Results for 'William E. Shafer'

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  1.  57
    Effects of materiality, risk, and ethical perceptions on fraudulent reporting by financial executives.William E. Shafer - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (3):243 - 262.
    This paper examines fraudulent financial reporting within the context of Jones' (1991) ethical decision making model. It was hypothesized that quantitative materiality would influence judgments of the ethical acceptability of fraud, and that both materiality and financial risk would affect the likelihood of committing fraud. The results, based on a study of CPAs employed as senior executives, provide partial support for the hypotheses. Contrary to expectations, quantitative materiality did not influence ethical judgments. ANCOVA results based on participants' estimates of the (...)
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  2. Ethical pressure, organizational-professional conflict, and related work outcomes among management accountants.William E. Shafer - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (3):263 - 275.
    This study examines the effects of ethical pressure on management accountants' perceptions of organizational-professional conflict, and related work outcomes. It was hypothesized that organizational pressure to engage in unethical behavior would increase perceived organizational-professional conflict, and that this perceived conflict would reduce organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and increase the likelihood of employee turnover. A survey was mailed to a random sample of Certified Management Accountants to assess perceptions of the relevant variables. The results of a structural equations model indicated (...)
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  3. Values and the Perceived Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility: The U.S. versus China.William E. Shafer, Kyoko Fukukawa & Grace Meina Lee - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):265-284.
    This study examines the effects of nationality (U.S. vs. China) and personal values on managers’ responses to the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility (PRESOR) scale. Evidence that China’s transition to a socialist market economy has led to widespread business corruption, led us to hypothesize that People’s Republic of China (PRC) managers would believe less strongly in the importance of ethical and socially responsible business conduct. We also hypothesized that after controlling for national differences, managers’ personal values (more specifically, (...)
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  4.  47
    Ethical Climate, Social Responsibility, and Earnings Management.William E. Shafer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):43-60.
    This study proposes and tests a model of the relations among corporate accountants’ perceptions of the ethical climate in their organization, the perceived importance of corporate ethics and social responsibility, and earnings management decisions. Based on a field survey of professional accountants employed by private industry in Hong Kong, we found that perceptions of the organizational ethical climate were significantly associated with belief in the importance of corporate ethics and responsibility. Belief in the importance of ethics and social responsibility was (...)
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    Social Paradigms and Attitudes Toward Environmental Accountability.William E. Shafer - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (2):121-147.
    This paper argues that commitment to the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) in Western societies, which includes support for such ideologies as free enterprise, private property rights, economic individualism, and unlimited economic growth, poses a threat to progress in imposing greater standards of corporate environmental accountability. It is hypothesized that commitment to the DSP will be negatively correlated with support for the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) and support for corporate environmental accountability, and that belief in the NEP will be positively correlated (...)
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    Machiavellianism, social norms, and taxpayer compliance.William E. Shafer & Zhihong Wang - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):42-55.
    This study is the first to examine the relationships among Machiavellianism, social norms and taxpayer intentions to fraudulently overstate their deductions. We theorize and empirically document that high Machiavellian taxpayers report significantly less ethical social norms, suggesting that reported social norms are influenced by cognitive biases such as social projection and Machiavellian cynicism; reported social norms are, in general, significantly associated with tax evasion intentions; social norms partially mediate the relationship between Machiavellianism and evasion intentions. Our findings imply that experimental (...)
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  7.  50
    Auditors' willingness to advocate client-preferred accounting principles.William E. Shafer, Alice A. Ketchand & Roselyn E. Morris - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (3):213-227.
    This paper argues that independent auditors have lost sight of their obligation to be truly impartial, and have increasingly adopted an attitude of client advocacy. We argue that auditors have a professional obligation to go beyond merely passing judgment on whether client accounting methods are acceptable under GAAP, and to judge whether the principles adopted are the most appropriate under the circumstances. We then review recent evidence which suggests that auditors have abandoned this objective in favor of advocating client-preferred principles. (...)
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  8.  32
    Machiavellianism, stakeholder orientation, and support for sustainability reporting.William E. Shafer & Lorenzo Lucianetti - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (3):272-285.
    This study investigates the relations among Machiavellianism, the stakeholder orientation, and Italian managers' support for corporate social and environmental reporting (SER). These relationships have not previously been investigated among a sample of experienced managers but have important implications. As anticipated, Machiavellianism had a strong negative association with the support for SER. Machiavellianism was also negatively related to the stakeholder orientation, which in turn was positively correlated with the support for SER. Support for the stakeholder orientation partially mediated the association between (...)
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  9.  99
    A multidimensional analysis of tax practitioners' ethical judgments.Cheryl A. Cruz, William E. Shafer & Jerry R. Strawser - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):223 - 244.
