Results for 'Virgil S. Lagomarcino'

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  1.  46
    Book Reviews Section 3.Phillip Reed Rulon, Virgil S. Lagomarcino, Melvyn I. Semmei, Gertrude Langsam, Franklin Parker, H. Herbert Benjamin, George A. Letchworth, Gene E. Hall, Earl H. Knebel, Paul Woodring, Ernest R. House, Beatrice E. Sarlos, Jeffrey W. Bulcock, Hans H. Jenny & Sean Desmond Healy - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):112-122.
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    Epic and epigram—minor heroes in.Aeneid Virgil’S. - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55:153-169.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.E. Paul Torrance, John Walton, Calvin O. Dyer, Virgil S. Ward, Weldon Beckner, Manouchehr Pedram, William M. Alexander, Herman J. Peters, James B. Macdonald, Samuel E. Kellams, Walter L. Hodges, Gary R. Mckenzie, Robert E. Jewett, Doris A. Trojcak, H. Parker Blount, George I. Brown, Lucile Lindberg, James C. Baughman, Patricia H. Dahl, S. Jay Samuels & Christopher J. Lucas - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):239-255.
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    Book Review Section 4. [REVIEW]Charles E. Kozoll, Philip H. Winne, Grover C. Mathewson, Michael P. Germano, Calvin B. Michael, G. H. Roid, John F. Feldhusen, J. Harold Anderson, Virgil S. Ward & John F. Bryde - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (3):170-179.
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  5. Symposium: Are Religious Dogmas Cognitive and Meaningful?Virgil C. Aldrich, Charles Hartshorne, Harold H. Titus, H. Rensselaer Wilsovann, Patrick Romanell, Woodrow W. Sayre, William S. Minor, Philip Merlan, Y. H. Krikorian, John Herman Randall Jr, James Gutmann, Sidney Hook, Virgil C. Aldrich, C. J. Ducasse & Raphael Demos - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):145 - 172.
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    Symposium: Are Religious Dogmas Cognitive and Meaningful?Virgil C. Aldrich, Charles Hartshorne, Harold H. Titus, H. Van Rensselaer Wilson, Patrick Romanell, Woodrow W. Sayre, William S. Minor, Philip Merlan, Y. H. Krikorian, John Herman Randall, James Gutmann, Sidney Hook, C. J. Ducasse & Raphael Demos - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):145.
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    Virgil's Poem of the Earth: Studies in the Georgics.J. S. Clay & Michael C. J. Putnam - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (4):503.
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    Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid (review).Andrew S. Becker - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):324-328.
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    The Art of Virgil's Poetry.C. E. S. Headlam - 1920 - The Classical Review 34 (1-2):23-26.
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    The Technique of Virgil's Verse.C. E. S. Headlam - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (3-4):61-64.
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    (1 other version)Virgil's Birthplace Revisited.E. K. Rand - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):1-.
    This second visit to the place of Virgil's birth was made partly in actuality—for my wife and I, before taking part in the Virgilian Cruise of last summer, spent two delightful days at Pietole with our hosts, the Signori Prati, and our guest and friend Bruno Nardi—and partly in a renewed pondering of the arguments presented by my friend Professor Conway both in his earlier article and in his recent review of the question, to which, as he says, I (...)
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  12.  15
    Virgil's lime-wood yoke.Francis Cairns - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):434-438.
    caeditur et tilia ante iugo leuis altaque fagusstiuaque, quae currus a tergo torqueat imosIn these two lines of his instructions for making a plough Virgil prescribes the wood of thetilia as suitable for theiugum; he also mentions thefagus, seemingly in connection with the making of thestiua. These recommendations are both problematic, and since the latter admits of no sure solution, treatment of it is relegated to a brief Appendix. The body of this paper has two aims: 1) to propose (...)
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  13.  72
    Ecological color.Virgil Whitmyer - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (2):197-214.
