Results for 'Warren Wilner'

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  1.  47
    The Lone ranger as a metaphor for the psychoanalytic movement from conscious to unconscious experience.Warren Wilner - 2005 - Psychoanalytic Review 92 (5):759-776.
  2.  49
    The analyst's embeddedness and the emergence of unconscious experience.Warren Wilner - 2006 - Contemporary Psychoanalysis 42 (1):13-29.
  3.  23
    Integration Between Cerebral Hemispheres Contributes to Defense Mechanisms.Sergio Paradiso, Warren S. Brown, John H. Porcerelli, Daniel Tranel, Ralph Adolphs & Lynn K. Paul - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  4. Logical Writings.Jacques Herbrand, Warren D. Goldfarb & Jean van Heijenoort - 1974 - Foundations of Language 11 (3):469-470.
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    Cournot and Renouvier on Scientific Revolutions.Warren Schmaus - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):7-17.
    Historians of philosophy have hitherto either given scant attention to Cournot and Renouvier’s views on scientific revolution, tried to read Kuhn’s concept of scientific revolution back into their works, or did not fully appreciate the extent to which these philosophers were reflecting on the works of their predecessors as well as on developments in mathematics and the sciences. Cournot’s views on cumulative development through revolution resemble Comte’s more than Kuhn’s, and his notion of progressive theoretical simplicity through revolution recalls Whewell’s (...)
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    Fraud and the Norms of Science.Warren Schmaus - 1983 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 8 (4):12-22.
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    Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with Prolog.David Maier & David S. Warren - 1988 - Prentice-Hall.
    Computing with logic / Maier, D., Warren, D.S.
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    The Bloom of Youth.James Warren - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (3):327-345.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The 'medicine is war' metaphor.Virginia L. Warren - 1991 - HEC Forum 3 (1):39-50.
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    Truth-function evaluation using the Polish notation.Arthur W. Burks, Don W. Warren & Jesse B. Wright - unknown
  11. The empirical character of methodological rules.Warren Schmaus - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):106.
    Critics of Laudan's normative naturalism have questioned whether methodological rules can be regarded as empirical hypotheses about relations between means and ends. Drawing on Laudan's defense that rules of method are contingent on assumptions about the world, I argue that even if such rules can be shown to be analytic in principle (Kaiser 1991), in practice the warrant for such rules will be empirical. Laudan's naturalism, however, acquires normative force only by construing both methods and epistemic goals as instrumental to (...)
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  12.  33
    The growth of government.Warren J. Samuels - 1993 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 7 (4):445-460.
    Robert Higgs's Crisis and Leviathan argues that there is a ratchet effect both after major wars and other serious crises, such as depressions: attitudinal or ideological changes lead not only to greater government spending but greater intrusion of government into economic command and control. Higgs's explanation of the growth of government, however, is embedded in and driven by a particular ideological view of the legal‐economic world, one that misapprehends certain legal‐economic fundamentals, including the scope of economic command and control, and (...)
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  13.  11
    Historians of Economics and Economic Thought: The Construction of Disciplinary Memory.Steven G. Medema & Warren J. Samuels (eds.) - 2001 - Routledge.
    The history of economic thought has always attracted some of the brightest minds in the discipline. These chroniclers of development have helped form our current views, and it is no surprise that many among them have been at the forefront of new movements in the history of ideas. This notable collection summarizes the work of these key historians of economics and attempts to quantify their impact. Some of the writers covered, such as Friedrich Hayek and Joan Robinson, are already assured (...)
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  14.  19
    Status consistency and work satisfaction among professional and managerial women and men.Bruce O. Warren & Margaret L. Cassidy - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (2):193-206.
    This study examined whether holding a status-consistent or status-inconsistent position affected the work satisfaction of college-educated, white-collar employees. The status-consistent group contained 128 women and 118 men. The status-inconsistent group was composed of 89 women and 102 men. Our results indicated that workers in occupations in which the majority of workers are the same gender had significantly higher levels of work satisfaction than those in status-inconsistent occupations. However, subsequent analyses revealed that men and women employed in occupations in which the (...)
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  15.  24
    Some ecofeminist worries about a distributive mode.Karen J. Warren - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder (eds.), Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--2.
  16.  36
    Top-down influences in the interactive alignment model: The power of the situation model.Tessa Warren & Keith Rayner - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):211-211.
    Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) model is an innovative and important step in the study of naturalistic language. However, the simplicity of its mechanisms for dialogue coordination may be overstated and the hypothesized direct priming channel between interlocutors' situation models is questionable. A complete specification of the model will require more investigation of the role of top-down inhibition among representations.
