Results for 'Reginald Walter Michael Dias'

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  1.  12
    (1 other version)Jurisprudence.Reginald Walter Michael Dias - 1957 - London: Butterworth. Edited by Graham Beynon John Hughes.
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  2. Musik und Mikrophon.Walter Michael Berten - 1951 - Düsseldorf: Schwann.
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    European positivism in the nineteenth century.Walter Michael Simon - 1963 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
  4. Jābir, the buddhist yogi part two.Michael Walter - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (2):145-164.
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    Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, Teil 7.Michael L. Walter, Friedrich Wilhelm & Jampa Losang Panglung - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):219.
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  6. