Results for 'Susan T. Dumais'

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  1. A solution to Plato's problem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge.Thomas K. Landauer & Susan T. Dumais - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (2):211-240.
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    Thinking your way to freedom: a guide to owning your own practical reasoning.Susan T. Gardner - 2009 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Edited by Dirk Van Stralen.
    A Teacher's Manual for this book will be available online at
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  3. Surviving sexual violence: A philosophical perspective.Susan T. Brison - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (1):5-22.
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    Meeting Youngsters Where They “Are at” in Summer Camps, in Sport and in Life.Susan T. Gardner & Alex Newby - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-26.
    When Mathew Lipman first introduced Philosophy for Children (P4C) to the world, his goal was not to sneak a little academic philosophy into the typical school curriculum, as one might expect from the titles of his first books: Philosophy in the Classroom (Lipman et al., 1980) and Philosophy Goes to School (Lipman, 1988). His goal, rather, was to create a paradigm shift in the field of education itself: namely, to transform the typical hierarchical model into one in which the teacher/facilitator (...)
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  5. A dialogue in support of social justice.Susan T. Gardner & Daniel J. Anderson - 2019 - Praxis and Saber 10 (21):215-233.
    There are kinds of dialogue that support social justice and others that do the reverse. The kinds of dialogue that support social justice require that anger be bracketed and that hiding in safe spaces be eschewed. All illegitimate ad hominem/ad feminem attacks are ruled out from the get-go. No dialogical contribution can be down-graded on account of the communicator’s gender, race, or religion. As well, this communicative approach unapologetically privileges reason in full view of theories and strategies that might seek (...)
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  6. Commentary on 'Inquiry is no mere conversation'.Susan T. Gardner - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 2 (1):71-91.
    There is a long standing controversy in education as to whether education ought to be teacher- or student- centered. Interestingly, this controversy parallels the parent- vs. child-centered theoretical swings with regard to good parenting. One obvious difference between the two poles is the mode of communication. “Authoritarian” teaching and parenting strategies focus on the need of those who have much to learn to “do as they are told,” i.e. the authority talks, the child listens. “Non-authoritarian” strategies are anchored in the (...)
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  7. Teaching children to think ethically.Susan T. Gardner - 2012 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 32 (2):75-81.
  8. Education and Resentment.Susan T. Gardner & Daniel J. Anderson - 2021 - Open Journal for Studies in Philosophy 5 (1):19-32.
    That the world is awash with resentment poses a genuine question for educators. Here, we will suggest that resentment can be better harnessed for good if we stop focusing on people and tribes and, instead, focus on systems: those invisible norms that often produce locked-in structures of social interaction. A “systems lens” is vast, so fixes will have to be an iterative process of reflection, and revision toward a more just system. Nonetheless, resentment toward the status quo may be an (...)
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    Love Them or Leave Them? Respect Requires Neither.Susan T. Gardner - 2012 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):253-268.
    The notion of “respect for persons” is a one often closely tied to the religious edict that “we ought to love one another.” It thus appears to give rise to a command that we are obliged to nurture some kind of positive regard toward others.Taking on a slightly different hue, Kant’s notion of “respect for persons” requires that we recognize universalizing agents as autonomous, and, hence, even if fanatical (Hare), we have no grounds to condemn.In this paper, both of these (...)
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  10. Communicating Toward Personhood.Susan T. Gardner - 2009 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 29 (1).
    Marshalling a mind-numbing array of data, Harvard political scientist Robert D. Putnam, in his book Bowling Alone, shows that on virtually every conceivable measure, civic participation, or what he refers to as “social capital,” is plummeting to levels not seen for almost 100 years. And we should care, Putnam argues, because connectivity is directly related to both individual and social wellbeing on a wide variety of measures. On the other hand, social capital of the “bonding kind” brings with it the (...)
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  11. Perceiving “The Philosophical Child”: A Guide for the Perplexed.Susan T. Gardner - 2012 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 33 (2):73-76.
    Though Jana Mohr Lone refers to children’s striving to wonder, to question, to figure out how the world works and where they fit as the “philosophical self,” like its parent discipline, it could be argued that the philosophical self is actually the “parent self,”—the wellspring of all the other aspects of personhood that we traditionally parse out, e.g., the intellectual, moral, social, and emotional selves. If that is the case, then to be blind to “The Philosophical Child,” the latter being (...)
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  12. Selling "The Reason Game".Susan T. Gardner - 2015 - Teaching Ethics 15 (1):129-136.
