Results for 'Ronald G. Drozdenko'

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  1. Relationships among Perceived Organizational Core Values, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Organizational Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Information Technology Professionals.K. Gregory Jin & Ronald G. Drozdenko - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (3):341-359.
    This study is an extension of our recent ethics research in direct marketing and information technology. In this study, we investigated the relationships among core organizational values, organizational ethics, corporate social responsibility, and organizational performance outcome. Our analysis of online survey responses from a sample of IT professionals in the United States indicated that managers from organizations with organic core values reported a higher level of social responsibility relative to managers in organizations with mechanistic values; that managers in both mechanistic (...)
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  2. The Role of Corporate Value Clusters in Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Performance: A Study of Financial Professionals and Implications for the Financial Meltdown. [REVIEW]K. Gregory Jin, Ronald Drozdenko & Sara DeLoughy - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):15-24.
    This article delves into a potential mindset that may be responsible for the recent financial meltdown. Research relating to this mindset from different perspectives is reviewed. The findings from this literature review are used to create a conceptual framework for the empirical, ethical, and corporate social responsibility study of financial professionals. Data were collected from a survey of the professional membership of a large national association of financial professionals. This article reports the results of the analysis of data relative to (...)
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    You Can't Betray a Fish: One Reason Eating Fish May Cause Less Harm Than Eating Cows.Ronald G. Oldfield - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1):51-58.
    In The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?, Bohanec (2013) proposed that farmed animals raised humanely may experience betrayal when slaughtered. I argue based on personal experience that humans often betray trust relationships with farmed animals. Using published scientific literature, I find that typical farmed animals (mammals) and farmed fishes are both cognitively capable of a rudimentary experience of betrayal. However, the manner in which fishes are typically maintained does not present opportunities for human-fish trust relationships to develop. Eating farmed (...)
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  4. Boethius in Spain: A Classified Checklist of Early Translations.Ronald G. Keightley - 1987 - In Alastair J. Minnis (ed.), The Medieval Boethius: Studies in the Vernacular Translations of De Consolatione Philosophiae. D.S. Brewer. pp. 169--187.
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    Pulse widths and time dilatation.Ronald G. Newburgh - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (3):399-405.
    The temporal widths of a light pulse as measured in different inertial frames are shown to have a relation more complicated than that of a simple time dilatation. The result is compared with the dilatation in the twin paradoxGedanken experiment. The light pulse measurement requires two observers in two different frames. The measurements of the observers are compared. For the twin experiment a comparison is made between two clocks which have undergone different histories between the two points at which their (...)
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  6. Theorie und Praxis des Kirchenregiments in England seit der Reformation : der Kontext des Erastianismus bei Thomas Hobbes.Ronald G. Asch - 2018 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Thomas Hobbes: De Cive. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Shaping the External Environment.Ronald G. Cook & David Barry - 1995 - Business and Society 34 (3):317-344.
    Using a qualitative, grounded theory approach, this study examined the public policy interactions of small firms. The small firms' cognitive understanding and sensemaking approaches to government are revealed through an examination of successful and failed influence attempts. Embedded in these attempts, a set of factors (Issue Characteristics and Influence Process) were discovered, which affect the outcome of an influence effort. Issue Characteristics reflected attributes chief executive officers (CEOs) looked for when examining an issue and include Issue Impact, Issue Clarity, and (...)
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  8. Apocalypse in Rome: Cola di Rienzo and the Politics of the New Age.Ronald G. Musto - 2004 - Utopian Studies 15 (2):262-265.
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    Comments on 'the incompatibility of Mach's principle and the principle of equivalence in current gravitation theory'.Ronald G. Newburgh - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):263-264.
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    Resources, Frequency, and Methods An Analysis of Small and Medium-Sized Firms' Public Policy Activities.Ronald G. Cook & Dale R. Fox - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (1):94-113.
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  11. Early infant crying as a behavioral state rather than a signal.Ronald G. Barr - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):460-460.
    I argue that in the first three months, crying is primarily a behavioral state rather than a signal and that its properties include prolonged and unsoothable crying bouts as part of normal development. However, these normal properties trigger Shaken Baby Syndrome, a form of child abuse that does not easily fit an adaptive infanticide analysis.
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  12. Heroes in Germany ancient and modern.Ronald G. Finch - 1972 - Belfast,: Queen's University.
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    Personal Identity and Self-Constitution.Ronald G. Alexander - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):83-89.
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    Salutati and Contemporary Physics.Ronald G. Witt - 1977 - Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (4):667.
  15. Medieval Italian Culture and the Origins of Humanism as a Stylistic Ideal.Ronald G. Witt - 1988 - In Albert Rabil (ed.), Renaissance humanism: foundations, forms, and legacy. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 1--29.
  16. The Peace Tradition in the Catholic Church: An Annotated Bibliography.Ronald G. Musto - 1988 - Journal of Religious Ethics 16 (2):363-364.
