Results for 'Wendy K. Kolmar'

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  1.  57
    Feminist theory: a reader.Wendy K. Kolmar & Frances Bartkowski (eds.) - 1999 - Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co..
    This comprehensive reader represents the history, intellectual breadth and diversity of feminist theory.
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    Further issues in neurolinguistic preconditions.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):793-798.
    This response to continuing commentary addresses brain-hand relationships in Cebus apella (as introduced in West-ergaard's commentary), the evolutionary and acquisition parallels between music and language (suggested by Lynch), and the potential behavioral linguistic consequences of the evolutionary neurobiology in Australopithecus africanus and Homo habilis (discussed by Tobias). Finally, we reiterate the importance of well informed, multidisciplinary approaches to the study of the emergence of human species-specific cognition, especially linguistic capacity.
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  3. Managing Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprise.Wendy K. Smith, Michael Gonin & Marya L. Besharov - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3):407-442.
    ABSTRACT:In a world filled with poverty, environmental degradation, and moral injustice, social enterprises offer a ray of hope. These organizations seek to achieve social missions through business ventures. Yet social missions and business ventures are associated with divergent goals, values, norms, and identities. Attending to them simultaneously creates tensions, competing demands, and ethical dilemmas. Effectively understanding social enterprises therefore depends on insight into the nature and management of these tensions. While existing research recognizes tensions between social missions and business ventures, (...)
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    Issues and nonissues in the origins of language.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):205-226.
    This response clarifies the nature of reappropriation and the definition of language. It explicates the relationship between neural systems and language and between homology and evolutionary gradualism. Through a review of ape capacities in the realms of language and tool use, it distinguishes human language acquisition from nonhuman learning. Finally, it suggests the appropriate sorts of evidence on which to base further evolutionary arguments relevant to the origins of language.
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    Pregnancy, drugs, and the perils of prosecution.Wendy K. Mariner, Leonard H. Glantz & George J. Annas - 1990 - Criminal Justice Ethics 9 (1):30-41.
  6.  46
    Business vs. Medical Ethics: Conflicting Standards for Managed Care.Wendy K. Mariner - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (3):236-246.
    The increased competition for a share of the market of insured patients, which arose in the wake of failed comprehensive health care reform, has provoked questions about what, if any, standards will govern new “competitive” health care organizations. Managed care arrangements, which typically shift to providers and patients some or all of the financial risk for patient care, are of special concern because they can create incentives to withhold beneficial care from patients. Of course, fee-for-service medical practice creates incentives to (...)
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    Military Genitourinary Trauma: Policies, Implications, and Ethics.Wendy K. Dean, Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (6):10-13.
    The men and women who serve in the armed forces, in the words of Major General Joseph Caravalho, “sign a blank check, co-signed by their families, payable to the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines, up to and including their lives.” It is human nature to consider such a pact in polarized terms; the pact concludes in either a celebratory homecoming or funereal mourning. But in reality, surviving catastrophic injury may incur the greatest debt. The small but real possibility of (...)
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    Brains evolution and neurolinguistic preconditions.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):161-182.
    This target article presents a plausible evolutionary scenario for the emergence of the neural preconditions for language in the hominid lineage. In pleistocene primate lineages there was a paired evolutionary expansion of frontal and parietal neocortex (through certain well-documented adaptive changes associated with manipulative behaviors) resulting, in ancestral hominids, in an incipient Broca's region and in a configurationally unique junction of the parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes of the brain (the POT). On our view, the development of the POT in (...)
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  9.  30
    Diagnosis Related Groups: Evading Social Responsibility?Wendy K. Mariner - 1984 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 12 (6):243-244.
  10.  28
    Getting to Market: The Scientific and Legal Climate for Developing an AIDS Vaccine.Wendy K. Mariner & Robert C. Gallo - 1987 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 15 (1-2):17-26.
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    Medical Care for Prisoners: The Evolution of a Civil Right.Wendy K. Mariner - 1981 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 9 (2):4-8.
  12. Market theory and moral theory in health policy.Wendy K. Mariner - 1983 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (2).
