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    In Defense of Human Rights: Reply to Emden.Russell A. Berman - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (193):165-183.
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  2. European Responses to September 11.Russell A. Berman - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (121):73-85.
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):3-8.
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):3-8.
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    Modern Culture and Critical Theory: Art, Politics, and the Legacy of the Frankfurt School.Russell A. Berman - 1989 - Univ of Wisconsin Press.
    Are the arguments of the Frankfurt School still relevant? Modern Culture and Critical Theory investigates this question in the context of important issues in contemporary cultural politics: neoconservatism and new social movements, discontents with modernity and debates on postmodernism, the political hegemony of Ronald Reagan, and the cultural hegemony of structuralism and poststructuralism. Russell Berman thoughtfully explores the theories of Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, Lyotard, and Foucault and their relevance to both historical and contemporary issues in literature, politics, and the arts.
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    Modern Art and Desublimation.Russell A. Berman - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (62):31-57.
    Close to the beginning of Death in Venice, Thomas Mann sets up a relationship between aesthetic production and social context that bears strongly on the parameters of twentieth-century cultural life. After introducing his central figure, the fictive writer Aschenbach, Mann goes on to offer some exposition which, as always with Mann, is much more than exposition, since it draws attention to one of the central philosophical questions of the text: “It was a spring afternoon in that year of grace 19--, (...)
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    The Prospects for Higher Education after October 7.Russell A. Berman - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (207):95-110.
    ExcerptIn the immediate aftermath of the Hamas attacks on October 7, and then again during the spring, coordinated protests have spread through colleges and universities. The rapidity with which normal functioning was disrupted and the helplessness of administrators, on poignant display in the congressional hearing, point to fundamental weaknesses in higher education. I doubt that there can be a return to a pre-October 7 normalcy. Public dismay with universities was already pronounced before the protests, and the campus chaos has triggered (...)
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  8.  28
    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (179):3-8.
  9.  13
    Learning from Defeat: Sadik al-Azm and the Arab Defeat in 1967.Russell A. Berman - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (205):81-101.
    ExcerptThe goal of war is victory, which means that one’s opponent should lose. Part of war is the victor’s imposition of his will on the opponent, compelled to face the experience of defeat and its consequences. Despite the platitude that history is written by the victors, the defeated party too has a role to play, since it cannot escape the cruel reality of loss. Defeat is part of war, but the defeated may respond to the loss in different ways, with (...)
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    Adorno's Radicalism: Two Interviews from the Sixties.Russell A. Berman - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (56):94-97.
  11.  18
    Between Alienation and Identity: Toward a Critical Theory of Refugees.Russell A. Berman - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (183):145-167.
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    Beyond Engaged Literature: Samir El-Youssef's The Illusion of Return.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):198-203.
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    (1 other version)Before the Law.Russell A. Berman - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (160):3-7.
    ExcerptAll rational liberal philosophic positions have lost their significance and power. One may deplore this but I for one cannot bring myself to clinging to philosophic positions which have been shown to be inadequate. Leo Strauss, “Existentialism”1The Supreme Court decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration's signature legislation on health care, attracted exceptional public attention, and rightly so. Health is a vital concern, and the topic is charged with acerbic party politics. More importantly, the terms (...)
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    Creation and Culture: Introduction to “Toward a Liturgical Critique of Modernity”.Russell A. Berman - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (113):3-10.
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    Culture in the Conservative Revolution: The American Debate.Russell A. Berman - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1994 (101):79-82.
    Title: Good-bye Samizdat: Twenty Years of Czechoslovak Underground WritingPublisher: Northwestern University PressISBN: 0810110105Author: Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz Title: Traditions and Present Problems of Czech Political Culture: Czech Philosophical Studies IPublisher: Paideia PressISBN: 1565180569Author: Miloslav Bednar and Michal Vejrazka.
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    (1 other version)Cultural Revolutions?Russell A. Berman - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (163):3-6.