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    14. Theorie und Praxis des Kirchenregiments in England seit der Reformation: Der Kontext des Erastianismus bei Thomas Hobbes.Ronald G. Asch - 2018 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Thomas Hobbes: De Cive. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 207-220.
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    The early crying paradox.Ronald G. Barr - 1990 - Human Nature 1 (4):355-389.
    In contemporary Western societies, infants in the first 3 months cry more than at any other time during their life. Although this crying is believed to function to assure nutrition, protection, and mother-infant interaction thought to be essential for later attachment, it also predisposes to complaints of excessive crying (“colic”), discontinuing breast-feeding, and, in the extreme case, child abuse. A resolution of this apparent paradox is proposed based on evidence that elements of caregiving are important determinants of some aspects of (...)
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    Pier Paolo Vergerio.Ronald G. Witt - 1997 - In Jill Kraye (ed.), Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--117.
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    Molecular analysis of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.Ronald G. Worton - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (2):57-62.
    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive and lethal neuromuscular disorder caused by a defective gene on the X chromosome. There is no effective treatment and the biochemical defect is yet unknown. Mapping of the DMD locus to band Xp21 in the short arm of the X chromosome has given rise to strategies to clone the gene from its known location in the chromosome. Two cloning strategies have led to the isolation of a gene that is the largest of any (...)
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  21. Brought to you by| Google Googlebot-Web Crawler SEO.Ronald G. Barr, Brian Hopkins & James A. Green - 2003 - Semiotica 143 (1/4):211-215.
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  22. (1 other version)The Sage and Society: The Life and Thought of Ho Hsin-Yin.Ronald G. Dimberg - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (1):75-80.
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    The Poeta-Theologus from Mussato to Landino.Ronald G. Witt - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):450-461.
    Fundamental to the modern conception of historical perspective was the position that nature had its own integrity and that a common human nature underlay human action in history. The first tenet was an achievement of the Scholastics, the second of Italian humanists of the fourteenth century. In order to justify the reading of ancient pagan texts an early humanist Albertino Mussato had resorted to the late ancient and medieval tradition that the pagan poets had been divinely inspired to predict the (...)
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    Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities.Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Harriet Zuckerman, Jeffrey A. Groen & Sharon M. Brucker - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Despite the worldwide prestige of America's doctoral programs in the humanities, all is not well in this area of higher education and hasn't been for some time. The content of graduate programs has undergone major changes, while high rates of student attrition, long times to degree, and financial burdens prevail. In response, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in 1991 launched the Graduate Education Initiative, the largest effort ever undertaken to improve doctoral programs in the humanities and related social sciences. The (...)
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  25. Origins of the Enlightenment in Scotland: the Universities.Ronald G. Cant - 1982 - In Campbell & Skinner (ed.), The Origins and Nature of the Scottish Enlightenment. pp. 43--64.
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    Biological perception of self-motion.Ronald G. Boothe - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):314-315.
  27. Sex in the Parish.Karen Lebacqz & Ronald G. Barton - 1991
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  28. Students' conceptual ecologies and the process of conceptual change in evolution.Sherry S. Demastes, Ronald G. Good & Patsye Peebles - 1995 - Science Education 79 (6):637-666.
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    Anthony J. Parel, "The Machiavellian Cosmos". [REVIEW]Ronald G. Witt - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (3):464.
  30. The Catholic Peace Tradition.Ronald G. Musto & Charles J. Reid - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):446-448.
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    A reformulation of Proctor's unified theory for matching-task phenomena.Lester E. Krueger & Ronald G. Shapiro - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (6):573-581.
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    Dewey, education, and the Mediterranean: themes, trails, and traces.Maura Striano & Ronald G. Sultana (eds.) - 2022 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    There are few, if any, other educational philosophers that have left their mark internationally as John Dewey has. Author of 40 books and no less than 700 articles that appeared in over 140 journals, Dewey's work has been translated into at least 35 languages. His landmark Democracy and Education - published over a century ago in 1916 - is one of the most cited educational texts ever. Dewey has inspired educators and provoked controversies in his day, and still does so (...)
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    Mechanisms of control in motor performance: Closed-loop vs motor programming control.Eric A. Roy & Ronald G. Marteniuk - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):985.
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    The Earthly Republic: Italian Humanists on Government and Society.Benjamin G. Kohl, Ronald G. Witt & Elizabeth B. Welles - 1978 - Manchester University Press.
    The gradual secularization of European society and culture is often said to characterize the development of the modern world, and the early Italian humanists played a pioneering role in this process. Here Benjamin G. Kohl and Ronald G. Witt, with Elizabeth B. Welles, have edited and translated seven primary texts that shed important light on the subject of "civic humanism" in the Renaissance.Included is a treatise of Francesco Petrarca on government, two representative letters from Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni's panegyric (...)
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    James M. Blythe, "Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution of the Middle Ages". [REVIEW]Ronald G. Witt - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (4):667.
