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  1. Nietzsche, the overhuman, and transhumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):29-42.
    Bostrom rejects Nietzsche as an ancestor of the transhumanist movement, as he claims that there were merely some “surface-level similarities with the Nietzschean vision” (Bostrom 2005a, 4). In contrast to Bostrom, I think that significant similarities between the posthuman and the overhuman can be found on a fundamental level. In addition, it seems to me that Nietzsche explained the relevance of the overhuman by referring to a dimension which seems to be lacking in transhumanism. In order to explain my position, (...)
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    We have always been cyborgs: digital data, gene technologies, and an ethics of transhumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2021 - Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
    Transhumanism : in a nutshell -- On a silicon-based transhumanism -- On a carbon-based transhumanism -- A fictive ethics -- The end of the beginning.
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    Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche: die Geschichte eines Begriffs.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2010 - Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    In der Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsches Kritik der Menschenwürde nimmt dieses Buch zugleich Stellung zur aktuellen Diskussion. Wie ist die gegenwärtige Norm der Menschenwürde, wie sie auch im Grundgesetz enthalten ist, vor dem Hintergrund der Theorien des vehementen Moralkritikers Nietzsche einzuschätzen? Welchen Stellenwert hat die Würde des Menschen im Zeitalter des Posthumanismus überhaupt? Im ersten Teil skizziert der Autor zunächst die wichtigsten philosophischen Konzeptionen der Menschenwürde von Cicero bis Kant. Dabei macht er deutlich, welche Probleme die gegenwärtige Rezeption historischer Konzeptionen aufwirft. (...)
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  4. Beyond Humanism: Reflections on Trans-and Posthumanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2010 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 21 (2):1-19.
    I am focusing here on the main counterarguments that were raised against a thesis I put forward in my article “Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism” (2009), namely that significant similarities can be found on a fundamental level between the concept of the posthuman, as put forward by some transhumanists, and Nietzsche’s concept of the overhuman. The articles with the counterarguments were published in the recent “Nietzsche and European Posthumanisms” issue of The Journal of Evolution and Technology (January-July 2010). As several (...)
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  5. Nonconscious Cognitive Suffering: Considering Suffering Risks of Embodied Artificial Intelligence.Steven Umbrello & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (2):24.
    Strong arguments have been formulated that the computational limits of disembodied artificial intelligence (AI) will, sooner or later, be a problem that needs to be addressed. Similarly, convincing cases for how embodied forms of AI can exceed these limits makes for worthwhile research avenues. This paper discusses how embodied cognition brings with it other forms of information integration and decision-making consequences that typically involve discussions of machine cognition and similarly, machine consciousness. N. Katherine Hayles’s novel conception of nonconscious cognition in (...)
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    The Stoic Sage 3.0- A Realistic Goal of Moral Enhancement Supporters?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 26 (1):83-93.
    I propose to show that any direct moral bioenhancement procedures that could be realized within a relatively short period of time are not realistic options. This does not have to worry us; however; because alternative options for promoting morality are available. Consequently; moral bioenhancement is not an option for dealing successfully with the increased potential destructiveness of contemporary technologies within a short-term framework; i.e. within this century. In what follows; I will explain why this is the case; and why; contrary (...)
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    On trans-humanism.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by Spencer Hawkins.
    Examines widespread myths about transhumanism and explores the most pressing ethical issues in the debate over technologically assisted human enhancement.
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    The Future of Education: Genetic Enhancement and Metahumanities.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2015 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 25 (1):31-48.
    Habermas has criticized the position that educational and genetic enhancements are parallel events. I; on the other hand; will provide reasons for the position that there is a structural analogy between educational and genetic enhancement such that the moral evaluation of these two procedures should be seen as analogous; too. I will show that an affirmation of educational enhancement suggests an affirmation of genetic enhancement. In addition; I offer reasons why both types of enhancement ought to be affirmed. I will (...)
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    Metaphysics without truth: on the importance of consistency within Nietzsche's philosophy.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2007 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
    Is there any good reason to believe in Nietzsche's metaphysics even thought he himself claims that it is not "the truth" in correspondence with the world? According to Danto, Nietzsche's metaphysics is only valid for Nietzsche himself. However, this answer does not take into consideration Nietzsche's claim for the general superiority of his philosophy. Nietzsche's view seems inconsistent: on the one hand, he claimed all perspectives are equally false in respect to "the truth," but on the other, he regarded his (...)
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    From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?Irina Deretić & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The relationship between humanism, metahumanism, posthumanism and transhumanism is one of the most pressing topics concerning many current cultural, social, political, ethical and individual challenges. There have been a great number of uses of the various terms in history. Meta-, post- and transhumanism have in common that they reject the categorically dualist understanding of human beings inherent in humanism. The essays in this volume consider the relevant historical discourses, important contemporary philosophical reflections and artistic perspectives on this subject-matter.
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    Two concepts of “liberal education”.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2004 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 3 (2):107–119.
    In this article I attempt to find out the appropriate understanding of “liberal education”. Firstly, I distinguish the two most important meanings of the notion “freedom” which I call momentary and lifelong freedom. Momentary freedom is a type of negative freedom, and lifelong freedom a type of positive freedom. Secondly, I show the consequences, which these two meanings of “freedom” have on the practice of a “liberal education”. Finally, I analyse which type of liberal education is the best.
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    (1 other version)Desafíos Glocales del Eurotranshumanismo.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):324-358.
    Este manuscrito inédito corresponde al capítulo final del libro _Latin America replies to Transhumanism. __A Symposium on Sorgner’s We have always been cyborgs _a publicarse el año 2024 por la editorial Trivent. Budapest, Hungria. Agradecemos a Stefan L. Sorgner y Teodora C. Artimon por los permisos de publicación. Las referencias a los autores mencionados corresponden a otros capítulos de este mismo libro. Traducción de Nicolás Rojas Cortés y Camilo Vergara Ramírez.