    ExcerptProfound change in society may involve shifting control of political power, the character of economic systems, or access to resources, but it can also have to do with the structures of meaning we bundle together in various understandings of culture. This issue of Telos looks at the explosive forces located specifically in the intangible dimensions of culture and how they may play out in revolutionary or counter-revolutionary processes. No process has been more disruptive of inherited traditions and stable structures than (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Contextualizing Sociology.Russell A. Berman - 1988 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 78:117.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Russell A. Berman & Michael Marder - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (147):3-13.
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    Cultural Studies of Modern Germany: History, Representation, and Nationhood.Russell A. Berman - 1993 - Univ of Wisconsin Press.
    A study probing the ambiguities of German nationhood. Berman takes a theoretical perspective of cultural studies, exploring such themes as: the constitution of nationhood; what holds a citizenry together; and history's role in providing a framework for current identities and institutions.
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    Constituting the Nation in Theodor Fontane’s Vor dem Sturm.Russell A. Berman - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (195):83-92.
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  21. Conspiracy Theories: Szondi on Hölderlin's Jacobinism.Russell A. Berman - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (140):116-129.
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    Di Konrad Weiss.Russell A. Berman - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):20.
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    Empire, State, Nation: Glory to Ukraine.Russell A. Berman - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (201):189-200.
    ExcerptThe high-water mark of globalization has passed. New competitions continue to emerge in a decidedly multipolar international system. As the United States views China and Russia as strategic competitors or worse, an array of mid-level powers—Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, the BRICS, and so forth—try to navigate this complex system and pursue their national interests. Meanwhile, no matter how much the United States and the European Union both believe themselves part of a single “West,” divergent interests tend to (...)
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    From Brecht to Schleiermacher: Religion and Critical Theory.Russell A. Berman - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (115):36-48.
    It is difficult to start a discussion about religion. The topic irritates the modern public, especially the part that has been schooled in Critical Theory. Enlightenment hostility toward religion, which regularly goes far beyond skepticism, has profoundly shaped sensibilities and the habits of debate. Spoken or unspoken assumptions in the secular public sphere relegate religion to a fully private matter, and, therefore, not an appropriate topic for consideration, let alone a possible source for reflection on current theoretical or political matters. (...)
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    From Folk to Ummah: A Genealogy of Islamofascism.Russell A. Berman - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (144):82-88.
    The “nation” has been the primary unit of political membership in modernity, typically stronger than “region” (the American 1865) and almost always stronger than “class” (the European 1914). Membership in the nation has meant citizenship, the basis of civil rights and civic responsibility within the rule of law. However “nation” is also related to the “people,” the source of all democratic power. The “people” was the population in the age of the democratic revolutions before anything like contemporary mass immigration. While (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (185):3-7.
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (136):3-9.
    The previous issue of Telos included a collection of articles concerned with one side of the totalitarian experience in Germany, the Nazi regime and some of its ramifications for political theory, philosophy, and historiography. This current issue, which rounds out the collection of essays organized by Amir Eshel and myself, was initially envisioned as a companion discussion of the second of the two evil twins, Communism, especially in East Germany. After all, the original theorization of totalitarianism in Hannah Arendt's study (...)
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (138):3-7.
    The November elections and the new Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate have been widely interpreted—or misinterpreted—as rejections of the Bush administration's foreign policy, which itself has been widely labeled—or mislabeled—as the “neo-con” agenda. In fact the election outcomes were both more complex, as evidenced by the Lieberman victory in Connecticut over Lamont's anti-war candidacy, and more sordid: when all is said and done, the elections probably turned on the congressional page sex scandal rather than on any debate (...)
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (155):3-6.
    ExcerptIn the autumn of 1962, the philosopher Theodor Adorno, whose work is the topic of this special issue, wrote bluntly: “It would be advisable … to think of progress in the crudest, most basic terms: that no one should go hungry anymore, that there should be no more torture, no more Auschwitz. Only then will the idea of progress be free from lies. It is not a progress of consciousness.” The invitation to crudeness may seem surprising, coming from Adorno, still (...)
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman, Ulrich Plass & Joshua Rayman - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (149):3-5.