    In his 1995 book Colour vision (New York: Routledge), Evan Thompson proposes a new approach to the ontology of color according to which it is tied to the ecological dispositions-affordances described by J.J. Gibson and his followers. Thompson claims that a relational account of color is necessary in order to avoid the problems that go along with the dispute between subjectivists and objectivists about color, but he claims that the received view of perception does not allow a satisfactory relational account (...)
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  14.  24
    Hegel's Understanding: Absence, Accident, Alienated.Virgil Lualhati McCorgray - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (3).
    This essay is an exegetical work, the primary intention of which is to present and interpret Hegel’s notion of the “understanding” in the first chapter of his Phenomenology of Spirit. The presentation and interpretation at hand takes as its starting point the work of Slavoj Žižek, who the author feels has begun a new and exciting era of scholarship on Hegel. The overall aim of the essay is modest: to develop the Žižekian reading of Hegel at the micro level. My (...)
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  15.  3
    Francis Bacon's intellectual milieu.Virgil Keeble Whitaker - 1962 - Los Angeles,: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California.
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    The Importance of Teseo Ambrogio Degli Albonesi's Selected Armenian Materials for the Development of the Renaissance's Perennial Philosophy and an Armenological Philosophical Tradition.Virgil B. Strohmeyer - 1998 - Yerevan: Publishing House of the NAS RA "Gitutyun".
  17.  41
    Virgil's Iliad K. W. Gransden: Virgil's Iliad. An Essay on Epic Narrative. Pp. x + 221. Cambridge University Press, 1984. £22.50 (paper, £7.95). [REVIEW]S. J. Harrison - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (01):38-40.
  18.  31
    What's in a structure?Virgil Whitmyer - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):708-709.
    Shepard's general approach provides little specific information about the implementation of laws in brains. Theories that turn on an isomorphism between some domain and the brain, of which Shepard's is one, do not provide specific detail about the implementation of the structures they propose. But such detail is a necessary part in an explanation of mind. [Shepard].
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  19.  94
    Pictorial Meaning, Picture-Thinking, and Wittgenstein’s Theory of Aspects.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1958 - Mind 67 (265):70-79.
  20.  41
    Virgil's Marble Temple: Georgics III. 10–39.D. L. Drew - 1924 - Classical Quarterly 18 (3-4):195-.
    Editors who profess to interpret these lines, while reaching agreement on some few points of detail, concur chiefly in a somewhat irritable half-confession of puzzlement and not unnatural tendency to avenge their smart on the poet's broader back. Hence the suggestions of historical misrepresentation and dramatic confusion, the hypothesis of a late recension, and other well-worn devices of commentatorial window-dressing. A task more likely to be of value to the study of the Georgics is to explore this short, compact poem (...)
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    Virgil's callimachean pindar: Kingship and the baby iamus in eclogue 4.23–5.Zsolt Adorjáni - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):649-654.
    This article argues for an allusion in Virgil's Eclogue 4 to one of Pindar's victory odes. It will be suggested that this Pindaric pretext is viewed by the Latin poet through a Callimachean perspective which adds to it further layers of significance. Consequently, the evidence will be discussed for reading the allusion in terms of royal ideology which places Virgil's poem in the tradition of Hellenistic ruler-encomia.
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    Wagering on an Ironic God: Pascal on Faith and Philosophy. By Thomas S. Hibbs.Virgil Martin Nemoianu - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):707-710.
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    Virgil’s Destruktion of the Stoic Rational Agent.P. Christopher Smith - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):449-462.
    This paper uses the exchanges between the lovers Dido and Aeneas in Aeneid IV to undercut the pretensions of Stoic philosophers to lead a dispassionate, imperturbable life under the sole guidance of “reason.” It takes Aeneas as an example of Stoicism’s lawyer-like, falsified rationality—“I will say just a few words in regard to this matter [pro re]” (IV 336)—and Dido as an example of someone who, though under the sway of furor, nevertheless makes honest, reasoned arguments that are continuous with (...)