    There is a clear distinction between genuine and fraudulent reasoning. Being seduced by the latter can result in horrific consequences. This paper explores how we can arm ourselves, and others with the ability to recognize the difference between genuine and pseudo-reasoning, with the motivation to maintain an unbending commitment to follow the “impersonal” “norm-driven” rules of reason even in situations in which “non-reasonable” strategies appear to support short-term bests interests, and with the confidence that genuine reasoning is the best defense (...)
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  13. Agitating for Munificence or Going Out of Business: Philosophy’s Dilemma.Susan T. Gardner - 2011 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 31 (1):1-4.
    Philosophy has a dirty little secret and it is this: a whole lot of philosophers have swallowed the mechanistic billiard ball deterministic view of human action—presumably because philosophy assumes that science demands it, and/or because modern attempts to articulate in what free will consists seem incoherent. This below-the-surface-purely-academic commitment to mechanistic determinism is a dirty little secret because an honest public commitment would render virtually all that is taught in philosophy departments incomprehensible. Can “lovers of wisdom” really continue to tolerate (...)
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  14. The complexity of respecting together: From the point of view of one participant of the 2012 vancouver naaci conference.Susan T. Gardner - 2012 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 33 (1):1-12.
    Dedication: I would like to dedicate this essay to Mort Morehouse, whose intelligence, warmth, and good humour sustains NAACI to this day. I would like, too, to dedicate this essay to Nadia Kennedy who, in her paper “Respecting the Complexity of CI,” suggests that respect for the rich non-reductive emergent memories and understandings that evolve out of participating in the sort of complex communicative interactions that we experienced at the 2012 NAACI conference requires “a turning around and looking back so (...)
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    Mapping Ethnic Stereotypes and Their Antecedents in Russia: The Stereotype Content Model.Dmitry Grigoryev, Susan T. Fiske & Anastasia Batkhina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Moving Beyond Universalizability.Susan T. Gardner - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:117-125.
    The use of Kant’s universalizability principle as a method of determining the warrantability of an ethical claim has two fundamental flaws. On the one hand, it renders the universalizing moralizer mute in the face of fanaticism, and, on the other, it too easily dissolves into irrational rule worship. In the face of such flaws,many have argued that this “rational” approach to ethics ought to be abandoned in favor of fanning the flames of sentiment. Such a proposal suggests that we have (...)
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    Political cognition helps explain social class divides: Two dimensions of candidate impressions, group stereotypes, and meritocracy beliefs.Susan T. Fiske - 2019 - Cognition 188 (C):108-115.
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  18. Social equity and voting rights : a shrinking regime.Susan T. Gooden & Brandy Faulkner - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski (eds.), Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Fairytales, Authorship, and Aesthetic Response.Susan T. Viguers - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (1):107.
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    The Impulse of Fantasy Literature (review).Susan T. Viguers - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (2):295-296.
  21. Human Agency.Susan T. Gardner - 2017 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):207-216.
    Let us suppose that we accept that humans can be correctly characterized as agents. Let us further presume that this capacity contrasts with most non-human animals. Thus, since agency is what uniquely constitutes what it is to be human, it must be of supreme importance. If these claims have any merit, it would seem to follow that, if agency can be nurtured through education, then it is an overarching moral imperative that educational initiatives be undertaken to do that. In this (...)
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  22. Love Thy Neighbour? Maybe Not.Susan T. Gardner - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 421.
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    Distributed practice in verbal learning and the maturation hypothesis.Susan T. H. Wright & Donald W. Taylor - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (4):527.
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  24. In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: Childhood, Philosophy, and Education, edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory and Megan Jane Laverty.Susan T. Gardner - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (1):61-64.
  25. Does philosophy kill culture?Susan T. Gardner & Jason Chen - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (1):4.
    Given that one of the major goals of the practice of Philosophy for Children (P4C) is the development of critical thinking skills (Sharp 1987/2018, pp. 4 6), an urgent question that emerged for one of the authors, who is of Chinese Heritage and a novice practitioner at a P4C summer camp was whether this emphasis on critical thinking might make this practice incompatible with the fabric of Chinese culture. Filial piety (孝), which requires respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors (...)
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    Review of Arie Kizel’s Enabling Students’ Voices and Identities: Philosophical Inquiry in a Time of Discord. [REVIEW]Susan T. Gardner - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-06.
    La reseña presenta y analiza el libro de Arie Kizel, Enabling students’ voices and identities: philosophical inquiry in a time of discord.
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  27. Agitating for Munificence or Going out of Business.Susan T. Gardner - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:21-29.
    If you cannot, then you ought not. Taking its own precepts seriously, philosophy, in the face of scientific deterministic success, has abandoned its original calling of inspiring munificence and, in doing so, has undercut much of its own relevance. But this need not be the case. If we adopt a more finely grained set of theoretical glasses, we will see that human freedom is simply the icing on a deterministic layer cake that launches entities, both phylogenetically and ontogenetically, from the (...)
