Results for 'Willi Hennig'

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  1. Phylogenetic Systematics.Willi Hennig - 1966 - University of Illinois Press.
    Argues for the primacy of the phylogenetic system as the general reference system in biology. This book, first published in 1966, generated significant controversy and opened possibilities for evolutionary biology.
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  2. Phylogenetic Systematics.Willi Hennig, D. Dwight Davis & Rainer Zangerl - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (3):499-502.
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    Phylogenetic Systematics. Willi Hennig, D. Dwight Davis, Rainer Zangerl. [REVIEW]Norman I. Platnick & Gareth Nelson - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (3):499-502.
  4. Nicolai Hartmann and the Metaphysical Foundation of Phylogenetic Systematics.Frederic Tremblay - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (1):56-68.
    When developing phylogenetic systematics, the entomologist Willi Hennig adopted elements from Nicolai Hartmann’s ontology. In this historical essay I take on the task of documenting this adoption. I argue that in order to build a metaphysical foundation for phylogenetic systematics, Hennig adopted from Hartmann four main metaphysical theses. These are (1) that what is real is what is temporal; (2) that the criterion of individuality is to have duration; (3) that species are supra-individuals; and (4) that there (...)
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    Confusion in cladism.Patricia A. Williams - 1992 - Synthese 91 (1-2):135 - 152.
    In Phylogenetic Systematics (1966), Willi Hennig conflates the Linnaean hierarchy with what Hennig refers to as the divisional hierarchy. In doing so, he lays the foundations of that school of biological taxonomy known as cladism on a philosophically ambiguous basis. This paper compares and contrasts the two hierarchies and demonstrates that Hennig conflates them. It shows that Hennig's followers also conflate them. Finally, it illuminates five persistent problems in cladism by suggesting that they arise from (...)
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    Morphology and Phylogeny.Olivier Rieppel - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (2):217-230.
    The concept that renders morphology a tool for phylogeny reconstruction is homology. The concept of homology is rooted in pre-evolutionary idealistic morphology. The claim that the goal of idealistic morphology was the seriability of form may sound paradoxical given that this discipline proceeded within a framework of strictly delimited types. But the types only demarcate where seriability starts and where it comes to an end. Carl Gegenbaur’s was recognized as a milestone in idealistic morphology. A comparison with the second edition (...)
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  7. Mystery of mysteries: Darwin and the species problem.Marc Ereshefsky - unknown
    Darwin offered an intriguing answer to the species problem. He doubted the existence of the species category as a real category in nature, but he did not doubt the existence of those taxa called ‘‘species’’. And despite his scepticism of the species category, Darwin continued using the word ‘‘species’’. Many have said that Darwin did not understand the nature of species. Yet his answer to the species problem is both theoretically sound and practical. On the theoretical side, DarwinÕs answer is (...)
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  8. Species are individuals—the German tradition.Olivier Rieppel - 2011 - Cladistics 27 (6):629-645.
    The German tradition of considering species, and higher taxonomic entities, as individuals begins with the temporalization of natural history, thus pre-dating Darwin’s ‘Origin’ of 1859. In the tradition of German Naturphilosophie as developed by Friedrich Schelling, species came to be seen as parts of a complex whole that encompasses all (living) nature. Species were comprehended as dynamic entities that earn individuality by virtue of their irreversible passage through time. Species individuality was conceived in terms of species taxa forming a spatiotemporally (...)
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  9. Are human races cladistic subspecies?Zinhle Mncube - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (2):163-174.
    In the article titled ‘A new perspective on the race debate’,Robin O. Andreasen argues that contrary to popular scientific belief, human races are biologically real—it is just that we are wrong about them. Andreasen calls her contemporary biological concept of race ‘the cladistic race concept’ (or CRC). Her theory uses theory from cladistics—a systematic school founded by entomologist Willi Hennig in 1950—to define human races genealogically as cladistic subspecies. In this paper I will argue that despite its promise (...)
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    Biological Individuals and Natural Kinds.Olivier Rieppel - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (2):162-169.
    This paper takes a hierarchical approach to the question whether species are individuals or natural kinds. The thesis defended here is that species are spatiotemporally located complex wholes (individuals), that are composed of (i.e., include) causally interdependent parts, which collectively also instantiate a homeostatic property cluster (HPC) natural kind. Species may form open or closed genetic systems that are dynamic in nature, that have fuzzy boundaries due to the processual nature of speciation, that may have leaky boundaries as is manifest (...)
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    La proliferación de los conceptos de especie en la biología evolucionista (The proliferation of species concepts in evolutionary biology).Roberto Torretti - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 25 (3):325-377.
