 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    This illuminating collection of essays encompasses conceptions of responsibility around the globe, as discussed by leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, ...
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    Hua-Yen Mutually Interpenetrative Identity and Whiteheadean Organic Relation.Winston L. King - 1979 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (4):387-410.
  39.  35
    In the hope of Nibbana: the ethics of Theravada Buddhism.Winston L. King - 2001 - Seattle: Pariyatti Press.
    CHAPTER I THE FRAMEWORK OF SELF-PERFECTION 1. Buddhism and Ethics Anyone who has read even a very little in the early Buddhist Scriptures is aware that from ...
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    Categorical Imperatives—A Defense.Winston Nesbitt - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (2):217-225.
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    Utilitarianism and Benevolence.Winston Nesbitt - 1992 - Cogito 6 (3):170-172.
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  42. Mapping the field.Winston C. Thompson - 2023 - In Philosophical foundations of education. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  43. Mapping the field.Winston C. Thompson - 2023 - In Philosophical foundations of education. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  44.  21
    Logos and mystical theology in Philo of Alexandria.David Winston - 1985 - Hoboken, N.J.: KTAV Pub. House.
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    Justice, Law, and Argument: Essays on Moral and Legal Reasoning.Kenneth I. Winston - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 43 (1):129-131.
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    "An option for art but not an option for life": Beauty as an educational imperative.Joe Winston - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 71-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"An Option for Art But Not an Option for Life":Beauty as an Educational ImperativeJoe Winston (bio)IntroductionIn a recent meeting of the academic staff in the university department where I work, we were asked to state our current research interests. Responses progressed around the circle and everyone listened quietly and respectfully until I stated that my interest was beauty, to which there was general laughter—complicit, not derisory, as if everyone (...)
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  47. The Theory of Natural Slavery According to Aristotle and St. Thomas.Winston Ashley - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:223.
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    The philosophical predicament.Winston H. F. Barnes - 1950 - London,: A. & C. Black.
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    Henry of Huntingdon’s Lapidary Rediscovered and His Anglicanus ortus Reassembled.Winston Black - 2006 - Mediaeval Studies 68 (1):43-87.
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    Industry-to-physician marketing and the cost of prescription drugs.Winston Chiong - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):28 – 29.
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