Results for 'Theism'

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  1.  15
    Behaviorism, Neuroscience and Translational Indeterminacy.Theism Atheism - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (2).
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    Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy.Michael D. Beaty (ed.) - 1990 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Christian Theism and the Problems of Philosophy begins by presenting Plantingas essay, and the chapters that follow address issues in three traditional areas of interest to philosophers: epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics.
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  3. The skeptical theist.Paul Draper - 1996 - In Daniel Howard-Snyder (ed.), The Evidential Argument from Evil. Indiana University Press. pp. 175--92.
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  4. Divine hiddenness or de jure objections to theism: You cannot have both.Perry Hendricks - 2021 - Analysis 81 (1):27-32.
    De facto objections to theism purport to show that theism is false, whereas de jure objections to theism claim that, whether or not theism is true, belief in God is irrational. Divine hiddenness – the fact that there are people who non-resistantly lack belief in God – is sometimes used as an argument against theism. In this article I will show that accepting the argument from divine hiddenness carries a high cost: it eliminates all de (...)
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  5. Divine Simplicity and Eliminative Theism.Michael Almeida - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski (ed.), Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 335-346.
    Discussions of divine simplicity generally overlook the distinction between identity claims that are reductivist and identity claims that are eliminativist. If, for instance, the identity claim that 'the chair = a configuration of particles' is merely reductive, then there exist chairs and there exist configurations of particles and it turns out that they are identical. The identity in this case does not reduce the ontological complexity of the world. But if the identity claim is eliminativist, then it is true again (...)
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  6. Prospects for Successful Proofs of Theism or Atheism.Graham Oppy - 2011 - In Joachim Bromand & Guido Kreis (eds.), Gottesbeweise: von Anselm bis Gödel. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 599-642.
    This paper is an English version of the paper that was published in German under the title: "Über die Aussichten erfolgreicher Beweise für Theismus oder Atheismus". My English paper was translated into German by Gabriele Schlegel. -/- The aim of this paper is to examine the prospects for proofs or successful arguments for the existence or non-existence of God.
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  7. Does Religious Disagreement Actually Aid the Case for Theism?Joshua C. Thurow - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison (eds.), Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  8. The problem of evil in theism.Yusuf Shaidaee - 1987 - Pakistan Philosophical Journal 24:41-48.
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    Eternity, Omniscience and Temporal Passage: A Defence of Classical Theism.John Simons - 1989 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (3):547 - 568.
    IN HIS BRILLIANT AND WIDE-RANGING WORK Time, Creation and the Continuum, Richard Sorabji summarizes the history of the concept of eternity from Parmenides to the Neoplatonists of the early Middle Ages, and concludes that an intellectual denouement is reached when eternity is understood in the sense of timeless existence.
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    (1 other version)God and inscrutable evil: in defense of theism and atheism.David O'Connor - 1998 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this important new book, David O'Connor discusses both logical and empirical forms of the problem of inscrutable evil, perennially the most difficult ...
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    A Vaiṣṇava interpretation of the Brahmasūtras: Vedānta and theism.Rāmapada Caṭṭopādhyāẏa - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    The author has combined his knowledge of original Sanskrit materials with his study of western philosophy to produce a new interpretation of the Brahmas tras. He has put forward and amply substantiated a very challenging thesis: the original Brahmas tras and the Upanisads can be interpreted in the light of the theological ideas of the Bh gavata and the teachings of Sri Caitanya. It is an illuminating study of modern Hinduism which exposes the scriptural bases of modern ideas.
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  12. (2 other versions)Value and Reality, The Philosophical Case for Theism.A. C. Ewing - 1973 - Mind 84 (336):625-628.
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  13. The uniformity of natural laws in Victorian Britain: Naturalism, theism, and scientific practice.Matthew Stanley - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):536-560.
    Abstract. A historical perspective allows for a different view on the compatibility of theistic views with a crucial foundation of modern scientific practice: the uniformity of nature, which states that the laws of nature are unbroken through time and space. Uniformity is generally understood to be part of a worldview called “scientific naturalism,” in which there is no room for divine forces or a spiritual realm. This association comes from the Victorian era, but a historical examination of scientists from that (...)
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  14. Transcendence and Immanence in the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi and Christian Theism.R. Allen - 1996 - Appraisal 1.
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  15. James Ward and his Philosophical Approach to Theism.G. Dawes Hicks - 1925 - Hibbert Journal 24:49.
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  16. Confessions of a Philosopher: A Journey through Western Theism.Bryan Magee - 1999 - The Personalist Forum 15 (1):188-190.
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  17. A Defense of Platonic Theism.Paul M. Gould - 2010 - Dissertation, Purdue University
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  18. The World and God. The Scholastic Approach to Theism.Hubert S. Box - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (38):248-249.
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  19. The Realm of Ends, or Pluralism and Theism.James Ward - 1912 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 74:82-89.
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  20. The Foundations of Theism Again: A Rejoinder to Plantinga.Philip Quinn - 1993 - In Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski (ed.), Rational Faith: Catholic Responses to Reformed Epistemology. Notre Dame Press. pp. 14--47.