    RESUMEN: La biología evolucionista no ha logrado definir un concepto de especie que satisfaga a todos sus colaboradores. El presente panorama crítico de las principales propuestas y sus respectivas dificultades apunta, por un lado, a ilustrar los procesos de formación de conceptos en las ciencias empíricas y, por otro, a socavar la visión parateológica del conocimiento y la verdad que inspiró inicialmente a la ciencia moderna y prevalece aún entre muchas personas educadas. El artículo se divide en dos partes. La (...)
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    Adolf Naef (1883–1949): On Foundational Concepts and Principles of Systematic Morphology. [REVIEW]Olivier Rieppel, David M. Williams & Malte C. Ebach - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (3):445-510.
    During the early twentieth century, the Swiss Zoologist Adolf Naef (1883–1949) established himself as a leader in German comparative anatomy and higher level systematics. He is generally labeled an ‘idealistic morphologist’, although he himself called his research program ‘systematic morphology’. The idealistic morphology that flourished in German biology during the first half of the twentieth century was a rather heterogeneous movement, within which Adolf Naef worked out a special theoretical system of his own. Following a biographical sketch, we present an (...)
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  13.  22
    Constituent Functions Boris Hennig.Boris Hennig - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--259.
    Starting from the idea that functions are formally similar to actions in that they are described and explained in a similar way, so that both admit of an accordion effect, I turn to Anscombe’s insight that the point of practical reasoning is to render explicit the relation between the different descriptions of an action generated by the accordion effect. The upshot is, roughly, that an item has a function if what it does can be accounted for by functional reasoning. Put (...)
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    Flemming, Willi, Dr., die Begründung der modernen Ästhetik und Kunstwissenschaft durch Leon Battista Alberti.Willi Flemming - 1917 - Kant Studien 21 (1-3).
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    Splettstösser, Willi, Dr., Oberlehrer, Dozent a. d. Humboldt-Akademie zu Berlin. Der Grundgedanke in Goethes Faust.Willi Splettstösser - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Quiddities and repeatables: towards a tripartite analysis of simple predicative statements.Boris Hennig - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-12.
    I argue that a tripartite analysis of simple statements such as “Bucephalus is a horse”, according to which they divide into two terms and a copula, requires the notion of a repeatable: something such that more than one particular can literally be it. I pose a familiar dilemma with respect to repeatables, and turn to Avicenna for a solution, who discusses a similar dilemma concerning quiddities. I conclude by describing how Avicenna’s quiddities relate to repeatables, and how both quiddities and (...)
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  17. Cartesian conscientia.Boris Hennig - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (3):455-484.
    Although Descartes is often said to have coined the modern notion of ‘consciousness’, he defines it neither explicitly nor implicitly. This may imply (1) that he was not the first to use ‘conscientia’ in its modern, psychological sense, or (2) that he still used it in its traditional moral sense. In this paper, I argue for the latter assumption. Descartes used ‘conscientia’ according to the meaning we also find in texts of St. Paul, Augustine, Aquinas and later scholastics. Thus the (...)
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  18.  85
    Qualification in Philosophy.Boris Hennig - 2023 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):183-205.
    Qualifiers such as “insofar as” and “in itself” have always been important ingredients in key philosophical claims. Descartes, for instance, famously argues that insofar as he is a thinker, he is not made of matter, and Kant equally famously argues that we cannot know things in themselves. Neither of these claims is meant to be true without qualification. Descartes is not simply denying that humans consist of matter, and Kant is not simply denying that we know things. Therefore, we cannot (...)
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    Eternal truths and the Cartesian circle: a collection of studies.Willis Doney (ed.) - 1987 - New York: Garland.
  20.  12
    Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, eds. 2009. Error and Inference (Christian Hennig). [REVIEW]Christian Hennig - 2012 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 27 (2):245-247.
  21.  20
    Applying Laozi’s Dao De Jing in Business.Alicia Hennig - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (1):19-33.
    China is a country with a long-standing and rich history. This rich history is also expressed in its cultural, religious and philosophical diversity. One of China’s most prominent and influential philosophical strands is Daoism, which is still practiced today despite the political turmoil of the 20th century. It came into existence at roughly the same time as Confucianism. This paper focuses on a particular work of the Daoist canon, which at the same time is one of its most prominent ones: (...)
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    Constituent Functions.Boris Hennig - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 259-274.
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    (1 other version)Speculating on the biography of an apparatus.Anke Hennig - 2017 - Latest Issue of Philosophy of Photography 8 (1-2):76-95.
