Results for 'Reidun Forde'

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  1.  83
    Evaluation of clinical ethics support services and its normativity.Jan Schildmann, Bert Molewijk, Lazare Benaroyo, Reidun Forde & Gerald Neitzke - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (11):681-685.
    Evaluation of clinical ethics support services (CESS) has attracted considerable interest in recent decades. However, few evaluation studies are explicit about normative presuppositions which underlie the goals and the research design of CESS evaluation. In this paper, we provide an account of normative premises of different approaches to CESS evaluation and argue that normativity should be a focus of considerations when designing and conducting evaluation research of CESS. In a first step, we present three different approaches to CESS evaluation from (...)
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    Physicians' Access to Ethics Support Services in Four European Countries.Samia A. Hurst, Stella Reiter-Theil, Arnaud Perrier, Reidun Forde, Anne-Marie Slowther, Renzo Pegoraro & Marion Danis - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (4):321-335.
    Clinical ethics support services are developing in Europe. They will be most useful if they are designed to match the ethical concerns of clinicians. We conducted a cross-sectional mailed survey on random samples of general physicians in Norway, Switzerland, Italy, and the UK, to assess their access to different types of ethics support services, and to describe what makes them more likely to have used available ethics support. Respondents reported access to formal ethics support services such as clinical ethics committees (...)
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    The Role of Ethics in Reducing and Improving the Quality of Coercion in Mental Health Care.Reidun Norvoll, Marit Helene Hem & Reidar Pedersen - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):59-74.
    Coercion in mental health care gives rise to many ethical challenges. Many countries have recently implemented state policy programs or development projects aiming to reduce coercive practices and improve their quality. Few studies have explored the possible role of ethics in such initiatives. This study adds to this subject by exploring health professionals’ descriptions of their ethical challenges and strategies in everyday life to ensure morally justified coercion and best practices. Seven semi-structured telephone interviews were carried out in 2012 with (...)
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    Patients’ moral views on coercion in mental healthcare.Reidun Norvoll & Reidar Pedersen - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):796-807.
    Background: Coercion in mental healthcare has led to ethical debate on its nature and use. However, few studies have explicitly explored patients’ moral evaluations of coercion. Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of patients’ moral views and considerations regarding coercion. Research design: Semi-structured focus-group and individual interviews were conducted and data were analysed through a thematic content analysis. Participants and research context: A total of 24 adult participants with various mental health problems and experiences with coercion (...)
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    Broadening Our Field of View: The Role of Emotion Polyregulation.Brett Q. Ford, James J. Gross & June Gruber - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (3):197-208.
    The field of emotion regulation has developed rapidly, and a number of emotion regulatory strategies have been identified. To date, empirical attention has focused on contrasting specific regulatio...
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    The Ambition to Rule: Alcibiades and the Politics of Imperialism.Steven Forde - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    This book is a fresh examination of Thucydides' treatment of Alcibiades in his History of the Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades' significance in the History, and his relation to Thucydides' political themes.
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  7. Nothing So Strange, The Autobiography of Arthur Ford.A. and M. H. BRO FORD - 1958
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    The controversy between Schelling and Jacobi.Lewis S. Ford - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):75-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Controversy Between Schelling and Jacobi LEWIS S. FORD SCHELLING, ALONGWITH FICHTE, has suffered the fate of being labelled one of tIegel's predecessors. Richard Kroner provides the classic expression of this viewpoint in his monumental study, Von Kant bis Hegel, which examines Schelling's thought primarily for its contribution to Hegel's final synthesis.I In English we have Josiah Royce's sympathetic and lively account of Schelling's early romantic exuberance, regarded as (...)
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    When Obligations Conflict: Necessary Violations of Trauma Informed Care in Ethics Consultation?Paul J. Ford, Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):60-62.
    Complex clinical ethics cases require a blend of compassion, sensitivity, and tenacity in order to navigate the hard work required of stakeholders. Each person comes to the table with rich historie...
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    The Epochal Nature of Process in Whitehead's Metaphysics.Lewis S. Ford - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1):133-135.
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    By Whose Authority? Sexual Ethics, Postmodernism, and Orthodox Christianity.Mary S. Ford - forthcoming - Christian Bioethics.