    This study investigates professional tax practitioners' ethical judgments and behavioral intentions in cases involving client pressure to adopt aggressive reporting positions, an issue that has been identified as the most difficult ethical/moral problem facing public accounting practitioners. The multidimensional ethics scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with five ethical philosophies (moral equity, contractualism, utilitarianism, relativism, and egoism). Responses from a sample of 67 tax professionals supported the existence of all dimensions of (...)
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  10.  24
    Effects of a Business Ethics Elective on Hong Kong Undergraduates’ Attitudes Toward Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility.Richard S. Simmons, William E. Shafer & Robin S. Snell - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (4):558-591.
    This study examines the effect of a business ethics course on undergraduates’ attitudes toward the importance of corporate ethics and social responsibility, as measured by the PRESOR scale. It employs a survey approach, adopting a pretest/posttest methodology in the data collection. A total of 132 undergraduate students were surveyed over a period of four semesters during 2006 and 2007. To test the effects of individual personality characteristics and examine their potential interaction with ethical education, participants’ personal values and degree of (...)
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  11.  65
    Values and Attitudes Toward Social and Environmental Accountability: a Study of MBA Students.Kyoko Fukukawa, William E. Shafer & Grace Meina Lee - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (4):381-394.
    Efforts to promote corporate social and environmental accountability (SEA) should be informed by an understanding of stakeholders’ attitudes toward enhanced accountability standards. However, little is known about current attitudes on this subject, or the determinants of these attitudes. To address this issue, this study examines the relationship between personal values and support for social and environmental accountability for a sample of experienced MBA students. Exploratory factor analysis of the items comprising our measure of support for SEA revealed two distinct factors: (...)
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  12.  78
    Qualitative Financial Statement Disclosures.William E. Shafer - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):433-451.
    There is a long-running debate among legal scholars regarding the propriety and enforceability of SEC attempts to mandate disclosures of antisocial or illegal corporate activities that do not materially impact a company’s financial statements. This debate was recently revived by the issuance of SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin 99, Materiality in Financial Statements (SEC 1999), which suggests that quantitatively immaterial information relating to unlawful transactions or regulatory non-compliance should be considered for disclosure. This issue has important implications for the accounting profession, (...)
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  13.  41
    Policy issues raised by for-profit spinoffs from professional associations: An evaluation of a recent AICPA initiative. [REVIEW]William E. Shafer & Dwight Owsen - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (2):181 - 195.
    This paper provides an evaluation of the spinoff of a for-profit company from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), a nonprofit professional association. The evaluation is based on a review of the literature on public policy issues surrounding organizational conversions from nonprofit to for-profit legal status. Many criticisms of this for-profit spinoff were voiced by professional leaders and accounting regulators, and we demonstrate that these criticisms are grounded in widely recognized policy principles relating to nonprofit conversions. The public (...)
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  14. Foundations of Ethics: An Anthology.Russ Shafer-Landau & Terence Cuneo (eds.) - 2006 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A substantial collection of seminal articles, Foundations of Ethics covers all of the major issues in metaethics. Covers all of the major issues in metaethics including moral metaphysics, epistemology, moral psychology, and philosophy of language. Provides an unparalleled offering of primary sources and expert commentary for students of ethical theory. Includes seminal essays by ethicists such as G.E. Moore, Simon Blackburn, Gilbert Harman, Christine Korsgaard, Michael Smith, Bernard Williams, Jonathan Dancy, and many other leading figures of ethical theory.
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  15. Disease and Diagnosis Value-Dependent Realism / by William E. Stempsey.William E. Stempsey - 1999
  16.  17
    Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming.William E. Connolly - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Facing the Planetary_ William E. Connolly expands his influential work on the politics of pluralization, capitalism, fragility, and secularism to address the complexities of climate change and to complicate notions of the Anthropocene. Focusing on planetary processes—including the ocean conveyor, glacier flows, tectonic plates, and species evolution—he combines a critical understanding of capitalism with an appreciation of how such nonhuman systems periodically change on their own. Drawing upon scientists and intellectuals such as Lynn Margulis, Michael Benton, Alfred North (...)
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  17. Emotional introspection.William E. Seager - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4):666-687.
    One of the most vivid aspects of consciousness is the experience of emotion, yet this topic is given relatively little attention within consciousness studies. Emotions are crucial, for they provide quick and motivating assessments of value, without which action would be misdirected or absent. Emotions also involve linkages between phenomenal and intentional consciousness. This paper examines emotional consciousness from the standpoint of the representational theory of consciousness . Two interesting developments spring from this. The first is the need for the (...)
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  18.  91
    Recent Theories of Civil Disobedience: An Anti‐Legal Turn?William E. Scheuerman - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (4):427-449.