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  21. Integration of Theism into Hobbes’s State of Nature.Asif Mahtab Utsha - 2022 - Philosophy and Progress 68 (3-4):77-118.
    Political philosophers often draw their conclusions on how political systems ought to be by first investigating human nature and then proposing recommendations extrapolating from those investigations. They attempt to do this by creating a hypothetical ‘state of nature’ where human beings would be unaffected by social, political, and cultural paradigms and can act freely in pursuit of their instincts, thereby revealing their true nature. English philosopher Thomas Hobbes followed this method of investigation and found that human beings are naturally violent, (...)
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    A Moral Argument for Undertaking Theism.Douglas Drabkin - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31 (2):169 - 175.
    The following argument is presented and defended: We ought to aspire to become as good as we can be, and this requires that we do good deeds with not just any emotional attitude, but with joy (a lively, hopeful feeling), even in difficult circumstances. Theism (of the right sort) offers us the best prospects for achieving a fully joyful moral life. And so it is morally good for those of us who are not theists to undertake theism-to commit (...)
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  23. Value and Reality, The Philosophical Case for Theism.A. G. Ewing - 1978 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 83 (2):282-283.
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  24. Charles Hartshorne's critique of Christian classical theism : separating the chaff from the wheat.Jay W. Richards - 2010 - In Randy Ramal (ed.), Metaphysics, analysis, and the grammar of God: process and analytic voices in dialogue. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  25. Sceptical Theism and Divine Lies.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (4):509-523.
    In this paper I develop a novel challenge for sceptical theists. I present a line of reasoning that appeals to sceptical theism to support scepticism about divine assertions. I claim that this reasoning is at least as plausible as one popular sceptical theistic strategy for responding to evidential arguments from evil. Thus, I seek to impale sceptical theists on the horns of a dilemma: concede that either (a) sceptical theism implies scepticism about divine assertions, or (b) the sceptical (...)
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  26. Cause, nature, and the limits of language : Martineau and Maurice on the philosophical necessity of theism.Richard England - 2019 - In Catherine Marshall, Bernard V. Lightman & Richard England (eds.), The Metaphysical Society (1869-1880): intellectual life in mid-Victorian England. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    New Phenomenology and Open Theism: A Thought Experiment.J. Aaron Simmons - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):663-688.
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  28. Book review: Kirk Lougheed (ed.), Four Views on the Axiology of Theism: What Difference Does God Make? [REVIEW]Asha Lancaster-Thomas - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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    Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism.Garth Gillan - 1972
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  30. Theism and Ultimate Explanation – Timothy O'Connor.Samuel Newlands - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (239):438-442.
    This is a book review of "Theism and Ultimate Explanation", by Timothy O'Connor.
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  31. Skeptical theism and moral obligation.Stephen Maitzen - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (2):93 - 103.
    Skeptical theism claims that the probability of a perfect God’s existence isn’t at all reduced by our failure to see how such a God could allow the horrific suffering that occurs in our world. Given our finite grasp of the realm of value, skeptical theists argue, it shouldn’t surprise us that we fail to see the reasons that justify God in allowing such suffering, and thus our failure to see those reasons is no evidence against God’s existence or perfection. (...)
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  32. Quasi-Berkeleyan Idealism as Perspicuous Theism.Nicholas Everitt - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (3):353-377.
    In this paper, I argue that the kind of idealism defended by Berkeley is a natural and almost unavoidable expression of his theism. Two main arguments are deployed, both starting from a theistic premise and having an idealist conclusion. The first likens the dependence of the physical world on the will of God to the dependence of mental states on a mind. The second likens divine omniscience to the kind of knowledge which it has often been supposed we have (...)
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  33. Why theists cannot accept skeptical theism.Mark Piper - 2008 - Sophia 47 (2):129-148.
    In recent years skeptical theism has gained currency amongst theists as a way to escape the problem of evil by invoking putatively reasonable skepticism concerning our ability to know that instances of apparently gratuitous evil are unredeemed by morally sufficient reasons known to God alone. After explicating skeptical theism through the work of Stephen Wykstra and William Alston, I present a cumulative-case argument designed to show that skeptical theism cannot be accepted by theists insofar as it crucially (...)
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    James F. Sennett the analytic theist: An Alvin Plantinga reader. (Grand rapids and cambridge: Wm. eerdmans publishing co., 1998). Pp. XVIII+369. £15.99 pbk. [REVIEW]S. F. - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (3):385-388.
  35. John Laird, Prof., LL.D., F. B. A., Theism and Cosmology, First Series of Gifford Lectures on the general subject of Metaphysics and Theism, given in Glasgow in 1939. [REVIEW]W. G. De Burgh - 1940 - Hibbert Journal 39:106.
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  36. Skeptical Theism Proved.Perry Hendricks - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (2):264-274.
    Skeptical theism is a popular response to arguments from evil. Many hold that it undermines a key inference often used by such arguments. However, the case for skeptical theism is often kept at an intuitive level: no one has offered an explicit argument for the truth of skeptical theism. In this article, I aim to remedy this situation: I construct an explicit, rigorous argument for the truth of skeptical theism.
