Results for 'Sonja Vanderlinden'

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  1.  40
    Christian Wolff's German Ethics: New Essays.Sonja Schierbaum, Michael Walschots & John Walsh (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a collection of sixteen essays by a diverse group of international scholars that offers a wide-ranging and contemporary perspective on the major aspects of Christian Wolff’s ethics. The volume focuses on Wolff’s German Ethics, arguably his most important and influential text on moral philosophy, but many of the chapters also consider the development of the basic tenets of Wolff’s moral theory in his later Latin writings. The contributions cover a range of topics, including the systematic structure of the (...)
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  2. Logic and Quantum Physics.Sonja Smets - 2010 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 27 (2).
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    Choosing for No Reason? An Old Objection to Freedom of Indifference.Sonja Schierbaum - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 37 (2):183-202.
    I present a historical solution to the so-called Arbitrariness Objection (AO). The AO has been leveled against contemporary libertarian conceptions of free will and says that freedom of the will, conceived as freedom of indifference, implies that choices can be made for no reason. If successful, the AO would undermine the rationality of libertarian views, which is why a rebuttal of it is of systematic interest. I discuss the attempt of Christian August Crusius (1715–75) in order to explain that Crusius (...)
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    Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Mexico: a theoretic ideal or everyday practice?Sonja Kaufmann & Christian R. Vogl - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):457-472.
    Third-party certification, the most common organic certification system, has faced growing criticism in recent years. This has led to the development of alternative certification systems, most of which can be classed as Participatory Guarantee Systems. PGS have been promoted as a more suitable, cheaper and less bureaucratic alternative to TPC for local markets and are associated with additional benefits such as empowering smallholder farmers, facilitating farmer-to-farmer learning and enhancing food security and sovereignty. PGS have spread rapidly in the past few (...)
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    Connoisseurship, Art History, and the Paleographical Impasse in Middle English Studies.Sonja Drimmer - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):415-468.
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    Selected studies of the Menopause.Sonja M. McKinlay & John B. McKinlay - 1973 - Journal of Biosocial Science 5 (4):533-555.
    Literature on the subject of the menopause, primarily from the past three decades, is selectively reviewed in the form of an annotated bibliography. In order to highlight particular methodological problems, the review is presented in three sections, each preceded by a brief discussion, as follows: the general report of clinical observation or experience, the survey, and the clinical trial. Several recommendations are also made for further research in this field.
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    Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions.Sonja Erikainen, Phoebe Friesen, Leah Rand, Karin Jongsma, Michael Dunn, Annie Sorbie, Matthew McCoy, Jessica Bell, Michael Burgess, Haidan Chen, Vicky Chico, Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Julie Darbyshire, Rebecca Dawson, Andrew Evans, Nick Fahy, Teresa Finlay, Lucy Frith, Aaron Goldenberg, Lisa Hinton, Nils Hoppe, Nigel Hughes, Barbara Koenig, Sapfo Lignou, Michelle McGowan, Michael Parker, Barbara Prainsack, Mahsa Shabani, Ciara Staunton, Rachel Thompson, Kinga Varnai, Effy Vayena, Oli Williams, Max Williamson, Sarah Chan & Mark Sheehan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):522-525.
    Population-level biomedical research offers new opportunities to improve population health, but also raises new challenges to traditional systems of research governance and ethical oversight. Partly in response to these challenges, various models of public involvement in research are being introduced. Yet, the ways in which public involvement should meet governance challenges are not well understood. We conducted a qualitative study with 36 experts and stakeholders using the World Café method to identify key governance challenges and explore how public involvement can (...)
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  8. „Einleitung, Neue Theoriepraxis des Rechts “.Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano - 2006 - In Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano (eds.), Neue Theorien des Rechts. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
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    Lev Nussimbaum – Essad Bey – Kurban Said: Ein Schriftsteller zwischen Orient und Okzident.Sonja Hegasy - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 60 (4):365-368.
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  10. Medical technologies, the lifeworld, and normality : an introduction.Sonja Olin Lauritzen & Lars-Christer Hydén - 2006 - In Sonja Olin-Lauritzen & Lars-Christer Hydén (eds.), Medical Technologies and the Life World: The Social Construction of Normality. Routledge.