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  28. Sisyphus and Climate Change: Educating in the Context of Tragedies of the Commons.Susan T. Gardner - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (1):4.
    The tragedy of the commons is a primary contributing factor in ensuring that humanity makes no serious inroads in averting climate change. As a recent Canadian politician pointed out, we could shut down the Canadian economy tomorrow, and it would make no measurable difference in global greenhouse gas emissions. When coordinated effort is required, it would seem that doing the “right thing” alone is irrational: it will harm oneself with no positive consequences as a result. Such is the tragedy. And (...)
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    Educating Selves in a Tech Addicted Age.Jason Chen & Susan T. Gardner - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-23.
    In this paper we argue that, if it is true that maximum self-development is better both for individuals and society, and if it is true that that self-development is being seriously curtailed by pervasive environmental tech forces, then clearly educational systems, since they are guardians of “developing” young humans, have a moral imperative to push back against forces that diminish the self. On the other hand, if it is not true that “more self is always better,” that perhaps “goodness of (...)
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    Begging the Question: The Fallacy of Adoptees as a Health Disparity.Gwendolyn P. Quinn & Susan T. Vadaparampil - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):47-48.
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    Invariance of signal detectability over stages of practice and levels of motivation.John A. Swets & Susan T. Sewall - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (2):120.
  32. Using Communal Inquiry as a Way of Increasing Group Cohesion in Soccer Teams.Alex Newby, Susan T. Gardner & Arthur Wolf - 2018 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 39 (1):34-45.
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  33. "Back to the Future" in Philosophical Dialogue: A Plea for Changing P4C Teacher Education.Barbara Weber & Susan T. Gardner - 2009 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 29 (1).
    While making P4C much more easily disseminated, short-term weekend and weeklong P4C training programs not only dilute the potential laudatory impact of P4C, they can actually be dangerous. As well, lack of worldwide standards precludes the possibility of engaging in sufficiently high quality research of the sort that would allow the collection of empirical data in support the efficacy of worldwide P4C adoption. For all these reasons, the authors suggest that P4C advocates ought to insist that programs of a minimum (...)
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    Respect: How Do We Get There? A Philosophical Inquiry.Eva Marsal, Barbara Weber & Susan T. Gardner (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Lit Verlag Fresnostre.
    What precisely do we mean by respect? How should we adjudicate between conflicting demands of respect? What obstacles stand in the way of respect? The papers contained in this international anthology were presented at the North American Association of the Community of Inquiry conference in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2012, and were the outcome of in-depth and interdisciplinary discussions around the various aspects of respect. The book is an exacting and exciting analysis of the notion of respect - an analysis (...)
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    Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.Andrea E. Abele, Naomi Ellemers, Susan T. Fiske, Alex Koch & Vincent Yzerbyt - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (2):290-314.
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    Data‐driven approaches to information access.Susan Dumais - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (3):491-524.
    This paper summarizes three lines of research that are motivated by the practical problem of helping users find information from external data sources, most notably computers. The application areas include information retrieval, text categorization, and question answering. A common theme in these applications is that practical information access problems can be solved by analyzing the statistical properties of words in large volumes of real world texts. The same statistical properties constrain human performance, thus we believe that solutions to practical information (...)
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  37. Combatting Consumer Madness.Wayne Henry, Mort Morehouse & Susan T. Gardner - 2017 - Teaching Ethics.
    In his 2004 article “Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society,” Trevor Norris bemoans the degree to which contemporary education’s focus can increasingly be described as primarily nurturing “consumers in training.” He goes on to add that the consequences of such “mindless” consumerism is that it “erodes democratic life, reduces education to the reproduction of private accumulation, prevents social resistance from expressing itself as anything other than political apathy, and transforms all human relations into commercial transactions of (...)
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    Cultural differences in coping with interpersonal tensions lead to divergent shorter- and longer-term affective consequences.Gloria Luong, Carla M. Arredondo & Susan T. Charles - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1499-1508.
    Culture influences how people cope with interpersonal tensions, with those from more collectivistic contexts ) generally opting for strategies promoting social harmony w...
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    Incorporating Biobank Consent into a Healthcare Setting: Challenges for Patient Understanding.T. J. Kasperbauer, Karen K. Schmidt, Ariane Thomas, Susan M. Perkins & Peter H. Schwartz - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (2):113-122.