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    Effect of interstimulus interval and heterogeneity of difference on same-different judgments of visual patterns.Lester E. Krueger & Ronald G. Shapiro - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (1):43-46.
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    The Digital Humanities: A Primer for Students and Scholars.Eileen Gardiner & Ronald G. Musto - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Digital Humanities is a comprehensive introduction and practical guide to how humanists use the digital to conduct research, organize materials, analyze, and publish findings. It summarizes the turn toward the digital that is reinventing every aspect of the humanities among scholars, libraries, publishers, administrators, and the public. Beginning with some definitions and a brief historical survey of the humanities, the book examines how humanists work, what they study, and how humanists and their research have been impacted by the digital (...)
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  38. The origins of humanism, its educational context and its early development: a review article of Ronald Witt's 'In the Footsteps of the Ancients'.Ronald G. Witt’S. - 2002 - Vivarium 40:2.
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    Syntopic measurements: A new classification of spacetime measurement. [REVIEW]Ronald G. Newburgh - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (5-6):393-398.
    Measurements in spacetime can be classified as spacelike or timelike, according to the positional and temporal characteristics of the measuring process. A well-known adjective for the spacelike measurement is “synchronous.” To describe the timelike measurement the term “syntopic” is introduced. The use of these terms is illustrated in discussing the measurement of time dilatation and the Lorentz contraction.
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    NAPLES. J. Hughes, C. Buongiovanni Remembering Parthenope. The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present. Pp. xviii + 370, ills, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Cased, £80, US$129.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-967393-3. [REVIEW]Ronald G. Musto - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):574-576.
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    Primum Non Nocere: Should Gene Therapy Be Used to Prevent Potentially Fatal Disease but Enable Potentially Destructive Behavior?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Ronald G. Crystal - 2021 - Human Gene Therapy 32 (11-12):529-534.
    Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency constitutes one of the most common hereditary enzyme deficiencies, affecting 35% to 40% of East Asians and 8% of the world population. It causes the well-known Asian Alcohol Flush Syndrome, characterized by facial flushing, palpitation, tachycardia, nausea, and other unpleasant feelings when alcohol is consumed. It is also associated with a marked increase in the risk of a variety of serious disorders, including esophageal cancer and osteoporosis. Our recent studies with murine models have demonstrated that (...)
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    Career guidance for social justice: contesting neoliberalism.Tristram Hooley, Ronald G. Sultana & Rie Thomsen (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This edited collection examines the intersections between career guidance, social justice and neo-liberalism. Contributors offer an original and global discussion of the role of career guidance in the struggle for social justice and evaluate the field from a diverse range of theoretical positions. Through a series of chapters that positions career guidance within a neoliberal context and presents theories to inform an emancipatory direction for the field, this book raises questions, offers resources and provides some glimpses of an alternative future (...)
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    A model of value creation: Strategic view. [REVIEW]Cengiz Haksever, Radha Chaganti & Ronald G. Cook - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (3):295-307.
    Value creation has long been hailed as the major objective of business firms by many management researchers. Some authors state that a firm must create value for its shareholders; some insist that value must be created not just for shareholders but also for all stakeholders. However, most discussions of value creation do not address an important question: "For whom the value is created?" The purpose of this paper is to take a first step to fill this void and propose a (...)
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    Managers’ Organizational Values and Ethical Attitudes in the Direct Marketing Industry.K. Gregory Jin & Ronald Drozdenko - 2003 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 22 (4):43-66.
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    An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System.J. Brachman Ronald & G. Schmolze James - 1985 - Cognitive Science 9 (2):171-216.
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    The Global Diffusion of Supply Chain Codes of Conduct: Market, Nonmarket, and Time-Dependent Effects.Thomas G. Altura, Anne T. Lawrence & Ronald M. Roman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):909-942.
    Why and how have supply chain codes of conduct diffused among lead firms around the globe? Prior research has drawn on both institutional and stakeholder theories to explain the adoption of codes, but no study has modeled adoption as a temporally dynamic process of diffusion. We propose that the drivers of adoption shift over time, from exclusively nonmarket to eventually market-based mechanisms as well. In an analysis of an original data set of more than 1,800 firms between the years 2006 (...)
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    Ansel Adams: CaliforniaPhotography: An Independent Art.Ronald Berman, Andrea G. Stillman & Mark Haworth-Booth - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (2):115.
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    Comparison of Objective Measures for Predicting Perceptual Balance and Visual Aesthetic Preference.Ronald Hübner & Martin G. Fillinger - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Children's perceptions of length of gestation period, the birth exit, and birth necessity explanations: a cross-national study of Australian, English, North American and Swedish Children.Ronald J. Goldman & Juliette D. G. Goldman - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (1):109-121.
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    Agriculture and the State in Ancient Mesopotamia.Ronald F. G. Sweet & Maria de J. Ellis - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):77.
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