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    Vivre sous le regard de Dieu: une redécouverte théologique du regard.Annick Vanderlinden - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
    Qu'est-ce que le regard, comme tel, nous apprend sur les autres et sur nous-mêmes? Que recherchons-nous dans le regard de l'autre et pourquoi? Entre le désir d'être vu à tout prix et celui d'échapper au regard des autres, l'individu moderne est ballotté entre la crainte et la révolte du qu'en dira-t-on, entre une quête de reconnaissance et celle d'un individualisme grandissant. Comment définir le regard au vu de cette ambiguïté? La perspective qu'instaure le « regard de Dieu » nous invite (...)
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    The Motif of Self-Contemplation in Water or in a Mirror in the Enneads and Related Creation Myths.Sonja Weiss - 2007 - Chôra 5:79-96.
    L'article compare le motif de la contemplation de sa propre image dans une surface réfléchissante chez Plotin avec des motifs semblables que l'on trouvenon seulement dans les récits mythologiques, mais aussi dans les doctrines cosmologiques des systèmes philosophiques, gnostiques surtout, qui sont à la fois proches de Plotin et concurrent, à l'égard de la philosophie plotinienne. En même temps, en analysant deux métaphores mythologiques, dont une se sert du motif de la réflexion dans le miroir (le mythe orphique du démembrement (...)
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  13.  45
    Mereological foundation vs. supervenience?Rinofner-Kreidl Sonja - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (2):81-124.
    The present essay takes issue with the idea of moral supervenience. It is argued that this idea is subject to fatal objections that can be brought to light by utilizing the resources of a phenomenological approach guided by demands of descriptive authenticity and rational principles. This critical project is carried out by focusing on Robert Audi’s sophisticated moderate ethical intuitionism which has rightly gained prominence recently. The relevant problems are addressed by comparing Audi’s notion of supervenience with Edmund Husserl’s account (...)
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  14.  24
    Christian Wolff über motivierende Gründe und handlungsrelevante Irrtümer.Sonja Schierbaum - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (1):131-163.
    In this paper, I discuss Christian Wolff’s conception of motivating and normative reasons. My aim is to show that in the discussion of error cases, Wolff pursues a strategy that is strikingly similar to the strategy of contemporary defenders of nicht-psychologist accounts of motivating reasons. According to many nicht-psychologist views, motivating reasons are facts. My aim is to show that Wolff’s motivation in pursuing this strategy is very different. The point is that due to his commitment to the Principle of (...)
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  15. Environment-Specific vs. General Knowledge and Their Role in Pro-environmental Behavior.Sonja Maria Geiger, Mattis Geiger & Oliver Wilhelm - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  16.  60
    Acquisition of ethical competence in practice—requirements and impulses for professional nursing practice.Sonja Lehmeyer & Annette Riedel - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (4):391-406.
    Die Anforderungen an das ethisch-professionelle Handeln Pflegender und somit auch die Forderungen an die professionelle Ethikkompetenz Pflegender im praktischen Berufsfeld wandeln sich sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ. Dies wird auch in den veränderten normativen Rahmungen der Pflegebildung deutlich. Der Lernort Praxis als ein zentraler Ort pflegebezogener (Aus‑)Bildungsprozesse rückt somit nochmals stärker in den Fokus der Ethikkompetenzentwicklung professionell Pflegender. Der Beitrag konturiert zentrale Anforderungen und veränderte Bezüglichkeiten für die Ethikbildung im beruflichen Handlungsfeld professioneller Pflege und formuliert davon ausgehend zentrale Prämissen an (...)
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  17. The Narrative Identity of European Cities in Contemporary Literature.Sonja Novak, Mustafa Zeki Çıraklı, Asma Mehan & Silvia Quinteiro - 2023 - Journal of Narrative and Language Studies 11 (22):IV-VIII.
    This volume aimed to highlight narrative identities of European cities or city neighbourhoods that have been overlooked, such as mid-sized cities. These cities are neither small towns nor metropolises, cities that are now unveiling their appeal or specificity. The present special issue thus covers a range of representations of cities. The articles investigate more systematically how different texts deal with various cities from different experiential and fictional perspectives. The issue covers the geographical scope across Europe, from east to west or (...)
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  18.  54
    Philosophy of education in a new key.Michael A. Peters, Sonja Arndt, Marek Tesar, Liz Jackson, Ruyu Hung, Carl Mika, Janis T. Ozolins, Christoph Teschers, Janet Orchard, Rachel Buchanan, Andrew Madjar, Rene Novak, Tina Besley, Sean Sturm Reviewer), Peter Roberts Reviewer) & Andrew Gibbons Reviewer) - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1061-1082.
