Results for 'Thomas Moser Jr'

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  1.  27
    Thomas C. Moser Jr., A Cosmos of Desire: The Medieval Latin Erotic Lyric in English Manuscripts. (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Civilization.) Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 2004. Pp. xvi, 485; 12 black-and-white figures, 1 diagram, and 1 table. $75. [REVIEW]Tison Pugh - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):247-248.
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  2. Philosophical Theory, Scientific Practice, And Public Policy.Thomas Nenon & S. Stevens Jr - 1999 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 7.
    In diesem Aufsatz wird der jeweils mögliche Beitrag verschiedener Experten, insbesondere von Fachphilosophen und Naturwissenschaftlern, zu einer allgemeinen Diskussion derjenigen ethischen und rechtlichen Fragen erörtert, die sich in Verbindung mit dem Genomprojekt stellen. Wir kommen zu dem Ergebnis, daß man die tatsächlich schon betriebene Forschung keinesfalls wird aufhalten können, sondern allenfalls bestimmte für bedenklich gehaltene Anwendungen der neuen Techniken verzögern oder verhindern kann. Wir stellen verschiedene Probleme vor, die die Wirksamkeit der philosophischen Reflexion in solchen Fragen zweifelhaft erscheinen läßt, die (...)
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  3. Successful Enhancement: A Messy Case.Thomas Nenon & S. Stevens Jr - 2001 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 9.
    Anhand des fiktiven Falles eines jungen Mannes, dessen Leben trotz der vermeintlichen Vorteile von verbesserten genetischen Anlagen nicht so gerät, wie es sich die Eltern vorgestellt haben, fragen wir nach dem Maßstab des Erfolgs von genetischen Interventionen am Menschen. Wir kommen zu dem Schluß, daß die bisherigen Erfahrungen, die wir an anderen, weniger komplizierten Organismen wie Algen schon gesammelt haben, darauf hindeuten, daß die Resultate von Genmanipulationen viel weniger vorhersagbar sind und damit die Risiken für die Menschen viel höher und (...)
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  4. The Limits of Legal Regulations for Controlling Genetic Engineering on Humans.Thomas Nenon & S. Stevens Jr - 2002 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 10.
    Aufgrund der Erfahrung mit der genetischen Manipulation von nicht-menschlichen Organismen, glauben wir, dass die Risiken einer gezielten Manipulation der menschlichen Erbinformation zum Zwecke der vermeintlichen Verbesserung des Menschen in absehbarer Zukunft zu hoch und die erhofften Vorteile einer solchen Manipulation zu ungewiß bleiben werden, um Eingriffe dieser Art zu rechtfertigen. In diesem Aufsatz erklären wir, warum wir meinen, dass gesetzliche Verbote solcher Experimente mit Menschen gegenwärtig gerechtfertigt wären, und warum wir gleichwohl meinen, dass solche Verbote nicht die wichtigsten Strategien zur (...)
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  5.  17
    Relativism and Normative Nonrealism.Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 54 (1):115-137.
    Normative nonrealism denies, first, that some things are good or bad independently of facts about the attitudes of moral agents and, second, that attitude-independent moral facts determine what is rational. This implies that facts about what is rational are logically prior to what is moral. Nonrealism commonly assumes (a) that moral realism is false or unjustifiable, (b) that there is a conceptual connection between morality and rationality and (c) that the particular theory of rationality is the correct account of rationality. (...)
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    Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de Belloy.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):472-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de BelloyThomas M. Osborne Jr.Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil. By Camille de Belloy, O.P. Paris: Vrin, 2014. Pp. 297. €32.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-2-7116-2605-2.This book is a discussion of La Structure de l’âme et l’expérience mystique (1927) by (...)
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  7.  98
    Kantian Constructivism in Ethics.Thomas E. Hill Jr - 1989 - Ethics 99 (4):752-770.
  8. Evidence and the case of professor Robert Nozick.Thomas D. Paxson Jr - 1987 - In Luper-Foy Steven (ed.), The Possibility of Knowledge: Nozick and His Critics. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Relativism and normative nonrealism: Basing morality on rationality.Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (3):277-295.
    Normative nonrealism denies, first, that some things are good or bad independently of facts about the attitudes of moral agents and, second, that attitude-independent moral facts determine what is rational. This implies that facts about what is rational are logically prior to what is moral. Nonrealism commonly assumes that moral realism is false or unjustifiable, that there is a conceptual connection between morality and rationality and that the particular theory of rationality is the correct account of rationality. Facing the threat (...)
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  10. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus on Individual Acts and the Ultimate End.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2011 - In Kent Emery Russell Friedman (ed.), Philosophy and Theology in the LOng Middle Ages. pp. 351-374.
    The distinction between Thomas and Scotus on threefold referral is superficially similar in that both use the same terminology of actual, virtual, and habitual referral. For Scotus, an act is virtually referred to the ultimate end through an agent’s somehow explicitly thinking about the end and some sort of causal connection between the virtually intended act and the actually intended act. For Thomas, someone with charity virtually refers his acts to God as the ultimate end not because the (...)
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  11. Thomas and Scotus on Prudence without All the Major Virtues.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (2):1-24.