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  24.  55
    The Teacher’s Station and Its Duties.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1968 - The Monist 52 (1):46-59.
    F. H. Bradley’s early essay “My Station and Its Duties” might as well have been entitled “The Philosopher’s Station and Its Duties.” The philosopher takes a god’s-eye view of man as finally realizing himself only in the philosophical consciousness of the Whole. Thus it is the philosopher’s duty to remind man qua man of this Whole as the ultimate determinant of all Duty. But, said Bradley, some-where between this ultimate on the one hand and the very local thing called the (...)
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  25. The influence of the Armenian language and alphabet upon the development of the Renaissance's perennial philosophy, biblical hermeneutics, and Christian Kabbalism.Virgil B. Strohmeyer - 1998 - Yerevan: Publishing House of the NAS RA "Gitutyun".
  26. The Background and Development of d'Holbach's Moral Philosophy.Virgil W. Topazio - 1951 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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  27. The Mirror Up to Nature the Technique of Shakespeare's Tragedies.Virgil K. Whitaker - 1965 - Huntington Library.
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    Virgil's Lapiths.Michael C. J. Putnam - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):562-.
    Few details in Virgil's description of the underworld have elicited more comment than his treatment of the sinners Ixion and Pirithous quid memorem Lapithas, Ixiona Pirithoumque? quos super atra silex iam iam lapsura cadentique imminet adsimilis; lucent genialibus altis aurea fulcra toris; epulaeque ante ora paratae regifico luxu; Furiarum maxima iuxta accubat et manibus prohibet contingere mensas exsurgitque facem attollens atque intonat ore.
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    (1 other version)The Epistemological Relevance of Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge.Virgil G. Hinshaw - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):56-56.
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    John Dewey's use of language.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1944 - Journal of Philosophy 41 (10):261-271.
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  31.  53
    The Order of Pascal's Politics.Virgil Martin Nemoianu - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):34-56.
    This essay rejects two common views of Pascal: (a) that he holds only temporal and contingent standards of justice to be available to human beings and (b) that he is indifferent to all but eternal standards of justice. Against these reductive misunderstandings, I provide a detailed reconstruction of Pascal's political thought, drawn from the Pensées and other texts. I show that Pascal develops an account of two distinct and hierarchized orders of justice: a temporal order and an eternal order. Pascal (...)
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  32.  9
    The Aeneid.Virgil . - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The supreme Roman epic and the greatest poem in Latin, the Aeneid has inspired many of the great European poets including Dante and Milton. The Trojan hero Aeneas, after surviving the sack of Troy, makes his way to the West, urged on by benevolent deities and following a destiny laid down by Jupiter, but harassed and impeded by the goddess Juno. He wins his way to Italy despite many trials, of which the greatest is the tragic outcome of his love (...)
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  33.  33
    Ethics and geography –impact of geographical cultural differences on students ethical decisions.Judith W. Spain, Peggy Brewer, Virgil Brewer & S. J. Garner - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):187 - 194.
    An exploratory survey was conducted to determine if there are differences in ethical decisions by business students based upon cultural backgrounds. Students' responses to a vignette concerning advertising of cigar products in a variety of different media provided evidence of significant cultural differences between three groups of students from different geographical locations within the United States. This article suggests that the presumption that an individuals ethical beliefs and behaviors do not change after childhood may be in error.
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  34. (1 other version)Virgil’s Feminist Counterforce: Juno’s Furor as Matter of Imperium's Unjust Forms.Joshua M. Hall - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (2):12-29.
    In this article, I offer a new philosophical interpretation of Virgil’s Aeneid, dually centered on the queens of Olympus and Carthage. More specifically, I show how the philosopher-poet Virgil deploys Dido’s Junonian furor as the Aristotelian matter of the unjust Roman imperium, the feminist counterforce to the patriarchal force disguised as peaceful order. The first section explores Virgil’s political and biographical background for the raw materials for a feminist, anti-imperial political philosophy. The second section, following Marilynn Desmond, (...)