    Michael Peters, Sonja Arndt & Marek TesarThis is a collective writing experiment of PESA members, including its Executive Committee, asking questions of the Philosophy of Education in a New Key. Co...
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    Collective writing: Introspective reflections on current experience.Sonja Arndt, Rachel Buchanan, Andrew Gibbons, Ruyu Hung, Andrew Madjar, Rene Novak, Janet Orchard, Michael A. Peters, Sean Sturm, Marek Tesar & Nina Hood - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (9):1296-1306.
    Sonja Arndt, Michael Peters, Marek Tesar Introspection is a key concept in epistemology, since introspective knowledge is often thought to be particularly secure, maybe even immune to skeptical dou...
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  20.  27
    Motivation and Beyond?Sonja Schierbaum - 2023 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 40 (2):109-131.
    The aim of this paper is to show that, unlike proponents of Humean accounts of intentional action, Ockham can also answer the fundamental question of why we desire anything at all. For Ockham, desire cannot be the starting point of the explanation, since desire presupposes yet another kind of appetitive act that is objectual, or non-propositional, in its nature. Ockham calls this love (amor). It should become clear that Ockham's approach, even in his day, is not common. It is, however, (...)
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  21.  36
    Phenomenal characteristics associated with projecting oneself back into the past and forward into the future: Influence of valence and temporal distance.A. DArgembeau & M. Vanderlinden - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):844-858.
    As humans, we frequently engage in mental time travel, reliving past experiences and imagining possible future events. This study examined whether similar factors affect the subjective experience associated with remembering the past and imagining the future. Participants mentally “re-experienced” or “pre-experienced” positive and negative events that differed in their temporal distance from the present , and then rated the phenomenal characteristics associated with their representations. For both past and future, representations of positive events were associated with a greater feeling of (...)
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  22.  18
    Contested futures: envisioning “Personalized,” “Stratified,” and “Precision” medicine.Sonja Erikainen & Sarah Chan - 2019 - New Genetics and Society 38 (3):308-330.
    In recent years, discourses around “personalized,” “stratified,” and “precision” medicine have proliferated. These concepts broadly refer to the translational potential carried by new data-intensive biomedical research modes. Each describes expectations about the future of medicine and healthcare that data-intensive innovation promises to bring forth. The definitions and uses of the concepts are, however, plural, contested and characterized by diverse ideas about the kinds of futures that are desired and desirable. In this paper, we unpack key disputes around the “personalized,” “stratified,” (...)
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  23.  27
    A Closeness- and Priority-Based Logical Study of Social Network Creation.Sonja Smets & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (1):21-51.
    This paper is part of an on-going programme on the study of the logical aspects of social network formation. It recalls the so-called social network model, discussing the properties of a notion of closeness between agents ; then introduces an extended social network model in which different agents might assign different values to different traits, discussing the properties of the notion of weighted closeness that arises. These notions are used to define social network creation operations by means of a threshold (...)
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  24.  52
    Ockham on the Possibility of Self-Knowledge: Knowing Acts without Knowing Subjects.Sonja Schierbaum - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (3-4):220-240.
    My aim in this paper is to show that William Ockham succeeds in accounting for a particular kind of self-knowledge, although in doing so he restricts the direct cognitive access to mental acts and states as they occur, in a way similar to the restriction in contemporary debates on self-knowledge. In particular, a considerable number of Ockham-scholars have argued that Ockham’s theory of mental content bears a substantial likeness to contemporary ‘externalist’ approaches, and I will argue for the success of (...)
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  25.  43
    «La forme dans laquelle peuvent se mouvoir Les contradictions». Pour une reconstruction de la théorie matérialiste du Droit.Sonja Buckel & Didier Renault - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):135 - 149.
    « The form within which contractions can move ». The case for a reconstruction of the materialist theory of law The article begins with an appraisal of the legacy of Marxist legal theory in the last century as the starting-point from which to update the various attempts to grasp the connection between the capitalist mode of production and modern law. By way of a critical inquiry of its merits and failures, the article tries to re-construct the findings of Marxist legal (...)
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  26.  48
    Gender, Utopia, and Ostalgia: the Pre- and Post-Unification Visions of East German Science Fiction Writer Alexander Kröger.Sonja Fritzsche - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (3):441 - 464.