    In this article I will look at literary imagination and the ways it is undermined and transformed by its relationship to apparatuses. I will compare the apparatus of Aby Warburg’s library with Peter Dittmer’s recent poetic apparatus Die Amme (1992–2006) in order to find out how poetics gets trapped by, and responds to, the challenge of apparatuses by employing the logistics of writing. A key concern of this article is to determine the role that speculation plays in poetics, in the (...)
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    The Félire Oengusso and the Martyrologium Wandalberti.John Hennig - 1955 - Mediaeval Studies 17 (1):219-226.
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  25. Zur Neuen Folge.Johannes Hennig - 1942 - Kant Studien 42:1.
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  26. Persuasion in Calvin's theology.E. David Willis - 1987 - In Peter De Klerk (ed.), Calvin and Christian ethics: papers and responses presented at the Fifth Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies sponsored by the Calvin Studies Society held at the Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan, on May 8 and 9, 1985. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Calvin Studies Society.
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    An Interview with Paul Willis: Commodification, Resistance and Reproduction.Paul Willis, Marco Santoro & Roberta Sassatelli - 2009 - European Journal of Social Theory 12 (2):265-289.
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  28. Aitiai as middle terms.Boris Hennig - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):126-148.
    Aristotle’s aitiai are middle terms in Aristotelian syllogisms. I argue that stating the aitia of a thing therefore amounts to re-describing this same thing in an alternative and illuminating way. This, in turn, means that a thing and its aitiai really are one and the same thing under different descriptions. The purpose of this paper is to show that this view is implied by Aristotle’s account of explanation, and that it makes more sense than one might expect.
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  29. Kants Modell kausaler Verhältnisse.Boris Hennig - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):367-384.
    Eric Watkins argues that according to Kant, causation is not a relation between two events, but a relation between the “causality” of a substance and an event. It is shown that his arguments are partly based on a confusion between causation and interaction. Further, Watkins claims that for Kant, causes cannot be temporally determined. If this were true, it would follow that there can be no causal chains, and that all factors that determine the time when an effect occurs do (...)
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    Knowledge and Truth in Plato: Stepping Past the Shadow of Socrates.Boris Hennig - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (276):638-641.
    Review of Catherine Rowett's Knowledge and Truth in Plato.
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    The productiveness of errors and the GAKhN’s encyclopedia of artistic concepts.Anke Hennig - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):261-281.
  32. Wagnis Leben.Willy Bergien - 1969 - Thalwil-Zürich,: Oesch.
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    Mens tegenover mens: solidariteit en zelfgenoegzaamheid in de menselijke verhoudingen.Willy Coolsaet - 1998 - Leuven: Garant.
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    Christliche Theologie.John Hennig, Ernst Offner, Julius Gross, Georg Franz-Willing, Schalom Ben-Chorin, Gustav Mensching, F. W. Kantzenbach, Michael Thomas, Niels-Peter Moritzen, Hans G. Klemm & Gerhard Müller - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):256-268.
  35. Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche. Zwei Abbildungen.Johannes Hennig - 1935 - Kant Studien 40:V.
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    Falsification of Propensity Models by Statistical Tests and the Goodness-of-Fit Paradox.Christian Hennig - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (2):166-192.
    Gillies introduced a propensity interpretation of probability which is linked to experience by a falsifying rule for probability statements. The present paper argues that general statistical tests should qualify as falsification rules. The ‘goodness-of-fit paradox’ is introduced: the confirmation of a probability model by a test refutes the model's validity. An example is given in which an independence test introduces dependence. Several possibilities to interpret the paradox and to deal with it are discussed. It is concluded that the propensity interpretation (...)
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  37. Nachhaltigkeitsprinzip, Organismusidee und Organik als Beiträge der Forstwissenschaft zur Philosophie.R. Hennig - 1986 - Philosophia Naturalis 23 (1):123-138.
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    Nietzsches Philosophie der Körperteile.Matthias Hennig - 2016 - Nietzsche Studien 45 (1):158-177.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 158-177.
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  39. Der Gentleman und der Christ.Willy Lorenz - 1967 - München,: Herold.
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    Knowledge and development.Willis F. Overton & Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Plenum Press.
    From an informal group of a dozen faculty and graduate students at Temple University, the Jean Piaget Society grew in seven years to 500 members who have interests in the application of genetic epistemology to their own disciplines and professions. At the outset Piaget endorsed the concept of a society which bore his name and presented a major address on equilibration at the society's first symposium in May, 1971. Had he not done so the society would no doubt have remained (...)
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  41.  34
    "Conscientia" bei Descartes.Boris Hennig - 2006 - Alber Verlag.