    Recent efforts to introduce competition, consistent with microeconomic theory, into the United States health care system raise questions of distributive justice. Similarities between microeconomic theory and libertarian philosophy suggest the possibility of confusing economic goals of efficiency and cost containment with social goals of equity of access to care. This paper raises the fear that if the two are confused, society may unwittingly abandon any serious effort to ensure that the poor have access to essential types of medical care, because (...)
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  13.  40
    Slouching toward Managed Care Liability: Reflections on Doctrinal Boundaries, Paradigm Shifts, and Incremental Reform.Wendy K. Mariner - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (3-4):253-277.
    Following the seemingly endless debate over managed care liability, I cannot suppress thoughts of Yeats’s poem, “The Second Coming.” It is not the wellknown phrase, “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold,” that comes to mind; although that could describe the feeling of a health-care system unraveling. The poem’s depiction of lost innocence — “The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity” — does not allude to the legislature, the industry, the public, or the medical or (...)
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    Consent Forms, Readability, and Comprehension: The Need for New Assessment Tools.Wendy K. Mariner & Patricia A. McArdle - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (2):68-74.
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    Comment: The Usefulness of QCA Under Realist Assumptions.Wendy Kay Olsen & Wendy K. Olsen - unknown
    Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) opens up two new forms of knowledge: (1) knowing about alternative pathways to one outcome (equifinality) and (2) perceiving nuances of necessary cause and sufficient cause. Several misunderstandings of QCA occur in the article by Lucas and Szatrowski (this volume, p. 1). First, there are minor problems with expressions. Second, there are differences between their philosophy of science (arguments 1, 2, and 3 below) and a realist approach. Third, they misinterpret what was meant by sufficient and (...)
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    Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price & Wendy K. Chung - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):22-32.
    Genomic research—including whole genome sequencing and whole exome sequencing—has a growing presence in contemporary biomedical investigation. The capacity of sequencing techniques to generate results that go beyond the primary aims of the research—historically referred to as “incidental findings”—has generated considerable discussion as to how this information should be handled—that is, whether incidental results should be returned, and if so, which ones.Federal regulations governing most human subjects research in the United States require the disclosure of “the procedures to be followed” in (...)
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    (1 other version)Taking Benefits Seriously in Developing Countries.Leonard H. Glantz, George J. Annas, Michael A. Grodin & Wendy K. Mariner - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (6):38-42.
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  18.  40
    Cognitive and emotional facets of test anxiety in African American school children.Rona Carter, Sandra Williams & Wendy K. Silverman - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (3):539-551.
  19.  20
    Understanding individualised genetic interventions as research-treatment hybrids.Josephine Johnston, Kathryn Tabb, Danielle Pacia, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Wendy K. Chung & Paul S. Appelbaum - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Until recently, medicine has had little to offer most of the millions of patients suffering from rare and ultrarare genetic conditions. But the development in 2019 of Milasen, the first genetic intervention developed for and administered to a single patient suffering from an ultrarare genetic disorder, has offered hope to patients and families. In addition, Milasen raised a series of conceptual and ethical questions about how individualised genetic interventions should be developed, assessed for safety and efficacy and financially supported. The (...)
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    Views of Genetic Testing for Autism Among Autism Self-Advocates: A Qualitative Study.Robert Klitzman, Ekaterina Bezborodko, Wendy K. Chung & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (4):262-279.
    Background Autism self-advocates’ views regarding genetic tests for autism are important, but critical questions about their perspectives arise.Methods We interviewed 11 autism self-advocates, recruited through autism self-advocacy websites, for 1 h each.Results Interviewees viewed genetic testing and its potential pros and cons through the lens of their own indiviudal perceived challenges, needs and struggles, especially concerning stigma and discrimination, lack of accommodations and misunderstandings from society about autism, their particular needs for services, and being blamed by others and by themselves (...)
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    Towards the role of working memory in pitch processing in language and music.Leigh VanHandel, Jennie Wakefield & Wendy K. Wilkins - 2011 - In Patrick Rebuschat, Martin Rohrmeier, John A. Hawkins & Ian Cross (eds.), Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press. pp. 302.
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    Do Traditional Chinese Cultural Values Nourish a Market for Pirated CDs?Wendy W. N. Wan, Chung-Leung Luk, Oliver H. M. Yau, Alan C. B. Tse, Leo Y. M. Sin & Kenneth K. Kwong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):185-196.