    Although Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus disagree over how the acquired moral virtues are connected, the nature of their disagreement is difficult to determine. They and their contemporaries reject the Stoic understanding of this connection, according to which someone either possesses all the acquired moral virtues in the highest degree or none of these virtues at all. Both Thomas and Scotus hold that someone might generally perform just actions and yet be unchaste. Moreover, although they interpret Aristotle (...)
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  12. Secular Acceleration of Height and Biologic Maturation in Children and Adolescents.Thomas B. Cone Jr - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 53.
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    Amours: L’Église, les divorcés remariés, les couples homosexuels by Adriano Oliva.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):137-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Amours: L’Église, les divorcés remariés, les couples homosexuels by Adriano OlivaThomas M. Osborne Jr.Amours: L’Église, les divorcés remariés, les couples homosexuels. By Adriano Oliva, O.P. Paris: Cerf, 2015. Pp. 166. €14.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-2-204-10679-5.This book, written by a Dominican priest who is president of the Leonine Commission, has generated public controversy primarily on account of its treatment of homosexuality. For instance, the French news magazine Le Point published (...)
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    "No Less Than A Complete Revolution": On Paulin J. Hountondji's Negative Pluralism.Thomas McGlone, Jr - 2022 - Symposium 26 (1):242-259.
    In this article, I analyze a concept central to the work of the Beninese philosopher Paulin Jidenu Hountondji: pluralism. Hountondji’s pluralism consists of both a theoretical pluralism, which emphasizes the importance of plurality and debate within philosophy and science, and a politico-economic pluralism, which arises in opposition to the dominative tendencies of cultural nationalism and the capitalist world-system. I contend that at the heart of both Hountondji’s theoretical and politico-economic pluralism rests a concept of negative pluralism, a political principle derived (...)
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  15. Weber-type laws of action-at-a-distance in modern physics.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1990 - Apeiron 8:8-14.
  16.  21
    Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens Löwe. [REVIEW]Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1):152-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act by Can Laurens LöweThomas M. Osborne Jr.Can Laurens Löwe. Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 225. Hardback, $99.99.This book is about the way in which Thomas Aquinas understands the human act to be composed of form and matter. It provides a fresh reading of many central texts (...)
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  17. Tracey Rowland, Ratzinger's Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2009 - The Thomist 73 (3):506.
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  18. The Sherwin-Rawcliffe Experiment–Evidence for Instant Action-at-a-distance.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):503.
  19. The Augustianism of Thomas Aquinas' Moral Theory.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (2):279-305.
    In this article I argue against some contemporary scholars that Thomas Aquinas holds that grace is in some way necessary for the perfection of even natural virtue, due to original sin. First I show that healing grace is necessary for the fulfillment of ordinary natural moral duties. On account of original sin, human cannot fulfill the precept to naturally love God without healing grace. Moreover, they cannot avoid committing some acts (mortal sins) whereby they are turned away from God. (...)
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  20. Kant on Virtue: Seeking the Ideal in Human Conditions.Thomas E. Hill, Jr & Adam Cureton - 2017 - In Nancy E. Snow (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press. pp. 263-280.
    Immanuel Kant defines virtue as a kind of strength and resoluteness of will to resist and overcome any obstacles that oppose fulfilling our moral duties. Human agents, according to Kant, owe it to ourselves to strive for perfect virtue by fully committing ourselves to morality and by developing the fortitude to maintain and execute this life-governing policy despite obstacles we may face. This essay reviews basic features of Kant’s conception of virtue and then discusses the role of emotions, a motive (...)
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  21. Giles of Rome, Henry of Ghent, and Godfrey of Fontaines on Whether to See God Is to Love Him.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2013 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 80:57-76.
    Although Giles of Rome, Henry of Ghent, and Godfrey of Fontaines disagree with each other profoundly over the relationship between the intellect and the will, they all think that someone who sees God must also love him in the ordinary course of events. However, Godfrey rejects a central thesis argued for by both Henry and Giles, namely that by God’s absolute power there could be such vision without love. The debate is not about the ability to freely reject or at (...)
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  22. The Neglected Costs of the Warfare State: An Austrian Tribute to Seymour Melman.Thomas E. Woods Jr - 2010 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 22 (1):103-25.
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  23. Stellar and planetary aberration.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 19:13.
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  24. Lorentz Contraction of the Coulomb Field: An Experimental Proposal.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1992 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 14.
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    Moral construction as a task : sources and limits.Thomas E. Hill Jr - 2008 - In Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.), Objectivism, subjectivism, and relativism in ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Authority and the law in the united states, 1968.Sid B. Thomas Jr - 1969 - Ethics 79 (2):115-130.
  27. The Threefold Referral of Acts to the Ultimate End in Thomas Aquinas and His Commentators.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2008 - Angelicum 85:715-736.
    Thomas discusses the referral of acts to the ultimate end unsystematically and in diverse texts. These texts are interesting in that they raise difficult questions. For example, on Thomas’s view there can be a disparity between the moral value of the act and that of the ultimate end. But what does he mean when he claims that venial sins may be habitually referred to God as the supernatural ultimate end? Moreover, he claims both that every good is desired (...)
