Th Skolem [36]Thoralf Skolem [17]Thoraf Skolem [1]
  1.  49
    Selected works in logic.Th Skolem & Jens Erik Fenstad - 1970 - Oslo,: Universitetsforlaget. Edited by Jens Erik Fenstad.
  2.  30
    (2 other versions)Einführungin die operative Logik und Mathematik.Th Skolem - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 11 (4):631-633.
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  3.  42
    Studies on the axiom of comprehension.Th Skolem - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (3):162-170.
  4.  15
    Mathematical interpretation of formal systems.Thoralf Skolem, G. Hasenjaeger, G. Kreisel, A. Robinson, Hao Wang, L. Henkin & J. Łoś (eds.) - 1971 - Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co..
  5.  29
    Bemerkungen zum Komprehensionsaxiom.Thoralf Skolem, C. C. Chang & Jens Erik Fenstad - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):128-129.
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  6.  68
    Bemerkungen zum Komprehensionsaxiom. Dem Andenken an Heinrich Scholz gewidmet.Thoralf Skolem - 1957 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 3 (1-5):1-17.
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  7.  32
    Investigations on a comprehension axiom without negation in the defining propositional functions.Thoralf Skolem - 1960 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 (1-2):13-22.
  8.  31
    Proof of some theorems on recursively enumerable sets.Thoralf Skolem - 1962 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3 (2):65-74.
  9.  20
    (1 other version)L'axiomatique.Th Skolem - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (2):323-324.
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  10.  19
    (1 other version)Gödel's Proof.Th Skolem - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):222-222.
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  11.  48
    Kemeny John G.. Undecidable problems of elementary number theory. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 135 , pp. 160–169.Th Skolem - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):359-360.
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  12.  36
    Nelson David. Constructible falsity.Th Skolem - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):228-228.
  13.  37
    Novak I. L.. A construction for models of consistent systems. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 37 , pp. 87–110.Th Skolem - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):273-274.
  14.  26
    Robinson Julia. Definability and decision problems in arithmetic.Th Skolem - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):68-69.
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  15.  25
    Reduction of axiom systems with axiom schemes to systems with only simple axioms.Th Skolem - 1958 - Dialectica 12 (3‐4):443-450.
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  16.  26
    Sobre la naturaleza del razonamiento matemático.Thoralf Skolem - 1952 - Madrid,: [Instituto de Matemáticas "Jorge Juan"].
  17. (1 other version)The Logical Nature of Arithmetic.Th Skolem - 1953 - Synthese 9 (6):375-384.
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  18.  21
    Addendum to my article: "Proof of some theorems on recursively enumerable sets".Thoralf Skolem - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (1):44-47.
  19. Ein Satz uber die Erfullbarkeit von einigen Zahlausdrucken der Form K 1 & K 2.Thoralf Skolem - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):111-111.
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  20.  51
    Th. Skolem. Über gewisse “Verbände” oder “lattices.” Avhandlinger utgitt au Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, I. Mat.-naturv. klasse 1936, no. 7 (1936), 16 pp. [REVIEW]Garrett Birkhoff & Th Skolem - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):50-51.
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  21.  22
    Aubert Karl Egil. Om presisering og generalisering av relasjonsbegrepet . Norsk matematisk tidsskrift, vol. 30 , pp. 33–53. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):278-279.
  22.  27
    Beth E. W.. Observations métamathématiques sur les structures simplement ordonnées. Applications scientifiques de la logique mathématique, Actes du 2e Colloque International de Logique Mathématique, Paris – 25-30 août 1952, Institut Henri Poincaré, Collection de logique mathématique, ser. A no. 5, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1954, and E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1954, pp. 29–35.Robinson A. and Beth E. W.. Discussion. Applications scientifiques de la logique mathématique, Actes du 2e Colloque International de Logique Mathématique, Paris – 25-30 août 1952, Institut Henri Poincaré, Collection de logique mathématique, ser. A no. 5, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1954, and E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1954, p. 35. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):34-35.
  23.  13
    Behmann Heinrich. Zu den Parallelreihentransformationen in Schröders “Algebra und Logik der Relative”. Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, vol. 1 no. 2 , pp. 52–62; also Archiv für Philosophie, vol. 4 no. 2 , pp. 212–222. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):75-75.
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  24.  59
    Goodstein R. L.. Recursive number theory. A development of recursive arithmetic in a logic-free equation calculus. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1957, XII + 190 pp. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):227-228.
  25.  33
    Heyting A.. Sur la t'che de la philosophie des mathématiques. Actes du XIème Congrès International de Philosophie, Volume V, Logique, analyse philosophique, philosophie des mathématiques, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1953, and Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1953, pp. 193–198. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):225-225.
  26.  46
    Jørgensen Jørgen. Indledning til logikken og metodelæren . Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1942, 88 pp. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1947 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):88-89.
  27.  48
    Kreisel G.. Some remarks on the foundations of mathematics. An expository article. The mathematical gazette, vol. 35 , pp. 23–28. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):60-61.
  28.  44
    Kalmár László and Surányi János. On the decision problem. Third paper. Pepis prefix, a single binary predicate. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):215-216.
  29.  28
    (1 other version)Mostowski Andrzej Correction to the paper “Some impredicative definitions in the axiomatic set-theory.” Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 38 , p. 238. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):343-343.
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  30.  71
    Mostowski Andrzej. Proofs of non-deducibility in intuitionistic functional calculus. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):137-137.
  31.  29
    Mostowski Andrzej. Some impredicative definitions in the axiomatic set-theory. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 37 , pp. 111–124. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):274-275.
  32.  35
    Marc-Wogau. Konrad. Modern logik. Elementär lärobok. Ehlins Handböcker, Stockholm 1950, 211 pp. [With separate sheet of Rättelser .]. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):288-288.
  33.  26
    (1 other version)Reviews. Anders Wedberg. Den nya logiken . Studentföreningen verdandis småskrifter nos. 477, 478. Part I, 61 pp., and Part II, 71 pp.; Albert Bonniers Förlag, Stockholm 1945. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):122-122.
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  34.  49
    Rosser J. Barkley and Wang Hao. Non-standard models for formal logics. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):145-146.
  35.  45
    Turing Sara. Alan M. Turing. W. Heffer & Sons, Ltd., Cambridge 1959, xiv + 157 pp. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):161-162.
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  36.  30
    Wedberg Anders. Filosofins historia. Antiken och medeltiden. Bonniers, Stockholm 1958, 197 pp. [REVIEW]Th Skolem - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):258-259.
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