    Although Descartes is often said to have coined the modern notion of 'consciousness', he nowhere defines the according Latin term (conscientia), neither explicitly nor implicitly. This may either imply that he used the word in a sense that he did not make sufficiently clear, that he was not the first to use 'conscientia' in its modern psychological sense, or that he still used it in its traditional sense. I argue for the third assumption: Descartes used 'conscientia' according to the traditional (...)
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    Daoism in Management.Alicia Hennig - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):161-182.
    The paper concentrates on the Chinese philosophical strand of Daoism and analyses in how far this philosophy can contribute to new directions in management theory. Daoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy, which can only be traced back roughly to about 200 or 100 BC when during Han dynasty the writers Laozi and Zhuangzi were identified as “Daoists”. However, during Han dynasty Daoism and prevalent Confucianism intermingled. Generally, it is rather difficult today to clearly discern Daoist thought from other philosophical strands (...)
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  43.  32
    Aristotle's four causes.Boris Hennig - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book examines Aristotle's four causes (material, formal, efficient, and final), offering a systematic discussion of the relation between form and matter, causation, taxonomy, and teleology. The overall aim is to show that the four causes form a system, so that the form of a natural thing relates to its matter as the final cause of a natural process relates to its efficient cause. Aristotle's Four Causes reaches two novel and distinctive conclusions. The first is that the formal cause or (...)
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    Constituting critique: Kant's writing as critical praxis.Willi Goetschel - 1994 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Kant’s philosophy is often treated as a closed system, without reference to how it was written or how Kant arrived at its familiar form, the critique. In fact, the style of the critique seems so artless that readers think of it as an unfortunate by-product—a style of stylelessness. In _Constituting Critique_, Willi Goetschel shows how this apparent gracelessness was deliberately achieved by Kant through a series of writing experiments. By providing an account of the process that culminated in his (...)
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  45. The Four Causes.Boris Hennig - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (3):137-160.
    I will argue that Aristotle’s fourfold division of four causes naturally arises from a combination of two distinctions (a) between things and changes, and (b) between that which potentially is something and what it potentially is. Within this scheme, what is usually called the “efficient cause” is something that potentially is a certain natural change, and the “final cause” is, at least in a basic sense, what the efficient cause potentially is. I will further argue that the essences of things (...)
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  46.  67
    Self‐Knowledge as Knowledge of the Good: Hugh of St. Victor on Self‐Knowledge.Boris Hennig - 2019 - Dialectica 73 (1-2):211-230.
    This is a discussion of self-knowledge in Hugh of St. Victor. It will yield the following three systematic results. First, it will be shown that there is a clear sense in which human self-knowledge is knowledge of one’s own rationality, and therefore knowledge of the proper object of one’s rational capacities (dunameis meta logou). Second, a distinction will be drawn between perfect and imperfect self-knowledge. Third, it will turn out that under conditions of perfect self-knowledge, all our rational capacities would (...)
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  47. Aristoteles' Beschreibung der ethischen Tugenden.Boris Hennig - 2015 - In Jens Kertscher & Jan Müller (eds.), Lebensform und Praxisform. Münster: Mentis.
    Wenn Tugenden Praxisformen sind, dann kann man einiges über Praxisformen lernen, indem man nachsieht, was Tugenden sind. Ich werde dies im Folgenden partiell und indirekt tun, indem ich die sprachliche Form untersuche, in der Aristoteles die ethischen Tugenden beschreibt. Er tut dies im Wesentlichen dadurch, dass er den derart Tugendhaften in der dritten Person Singular beschreibt. Dann werde ich kurz auf die Grenzen von Aristoteles’ Verfahren zu sprechen kommen, indem ich auf eine den Tugenden und anderen Praxisformen inhärente Pluralität hinweise. (...)
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    Socrates and Self-Knowledge.Boris Hennig - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (271):421-424.
    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Scots Philosophical Association and the University of St Andrews. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] idea of this book is to closely examine all passages where Socrates talks about the Delphic precept, ‘Know Thyself’, and see what picture of self-knowledge emerges. Given that Socrates is a key figure in the transmission of this precept, it is very likely that such a project leads to significant results.After (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Independent vs corporate bookselling: A British view (Cause for Debate – 8).Willie Anderson - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 13 (3):145-150.
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    Four seasons in femininity orfour men in a woman's life.Willy Apollon - 1993 - Topoi 12 (2):101-115.
    The feminine complaint that Alex's passion echoes, raising it to a level rarely attained, is not limited to the pursuit of sexual jouissance . Nor can it be reduced to an aversion on the part of women to a morality of the signifier, as maintained by a certain reading of Freud. Very precisely, the persistent note in feminine restlessness is a certain relationship of the subject to the insufficiency of the signifier, which the quest for love registers. The fact that (...)
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