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  17.  21
    Two Marxist Objections to Exploitation.Paul Warren - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 42:181-186.
    I argue that we can find in Marx two objections to exploitation: an entitlement objection according to which it is wrongful because of the unjust distribution of benefits and burdens it generates; and an expressivist objection according to which it is objectionable because of the kind of social relation it is. The expressivist objection is predicated on a communitarian strand in Marx's thought, whereas the entitlement objection is grounded in a more liberal account of the wrongfulness of capitalist exploitation. I (...)
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  18.  40
    Some moral problems posed by modern science.Warren Weaver - 1966 - Zygon 1 (3):286-300.
  19. To be the truth is the only true explanation of what truth is : Gilleleie and the twenty-first century.Wanda Warren Berry - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell (eds.), Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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  20. Jeremy Bentham bicentenary celebrations.Charles Warren Everett & Bernard Gagnebin (eds.) - 1948 - London,: H. K. Lewis.
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  21.  23
    On Husserl's Essentialism: Critical Notice.Nicolas Fernando de Warren - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (2):255-270.
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  22.  7
    Modernidade crítica e modernidade acrítica.Héctor Leis, Ilse Scherer-Warren & Sergio Costa (eds.) - 2001 - Florianópolis: Cidade Futura.
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  23. The futures of physicians: Agency and autonomy reconsidered.J. Warren Salmon, William White & Joe Feinglass - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (4).
    The corporatization of U.S. health care has directed cost containment efforts toward scrutinizing the clinical decisions of physicians. This stimulated a variety of new utilization management interventions, particularly in hospital and managed care settings. Recent changes in fee-for-service medicine and physicians' traditional agency relationships with patients, purchasers, and insurers are examined here. New information systems monitoring of physician ordering behavior has already begun to impact on physician autonomy and the relationship of physicians to provider organizations in both for-profit and not-for-profit (...)
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  24. The Doctrine of God in the Philosophy of Fichte.Russel Warren Stine - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56:336.
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  25. Israel and Palestine: a two-place, one-space solution.Michael Warren Myers - 2019 - In Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames (eds.), Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
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  26. The Unity of Consciousness.Warren Shrader - 2006 - Faith and Philosophy 23 (1):33-44.
    As part of his case for emergent dualism, William Hasker proffers a _unity-of-_ _consciousness_ (UOC) argument against materialism. I formalize the argument and show how the warrant for two of its premises accrues from the warrant one assigns to two distinct theses about unified conscious experience. I then argue that though both unity theses are plausible, the materialist has little to fear from Hasker.
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  27.  16
    Fraud and Misrepresentation in Research: Whose Rights?Warren Schmaus - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (5):10.
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  28.  50
    Fact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation, and Reality in the Natural and Social Sciences. Richard W. Miller.Warren Schmaus - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):492-493.
  29.  40
    From positivism to conventionalism: Comte, Renouvier, and Poincaré.Warren Schmaus - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 80:102-109.
    Considered in its historical context, conventionalism is quite different from the way in which it has been caricatured in more recent philosophy of science, that is, as a conservative philosophy that allows the preservation of theories through arbitrary ad hoc stratagems. It is instead a liberal outgrowth of Comtean positivism, which broke with the Reidian interpretation of the Newtonian tradition in France and defended a role for hypotheses in the sciences. It also has roots in the social contract political philosophy (...)
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  30.  52
    Philosophy fettered? A review of science unfettered: A philosophical study in sociohistorical ontology by J. E. McGuire and Barbara Tuchanska.Warren Schmaus - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (4):383 – 390.
  31. Artificial intelligence and aesthetics.Warren Sack - 1998 - In Michael Kelly (ed.), Encyclopedia of aesthetics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--083.
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  32.  14
    An Essay on the Unmagic of Norms and Rules and of Markets.Warren J. Samuels - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (2):391-398.
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  33. The Duke of Argyll and Henry George : land ownership and governance.Warren J. Samuels, Kirk D. Johnson & Marianne Johnson - 2007 - In The Legal-Economic Nexus: Fundamental Processes. New York: Routledge.
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  34.  23
    The History of Econometric Ideas. Mary S. Morgan.Warren Samuels - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):154-155.
  35. Analysis of Metaphor in the Light of W. M. Urban’s Theories.Warren A. Shibles - 1971 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (3):197-198.
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    Emotion: The Method Of Philosophical Therapy.Warren A. Shibles - 1974 - Whitewater, Wis.: Language Press.
  37.  20
    From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defence of Conceptual Analysis.Warren Shrader - 2001 - Philosophia Christi 3 (1):287-292.