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  35.  11
    Virgil's Fourth Eclogue in the Italian Renaissance.L. B. T. Houghton - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Virgil's fourth Eclogue is one of the most quoted, adapted and discussed works of classical literature. This study traces the fortunes of Eclogue 4 in the literature and art of the Italian Renaissance. It sheds new light on some of the most canonical works of Western art and literature, as well as introducing a large number of other, lesser-known items, some of which have not appeared in print since their original publication, while others are extant only in manuscript. Individual (...)
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  36.  49
    Basic propositions in Lewis's analysis of knowledge.Virgil G. Hinshaw - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (7):176-184.
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    Thyrsis’ arcadian shepherds in Virgil's seventh eclogue.Chris Eckerman - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):669-672.
    In Virgil's seventh Eclogue, Meliboeus relates a singing contest that Corydon and Thyrsis undertook. Upon beginning their songs, Corydon invokes the Libethrian nymphs, and Thyrsis invokes ‘Arcadian shepherds’. Scholars have previously interpreted Thyrsis’ Arcadian shepherds as people, but here I suggest that they should be interpreted as divinities. In support of this assertion, I rely on the expectations of the capping style, Virgil's description of the setting and the characters present, an epigram by Erucius, the Greek and Roman (...)
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  38. Kripke on Wittgenstein on Regulation.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (241):375 - 384.
    Kripke's own view of the 'inner life' as comprised of '"qualia"' that have no 'natural "external" manifestation' leads him into misinterpreting wittgenstein's denials on this count. so kripke gives wittgenstein's account a paradoxical and sceptical cast which misrepresents it, making it look as if it called for a sceptical solution and a 'warranted assertibility' theory of truth. but wittgenstein was making sport of the 'inner-outer' (subjective-objective) distinction with the rapier of his suggestion that psychological talk is not regulated by the (...)
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  39.  29
    Virgil's Idea of the Tiber.W. Warde Fowler - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (08):219-222.
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    Virgil's Messianic Eclogue.H. W. Garrod - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (05):149-151.
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    Virgil's Eclogues, Nicholas Trevet, and the Harmony of the Spheres.Mary Louise Lord - 1992 - Mediaeval Studies 54 (1):186-273.
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    Reflections on Ayer's the concept of a person.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (5):111-128.
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    Virgil's Invocation of Erato.F. A. Todd - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (06):216-218.
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    A reply to mr. Stace's "refutation of realism".Virgil C. Aldrich - 1934 - Mind 43 (171):354-356.
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    Categories and Spinoza's Attributes.Virgil Aldrich - 1980 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1-2):156-166.
  46. The spinozist freedom of George Eliot's Daniel deronda.Virgil Martin Nemoianu - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 65-81.
    George Eliot's Daniel Deronda advances a conception of freedom with clear Spinozist affinities. The development of Eliot's characters, and of their relationships to one another, can be understood fruitfully in terms of growth toward freedom or contraction to bondage, where the notions of freedom and bondage are very much in accord with Spinoza's views in the Ethics. A close reading of specific scenes and an analysis of the title character's arc in the novel discloses a view of human freedom which (...)
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  47.  25
    Virgil's Fifth Eclogue: A Defence of the Julius Caesar-Daphnis Theory.D. L. Drew - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (2):57-64.
    The identification of Daphnis with Julius Caesar, supported in most detail by Servius of the ancient commentators, has in general been either casually accepted or arbitrarily rejected by modern criticism without serious effort to ascertain how far the probabilities point one way or the other.
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  48. Justin Leiber's "Structuralism". [REVIEW]Virgil C. Aldrich - 1979 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (4):598.
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    McGregor on Dickie's institutionalized aesthetic.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (2):213-215.
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  50. Virgil's sacred duo: Phaedrus's Symposium speech and Aeneid IX.Robert Wardy - 2007 - In Myles Burnyeat & Dominic Scott (eds.), Maieusis: essays in ancient philosophy in honour of Myles Burnyeat. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 154--175.
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