    On one hand, Chinese consumers are well known for conspicuous consumption and the adoption of luxury products and named brands. On the other hand, they also have a bad reputation for buying counterfeit products. Their simultaneous preferences for two contrasting types of product present a paradox that has not been addressed in the literature. This study attempts to present an explanation of this paradox by examining the effects of traditional Chinese cultural values and consumer values on consumers’ deontological judgment of (...)
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  23.  44
    Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions: the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade.Christian K. Wedemeyer & Wendy Doniger (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume comprises papers presented at a conference marking the 50th anniversary of Joachim Wach's death, and the centennial of Mircea Eliade's birth.
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    Strengthening the ethical assessment of placebo-controlled surgical trials: three proposals.Wendy Rogers, Katrina Hutchison, Zoë C. Skea & Marion K. Campbell - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):78.
    Placebo-controlled surgical trials can provide important information about the efficacy of surgical interventions. However, they are ethically contentious as placebo surgery entails the risk of harms to recipients, such as pain, scarring or anaesthetic misadventure. This has led to claims that placebo-controlled surgical trials are inherently unethical. On the other hand, without placebo-controlled surgical trials, it may be impossible to know whether an apparent benefit from surgery is due to the intervention itself or to the placebo effect.
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  25.  33
    Islamic Geometries: Spiritual Affects Against a Secularist Grid.Wendy M. K. Shaw - 2022 - Sophia 61 (1):41-59.
    Discussions of surface pattern in Islamic art resonate within broader tensions about the role of figural representation in communicating meaning. The question of whether geometric pattern communicates—whether it functions as a language without a code—reflects broader tensions about the relationship between secular and spiritual communication. Poised between discussions of modernism and Islam, the attribution of linguistic capacity to geometry serves as a measure for the possibility of abstracting pure reason from the religious roots of representationalism. This paper explores this question (...)
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  26.  19
    11. Understanding Answers to Questions.Wendy G. Lehnert & Brian K. Stucky - 1988 - In Michel Meyer (ed.), Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 222-242.
  27. An Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.Vicki Xafis, G. Owen Schaefer, Markus K. Labude, Iain Brassington, Angela Ballantyne, Hannah Yeefen Lim, Wendy Lipworth, Tamra Lysaght, Cameron Stewart, Shirley Sun, Graeme T. Laurie & E. Shyong Tai - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):227-254.
    Ethical decision-making frameworks assist in identifying the issues at stake in a particular setting and thinking through, in a methodical manner, the ethical issues that require consideration as well as the values that need to be considered and promoted. Decisions made about the use, sharing, and re-use of big data are complex and laden with values. This paper sets out an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research developed by a working group convened by the Science, Health and (...)
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    Understanding the Uncanny: Both Atypical Features and Category Ambiguity Provoke Aversion toward Humanlike Robots.Megan K. Strait, Victoria A. Floerke, Wendy Ju, Keith Maddox, Jessica D. Remedios, Malte F. Jung & Heather L. Urry - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and the Visualization of History in the Late Ottoman Empire.Gary Beckman & Wendy M. K. Shaw - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):203.
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  30. (1 other version)Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology.Brian K. Hall & Wendy M. Olson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (2):406-408.
  31.  15
    Arguments About Animal Ethics.Wendy Atkins-Sayre, Renee S. Besel, Richard D. Besel, Carrie Packwood Freeman, Laura K. Hahn, Brett Lunceford, Patricia Malesh, Sabrina Marsh, Jane Bloodworth Rowe & Mary Trachsel - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Bringing together the expertise of rhetoricians in English and communication as well as media studies scholars, Arguments about Animal Ethics delves into the rhetorical and discursive practices of participants in controversies over the use of nonhuman animals for meat, entertainment, fur, and vivisection. Both sides of the debate are carefully analyzed, as the contributors examine how stakeholders persuade or fail to persuade audiences about the ethics of animal rights or the value of using animals.
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  32. Resuming the forward edge of development : psychoanalytically informed school based intervention.Wendy Winograd - 2017 - In Miriam Jaffe (ed.), Social work and K-12 schools casebook: phenomenological perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Bridging the gap between developmental systems theory and evolutionary developmental biology†.Jason Scott Robert, Brian K. Hall & Wendy M. Olson - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (10):954-962.