  19.  16
    The Fragility of Things: Self-Organizing Processes, Neoliberal Fantasies, and Democratic Activism.William E. Connolly - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Fragility of Things_, eminent theorist William E. Connolly focuses on several self-organizing ecologies that help to constitute our world. These interacting geological, biological, and climate systems, some of which harbor creative capacities, are depreciated by that brand of neoliberalism that confines self-organization to economic markets and equates the latter with impersonal rationality. Neoliberal practice thus fails to address the fragilities it exacerbates. Engaging a diverse range of thinkers, from Friedrich Hayek, Michel Foucault, Hesiod, and Immanuel Kant to (...)
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  20.  84
    The Divine Attributes.William E. Mann - 1975 - American Philosophical Quarterly 12 (2):151 - 159.
  21.  4
    William Whewell's Theory of Scientific Method.William Whewell & Robert E. Butts - 1968 - [Pittsburgh] : University of Pittsburgh Press.
    William Whewell is considered one of the most important nineteenth-century British philosophers of science and a contributor to modern philosophical thought, particularly regarding the problem of induction and the logic of discovery. In this volume, Robert E. Butts offers selections from Whewell's most important writings, and analysis of counter-claims to his philosophy.
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  22. Representational theories of consciousness, parts I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager (ed.), Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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  23. Busyness and citizenship.William E. Scheuerman - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (2):447-470.
    How does the experience of busyness impact democratic political life? My hunch is that those reading this essay might very well offer the following answer: busyness means that we relegate political activities to the bottom of a long and sometimes tedious laundry list of “things to get done.” In fact, many of us no longer even bother to include the basic activities of citizenship –getting informed about the issues, deliberating with our peers about matters of common concern, attending a political (...)
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  24.  67
    A critique of pure politics.William E. Connolly - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (5):1-26.
    This essay examines lines of connection between disgust, the effect of disciplines upon such intensive appraisals, political action, and the shape of ethical responsiveness. Philosophies that espouse purity in moral ity or politics mask these lines of connection; they thereby disparage the sig nificance of techniques of the self to ethical and political life. Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt provide the two main figures through whom these themes are explored. Arendt and Kant are brought into relation with each other through (...)
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  25.  32
    A world of becoming.William E. Connolly - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Complexity, agency, and time -- The vicissitudes of experience -- Belief, spirituality, and time -- The human predicament -- Capital flows, sovereign decisions, and world resonance machines -- The theorist and the seer.
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  26. Dennett, part I and II.William E. Seager - 1999 - In William Seager (ed.), Theories of Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
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  27.  15
    6. God's Freedom, Human Freedom, and God's Responsibility for Sin.William E. Mann - 1988 - In Thomas V. Morris (ed.), Divine and Human Action: Essays in the Metaphysics of Theism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 182-210.
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  28. The best of all possible worlds.William E. Mann - 1991 - In Scott Charles MacDonald (ed.), Being and goodness: the concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theology. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 250--77.
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  29.  81
    Externalism and token identity.William E. Seager - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (169):439-48.
    Donald Davidson espouses two fundamental theses about the individuation of mental events. The thesis of causal individuation asserts that sameness of cause and effect is sufficient and necessary for event identity. The thesis of content individuation gives only a sufficient condition for difference of mental events: if e and f have different contents then they are different mental events. I argue that given these theses, psychological externalism--the view that mental content is determined by factors external to the subject of the (...)
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  30.  24
    A decision model for accuracy and response latency in recognition memory.William E. Hockley & Bennet B. Murdock - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (3):341-358.
  31.  18
    Ethical considerations for treating the old order Amish.William E. Conlin - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (6):419-432.
    Recent estimates suggest that the number of people seeking mental health treatment has increased significantly in the past 20 years (Kessler et al., 2005; Lipson et al., 2019; Mojtabai, 2005). Many...
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  32.  14
    The Rule of Law Under Siege: Selected Essays of Franz L. Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer.William E. Scheuerman (ed.) - 1996 - University of California Press.
    In the pathbreaking essays collected here, Neumann and Kirchheimer demonstrate that the death of democracy and the rise of fascism during the first half of the twentieth century suggest crucial lessons for contemporary political and legal scholars. The volume includes writings on constitutionalism, political freedom, Nazism, sovereignty, and both Nazi and liberal law. Most important, the Frankfurt authors point to the continuing efficacy of the rule of law as an instrument for regulating and restraining state authority, as well as ominous (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Embodiment and the Perceptual Hypothesis.William E. S. McNeill - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (247):569 - 591.
