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Richard Warner [34]Richard Orville Warner [1]
  1.  79
    Philosophical grounds of rationality: intentions, categories, ends.Richard E. Grandy & Richard Warner (eds.) - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    H.P. Grice is known principally for his influential contributions to the philosophy of language, but his work also includes treatises on the philosophy of mind, ethics, and metaphysics--much of which is unpublished to date. This collection of original essays by such philosophers as Nancy Cartwright, Donald Davidson, Gilbert Harman, and P.F. Strawson demonstrates the unified and powerful character of Grice's thoughts on being, mind, meaning, and morals. An introductory essay by the editors provides the first overview of Grice's work.
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  2.  19
    A Theory of Freedom.Richard Warner - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):468.
  3. The Mind-Body Problem: A Guide to the Current Debate.Richard Warner & Tadeusz Szubka (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  4. (1 other version)Aspects of Reason.Paul Grice & Richard Warner - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (301):466-471.
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    Naturalism: A Critical Appraisal.Jeffrey S. Poland, Steven J. Wagner & Richard Warner - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (3):471.
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  6. A challenge to physicalism.Richard Warner - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (3):249-65.
  7. In defense of a dualism.Richard Warner - 1994 - In Richard Warner & Tadeusz Szubka (eds.), The Mind-Body Problem: A Guide to the Current Debate. Cambridge, USA: Blackwell.
  8.  33
    Making Artificial Intelligence Transparent: Fairness and the Problem of Proxy Variables.Richard Warner & Robert H. Sloan - 2021 - Criminal Justice Ethics 40 (1):23-39.
    AI-driven decisions can draw data from virtually any area of your life to make a decision about virtually any other area of your life. That creates fairness issues. Effective regulation to ensure fairness requires that AI systems be transparent. That is, regulators must have sufficient access to the factors that explain and justify the decisions. One approach to transparency is to require that systems be explainable, as that concept is understood in computer science. A system is explainable if one can (...)
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    Enjoyment.Richard Warner - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (4):507-526.
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  10. The Mind-Body Problem: The Current State of the Debate.Tadeusz Szubka & Richard Warner (eds.) - 1994 - Blackwell.
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  11.  37
    Freedom, enjoyment, and happiness: an essay on moral psychology.Richard Warner - 1987 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  12.  11
    Pragmatics and Semantics: Grice 1968, Schiffer 2015, Schiffer 1972.Richard Warner - 2024 - In Alessandro Capone, Pietro Perconti & Roberto Graci (eds.), Philosophy, Cognition and Pragmatics. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 87-100.
    Paul Grice is widely seen as a champion of the view that communication is an exercise in rational coordination through acts of speaker meaning. Since Grice, a central question has been “[h]ow much of this coordination derives from interlocutors’ specific knowledge of one another as people? How much exploits their knowledge of language itself?” Grice is seen as emphasizing the explanatory centrality of “interlocutors’ specific knowledge.” This picture overlooks Grice’s 1968 article “Utterer’s Meaning, Sentence Meaning, and Word Meaning,” in which (...)
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  13. Reply to Baker and Grandy.Richard Warner - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (10):528-529.
  14.  35
    Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 1 From Theory to Practice.Keith Allan, Jay David Atlas, Brian E. Butler, Alessandro Capone, Marco Carapezza, Valentina Cuccio, Denis Delfitto, Michael Devitt, Graeme Forbes, Alessandra Giorgi, Neal R. Norrick, Nathan Salmon, Gunter Senft, Alberto Voltolini & Richard Warner (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book builds on the idea that pragmatics and philosophy are strictly interconnected and that advances in one area will generate consequential advantages in the other area. The first part of the book, entitled ‘Theoretical Approaches to Philosophy of Language’, contains contributions by philosophers of language on connectives, intensional contexts, demonstratives, subsententials, and implicit indirect reports. The second part, ‘Pragmatics in Discourse’, presents contributions that are more empirically based or of a more applicative nature and that deal with the pragmatics (...)
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  15. Philosophical Grounds of Rationality: Intentions, Categories, Ends.Richard E. Grandy & Richard Warner - 1988 - Mind 97 (385):138-141.
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    Adjudication and legal reasoning.Richard Warner - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259--270.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Demands of Political Legitimacy The Received View Persons Courts and Persons References Further Reading.
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  17.  15
    Aspects of Reason.Richard Warner (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Reasons and reasoning were central to the work of Paul Grice, one of the most influential and admired philosophers of the late twentieth century. In the John Locke Lectures that Grice delivered in Oxford at the end of the 1970s, he set out his fundamental thoughts about these topics; Aspects of Reason is the long-awaited publication of those lectures. This immensely rich work, powerfully evocative of the mind of its author, will refresh and illuminate discussions in many areas of contemporary (...)