    The traditional Christian teaching is that engaging in sexual activity, whether heterosexual or homosexual, outside the marriage of one man and one woman is sinful. In direct contrast, there are those in the Church who quite recently have begun to insist that the traditional teachings concerning sexual sin need to be changed. In particular, the effort is being made to have the Church accept homosexual behavior as not sinful or problematic in any way—at least not for committed homosexuals, as comparable (...)
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    Stimulating debate: ethics in a multidisciplinary functional neurosurgery committee.P. J. Ford - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):106-109.
    Multidisciplinary healthcare committees meet regularly to discuss patients’ candidacy for emerging functional neurosurgical procedures, such as Deep Brain Stimulation . Through debate and discussion around the surgical candidacy of particular patients, functional neurosurgery programs begin to mold practice and policy supported both by scientific evidence and clear value choices. These neurosurgical decisions have special considerations not found in non-neurologic committees. The professional time used to resolve these conflicts provides opportunities for the emergence of careful, ethical practices simultaneous with the expansion (...)
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  13.  67
    Clinical Ethics Committees in Norway: What Do They Do, and Does It Make a Difference?Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2011 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (3):389-395.
    The first clinical ethics committees in Norway were established in 1996. This started as an initiative from hospital clinicians, the Norwegian Medical Association, and health authorities and politicians. Norwegian hospitals are, by and large, publicly funded through taxation, and all inpatient treatment is free of charge. Today, all the 23 hospital trusts have established at least one committee. Center for Medical Ethics , University of Oslo, receives an annual amount of US$335,000 from the Ministry of Health and Care Services to (...)
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  14.  27
    Conflicts of conscience in the neonatal intensive care unit: Perspectives of Alberta.Natalie J. Ford & Wendy Austin - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (8):992-1003.
    Background: Limited knowledge of the experiences of conflicts of conscience found in nursing literature. Objectives: To explore the individual experiences of a conflict of conscience for neonatal nurses in Alberta. Research design: Interpretive description was selected to help situate the findings in a meaningful clinical context. Participants and research context: Five interviews with neonatal nurses working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units throughout Alberta. Ethical consideration: Ethics approval from the Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. Findings: Three common (...)
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  15.  13
    Two process philosophers.Lewis S. Ford - 1973 - Tallahassee,: American Academy of Religion. Edited by William Lad Sessions.
  16. Care of human health and life and its reasonable limits: A catholic perspective.Norman M. Ford - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):172.
    Ford, Norman M Doctors and nurses understand the personal dignity of their patients and their natural desire to be healthy and happy. The aged with failing memories or mental impairments are persons whose dignity and moral worth remain intact. They also know patients differ in their personal circumstances, their faith, their stages of life's journey and their attitude to sickness and approach of death. This awareness enables them to adequately perform their valuable professional services from a subject centred perspective as (...)
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  17.  20
    Experience and Empiricism: Hegel, Hume, and the Early Deleuze.Russell Ford - 2022 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Russell Ford examines Gilles Deleuze's Empiricism and Subjectivity within its academic and philosophical context, arguing that the significance of this work only becomes apparent in connection to a larger problematic: the conceptual constitution of a purely immanent account of existence.
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    Accountability for reasonableness: the relevance, or not, of exceptionality in resource allocation.Amy Ford - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):217-227.
    Accountability for Reasonableness has gained international acceptance as a framework to assist with resource allocation within healthcare. Despite this, one of the four conditions, the relevance condition, has not been widely adopted. In this paper I will start by examining the relevance condition, and the constraints placed on it by Daniels and Sabin. Following this, I review the theoretical limitations of the condition identified to date, by prominent critics such as Rid, Friedman, Lauridsen and Lippert—Rasmussen. Finally, I respond to Daniels (...)
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  19.  15
    Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Preclinical Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease.Paul J. Ford, Alexander Rae Grant, Jeffrey Cummings & Jalayne J. Arias - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):297-306.
    Background and Aims Progress towards validating amyloid beta as an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) heightens the need for evaluation of stakeholders’ perspectives of the benefits and harms of preclinical testing in asymptomatic individuals. Methods Investigators conducted and analyzed 14 semi-structured interviews with family members of patients diagnosed with AD. Results Participants reported benefits, including the potential to seek treatment, make lifestyle changes, and prepare for cognitive impairment. Participants identified harms, including social harms, adverse life decisions, and psychological harms. (...)
