Results for 'William Galt'

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  1.  17
    Science and Man's Behavior: The Contribution of Phylobiology.Trigant Burrow & William E. Galt - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (2):280-282.
  2. Modern Man in Search of a Soul. By Harold D. Lasswell. [REVIEW]William Galt - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 45:370.
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    A new critical social science research agenda on pesticides.Becky Mansfield, Marion Werner, Christian Berndt, Annie Shattuck, Ryan Galt, Bryan Williams, Lucía Argüelles, Fernando Rafael Barri, Marcia Ishii, Johana Kunin, Pablo Lapegna, Adam Romero, Andres Caicedo, Abhigya, María Soledad Castro-Vargas, Emily Marquez, Diana Ojeda, Fernando Ramirez & Anne Tittor - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):395-412.
    The global pesticide complex has transformed over the past two decades, but social science research has not kept pace. The rise of an enormous generics sector, shifts in geographies of pesticide production, and dynamics of agrarian change have led to more pesticide use, expanding to farm systems that hitherto used few such inputs. Declining effectiveness due to pesticide resistance and anemic institutional support for non-chemical alternatives also have driven intensification in conventional systems. As an inter-disciplinary network of pesticide scholars, we (...)
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    God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion by Merold Westphal. [REVIEW]Steven Galt Crowell - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):545-553.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 545 Congratulations to the publisher must be qualified only with regret that a work so valuable to students should be available only in a hardback edition costing nearly twenty dollars. Wabash College Crawfordsville, Indiana WILLIAM c. PLACHER God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion. By MEROLD WESTPHAL. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. Pp. xiv+ 305. $27.50. At each stage of its history existential thought (...)
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    Book Review:Phyloanalysis. A Study in the Group or Phyletic Method of Behaviour- Analysis. William Galt, Trigant Burrow; Modern Man in Search of a Soul. C. G. Jung. [REVIEW]Harold D. Lasswell - 1935 - International Journal of Ethics 45 (3):370-.
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  6. (1 other version)Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning.William P. Alston - 1999 - Cornell University Press.
    William P. Alston. difference in the scope of the rule reflects the fact that I-rules exist for the sake of making communication possible. Whereas their cousins are enacted and enforced for other reasons. We could distinguish I-rules just by this ...
  7. Divine Nature and Human Language: Essays in Philosophical Theology.William P. Alston - 1989 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Divine Nature and Human Language is a collection of twelve essays in philosophical theology by William P. Alston, one of the leading figures in the current renaissance in the philosophy of religion. Using the equipment of contemporary analytical philosophy, Alston explores, partly refashions, and defends a largely traditional conception of God and His work in the world a conception that finds its origins in medieval philosophical theology. These essays fall into two groups: those concerned with theological language and those (...)
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  8. Complex biological mechanisms: Cyclic, oscillatory, and autonomous.William Bechtel & Adele Abrahamsen - unknown
    The mechanistic perspective has dominated biological disciplines such as biochemistry, physiology, cell and molecular biology, and neuroscience, especially during the 20th century. The primary strategy is reductionist: organisms are to be decomposed into component parts and operations at multiple levels. Researchers adopting this perspective have generated an enormous body of information about the mechanisms of life at scales ranging from the whole organism down to genetic and other molecular operations.
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    Heidegger, Authenticity, and the Self: Themes From Division Two of Being and Time.Denis McManus (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Though Heidegger’s Being and Time is often cited as one of the most important philosophical works of the last hundred years, its Division Two has received relatively little attention. This outstanding collection corrects that, examining some of the central themes of Division Two and their wide-ranging and challenging implications. An international team of leading philosophers explore the crucial notions that articulate Heidegger’s concept of authenticity, including death, anxiety, conscience, guilt, resolution and temporality. In doing so, they clarify the bearing of (...)
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  10. Ideas of representation.William G. Lycan - 1989 - In David Weissbord (ed.), Mind, Value and Culture: Essays in Honor of E. M. Adams. Ridgeview.
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    Replacement of Auxiliary Expressions.William Craig - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (1):38-55.
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    Modeling: Neutral, Null, and Baseline.William C. Bausman - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (4):594-616.
    Two strategies for using a model as “null” are distinguished. Null modeling evaluates whether a process is causally responsible for a pattern by testing it against a null model. Baseline modeling measures the relative significance of various processes responsible for a pattern by detecting deviations from a baseline model. When these strategies are conflated, models are illegitimately privileged as accepted until rejected. I illustrate this using the neutral theory of ecology and draw general lessons from this case. First, scientists cannot (...)
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  13. Decomposing and localizing vision: An exemplar for cognitive neuroscience.William P. Bechtel - 2001 - In William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.), Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 225--249.
  14. Explanation: Mechanism, modularity, and situated cognition.William Bechtel - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 155--170.
  15.  67
    Current research in moral development as a decision support system.William Y. Penn & Boyd D. Collier - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):131 - 136.
    This paper argues that human beings possess the rational capabilities necessary to achieve the goal of more just and peaceable social orders, but that our educational institutions are failing in their responsibility to do what in fact can be done to produce graduates who make decisions in ways most likely to achieve this goal.Data compiled by us, consistent with other research, indicates that only a small percentage of the individuals graduating from universities and professional schools have developed the capacity for (...)
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    Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi.William M. A. Grimaldi & W. D. Ross - 1960 - American Journal of Philology 81 (3):315.
  17. Let's dump hypothetico-deductivism for the right reasons.William W. Rozeboom - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (4):637-647.
  18. Searle's experiments with thought.William J. Rapaport - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (June):271-9.
    A critique of several recent objections to John Searle's Chinese-Room Argument against the possibility of "strong AI" is presented. The objections are found to miss the point, and a stronger argument against Searle is presented, based on a distinction between "syntactic" and "semantic" understanding.
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  19.  22
    Morte, vida e destino em Schopenhauer e Freud: os “fins da natureza” na metafísica da vontade e na metapsicologia.William Mattioli - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):348-381.
    Neste artigo, pretendo discutir alguns problemas que emergem da associação, já comum na literatura secundária, entre o último dualismo pulsional freudiano, baseado na oposição entre pulsões de vida e de morte, e as teses schopenhauerianas sobre a vida e a morte derivadas de sua metafísica da vontade. A partir de uma confrontação com as leituras de Marcel Zentner e Stephan Atzert, argumentarei a favor da hipótese de que a diferença mais relevante entre os modelos de Freud e de Schopenhauer não (...)
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  20. Inverted spectrum.William G. Lycan - 1973 - Ratio (Misc.) 15 (July):315-9.
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  21. MPP, Rip.William G. Lycan - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:411-428.
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  22. Conversational and linguistic processes in causal attribution.William Turnbull & Ben Slugoski - 1988 - In Denis J. Hilton (ed.), Contemporary science and natural explanation: commonsense conceptions of causality. New York: New York University Press.
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    The return of social government: From ‘socialist calculation’ to ‘social analytics’.William Davies - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (4):431-450.
    In recent years, there has been a panoply of new forms of ‘social’ government, as manifest in ‘social enterprise’ and ‘social media’. This follows an era of neoliberalism in which social logics were apparently being eliminated, through the expansion of economic rationalities. To understand this, the article explores the critique of the very notion of the ‘social’, as manifest in neoliberal contributions to the socialist calculation debate from the 1920s onwards. Understood as a zone lying between market and state, the (...)
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  24. Two common errors in explaining biological and psychological phenomena.William Bechtel - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (December):549-574.
    One way in which philosophy of science can perform a valuable normative function for science is by showing characteristic errors made in scientific research programs and proposing ways in which such errors can be avoided or corrected. This paper examines two errors that have commonly plagued research in biology and psychology: 1) functional localization errors that arise when parts of a complex system are assigned functions which these parts are not themselves able to perform, and 2) vacuous functional explanations in (...)
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    Ovid as an Epic Poet.William S. Anderson & Brooks Otis - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (1):93.
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  26. From rehabilitation to penal communication: The role of furlough and visitation within a retributivist framework.William Bülow & Netanel Dagan - 2021 - Punishment and Society 23 (3):376-393.
    Retributivism is one of the most prevalent theories in contemporary penal theory. However, despite its popularity it is frequently argued that too little attention has been paid to the implications of retributivism for prison management and prison life, including prison visits and furlough. More so, it has been questioned both whether the various forms of retributivism found in the philosophical literature on criminal punishment have anything to say about what prison life ought to be like and whether they are able (...)
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    Making Ethical Considerations Transparent in the Formulation of Public Health Guidance.William Paul Kabasenche - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):97-99.
    In a town near mine, a small business owner used their changeable-letter sign to wage a public protest against a variety of restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike a great man...
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    Attitudes toward the Newly Dead.William May - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (1):3.
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    Bruce Lee and the Trolley Problem: An Analysis from an Asian Martial Arts Tradition.William Sin - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):81-95.
    In this paper, I approach the trolley problem from a different angle, and align the perspective with non-Western models of philosophy as instruction for life. I argue that the trolley problem is an...
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  30. Enactive intentionality.William G. Lycan - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Though Noë is concerned to emphasize that perceptual experiences are not per se internal representations, he does not really say why, and he is fairly quiet about what he takes intentionality and representation themselves to be. Drawing on a subsequent paper (Noë (forthcoming)), I bring out and criticize his in fact radically negative view of those fundamental mental capacities.
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    Explanatory narrative in history.William Dray - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (14):15-27.
  32. Reflecting with the Heidegger case.William H. F. Altman - 2019 - In Gegory Fried (ed.), Confronting Heidegger: A Critical Dialogue on Politics and Philosophy. Lanham, Maryland, USA: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    This later letters of Ulrich Von wilamowitz-moellendorff to Michael I. rostovzev.William M. Calder - 1990 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 134 (1-2):248-253.
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    Wilamowitz on schliemann.William Μ Calder - 1980 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 124 (1-2):146-151.
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    Vita Aeschyli 9: Miscarriages in the Theatre of Dionysos.William M. Calder - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (2):554-555.
    Anonymous, Vita Aeschyli 9 preserves the following startling report concerning Aeschylus:Some say that at the performance of the Eumenides, by bringing on the chorus one by one, as he did, he terrified the audience so that children swooned and fetuses were aborted.
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    Being Reasonable About Religion.William Charlton - 2006 - Routledge.
    When we start to discuss religion we run into controversial questions about history and anthropology, about the scope of scientific explanation, and about free will, good and evil. This book explains how to find our way through these disputes and shows how we can be freed from assumptions and prejudices which make progress impossible by deeper philosophical insight into the concepts involved. Books about religion usually concentrate on a few central Judaeo-Christian doctrines and either attack them or defend them with (...)
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  37. On Problemata 27 : problems connected with fear and courage.William W. Fortenbaugh - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew (ed.), The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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    The Christian structure of politics: on the De regno of Thomas Aquinas.William A. McCormick - 2022 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    This book focuses on the question, what is the relationship between Christianity and politics? The author argues that the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas offers an answer; discusses Aquinas's themes in the history of Christian political thought.
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    Of Time and Lamentation: Reflections on Transience by Raymond Tallis.William Tullius - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (4):861-862.
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    Karl Barth and Christian ethics: living in truth.William Werpehowski - 2014 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- PART ONE: DIVINE COMMAND, NARRATIVE, AND ETHICS -- 1 Divine Commands and Philosophical Dilemmas -- 2 Command and History -- 3 Narrative and Ethics -- 4 Realism and Discernment -- PART TWO: VIRTUE, MORAL PRACTICES, AND DISCERNMENT -- 5 What Shall Parents Teach Their Children? -- 6 In Search of Real Children: Innocence, Absence and Becoming a Self -- 7 Love of God and (...)
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    The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence.William P. D. Wightman - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (28):286-287.
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    G. papini and the pragmatist movement in italy.William James - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (13):337-341.
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    Analytic Theology as a Way of Life.William Wood - 2014 - Journal of Analytic Theology 2:43-60.
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  44. Quantification of the predicate and many-sorted logic.William Tuthill Parry - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):342-360.
  45.  41
    Reverend Robot: Automation and Clergy.William Young - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):479-500.
    Digital technology, including artificial intelligence, is having a dramatic impact on the professions of medicine, law, journalism, finance, and others. Some suggest that clergy will also be affected. We describe recent progress in designing artificially intelligent systems, suggesting that this is possible, perhaps even likely. We investigate ways in which technology currently is affecting ministry and outline some plausible scenarios in which digital systems could supplement or supplant clergy in some areas, specifically preaching and pastoral care. We also raise some (...)
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  46. Can God be free?: Rowe's dilemma for theology.William Hasker - 2005 - Religious Studies 41 (4):453-462.
    In his book, Can God Be Free?, William Rowe has argued that if God is unsurpassably good He cannot be free; if He is free, He cannot be unsurpassably good. After following the discussion of this topic through a number of historical figures, Rowe focuses on the recent and contemporary debate. A key claim of Rowe's is that, if there exists an endless series of better and better creatable worlds, then the existence of a morally perfect creator is impossible. (...)
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    The formal-structural view of logical consequence: A reply to Gila Sher.William H. Hanson - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (2):243-258.
    In a recent discussion article in this journal, Gila Sher responds to some of my criticisms of her work on what she calls the formal-structural account of logical consequence. In the present paper I reply and attempt to advance the discussion in a constructive way. Unfortunately, Sher seems to have not fully understood my 1997. Several of the defenses she mounts in her 2001 are aimed at views I do not hold and did not advance in my 1997. Most prominent (...)
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    RETRACTED: Fueling doubt and openness: Experiencing the unconscious, constructed nature of perception induces uncertainty and openness to change.William Hart, Alexa M. Tullett, Wyley B. Shreves & Zachary Fetterman - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):1-8.
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  49. Belief, Probability, Normativity.William Edward Morris - 2006 - In Saul Traiger (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 77–94.
    This chapter contains section titled: Hume's Theory of Belief Normativity Notes References Further reading.
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    Monotheism.William Wainwright - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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