Results for 'Shlomo Sher'

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  1. A Framework for Assessing Immorally Manipulative Marketing Tactics.Shlomo Sher - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):97-118.
    A longstanding debate exists in both academic literature and popular culture about whether non-informative marketing tactics are manipulative. However, given that we tend to believe that some marketing tactics are manipulative and some are not, the question that marketers, their critics, and consumers need to ask themselves is that of how to actually determine whether any particular marketing tactic is manipulative and whether a given manipulative tactic is, in fact, immoral. This article proposes to operationalize criteria that can be used (...)
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    Teaching Value Issues in China to Chinese Students Enrolled in American Universities.Shlomo Sher - 2013 - Teaching Philosophy 36 (4):373-397.
    Like many other foreign students, Chinese students studying at American universities face special challenges in value-centered humanities courses as cultural outsiders. Moral and political philosophy can be particularly difficult, since these subjects focus on delicate issues of great personal significance, yet rely on cultural norms, discourse contexts, and basic assumptions that Chinese students may not share, understand, or feel comfortable discussing. Programs that invite American professors to teach summer classes to such students in China for American university credit allow for (...)
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    In Praise of Blame.George Sher - 2005 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Blame is an unpopular and neglected notion: it goes against the grain of a therapeutically-oriented culture and has been far less discussed by philosophers than such related notions as responsibility and punishment. This book seeks to show that neither the opposition nor the neglect is justified. The book's most important conclusion is that blame is inseperable from morality itself - that any considerations that justify us in accepting a set of moral principles must also call for the condemnation of those (...)
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  4. Desert.George Sher - 1987 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Jeffrie Murphy, The Philosophical Review (forthcoming).
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  5. The Bounds of Logic: A Generalized Viewpoint.Gila Sher - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (4):1078-1083.
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    Foundations without Foundationalism: A Case for Second-Order Logic.Gila Sher - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):150.
  7. Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics.George Sher - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Many people, including many contemporary philosophers, believe that the state has no business trying to improve people's characters, elevating their tastes, or preventing them from living degraded lives. They believe that governments should remain absolutely neutral when it comes to the consideration of competing conceptions of the good. One fundamental aim of George Sher's book is to show that this view is indefensible. A second complementary aim is to articulate a conception of the good that is worthy of promotion (...)
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    Did Tarski commit “Tarski's fallacy”?G. Y. Sher - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (2):653-686.
    In his 1936 paper,On the Concept of Logical Consequence, Tarski introduced the celebrated definition oflogical consequence: “The sentenceσfollows logicallyfrom the sentences of the class Γ if and only if every model of the class Γ is also a model of the sentenceσ.” [55, p. 417] This definition, Tarski said, is based on two very basic intuitions, “essential for the proper concept of consequence” [55, p. 415] and reflecting common linguistic usage: “Consider any class Γ of sentences and a sentence which (...)
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  9. Foundational Holism, Substantive Theory of Truth, and A New Philosophy of Logic: Interview with Gila Sher BY Chen Bo.Gila Sher & Chen Bo - 2019 - Philosophical Forum 50 (1):3-57.
    Gila Sher interviewed by Chen Bo: -/- I. Academic Background and Earlier Research: 1. Sher’s early years. 2. Intellectual influence: Kant, Quine, and Tarski. 3. Origin and main Ideas of The Bounds of Logic. 4. Branching quantifiers and IF logic. 5. Preparation for the next step. -/- II. Foundational Holism and a Post-Quinean Model of Knowledge: 1. General characterization of foundational holism. 2. Circularity, infinite regress, and philosophical arguments. 3. Comparing foundational holism and foundherentism. 4. A post-Quinean model (...)
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    Harming and Wronging in Creating.Shlomo Cohen - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (4):466-491.
    The nonidentity problem is a deep puzzle challenging the moral intuition that what is bad must be bad for someone. The first part of the paper constructs a new theory of harming, whereas the second part builds on the conclusions of the first to offer a new solution to the NIP. The first part discusses the neglected question of when a burden inflicted in the context of overall benefitting can be discretized as a separate entity—only when it can, is it (...)
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    Teleology.George Sher - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (1):136-137.
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    Comparative Value and the Weight of Reasons.Itai Sher - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (1):103-158.
    Abstract:One view of practical reasoning is that it involves the weighing of reasons. It is not clear, however, how the weights of reasons combine, especially given the logical and substantive relations among different reasons. Nor is it clear how the weighing of reasons relates to decision theoretic maximization of expected value. This paper constructs a formal model of reasons and their weight in order to shed light on these issues. The model informs philosophical debates about reasons, such as the question (...)