  27. Dare to be wise!" on the reception of al-Jabri post-2011.Sonja Hegasy - 2017 - In Mohammed Hashas, Zaid Eyadat & Francesca Maria Corrao (eds.), Islam, state, and modernity: Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and the future of the Arab world. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  28. Girls on the side-lines : "Gendered" development in early childhood classrooms.Sonja Groot Kidem - 2008 - In B. van Oers (ed.), The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    Pädagogik der Kommunikation: zur Entwicklung von Klaus Schallers Konzeption.Sonja Lichtenstern - 2010 - Würzburg: Ergon Verlag.
  30.  15
    Some Possible Questions and Tasks for Information and Communication Sciences.Sonja Špiranec & Gracijano Kalebić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (3):579-603.
    This article discusses some possible issues and tasks that are particularly important for information and communication sciences. It deals with ethical and technological issues, the role and responsibility of information and communication intellectuals, anthropological issues in information and communication sciences, political economy, propaganda and public relations, corporations and post-politics, practical foundations of information and communication sciences, creation, the utopian dimension of information and communication sciences, libraries and the market, challenges in the education of information and communication experts, and a look (...)
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  31.  10
    Ockham on Concepts of Beings.Sonja Schierbaum - 2013 - ProtoSociology 30:251-267.
    In this paper I want to show that Ockham seeks to account for our knowledge of what there is and of what there can be in terms of the possession of a certain type of concepts. These concepts are based on a kind of singular cognition of things that are present to the subject. It should become clear that although Ockham’s sketchy account of concepts of beings in the Summa Logicae is open to various objections it is not open to (...)
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    Skepticism about dynamic modeling: General problems and the special problems of learning.Sonja I. Yoerg - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):153-154.
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    In defense of operational quantum logic.Sonja Smets - 2002 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 11:191-212.
    In the literature the work of C. Piron on OQL, “the operational quantum logic of the Geneva School”, has a few times been criticised. Those criticisms were often due to misunderstandings, as has already been pointed out in [19]. In this paper we follow the line of defense in favour of OQL by replying to the criticisms formulated some time ago in [4] and [17]. In order for the reader to follow our argumentation, we briefly analyze the basic conceptual machinery (...)
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  34. Late medieval theories of (self-)consciousness.Sonja Schierbaum - 2018 - In Stephan Schmid (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. New York: Routledge.
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  35.  53
    Individual differences in the phenomenology of mental time travel: The effect of vivid visual imagery and emotion regulation strategies.A. DArgembeau & M. Vanderlinden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):342-350.
    It has been claimed that the ability to remember the past and the ability to project oneself into the future are intimately related. We sought support for this proposition by examining whether individual differences in dimensions that have been shown to affect memory for past events similarly influence the experience of projecting oneself into the future. We found that individuals with a higher capacity for visual imagery experienced more visual and other sensory details both when remembering past events and when (...)
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  36.  20
    Plato's laughter: Socrates as satyr and comical hero.Sonja Tanner - 2017 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Counters the long-standing, solemn interpretation of Plato’s dialogues with one centered on the philosophical and pedagogical significance of Socrates as a comic figure. Plato was described as a boor and it was said that he never laughed out loud. Yet his dialogues abound with puns, jokes, and humor. Sonja Madeleine Tanner argues that in Plato’s dialogues Socrates plays a comical hero who draws heavily from the tradition of comedy in ancient Greece, but also reforms laughter to be applicable to (...)
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  37. From intuitionistic logic to dynamic operational quantum logic.Sonja Smets - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):257-275.
    Research within the operational approach to the logical foundations of physics has recently pointed out a new perspective in which quantum logic can be viewed as an intuitionistic logic with an additional operator to capture its essential, i.e., non-distributive, properties. In this paper we will offer an introduction to this approach. We will focus further on why quantum logic has an inherent dynamic nature which is captured in the meaning of "orthomodularity" and on how it motivates physically the introduction of (...)
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  38. Vulnerability, Longing, and Stigma in Hélène Cixous’s: The Day I Wasn’t There.Sonja Boon - 2013 - Substance 42 (3):85-104.
  39.  50
    Emerging sociotechnical imaginaries for gene edited crops for foods in the United States: implications for governance.Carmen Bain, Sonja Lindberg & Theresa Selfa - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):265-279.
    Gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, are being heralded as powerful new tools for delivering agricultural products and foods with a variety of beneficial traits quickly, easily, and cheaply. Proponents are concerned, however, about whether the public will accept the new technology and that excessive regulatory oversight could limit the technology’s potential. In this paper, we draw on the sociotechnical imaginaries literature to examine how proponents are imagining the potential benefits and risks of gene editing technologies within agriculture. We derive (...)
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    Validation of the Impostor Phenomenon among Managers.Sonja Rohrmann, Myriam N. Bechtoldt & Mona Leonhardt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:189700.
    Following up on earlier investigations, the present research aims at validating the construct impostor phenomenon by taking other personality correlates into account and to examine whether the impostor phenomenon is a construct in its own right. In addition, gender effects as well as associations with dispositional working styles and strain are examined. In an online study we surveyed a sample of N = 242 individuals occupying leadership positions in different sectors. Confirmatory factor analyses provide empirical evidence for the discriminant validity (...)
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  41.  36
    On Causation and a Counterfactual in Quantum Logic: The Sasaki Hook.Sonja Smets - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 44.
    We analyze G.M. Hardegree's interpretation of the Sasaki hook as a Stalnaker conditional and explain how he makes use of the basic conceptual machinery of OQL, i.e. the operational quantum logic which originated with the Geneva Approach to the foundations of physics. In particular we focus on measurements which are ideal and of the first kind, since these encode the content of the so-called Sasaki projections within the Geneva Approach. The Sasaki projections play a fundamental role when analyzing the condition (...)
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    Ockham's assumption of mental speech: thinking in a world of particulars.Sonja Schierbaum - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    In Ockham's Assumption of Mental Speech: Thinking in a World of Particulars, Sonja Schierbaum offers a detailed philosophical reconstruction of William Ockham's (1287-1349) conception of mental speech. Ockham's conception provides a rich account of cognition and semantics that binds together various philosophical issues and forms a point of departure for many later and even contemporary debates. The book analyses the role of mental speech for the semantics and the use of linguistic expressions as well as its function within Ockham's (...)
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  43. Higher education as a public good – An EPAT special issue.Sonja Arndt - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (2):96-97.
    This special issue arises from a collaborative symposium in March 2023 between the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA) and the Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (P...
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    Sanctioning Knowledge.Sonja Brentjes - 2014 - Al-Qantara 35 (1):277-309.
    En este artículo se estudian historias sobre gobernantes y príncipes de tres dinastías - ‛abbāsí, normanda y timurí – y su representación narrativa como conocedores de las ciencias matemáticas, la geografía y la historia. Se argumenta que constituyen un conjunto de formas positivas de aprobar o impugnar el conocimiento en esas sociedades, prescribiendo jerarquías de formas de conocimiento y jerarquías de gentes e instituciones que deciden acerca de la veracidad del conocimiento. Se sugiere que esas historias comparten su origen y (...)
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    Neue Theorien des Rechts.Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano (eds.) - 2006 - Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
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    Rights‐based reasoning in discussions about lesbian and gay issues: implications for moral educators.Sonja Ellis - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (1):71-86.
    Despite a paucity of psychological research exploring the interface between lesbian and gay issues and human rights, a human rights framework has been widely adopted in debates to gain equality for lesbians and gay men. Given this prominence within political discourse of human rights as a framework for the promotion of positive social change for lesbians and gay men, the aim of this study was to explore the extent to which rights‐based arguments are employed when talking about lesbian and gay (...)
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  47. Bilder zwischen Kunst und Krankheit.Sonja Frohoff - 2018 - In Leibliche Bilderfahrung: Phänomenologische Annäherungen an Werke der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Springer Verlag.
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  48. Elisabeth Faulhaber: Besetzte Zwischenräume.Sonja Frohoff - 2018 - In Leibliche Bilderfahrung: Phänomenologische Annäherungen an Werke der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Springer Verlag.
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  49. Edmund Träger: Sich verorten.Sonja Frohoff - 2018 - In Leibliche Bilderfahrung: Phänomenologische Annäherungen an Werke der Sammlung Prinzhorn. Springer Verlag.
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    Sprachliche Strategien verbaler Ablehnung in öffentlichen Diskussionsforen im Internet.Sonja Kleinke - 2007 - In Hannes Kuch, Sybille Krämer & Steffen K. Herrmann (eds.), Verletzende Worte: Die Grammatik Sprachlicher Missachtung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 311-336.
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