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  1.  88
    Johnson, MacIntyre, and the Practice of Argumentation.Tone Kvernbekk - 2008 - Informal Logic 28 (3):262-278.
    This article is a discussion of Ralph Johnson’s concept of practice of argumentation. Such practice is characterized by three properties: (1) It is teleological, (2) it is dialectical, and (3) it is manifestly rational. I argue that Johnson’s preferred definition of practice—which is Alasdair MacIntyre’s concept of practice as a human activity with internal goods accessible through partcipation in that same activity—does not fit these properties or features. I also suggest that this failure should not require Johnson to adjust the (...)
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  2.  17
    Argumentation Practice: The Very Idea.Tone Kvernbekk - 2007 - In Christopher W. Tindale Hans V. Hansen (ed.), Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground. OSSA.
    In this paper I shall examine Ralph Johnson’s concept of argumentation practice. He provides the following three desiderata for a critical practice: It is teleological, it is dialectical, and it is manifestly rational. I shall argue that Johnson’s preferred definition of practice – which is MacIntyre’s concept of practice as human activity with internal goods accessible through participation in that same activity – does not satisfy his desiderata.
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    Argumentation in Theory and Practice: Gap or Equilibrium?Tone Kvernbekk - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (3):288-305.
    ABSTRACT: It is not uncommon, in argumentation and in various professions, to diagnose a gap between theory and practice; and in the next step argue that they should be brought into line with each other. But what does this mean? I shall argue that some version of a gap is sound, as it leaves theory with a critical, independent role in relation to practice – something that an equilibrium view does not.
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  4.  43
    Revisiting Dialogues and Monologues.Tone Kvernbekk - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (9):966-978.
    In educational discourse dialogue tends to be viewed as being (morally) superior to monologue. When we look at them as basic forms of communication, we find that dialogue is a two-way, one-to-one form and monologue is a one-way, one-to-many form. In this paper I revisit the alleged (moral) superiority of dialogue. First, I problematize certain normative features of dialogue, most notably reciprocity. Here I use Socrates as my example (the Phaedrus). Second, I discuss monologue, using Jesus as my example (St. (...)
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  5.  51
    On Identifying Narratives.Tone Kvernbekk - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (3/4):267-279.
    This article analyzes the concept of narrative.How do we recognize a narrative when we seeone? Which criteria do we or should we apply?The article itself serves as a (possible)example of a narrative, and is thus adiscussion of itself as a narrative product. Ialso discuss the possible narrative structureof the process leading up to the completedarticle. I first discuss two approaches tocategorization and the most commonly referredto criteria for identifying narratives. Next Idiscuss various roles found in narratives andthe roles found in (...)
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  6.  69
    A Nordic Outlook.Tone Kvernbekk - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (4):287-290.
  7.  14
    Critical Spirits In the Contact Zone: Response to Shannon Rodgers.Tone Kvernbekk - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (3):106-110.
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    Evidence-Based Practice: On the Function of Evidence in Practical Reasoning.Tone Kvernbekk - 2013 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 2 (2):19-33.
    There is a vast literature on evidence-based practice in education. What function does evidence have in practical deliberations toward decisions about what to do? Most writers on EBP seem to think of evidence largely as quantitative data, serving as a foundation from which practice could and should be directly derived. In this paper I argue that we are better served by according a different and more indirect function to evidence in practical reasoning. To establish this claim I employ Toulmin’s model (...)
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    Human Nature and Second Nature.Tone Kvernbekk - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:579-584.
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    Measurement Meanderings: Response to Francis Schrag.Tone Kvernbekk - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:501-505.
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    Reasons and Groups.Tone Kvernbekk - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:228-230.
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    The nature of educational theories: goal-directed, equivalence and interlevel theories.Tone Kvernbekk - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This important book explores the question of what an educational theory is and how educational theories can work. It offers a classification scheme of distinct types of educational theory and considers ways the nature of theories can inform the work of educational theorists and practitioners. Kvernbekk observes throughout how metatheoretical knowledge of the structure of theory types will improve understanding and representation of educational phenomena and enhance the ability to change these phenomena for the better. The author explores how the (...)
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  13.  30
    Parity: (im) possible? Interplay of knowledge forms in patient education.Anita Strøm, Tone Kvernbekk & May S. Fagermoen - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):94-101.
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  14.  60
    Introduction: The Many Faces of Philosophy of Education: Traditions, Problems and Challenges. [REVIEW]Tone Kvernbekk - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (2/3):81-85.