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  38. What is the unity of consciousness argument?Warren Shrader - manuscript
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  39.  45
    Review of Andrew Stewart Skinner: A System of Social Science: Papers Relating to Adam Smith[REVIEW]Warren J. Samuels - 1981 - Ethics 91 (4):689-691.
  40.  16
    Review of Expérience sur les rêves, Einige experimente über gesichtsbilder im traum, and Die physiologischen beziehungen der traumvorgänge. [REVIEW]Howard C. Warren - 1897 - Psychological Review 4 (5):549-553.
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    Review of Il metodo deduttivo come strumento di ricerca and Alcune osservazioni sulle questioni di parole nella storia della scienza e della cultura. [REVIEW]Howard C. Warren - 1899 - Psychological Review 6 (4):444-445.
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  42.  65
    Review: Rescuing Auguste comte from the philosophy of history. [REVIEW]Warren Schmaus - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (2):291-301.
  43.  30
    Embodiments of Mind.Warren S. McCulloch - 1963 - MIT Press.
    Writings by a thinker—a psychiatrist, a philosopher, a cybernetician, and a poet—whose ideas about mind and brain were far ahead of his time. Warren S. McCulloch was an original thinker, in many respects far ahead of his time. McCulloch, who was a psychiatrist, a philosopher, a teacher, a mathematician, and a poet, termed his work “experimental epistemology.” He said, “There is one answer, only one, toward which I've groped for thirty years: to find out how brains work.” Embodiments of (...)
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  44.  34
    Drinking Rules! Byron and Baudelaire.Joshua Wilner - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):34-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Drinking Rules! Byron and BaudelaireJoshua Wilner (bio)This essay 1 takes up two nineteenth-century texts on the theme of intoxication in which the poetic word can no longer, if it ever could, stably figure itself as the metaphoric other of the drug, that is, as a legitimate means of imaginative transport, and in which the writer’s enthrallment by the transporting substance of words shows us its addictive and, one (...)
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    Heidegger, Afropessimism, and the Harlem Renaissance: An Interview with Calvin Warren.Calvin Warren, Michelle E. Banks, Robert Savino Oventile & Yuliana Samson - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):112-121.
    Abstract:Calvin Warren talks about Heidegger's influence on Afropessimism, and about the philosophical significance of the Harlem Renaissance.
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    Adam la-adam: meḥḳarim be-filosofyah Yehudit bi-Yeme ha-Benayim uva-ʻet ha-ḥadashah mugashim li-Prof. Zeʼev Harṿi ʻal yede talmidaṿ bi-melot lo shivʻim = Homo homini: essays in Jewish philosophy presented by his students to Professor Warren Zev Harvey.Warren Harvey, Shemuʼel Ṿigodah, Ari Ackerman, Esther Eisenmann & Aviram Ravitsky (eds.) - 2016 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
  47.  89
    Darwin’s artificial selection as an experiment.Eduardo Wilner - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (1):26-40.
    Darwin used artificial selection extensively and variedly in his theorizing. Darwin used ASN as an analogy to natural selection; he compared artificial to natural varieties, hereditary variation in nature to that in the breeding farm; and he also compared the overall effectiveness of the two processes. Most historians and philosophers of biology have argued that ASN worked as an analogical field in Darwin’s theorizing. I will argue rather that this provides a limited and somewhat muddled view of Darwinian science. I (...)
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  48.  72
    Right Actions in Sport: Ethics for Contestants.Warren P. Fraleigh - 1984 - Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  49. Defending Understanding-Assent Links.Jared Warren - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9219-9236.
    Several recent epistemologists have used understanding-assent links in theories of a priori knowledge and justification, but Williamson influentially argued against the existence of such links. Here I (1) clarify the nature of understanding-assent links and their role in epistemology; (2) clarify and clearly formulate Williamson’s arguments against their existence; (3) argue that Williamson has failed to successfully establish his conclusion; and (4) rebut Williamson’s claim that accepting understanding-assent links amounts to a form of dogmatism.
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  50.  21
    Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War.Warren Montag - 2013 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    _Althusser and His Contemporaries_ alters and expands understanding of Louis Althusser and French philosophy of the 1960s and 1970s. Thousands of pages of previously unpublished work from different periods of Althusser's career have been made available in French since his death in 1990. Based on meticulous study of the philosopher's posthumous publications, as well as his unpublished manuscripts, lecture notes, letters, and marginalia, Warren Montag provides a thoroughgoing reevaluation of Althusser's philosophical project. Montag shows that the theorist was intensely (...)
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