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  20.  29
    Ameliorating and exacerbating: Surgical "prosthesis" in addiction.Paul J. Ford & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):32 – 34.
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  21. The Lure of God.Lewis S. Ford & J. Gerald Janzen - 1978
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  22.  32
    Clinical ethics committees – also for mental health care? The Norwegian experience.Irene Syse, Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (2-3):81-86.
    Background The aim was to explore how the clinical ethics committees in Norway have worked and functioned within mental health care and addiction treatment services. Methods Analysis of 256 annual reports from clinical ethics committees from 2003 to 2012 and a survey to clinicians who had used a clinical ethics committee. Results Dilemmas related to coercion, confidentiality, information, and patient autonomy dominated. The committees established only for psychiatric hospitals, had received more cases from mental health and addiction services than the (...)
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  23.  17
    Moral Worth and Inviolability of Unborn Children.Norman Ford - 2006 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 11 (3):1.
    Ford, Norman The moral worth and dignity of the unborn child varies according to peoples' fundamental religious and personal beliefs on what constitutes a human person. The antithetical views on the moral value of the unborn child are due to different philosophies, which admits the existence and meaningfulness of nonmaterial reality and the other that practically denies both.
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  24.  22
    Response to commentaries on ‘Should free-text data in electronic medical records be shared for research? A citizens’ jury study in the UK’.Elizabeth Ford & Malcolm Oswald - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):384-385.
    We note a range of interesting and challenging points which take forward the discourse around the ethics of sharing patient data. Of most note are criticisms of our jury recruitment and methods; questioning how we can engender trust and support from the wider, uninformed public when we only have the view of a small informed public; asking what work needs to be done to ethically transfer data from a clinical care setting to that of research; suggesting that dynamic consent with (...)
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  25. Reconceptualizing American Democracy: The First Principles.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (4):01-47.
    An outstanding group of leaders left evidence that a richer and more sustainable democracy could be achieved with American independence and democratic principles integrated into a new republican form of government. They were moved by principles that are the very spirit of democracy. These principles are needed to enhance democracy and improve well-being. Using the constructivist tradition of grounded theory and Aristotle’s conception of abstraction, the article proposes a theory of the first principles of democracy based on substantive data: the (...)
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  26.  56
    Involving patients and relatives in a Norwegian clinical ethics committee: what have we learned?Reidun Førde & Thor Willy Ruud Hansen - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (3):125-130.
    To date, few Norwegian clinical ethics committees (CECs) have included patients or next of kin in case discussions. In 2008, Rikshospitalet's (The National Hospital's) CEC began to routinely invite patients and relatives into case discussions. In this paper, we describe seven cases discussed by this committee in 2008. Six involved life and death decision-making in collaboration with the next of kin, while one related case did not include relatives. In our opinion, representing the patient's perspective was advantageous to the discussion (...)
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  27.  28
    Rev. Ford Replies to Dr. Diamond.Norman M. Ford - 2003 - Ethics and Medics 28 (10):3-4.
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    A line of life, pointing at the immortalitie of a vertuous name [by J. Ford].John Ford - 1620 - W.S. For N. Butter.
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  29. Reversing Demoralization Linked to School Bullying.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2024 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 6 (4):62-89.
    There have been 417 gun violence in schools since Columbine. In these shootings, more than 383,000 students were killed. At the time of the event, most offenders of school mass shootings were targets of school bullying, experiencing a mental health crisis, and a history of depression. Effective interventions and support that could help prevent or reduce school bullying incidents require understanding the process of demoralization and empowering social change. This paper is part of an original constructivist grounded theory study on (...)
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  30. HIV infection prevention and catholic moral principles.Norman Ford - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (3):318.
    Ford, Norman There has been some confusion in the media over what Pope Benedict XVI meant by his comments on the use of condoms. He was discussing acts of sexual intercourse performed by male prostitutes in relation to HIV (human immune deficiency virus) infection in reply to a question put to him during an interview with Peter Seewald. The Vatican spokesman Fr Lombardi SJ said the Pope 'had confirmed to him that the example was valid in the case of all (...)
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  31. David Ray Griffin, John B. Cobb, Jr., Marcus Ford, Pete A.Y. Gunter, and Peter Ochs, "Founders of Constructive Postmodern Philosophy: Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead and Hartshone". [REVIEW]Lewis S. Ford - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (1):220.