    Many scientists and philosophers of science are troubled by the relative isolation of developmental from evolutionary biology. Reconciling the science of development with the science of heredity preoccupied a minority of biologists for much of the twentieth century, but these efforts were not corporately successful. Mainly in the past fifteen years, however, these previously dispersed integrating programmes have been themselves synthesized and so reinvigorated. Two of these more recent synthesizing endeavours are evolutionary developmental biology and developmental systems theory. While the (...)
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    Paediatric xenotransplantation clinical trials and the right to withdraw.Daniel J. Hurst, Luz A. Padilla, Wendy Walters, James M. Hunter, David K. C. Cooper, Devin M. Eckhoff, David Cleveland & Wayne Paris - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (5):311-315.
    Clinical trials of xenotransplantation (XTx) may begin early in the next decade, with kidneys from genetically modified pigs transplanted into adult humans. If successful, transplanting pig hearts into children with advanced heart failure may be the next step. Typically, clinical trials have a specified end date, and participants are aware of the amount of time they will be in the study. This is not so with XTx. The current ethical consensus is that XTx recipients must consent to lifelong monitoring. While (...)
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    Society in language, language in society: essays in honour of Ruqaiya Hasan.Wendy L. Bowcher, Jennifer Yameng Liang & Ruqaiya Hasan (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the first collection dedicated to presenting research directly influenced by the innovative and groundbreaking ideas of the eminent linguist Ruqaiya Hasan. The collection offers an insight into the breadth and depth of Hasan's distinctive linguistic approaches and theoretical concerns. The chapters cover areas such as verbal art, context of situation, semantic networks, cohesive harmony, text structure and literacy education, contributed by well-known scholars in the field such as M.A.K. Halliday, Geoffrey Williams, David Butt, Donna Miller, Wendy L. (...)
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    Solving the conundrum of intra‐specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit.Neil B. Metcalfe, Jakob Bellman, Pierre Bize, Pierre U. Blier, Amélie Crespel, Neal J. Dawson, Ruth E. Dunn, Lewis G. Halsey, Wendy R. Hood, Mark Hopkins, Shaun S. Killen, Darryl McLennan, Lauren E. Nadler, Julie J. H. Nati, Matthew J. Noakes, Tommy Norin, Susan E. Ozanne, Malcolm Peaker, Amanda K. Pettersen, Anna Przybylska-Piech, Alann Rathery, Charlotte Récapet, Enrique Rodríguez, Karine Salin, Antoine Stier, Elisa Thoral, Klaas R. Westerterp, Margriet S. Westerterp-Plantenga, Michał S. Wojciechowski & Pat Monaghan - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2300026.
    Researchers from diverse disciplines, including organismal and cellular physiology, sports science, human nutrition, evolution and ecology, have sought to understand the causes and consequences of the surprising variation in metabolic rate found among and within individual animals of the same species. Research in this area has been hampered by differences in approach, terminology and methodology, and the context in which measurements are made. Recent advances provide important opportunities to identify and address the key questions in the field. By bringing together (...)
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  37.  12
    “I’m No Athlete [but] I Can Make This Thing Dance!”—Men’s Pleasures in Technology.Wendy Faulkner & Tine Kleif - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (2):296-325.
    The pleasures experienced by boys and men who work and play closely with technology have important implications for both gender and technology. This article presents empirical evidence on the topic from two studies: one of hobbyist “robot builders” who build machines for the U.K. television program Robot Wars, the other of professional software developers working in a large U.S. corporation. In spite of the obvious differences between these two groups, they experience strikingly similar pleasures—in creating technologies, in their skills and (...)
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  38.  25
    The complexity of postpartum mental health and illness: a critical realist study.Wendy Sword, Alexander M. Clark, Kathleen Hegadoren, Sandra Brooks & Dawn Kingston - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):51-62.
    SWORD W, CLARK AM, HEGADOREN K, BROOKS S and KINGSTON D. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 51–62 The complexity of postpartum mental health and illness: a critical realist studyPostpartum depression (PPD) is a major public health issue that profoundly impacts the woman, her infant and family. Although it may be linked to hormone changes, no direct hormonal aetiology has been established. A large body of evidence implicates numerous psychosocial predictors of PPD. While a history of depression predicts about 50% of cases (...)