    The Perceptual Hypothesis is that we sometimes see, and thereby have non-inferential knowledge of, others' mental features. The Perceptual Hypothesis opposes Inferentialism, which is the view that our knowledge of others' mental features is always inferential. The claim that some mental features are embodied is the claim that some mental features are realised by states or processes that extend beyond the brain. The view I discuss here is that the Perceptual Hypothesis is plausible if, but only if, the mental features (...)
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    The Geneticization of Diagnostics.William E. Stempsey - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (2):193-200.
    “Geneticization” is a term used to describe the ways in which the science of genetics is influencing society at large and medicine in particular; it has important implications for the process of diagnostics. Because genetic diagnostics produces knowledge about genetic disease and predisposition to disease, it is essentially influenced by these innovations in the disease concept. In this paper, I argue that genetic diagnostics presents new ethical challenges not because the diagnostic process or method in genetic diagnostics is ethically different (...)
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  35.  25
    Simulation games.William E. Smythe - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):448-449.
  36. Duns Scotus on natural and supernatural knowledge of God.William E. Mann - 2002 - In Thomas Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 238--262.
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    The rhetoric of grammar: Understanding Wittgenstein's method.William E. Barnett - 1990 - Metaphilosophy 21 (1-2):43-66.
  38. John Paul II's Moral Theology on Trial: A Reply to Charles E. Curran.William May & E. Brugger - 2005 - The Thomist 69:279-312.
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    Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics by Janet E. Smith and Christopher Kaczor.William E. May - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):207-209.
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  40.  6
    The Augustinian Imperative: A Reflection on the Politics of Morality.William E. Connolly - 1993 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing support from Nietzsche and Foucault, Connolly argues that the Augustinian Imperative contains unethical implications: its carriers too often convert living signs that threaten their ontological self-confidence into modes of otherness to be condemned, punished, or converted in order to restore that confidence. With a lucidity and rhetorical power that makes it readily accessible, The Augustinian Imperative examines Augustine's enactment of the Imperative, explores alternative ethico-political orientations, and subsequently reveals much about the politics of morality in the modern age.
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  41.  8
    States of Emergency.William E. Scheuerman - 2016 - In Jens Meierhenrich & Oliver Simons (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Carl Schmitt’s theory of emergency powers has garnered substantial attention in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on the US, UK, and Spain. Against those who underscore apparent discontinuities in Schmitt’s view of emergency government, or see him as advocating law-based and/or a constitutional model of emergency government, this chapter revisits three key historical and intellectual contexts—the First World War, the Weimar debate about Article 48, and the disintegration of Weimar democracy after 1930— to offer an alternative interpretation. The radical anti-legal (...)
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  42.  18
    Response latency as a function of interstimulus interval in conditioned eyelid discrimination.William E. Vandament - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):561.
  43.  96
    Seeing What You Want.William E. S. McNeill - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:554-564.
    There has been recent interest in the hypothesis that we can directly perceive some of each other’s mental features. One popular strategy for defending that hypothesis is to claim that some mental features are embodied in a way that makes them available to perception. Here I argue that this view would imply a particular limit on the kinds of mental feature that would be perceptible (§2). I sketch reasons for thinking that the view is not yet well-motivated (§3). And I (...)
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  44. Politically Motivated Property Damage.William E. Scheuerman - 2021 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 28:89-106.
    Can politically inspired property damage or destruction be justified? This question is hardly of mere academic interest, in light of recent political protests in Hong Kong, the USA, and elsewhere. Against some contemporary writers, I argue that placing property damage under an open-ended rubric of uncivil disobedience does not generate the necessary conceptual and normative distinctions. Drawing on Martin Luther King, Jr., I instead argue that property damage should not be equated or conflated with violence against persons; it also takes (...)
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    On textual individuation.William E. Tolhurst & Samuel C. Wheeler - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 35 (2):187 - 197.
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    Metaphysical presuppositions.William E. Kennick - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (25):769-780.
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  47.  51
    The problem of evil and the possibility of a better world.William E. McMahon - 1969 - Journal of Value Inquiry 3 (2):81-90.
  48.  50
    Donald Trump meets Carl Schmitt.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1170-1185.
    By revisiting late-Weimar debates between Carl Schmitt and two left-wing critics, Otto Kirchheimer and Franz L Neumann, we can shed light on the surprising alliance of populist politics with key tenets of economic liberalism, an alliance that vividly manifests itself in the political figure and retrograde policies of Donald Trump. In the process, we can begin to fill a striking lacuna in recent scholarly literature on populism, namely its failure to pay proper attention to matters of political economy. We can (...)
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  49.  15
    3. Constitutional Law.William E. Scheuerman - 2018 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide & Cristina Lafont (eds.), The Habermas handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 36-42.
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    Competency to Be Sentenced and Executed.William E. MacLean & Mark J. Watt - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (1):35-41.
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