    Since its beginnings in 1968, Telos has repeatedly turned to the work of Theodor Adorno, asking how his version of Critical Theory could cross the Atlantic and make sense in the United States. The extraordinary attention paid since to Adorno's American experience, like that of Alexis de Tocqueville and Gunnar Myrdal, derives in part from a constant fascination with the spectacle of the critical European intellectual's encounter with the antithetical culture of a resistant America. In this classic meeting of Old (...)
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (145):3-6.
    “Community” has long been a companion of Critical Theory, but it has always pointed in two diametrically opposed directions. One path leads us to communitarian dreams of a genuine sociability and a full life. Romantic sensibility, anxious about the modern experience of cold rationality and mechanical organization, elaborates counter-models of authentic living, embedded in organic communities deemed genuine. While the Enlightenment legacy appears to abandon us to alienated isolation—no matter how much it proclaims the importance of public discourse—the romantic community (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Russell A. Berman, Paul Piccone & Richard Wolin - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (62):3-7.
    It has been almost half a century since Horkheimer and Adorno formulated their analysis of mass culture in the “Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” chapter of Dialectic of Enlightenment. This special issue on “Debates in Contemporary Culture” is an attempt to evaluate the relevance of this legacy in the mid-eighties. It has become part of the left conventional wisdom that the critical theory analysis of late capitalism, focusing on concepts such as the “totally administered world” (Adorno) or “one-dimensional society” (...)
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    Islamofascism, Q.E.D.Russell A. Berman - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (141):191-192.
    Matthias Küntzel's account of the centrality of anti-Semitism within jihadist ideology appeared in German in 2002. The text has been expanded and updated for this translation. The volume includes a foreword by Jeffrey Herf, who highlights key aspects of the argument and the context. Heir to the tradition of Critical Theory—the website of the original publisher, Ça ira, carries a quotation by Hans-Jürgen Krahl, Adorno's student and antagonist—Küntzel's forcefully argued presentation stretches from the origins of twentieth-century Islamism, with the founding (...)
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  34. Introduction to Piccone's “Perseverance of Stalinism”.Russell A. Berman - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (131):92-99.
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  35. Kosovo and the Critics.Russell A. Berman - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (114):160-165.
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    Literary History and the Politics of Deconstruction: Rousseau in Weimar.Russell A. Berman - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (4):29-47.
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):3-8.
  38.  14
    Le Pen's Legacy.Russell A. Berman - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (122):153-155.
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    Nationalism, Populism, Islamism.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (178):191-193.
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    Piedmont as Prussia: The Italian Model and German Unification.Russell A. Berman - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1992 (92):7-24.
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    Popular Culture and Populist Culture.Russell A. Berman - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1991 (87):59-70.
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    Perestroika for the University!Russell A. Berman - 1989 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1989 (81):115-121.
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    Introduction.Russell A. Berman - 2017 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2017 (181):3-8.
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  44. Preface to the Telos press edition of Ernst junger's "on pain".Russell A. Berman - 2008 - In Ernst Jünger (ed.), On Pain. Telos Press.
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    Regime Change, or Smash the State: Reply to Johnstone.Russell A. Berman - 2003 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2003 (126):157-165.
  46.  54
    (1 other version)Rambo: From Counter-Culture to Contra.Russell A. Berman - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):143-147.
    In an era where bad film stars become reactionary politicians, political films which are equally bad may be something we will just have to live with. So after the Nicaraguan occupation of Smallville in Red Dawn, Ricky goes to Vietnam in Rambo. This box office hit of the summer appears to confirm all the claims of leftist criticism regarding the ideology of Reaganism. Above all, it represents the revisionist history of the Vietnam War, won on the battlefield but lost by (...)
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    Reflections on Rights.Russell A. Berman - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):145-152.
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  48. September 11.Russell A. Berman - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (120):163-170.
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  49. Saddam and Hitler: Rethinking Totalitarianism.Russell A. Berman - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (125):121-139.
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  50. Sounds Familiar?: Nina Simone's Performances of Brecht/Weill Songs.Russell A. Berman - 2004 - In Nora M. Alter & Lutz Peter Koepnick (eds.), Sound Matters: Essays on the Acoustics of Modern German Culture. Berghahn Books. pp. 171--82.
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