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    Gender and sustainable livelihoods: linking gendered experiences of environment, community and self.Wendy Harcourt - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):1007-1019.
    In this essay I explore the economic, social, environmental and cultural changes taking place in Bolsena, Italy, where agricultural livelihoods have rapidly diminished in the last two decades. I examine how gender dynamics have shifted with the changing values and livelihoods of Bolsena through three women’s narratives detailing their gendered experiences of environment, community and self. I reflect on these changes with Sabrina, who is engaged in a feminist community-based organization; Anna, who is running an alternative wine bar; and Isabella, (...)
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  40.  21
    The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.Geoff Thompson, Wendy L. Bowcher & Lise Fontaine (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Presenting a field-defining overview of one of the most appliable linguistic theories available today, this Handbook surveys the key issues in the study of systemic functional linguistics, covering an impressive range of theoretical perspectives. Written by some of the world's foremost SFL scholars, including M. A. K. Halliday, the founder of SFL theory, the handbook covers topics ranging from the theory behind the model, discourse analysis within SFL, applied SFL, to SFL in relation to other subfields of linguistics such as (...)
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    Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual: The Christian Homa of Yogi Chen.Richard K. Payne - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:37-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual:The Christian Homa of Yogi ChenRichard K. PayneConcern with dual belonging reflects the increasing religious pluralism of European and American societies. This pluralism has included both an increasing variety of religious traditions from outside the monotheistic mainstream of Abrahamic religions as well as new movements and sects within that mainstream. Awareness that religious pluralism is a reality and that many people have (...)
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    Negotiating Rapture: The Power of Art to Transform Lives.Richard Francis, Homi K. Bhabha, Yve Alain Bois & Museum of Contemporary Art - 1996
    Bhabha, Georges Didi-Huberman, David Morgan and Lee Siegel, as well as a series of focused contributions by Yve-Alain Bois, Wendy Doniger, Kenneth Frampton, Martin E. Marty, John Hallmark Neff, Annemarie Schimmel, and Helen Tworkov consider how rapture resonate's both in a cultural context and within the experience of a single human being.
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    Bumper Stickers and Boobs.J. K. Miles - 2010 - In Dave Monroe (ed.), Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 140–150.
    This chapter contains sections titled: “I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!” The Preacher and the Porn Star Picnic Sex and the Prudes “Don't look, Ethel!” Tease Me, Whip Me, Persuade Me Biting the Bullet Hard Cases If Porn Isn't Free Speech, What Is It? Notes.
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    Undocumented Nationals: Between Statelessness and Citizenship, Wendy Hunter (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 75 pp., paperback $18, eBook $14. [REVIEW]Kelly Staples - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (4):562-563.
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  45. Support for Full Disclosure Up Front.Felicitas Holzer & Ignacio Mastroleo - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):3-3.
    A commentary on “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research,” by Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price II, and Wendy K. Chung, in the July‐August 2014 issue.
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  46. Hsi yang che hsüeh shih hua.Kʻun-ju Wu - 1977
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    Method and Continuity in Science.K. Brad Wray - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (2):363-375.
    Devitt has developed an interesting defense of realism against the threats posed by the Pessimistic Induction and the Argument from Unconceived Alternatives. Devitt argues that the best explanation for the success of our current theories, and the fact that they are superior to the theories they replaced, is that they were developed and tested with the aid of better methods than the methods used to develop and test the many theories that were discarded earlier in the history of science. It (...)
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  48. Discarded theories: the role of changing interests.K. Brad Wray - 2019 - Synthese 196 (2):553-569.
    I take another look at the history of science and offer some fresh insights into why the history of science is filled with discarded theories. I argue that the history of science is just as we should expect it to be, given the following two facts about science: theories are always only partial representations of the world, and almost inevitably scientists will be led to investigate phenomena that the accepted theory is not fit to account for. Together these facts suggest (...)
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    Buchbesprechungen – Buchhinweise.H. Zilleßen, K. Lefringhausen, Eike Christian Hirsch & R. Köster - 1966 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 10 (1):303-318.
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  50. The Political Dimension of Reconciliation: A Theological Analysis of Ways of Dealing With Guilt During the Transition to Democracy in South Africa and (East) Germany.Ralf K. Wüstenberg & Randi H. Lundell - 2009
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