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    Nudging in Context: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Nudging and Informed Consent”.Shlomo Cohen - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (11):W1 - W6.
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  14. Nudging and Informed Consent.Shlomo Cohen - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (6):3-11.
    Libertarian paternalism's notion of “nudging” refers to steering individual decision making so as to make choosers better off without breaching their free choice. If successful, this may offer an ideal synthesis between the duty to respect patient autonomy and that of beneficence, which at times favors paternalistic influence. A growing body of literature attempts to assess the merits of nudging in health care. However, this literature deals almost exclusively with health policy, while the question of the potential benefit of nudging (...)
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  15.  16
    Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution.Shlomo Avineri - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    A new exploration of Karl Marx's life through his intellectual contributions to modern thought Karl Marx —philosopher, historian, sociologist, economist, current affairs journalist, and editor—was one of the most influential and revolutionary thinkers of modern history, but he is rarely thought of as a Jewish thinker, and his Jewish background is either overlooked or misrepresented. Here, distinguished scholar Shlomo Avineri argues that Marx’s Jewish origins did leave a significant impression on his work. Marx was born in Trier, then part (...)
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  16. Effort, ability, and personal desert.George Sher - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 8 (4):361-376.
  17. Hegel’s Theory of the Modern State.Shlomo Avineri - 1972 - London: Cambridge University Press.
    This study in English of Hegel's political philosophy presents an overall view of the development of Hegel's political thinking. The author has drawn on Hegel's philosophical works, his political tracts and his personal correspondence. Professor Avineri shows that although Hegel is primarily thought of as a philosopher of the state, he was much concerned with social problems and his concept of the state must be understood in this context.
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  18. Blameworthy Action and Character.George Sher - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2):381-392.
    A number of philosophers from Hume on have claimed that it does not make sense to blame people for acting badly unless their bad acts were rooted in their characters. In this paper, I distinguish a stronger and a weaker version of this claim. The claim is false, I argue, if it is taken to mean that agents can only be blamed for bad acts when those acts are manifestations of character paws. However, what is both true and important is (...)
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    Effort and imagination.George Sher - 2003 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 205--217.
    Serena Olsaretti brings together new essays by leading moral and political philosophers on the nature of desert and justice, their relations with each other and with other values.
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    Liberal Neutrality and the Value of Autonomy.George Sher - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (1):136-159.
    Many liberals believe that government should not base its decisions on any particular conception of the good life. Many believe, further, that this principle of neutrality is best defended through appeal to some normative principle about autonomy. In this essay, I shall discuss the prospects of mounting one such defense. I say only “one such defense” because neutralists can invoke the demands of autonomy in two quite different ways. They can argue, first, that because autonomy itself has such great value, (...)
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    Interpreting Freud: The Yiddish Philosophical Journal Davke Investigates a Jewish Icon.Shlomo Berger - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (2):303-316.
    ArgumentThe Argentine-based Yiddish philosophical journal Davke functioned as a mediator between general European philosophy and Jewish philosophy. Its editor Shlomo Suskovich wished to introduce readers of Yiddish to the western tradition of philosophy and, at the same time, to show how Jewish thought contributed to abstract thinking. Through topical issues dedicated to central ideas or to giants among Jewish philosophers, particular knowledge could be successfully transmitted to the reading public. Sigmund Freud was honored with such a topical issue. In (...)
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  22. Invariance as a basis for necessity and laws.Gila Sher - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):3945-3974.
    Many philosophers are baffled by necessity. Humeans, in particular, are deeply disturbed by the idea of necessary laws of nature. In this paper I offer a systematic yet down to earth explanation of necessity and laws in terms of invariance. The type of invariance I employ for this purpose generalizes an invariance used in meta-logic. The main idea is that properties and relations in general have certain degrees of invariance, and some properties/relations have a stronger degree of invariance than others. (...)
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  23.  42
    Correspondence pluralism.Gila Sher - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-24.
    In this paper I present a pluralist view of truth of a special kind: correspondence-pluralism. Correspondence-pluralism is the view that to fulfill its function in knowledge, truth requires correspondence principles rather than mere coherence, pragmatist, or deflationist principles. But these correspondence principles do not need to be the naive principles of traditional correspondence: copy, mirror image, direct isomorphism. Furthermore, these correspondence principles may vary, in certain disciplined ways, from one field of knowledge to another. This combination of correspondence and pluralism (...)