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    Geschichte der Bioethik: eine Einführung.Tina-Louise Eissa & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (eds.) - 2011 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  14.  6
    Android Data – Eigentum oder Träger von Rechten?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2019 - In Michael C. Bauer (ed.), Neue Welten - Star Trek Als Humanistische Utopie? Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 239-272.
    The Measure of a Man ist der Originaltitel der 9. Episode der 2. Staffel von Star Trek – The Next Generation, die im Mittelpunkt meiner Überlegungen steht. Hierin beabsichtigt der Kybernetikforscher und Sternenflottenoffizier Bruce Maddox, Forschung am Androiden Data durchzuführen, in der Hoffnung, schließlich Data-ähnliche Androiden erschaffen zu können. Die Forschungsprozesse implizieren jedoch Eingriffe, mit denen das Risiko einhergeht, dass Data zerstört wird, weshalb Data nicht bereit ist, an sich forschen zu lassen. Die entscheidende philosophische Frage diesbezüglich ist: Handelt es (...)
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    Brief Biography.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2010 - In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Oliver Furbeth & Susan H. Gillespie (eds.), Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Beauty Naturalized.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 1:321-325.
    In this paper, I wish to put forward some aspects of the ethical relevance of two concepts of formal beauty today, which are of particular relevance for music and architecture, as these two arts are mainly non-representational. What concern me here are the two formal concepts of beauty, which correspond to two types of numerical ratios, the harmonic ratio and the ratio of self-similarity. In the Pythagorean and Platonic tradition these ratios have been explained by reference to perfect ratios which (...)
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    English.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:139-147.
    Silicon-based transhumanists talk a lot about the implications of digitalization, whereby topics like mind-uploading, a digital consciousness, as well as the simulation argument are discussed most often. From a pragmatic perspective none of these issues is of any relevance. It seems to me that the following question is the most central one: How can we collect and use digital data in a democratic manner, as digital data are the new oil? For quite some time, we have seen global fights for (...)
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    El futuro de la educación.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Alejandro Recio Sastre - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:303-333.
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    Is there a “Moral Obligation to Create Children with the Best Chance of the Best Life”?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26).
    In this article, I critically deal with Savulescu’s suggestion that human beings have a “moral obligation to create children with the best chance of the best life”, p. 274). I progress as follows. In part one, I will briefly describe the procedures with which Savulescu is concerned, and I will present Savulescu’s argument in favour of the principle of procreative beneficence which is the basis of his argumentation in favour of the aforementioned moral obligation. In part two, I will show (...)
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    Musik in der antiken Philosophie: eine Einführung.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Michael Schramm (eds.) - 2010 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann ;.
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  21. Musik in der deutschen Philosophie.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 33:91-92.
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    Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Oliver Furbeth & Susan H. Gillespie (eds.) - 2010 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Though many well-known German philosophers have devoted considerable attention to music and its aesthetics, surprisingly few of their writings on the subject have been translated into English. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, a philosopher, and Oliver Fürbeth, a musicologist, here fill this important gap for musical scholars and students alike with this compelling guide to the musical discourse of ten of the most important German philosophers, from Kant to Adorno. _Music in German Philosophy_ includes contributions from a renowned group of ten scholars, (...)
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    Musik und Ethik in Nietzsches Geburt der Tragödie.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2006 - In Renate Reschke & Volker Gerhardt (eds.), Friedrich Nietzsche – Zwischen Musik, Philosophie Und Ressentiment. Akademie Verlag. pp. 59-76.
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    Nietzsche.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2010 - In Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Oliver Furbeth & Susan H. Gillespie (eds.), Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This chapter evaluates the biography of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and elaborates on his particular thoughts on musical philosophy. Nietzsche was born on October 15, 1844 in Röcken. Three phases can be recognized in Nietzsche's philosophy, although it should be noted that the differences are much less momentous than they are sometimes considered to be. For Nietzsche, the given cultural circumstances played a decisive role in addressing the content of the artworks that were developed. The philosophy of music occupied a larger (...)
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    Nietzsche als Ahnherr des Posthumanismus in den Künsten. Reflexionen zum Verhältnis von Bild, Wort und Ton.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2011 - Nietzscheforschung 18 (1):45-48.
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  26. Nietzsche and Heraclitus.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2009 - In H. James Birx (ed.), Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, and Culture. Sage Publications. pp. 919-922.
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    Philosophy as “Intellectual War of Values”.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2017-04-27 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Philosophy's Future. Wiley. pp. 191–200.
    Pythagoras created the notion of philosophy, which literally means love of wisdom, and wisdom has traditionally been related to values and notions of the good. Not surprisingly, the central idea in Plato's philosophy was the concept of the good. Nietzsche saw philosophers as inventors of values, and this understanding of philosophy remains valid today. It is the methodology by means of which values are derived or created that changes from time to time. Today, it is important for giving a comprehensive (...)
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    What does It Mean to Harm a Person?Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    The central task of my reflections is to deal with the question what harming a person could mean. In the first part of the reflections, I will be critically concerned with current ways of dealing with the concept of human dignity, and why it is no longer plausible to uphold these regulations, whereby I will particularly focus on the legal dimension. It will come out that the person-object-dichotomy cannot simply be upheld in its traditional manner. Given the plausibility of these (...)
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    „Wagners Kunst ist krank“: Nietzsches Reflexionen über Kultur, Musik und Krankheit.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2016 - In Renate Reschke & Jutta Georg (eds.), Nietzsche Und Wagner: Perspektiven Ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter. pp. 94-110.
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