    Background Biobank participants often do not understand much of the information they are provided as part of the informed consent process, despite numerous attempts at simplifying consent forms and improving their readability. We report the first assessment of biobank enrollees’ comprehension under an "integrated consent” process, where patients were asked to enroll in a research biobank as part of their normal healthcare experience. A number of healthcare systems have implemented similar integrated consent processes for biobanking, but it is unknown how (...)
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  40. The boundaries of languages and disciplines: How ideologies construct difference.Susan Gal & Judith T. Irvine - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    A neuroscientific approach to consciousness.Susan A. Greenfield & T. F. T. Collins - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    Ethics and professionalism: What does a resident need to learn?Susan Dorr Goold & David T. Stern - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):9 – 17.
    Training in ethics and professionalism is a fundamental component of residency education, yet there is little empirical information to guide curricula. The objective of this study is to describe empirically derived ethics objectives for ethics and professionalism training for multiple specialties. Study design is a thematic analysis of documents, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups conducted in a setting of an academic medical center, Veterans Administration, and community hospital training more than 1000 residents. Participants were 84 informants in 13 specialties including (...)
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    Beyond the essential contestation: Construction and deconstruction of regional identity.Susan A. van, 'T. Klooster, Marjolein B. A. van Asselt & Sjaak P. Koenis - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (2):109 – 121.
    In this paper we aim to shed light on the dynamics of regional identity construction and deconstruction. We will argue that four forms of identity can be identified that are linked through various processes of change. To that end, we will theoretically conceptualise 'identity' by discussing historical and current scholarly debates on identity in a variety of scientific disciplines. Then, we will argue that the mutual contradiction of the current theories is a paradox if seen from the angle of regional (...)
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    VIII.—Symposium: The New Physics and Metaphysical Materialism.L. Susan Stebbing, J. H. Jeans, R. B. Braithwaite & E. T. Whittaker - 1943 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 43 (1):167-184.
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  45. Integrating Rules for Genomic Research, Clinical Care, Public Health Screening and DTC Testing: Creating Translational Law for Translational Genomics.Susan M. Wolf, Pilar N. Ossorio, Susan A. Berry, Henry T. Greely, Amy L. McGuire, Michelle A. Penny & Sharon F. Terry - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):69-86.
    Human genomics is a translational field spanning research, clinical care, public health, and direct-to-consumer testing. However, law differs across these domains on issues including liability, consent, promoting quality of analysis and interpretation, and safeguarding privacy. Genomic activities crossing domains can thus encounter confusion and conflicts among these approaches. This paper suggests how to resolve these conflicts while protecting the rights and interests of individuals sequenced. Translational genomics requires this more translational approach to law.
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    Cosimo Rosselli's Birmingham Altarpiece, the Vallombrosan Abbey of S. Trinita in Florence and its Gianfigliazzi Chapel.Susan J. May & George T. Noszlopy - 2015 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 78 (1):97-133.
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    Mental Transformation Skill in Young Children: The Role of Concrete and Abstract Motor Training.Susan C. Levine, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Matthew T. Carlson & Naureen Hemani-Lopez - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1207-1228.
    We examined the effects of three different training conditions, all of which involve the motor system, on kindergarteners’ mental transformation skill. We focused on three main questions. First, we asked whether training that involves making a motor movement that is relevant to the mental transformation—either concretely through action or more abstractly through gestural movements that represent the action —resulted in greater gains than training using motor movements irrelevant to the mental transformation. We tested children prior to training, immediately after training, (...)
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    Connecting the two faces of csr: Does employee volunteerism improve compliance?Susan M. Houghton, Joan T. A. Gabel & David W. Williams - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):477 - 494.
    In 2004, the United States Sentencing Commission amended the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to allow firms that create “effective compliance and ethics programs” to receive better treatment if prosecuted for fraud. Effective compliance and ethics, however, appear to be limited to activities focused on complying with the firms’ internal legal and ethical standards. We explored a potential connection between the firms’ external corporate social responsibility (CSR) behaviors and internal compliance: Is there an organizationally valid relationship between these two firm activities? That (...)
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    Beyond the Essential Contestation: Construction and Deconstruction of Regional Identity.Susan van 'T. Klooster, Marjolein van Asselt & Sjaak Koenis - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (2):109-121.
    In this paper we aim to shed light on the dynamics of regional identity construction and deconstruction. We will argue that four forms of identity can be identified that are linked through various processes of change. To that end, we will theoretically conceptualise 'identity' by discussing historical and current scholarly debates on identity in a variety of scientific disciplines. Then, we will argue that the mutual contradiction of the current theories is a paradox if seen from the angle of regional (...)
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    (1 other version)Credit reporting agency stakeholder and CSR reporting linkages.Susan D. Sampson, Edward T. Vieira Jr & Susan Grantham - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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