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    A Reply to “I Hope You Will Let Flynn Go”.Richard Warner - 2019 - In Alessandro Capone, Marco Carapezza & Franco Lo Piparo (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 2 Theories and Applications. Springer Verlag. pp. 577-586.
    Capone and Bucca offer a socio-pragmatic analysis of President Trump’s utterance, ‘I hope you will let Flynn go’ to show that Trump illicitly tried to persuade Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. I do not dispute that claim. Instead, I offer an overview of their argument—with one potential point of disagreement. Capone and Bucca assume, As pragmatic investigators typically do, that speakers have determinate intentions and reason in complex ways about how to realize those intentions. I suggest that speakers (...)
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  19. Czy istnieje wiedza a priori.Richard Warner - 1995 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 13 (1):5-12.
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    Coordinating Meaning: Common Knowledge and Coordination in Speaker Meaning.Richard Warner - 2018 - In Keith Allan, Jay David Atlas, Brian E. Butler, Alessandro Capone, Marco Carapezza, Valentina Cuccio, Denis Delfitto, Michael Devitt, Graeme Forbes, Alessandra Giorgi, Neal R. Norrick, Nathan Salmon, Gunter Senft, Alberto Voltolini & Richard Warner (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 1 From Theory to Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 243-258.
    When is an indirect report of what a speaker meant correct? The question arises in the law. The Contract Law case of Spaulding v. Morse is a good example. Following their 1932 divorce, George Morse and Ruth Morse entered into a trust agreement in 1937 for the support of their minor son Richard. In that agreement, George promised to “pay to [Spaulding as] trustee in trust for his said minor son Richard the sum of twelve hundred dollars per year, payable (...)
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  21.  13
    Common-Knowledge-Based Pragmatics.Richard Warner - 2021 - In Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics. Theoretical developments. Cham: Springer. pp. 21-31.
    Suppose a speaker S and an audience A are in a communication coordination problem. That is, for some proposition p, they each prefer that S mean that p and that A believe p in response. How do they coordinate their thought and action to solve the problem? The Gricean answer is that they reason their way to the solution. Pragmatics makes a similar assumption. “Pragmatics involves perception augmented by some species of ‘ampliative’ inference … a sort of reasoning”. There are (...)
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  22.  35
    Davis on enjoyment: A reply.Richard Warner - 1983 - Mind 92 (368):568-572.
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    Facing ourselves: Incorrigibility and the mind-body problem.Richard Warner - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (3):217-30.
    In the keynote essay, David Chalmers proposes that we explain consciousness by a non-reductive theory of experience which adds new basic principles to the laws of nature. This essay endorses Chalmers’ proposal but argues -- contrary to Chalmers -- that the principles of such a theory interfere with purely physical laws, since the principles entail violations of physical conservation laws. The essay argues that the qualified incorrigibility of the mental nonetheless provides compelling reason to opt for a non-reductive theory.
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  24. Incorrigibility.Richard Warner - 1993 - In Howard Robinson (ed.), Objections to Physicalism. New York: Oxford University Press.
  25.  27
    Incommensurability as a Jurisprudential Puzzle-Chicago-Kent Dedication Symposium: Topics in Jurisprudence.Richard Warner - unknown - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 68 (1):14.
  26.  11
    Legal Pragmatism.Richard Warner - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 406–414.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Is Pragmatism? Foundationalist versus Nonfoundationalist Views of the Law Pragmatism and Legitimacy Rejecting the Demand References.
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  27. O filozoficznej donioslosci ciala.Richard Warner - 1994 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 42 (1):215.
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    The Environment of Schizophrenia: Innovations in Practice, Policy and Communications.Richard Warner - 2000 - Routledge.
    There is now a body of evidence suggesting that the occurrence and course of schizophrenia are affected by a variety of environmental factors. _The Environment of Schizophrenia_ draws upon our knowledge of these factors in order to design innovations that will decrease its incidence and severity, while enhancing the quality of life for sufferers and their relatives. Examining environmental forces operating at the individual, domestic and broad societal levels, Richard Warner proposes feasible interventions such as: * education about obstetric risks (...)
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    Why Is Logic A Priori?Richard Warner - 1989 - The Monist 72 (1):40-51.
    Consider the proposition, “Neither the motion of a body nor the action of a force affects space and time themselves”. We rejected this proposition when, in accepting the general theory of relativity, we accepted that the movement of a body or the action of a force affects the curvature of space-time. Compare the following proposition: “p and if and only if or ”. We think this is logically true; at least, most of us do. Some don’t, on empirical grounds—claiming that (...)
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  30. Christianity, a System of Peace: A Letter [Signed T.P.]; in Which a Vindication of R. Warner's Sermon, Entitled 'War Inconsistent with Christianity', is Attempted. [With] a Second Letter.Thomas Parsons & Richard Warner - 1804
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    (1 other version)Book Review:Judging in Good Faith. Steven Burton. [REVIEW]Richard Warner - 1994 - Ethics 104 (3):642-.
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