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  24. A Wild West of the Mind.George Sher - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):483-496.
    abstractThis paper addresses the relation between morality and private thought. It is widely agreed that government and society have no business trying to control our thoughts—that, as long as we d...
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  25. Compensation and transworld personal identity.George Sher - 1979 - The Monist 62 (3):378–91.
    A natural way of viewing compensation is to see it as the restoration of a good or level of well-being which someone would have enjoyed if he had not been adversely affected by the act of another. This view underlies Nozick’s assertion that “something fully compensates … person X for Y’s action A if X is no worse off receiving it, Y having done A, than X would have been without receiving it if Y had not done A”; and it (...)
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  26.  53
    Framing effects and rationality.Shlomi Sher & Craig Rm Mckenzie - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
  27.  39
    Are All Deceptions Manipulative or All Manipulations Deceptive?Shlomo Cohen - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (2).
    Moral reflection and deliberation on both deception and manipulation is hindered by lack of agreement on the precise meanings of these concepts. Specifically, there is disagreement on how to understand their relation vis-à-vis each other. Curiously, according to one prominent view, all deceptions are instances of manipulations, while according to another, all manipulations are instances of deceptions. This paper makes that implicit disagreement explicit, and argues that both views are untenable. It concludes that deception and manipulation partially overlap, and takes (...)
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    What emotional reactions can tell us about the nature of others: An appraisal perspective on person perception.Shlomo Hareli & Ursula Hess - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (1):128-140.
  29. The Bounds of Logic: A Generalized Viewpoint.Gila Sher - 1991 - MIT Press.
    The Bounds of Logic presents a new philosophical theory of the scope and nature of logic based on critical analysis of the principles underlying modern Tarskian logic and inspired by mathematical and linguistic development. Extracting central philosophical ideas from Tarski’s early work in semantics, Sher questions whether these are fully realized by the standard first-order system. The answer lays the foundation for a new, broader conception of logic. By generally characterizing logical terms, Sher establishes a fundamental result in (...)
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    Studies in Islamic atomism.Shlomo Pines - 1997 - Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University. Edited by Y. Tzvi Langermann.
    The late Shlomo Pines (1908-1990) was this century's outstanding historian of Islamic philosophy and science. This volume offers, for the first time in English. Pines' doctoral dissertation on Islamic atomism; the German version appeared in 1936. Pines presents the atomic theories of matter, time and space, as they are found in the literature of kalam, as well their exposition in the writings of Abŭ Bakr al - Râzî; and then investigates in detail possible sources in the Greek, Indian, and (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Desert.George Sher - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):426-428.
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  32. Manipulation and Deception.Shlomo Cohen - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):483-497.
    ABSTRACTThis paper introduces the category of ‘non-deceptive manipulation that causes false beliefs’, analyzes how it narrows the traditional scope of ‘deception’, and draws moral implications.
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    Luck egalitarianism as providence.Shlomo Dov Rosen - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (3):301-325.
    Luck egalitarianism is an approach within current distributive justice theory which aims to focus redistributive efforts solely upon disadvantages that ensue from bad luck. This article considers how central assumptions and themes of both luck egalitarianism and its critics parallel those of providence theology and share some of their concerns. These relate to problems such as the basis of equality, the extent and nature of our knowledge, and of course, the paternalism that assessing people’s responsibility over their own disadvantages involves. (...)
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  34. Levels of information: A framing hierarchy.Shlomi Sher & Craig Rm Mckenzie - 2011 - In Gideon Keren (ed.), Perspectives on framing. New York: Psychology Press.
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    The logic of the interaction between beneficence and respect for autonomy.Shlomo Cohen - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):297-304.
    Beneficence and respect for autonomy are two of the most fundamental moral duties in general and in bioethics in particular. Beyond the usual questions of how to resolve conflicts between these duties in particular cases, there are more general questions about the possible forms of the interactions between them. Only recognition of the full spectrum of possible interactions will ensure optimal moral deliberation when duties potentially conflict. This paper has two simultaneous objectives. The first is to suggest a typological scheme (...)
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  36. Ancient wrongs and modern rights.George Sher - 1981 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 10 (1):3-17.
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    Me, You, Us: Essays.George Sher - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Me, You, Us addresses a range of issues in moral and political philosophy and moral psychology, but are unified by their starkly individualistic view of the moral subject. They challenge recent tendencies to conceptualize normative issues in terms of relationships, collectivities, and social meanings.