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  28. Donagan's Kant.Hill Thomas E. Jr - 1994 - Ethics 104.
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  29.  29
    Testing Relativity Theory for One-way Light Propagation.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 2005 - Apeiron 12 (1):136.
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    To Seek the Truth in the Face of Authority: The Work of RA Waldron.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1990 - Apeiron 7:1.
  31. Symbolic protest and calculated silence.Thomas E. Hill Jr - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (1):83-102.
  32.  23
    Formal logic and ordinary proper names.Jr Sid B. Thomas - 1967 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):19 – 31.
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    An Alternative Framework for Ethics Instruction in Social Education.Thomas J. Misco Jr & Gregory E. Hamot - 2001 - Education and Culture 17 (1):4.
  34. Kant on imperfect duty and supererogation.Thomas E. Hill Jr - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (1-4):55-76.
  35. the Construction of Value.Thomas B. Colwell Jr - 1970 - In Ervin Laszlo & James Benjamin Wilbur (eds.), Human values and natural science. New York,: Gordon & Beach. pp. 245.
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    The Case of the Crooked Case Worker.Thomas P. Corbin Jr - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 13:407-412.
    Ethics practice is both relative and situational. Perhaps there is an area of no greater demonstration of these realities than where an organization, be it a public governmental entity and/or a quasi-governmental entity with government contracts has the duty of care owed to a vulnerable constituency as well as to other community stakeholders. These agencies have the public trust as well as the ethical caretaking concerns to master. In the following fact scenario and discussion, one would consider a situation where (...)
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  37. The Separation of the Interior and Exterior Act in Scotus and Ockham.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2007 - Mediaeval Studies 69:111-139.
    The disagreement between John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham on whether the exterior act has intrinsic moral worth is a turning point for a new understanding of the relationship between the interior and the exterior act. Is someone who successfully commits murder as guilty as someone who fails in her attempt? Does the martyr merit more than someone who merely wills to undergo martyrdom but is denied the opportunity? In these cases, the completion of the act is the exterior (...)
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  38. Observations of the Marinov Motor.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1998 - Apeiron 5 (3-4):193.
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    An indian poet looks at the west.Percy Thomas Fenn Jr - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 39 (3):313-323.
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    Parallel recording of EEG and eye movements: Evidence for dorsal and ventral activities during free picture viewing.Thomas Fischer, S. Pannasch, S. T. Graupner, Helmert Jr & B. M. Velichkovsky - forthcoming - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience.
    Frontiers Events is a rapidly growing calendar management system dedicated to the scheduling of academic events. This includes announcements and invitations, participant listings and search functionality, abstract handling and publication, related events and post-event exchanges. Whether an organizer or participant, make your event a Frontiers Event!
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    The Holism of Anaxagoras.Thomas D. Paxson Jr - 1983 - Apeiron 17 (2):85 - 91.
  42.  22
    Ampere tension and Newton's laws.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1993 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 17:1-5.
  43. Symposium on Federalism, War, and Reconstruction: Introduction.Thomas Woods Jr - 1978 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 2:1-2.
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    The Status of the Generalization Principle.Sid B. Thomas Jr - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (3):174 - 182.
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  45. (1 other version)Dominium politicum et regale: Sir John Fortescue's Solution to the Problem of Tyranny as Presented by Thomas Aquinas and Ptolemy of Lucca.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2000 - Mediaeval Studies 62:161-187.
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    (1 other version)Neo-hertzian wave equation for variable detector velocity.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 2000 - Apeiron 7 (1-2):77.
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    Morality and the good life.Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Contemporary moral philosophers have produced an enormous amount of rich and varied published work on virtually all the issues falling within the scope of ethics and moral philosophy. Morality and the Good Life is a comprehensive survey of contemporary ethical theory that collects thirty-four selections on morality and the theory of value. Emphasizing value theory, metaethics, and normative ethics, it is non-technical and accessible to a wide range of readers. Selections are organized under six main topics: Concepts of Goodness What (...)
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    Hans Seigfried, 1933-2006.Thomas Wren, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Thomas Carson, David Ingram, Paul Moser & David Schweickart - 2007 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 80 (5):175 - 178.
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  49. The Goodness and Evil of Objects and Ends.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2015 - In M. V. Dougherty (ed.), Aquinas's Disputed Questions on Evil: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 126-45.
    Thomas claims that a human act is specified both by the object and the end, and that the exterior act is the interior act’s object. These claims are best understood in light of the De Malo’s explicit mature teaching that the exterior act can be essentially good or bad, and that it is both the proximate end and the object of the interior act. Since the interior act wills the end, it wills the apprehended exterior act as the formality (...)
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  50.  12
    Aquinas's Ethics.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an account of Thomas Aquinas's moral philosophy that emphasizes the intrinsic connection between happiness and the human good, human virtue, and the precepts of practical reason. Human beings by nature have an end to which they are directed and concerning which they do not deliberate, namely happiness. Humans achieve this end by performing good human acts, which are produced by the intellect and the will, and perfected by the relevant virtues. These virtuous acts require that the (...)
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