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    Skeptical theism, moral skepticism, and epistemic propriety.Jonathan Rutledge - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):263-272.
    Respondents to the argument from evil who follow Michael Bergmann’s development of skeptical theism hold that our failure to determine God’s reasons for permitting evil does not disconfirm theism at all. They claim that such a thesis follows from the very plausible claim that we have no good reason to think our access to the realm of value is representative of the full realm of value. There are two interpretations of ST’s strength, the stronger of which leads skeptical (...)
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  38. Classical theism, panentheism, and pantheism: On the relation between God construction and gender construction.Nancy Frankenberry - 1993 - Zygon 28 (1):29-46.
    The argument of this article is that, philosophically, there are but three broad conceptual models that Western thought employs in thinking about the meaning of God. At the level of greatest generality, these are the models known as classical theism, pantheism, and panentheism. The essay surveys and updates these three conceptual models in light of recent writings, finds more flaws in classical theism and panentheism than in pantheism, and suggests a feminist response to each.
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  39. Axiology: Theism Versus Widely Accepted Monotheisms.Michael Tooley - 2017 - In Klaas J. Kraay (ed.), Does God Matter?: Essays on the Axiological Consequences of Theism. Routledge. pp. 46-69.
    The structure of this paper is as follows. First, I start off by briefly explaining the concepts of pro-theism and anti-theism, and by distinguishing both between personal and impersonal versions of those views, and also between a more modest and a less modest claim connected with the impersonal version of pro-theism. -/- I then introduce a distinction that is itself quite trivial, namely, that between pro-theism (and anti-theism), on the one hand, and pro-monotheism (and anti-monotheism), (...)
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  40. SWINBURNE, R. "The Coherence of Theism". [REVIEW]C. Lyas - 1979 - Mind 88:456.
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    Theism and Explanation.Gregory W. Dawes - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    In this timely study, Dawes defends the methodological naturalism of the sciences. Though religions offer what appear to be explanations of various facts about the world, the scientist, as scientist, will not take such proposed explanations seriously. Even if no natural explanation were available, she will assume that one exists. Is this merely a sign of atheistic prejudice, as some critics suggest? Or are there good reasons to exclude from science explanations that invoke a supernatural agent? On the one hand, (...)
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    Sceptical theism and moral scepticism.Ira M. Schnall - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (1):49-69.
    Several theists have adopted a position known as ‘sceptical theism ’, according to which God is justified in allowing suffering, but the justification is often beyond human comprehension. A problem for sceptical theism is that if there are unknown justifications for suffering, then we cannot know whether it is right for a human being to relieve suffering. After examining several proposed solutions to this problem, I conclude that one who is committed to a revealed religion has a simpler (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Theism and Cosmology: Being the First Series of a Course of Gifford Lectures on the General Subject of Metaphysics and Theism Given in the University of Glasgow in 1939.John Laird - 2013 - Routledge.
    Theism is one of the major types of metaphysics and cosmology is the general theory of the whole wide world. Must the world have an over-worldly source, or any source? Would "space" crumble unless God perpetually sustained it by his brooding omnipresence? Is all power, properly understood, divine power? These large questions, never out of date, are examined by Professor Laird in the light of contemporary philosophy. This seminal work, originally published in 1940 is a lucid and profound discussion (...)
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  44. Timothy S. Yoder, Hume on God: Irony, Deism and Genuine Theism[REVIEW]Kevin J. Harrelson - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (4):306.
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    Theism.William Wallace Fenn - 1969 - Peterborough, N.H.,: Noone House.
  46. Theism.JnoJ Tigert - 1901 - Dallas, Tex.,: Publishing house of the M. E. church, South, Barbee & Smith, agents.
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    Open Theism and Risk Management: A Philosophical and Biological Perspective.R. T. Mullins & Emanuela Sani - 2021 - Zygon 56 (3):591-613.
    Open theism denies that God has definite exhaustive foreknowledge, and affirms that God takes certain risks when creating the universe. Critics of open theism often complain that the risks are too high. Perhaps there is something morally wrong with God taking a risk in creating a universe with an open future. Open theists have tried to respond by clarifying how much risk is involved in God creating an open universe, though we argue that it remains unclear how much (...)
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    Theism and the scientific spirit.Walter Marshall Horton - 1933 - New York,: Harper & Brothers.
    Introduction.-God in the Copernician world.-God in the Newtonian world.-God in the Kanthian world.-God in the Darwinian world.-Science and theism today.-Epologue: The future of theism.
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  49. Skeptical theism and value judgments.David James Anderson - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (1):27-39.
    One of the most prominent objections to skeptical theism in recent literature is that the skeptical theist is forced to deny our competency in making judgments about the all-things-considered value of any natural event. Some skeptical theists accept that their view has this implication, but argue that it is not problematic. I think that there is reason to question the implication itself. I begin by explaining the objection to skeptical theism and the standard response to it. I then (...)
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  50. Review of Craig, WL and Q. Smith, Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology. [REVIEW]R. J. Deltete - 1995 - Zygon 30:653-656.
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