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    Psychophysiological indices of implicit memory performance.Shlomo Bentin & Morris Moscovitch - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (4):346-352.
  39. Pluralism and Normativity in Truth and Logic.Gila Sher - 2020 - American Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):337-350.
    In this paper I investigate how differences in approach to truth and logic (in particular, a deflationist vs. a substantivist approach to these fields) affect philosophers’ views concerning pluralism and normativity in these fields. My perspective on truth and logic is largely epistemic, focusing on the role of truth in knowledge (rather than on the use of the words “true” and “truth” in natural language), and my reference group includes Carnap (1934), Harman (1986), Horwich (1990), Wright (1992), Beall and Restall (...)
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  40. The Nocebo Effect of Informed Consent.Shlomo Cohen - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (3):147-154.
    The nocebo effect, the mirror-phenomenon to the placebo effect, is when the expectation of a negative outcome precipitates the corresponding symptom or leads to its exacerbation. One of the basic ethical duties in health care is to obtain informed consent from patients before treatment; however, the disclosure of information regarding potential complications or side effects that this involves may precipitate a nocebo effect. While dilemmas between the principles of respect for patient autonomy and of nonmaleficence are recognized in medical ethics, (...)
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  41. What makes a lottery fair?George Sher - 1980 - Noûs 14 (2):203-216.
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    The authorship of Sister Peg revisited: a reply to David Raynor’s response to ‘Let Margaret Sleep’.Richard B. Sher - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):384-394.
    In ‘The Authorship of Sister Peg', David Raynor relies on circumstantial evidence, unsubstantiated hypotheses, and subjective analysis in an effort to dispute my article ‘Let Margaret Sleep' and claim the authorship of Sister Peg for David Hume. This reply focusses instead on the large body of documentary and testimonial evidence that has surfaced during the past forty years, which overwhelmingly and convincingly supports the attribution of Sister Peg to Adam Ferguson. New documentary evidence includes Ferguson's emendations in Sir Walter Scott's (...)
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    What is Tractatus Particulares, a Four-Part Work Assigned to Abraham Ibn Ezra? A Study of its Sources and General Features.Shlomo Sela - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 86 (1):141-195.
    Le Tractatus particulares est un ouvrage en quatre parties attribué à Abraham Ibn Ezra (ca. 1089-ca. 1161), qui nous est parvenu en deux traductions latines. Le présent article montre que, malgré les attestations dans les incipits et les explicits des deux traductions latines, le Tractatus particulares ne peut pas être un ouvrage authentique d’Ibn Ezra, ni un recueil d’écrits de sa plume. L’essentiel du Tractatus particulares est constitué de traductions de l’arabe en hébreu, réalisées bien après la mort d’Ibn Ezra (...)
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    The New Jerusalem of Moses Hess.Shlomo Avineri - 1979 - In Alkis Kontos (ed.), Powers, Possessions, and Freedom: Essays in Honour of C.B. Macpherson. University of Toronto Press.
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    Seven Cities in Sicily:: Thuc. 6.20.2-3.Shlomo Berger - 1992 - Hermes 120 (4):421-424.
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    A 'constitutive' God: An indian suggestion.Shlomo Biderman - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (4):425-437.
  47.  41
    Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception?Shlomo Cohen - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1305-1318.
    It is widely agreed that deception of the enemy can be morally permissible in war. However, the question of the morally acceptable limits to deception in war has barely been explored in contemporary ethics. This paper defends the thesis that there are no moral limits on military deception per se, that is, no limits based on the ethics of truthfulness. Rather, all moral restriction against deception in war is based on another moral principle: military deception is morally unacceptable only when (...)
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  48. Speeches From the Annual Gathering of the Movement.Sher Muhammad - 2008 - Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishāʻat-E-Islam.
    'O men, serve your Lord who created you and those before you, so that you may guard against evil. Deals with Allah, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib -- What are the signs of the appearance of the promised messiah? and do these signs appear in the being of Hazrat Mirza Sahib?
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    Studies in the history of Arabic philosophy.Shlomo Pines - 1996 - Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University. Edited by Sarah Stroumsa.
    This volume covers some fifty years of Pines' work in the field of Islamic philosophy, from the very first article he published ("Some Problems of Islamic Philosophy", in 1937") to an article that was found in his paper after his death and is published here for the first time (" The origin of the Tale of Salâmân and Absâl").
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    Antecedentialism.George Sher - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):6-17.
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