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    AREC: Past, Present and Future. The Chairman's Opening Address.David Anderson-Ford - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (2):75-78.
  33.  11
    AFTERWORD. A Sampling of Other Interpretations.Lewis S. Ford - 1983 - In Lewis S. Ford & George L. Kline (eds.), Explorations in Whitehead's philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 305-346.
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  34. A kind of science fiction : Deleuze and Hume.Russel Ford - 2025 - In Jeffrey A. Bell & Henry Somers-Hall (eds.), The Deleuzian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A Response to Wiebe Koopal’s Review of Inhuman Educations: Jean-François Lyotard, Pedagogy, Thought.Derek R. Ford - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):545-547.
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    Fetal Surgery.Norman M. Ford - 2003 - Ethics and Medics 28 (8):3-4.
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    Honesty in government and society.Jeanne Marie Ford - 2018 - New York: Cavendish Square Publishing.
    What about honesty? -- History of honesty in society -- Honesty and the Constitution -- Honesty in society today.
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  38.  45
    Process and reality.Lewis S. Ford - 1981 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 19 (3):400-402.
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    The Cosmology of Freedom.Lewis S. Ford - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (4):578-581.
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  40. Empowering Democracy: A Socio-Ethical Theory.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3):1-20.
    Great Britain subjugated colonists using various power strategies, including dehumanization, misinformation, fear, and other divisive strategies. The Founders described these oppressive strategies as “a long train of abuses and usurpations.” Throughout the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers imbued the people with hope in a government for the people: one unlike that of the monarchy, which sought to protect itself at the expense of colonists. As a result, the Founders created a government more likely to lead (...)
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  41. Explorations in Whitehead's Philosophy.Lewis S. Ford & George L. Kline - 1985 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 21 (1):139-146.
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  42. The Principles of Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Leveraging Democratic Polarities.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Agpe the Royal Gondwana Research Journal of History, Science, Economic, Political and Social Science 4 (7):1-12.
    The polarities of democracy framework is used to achieve human emancipation by simultaneously managing multiple paradoxes by employing Johnson’s polarity management as the conceptual framework. Although Johnson’s framework may be appropriate for managing other tension-dependent pairs, it is less suitable for managing multiple democratic values when the goal is human emancipation and sustainable democratic social change. Managing multiple polarities is exacerbated by the problem-shifting and problem-creation effect inherent in a tension-driven framework. The aim was to develop a constructivist grounded theory (...)
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  43.  10
    Learning to talk about events from narrated video in a construction grammar framework.Dominey Peter Ford & Jean-David Boucher - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 167 (1-2):31-61.
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  44. The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics.L. S. FORD - 1984
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  45.  58
    Ethical reasoning in the mental health professions.Gary George Ford - 2000 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
    The ability to reason ethically is an extraordinarily important aspect of professionalism in any field. Indeed, the greatest challenge in ethical professional practice involves resolving the conflict that arises when the professional is required to choose between two competing ethical principles. Ethical Reasoning in the Mental Health Professions explores how to develop the ability to reason ethically in difficult situations. Other books merely present ethical and legal issues one at a time, along with case examples involving "right" and "wrong" answers. (...)
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  46.  22
    All Seeing Archaeology: The Panopticons of Pentridge Prison.F. S. A. Adam Ford - forthcoming - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes.
    Archaeological excavations carried out at Pentridge Prison discovered the ruins and foundations of three panopticon exercise yards. This paper details the scope and observations of the excavation program and discusses the influence of Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon model on penal reform and prison design in Australia in the middle of the 19th Century.
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  47. Cross-cultural approaches: readings in comparative research.Clellan Stearns Ford - 1967 - New Haven,: HRAF Press.
  48. From forgetting to institutional failure : the army as a non-learning organization.Mathew Ford - 2024 - In Frank Ledwidge, Helen Parr & Aaron Edwards (eds.), Ground truth: the moral component in contemporary British warfare. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Richard S. Katz / Peter Mair: Democracy and the Cartelization of Political Parties.Emily Ford - 2018 - Intergenerational Justice Review 4 (2).
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    Scepticism, Truth and Religious Belief in the Thought of John Henry Newman: A Contribution to Contemporary Debate by Daniel John Pratt Morris-Chapman.John T. Ford - 2019 - Newman Studies Journal 16 (1):121-123.
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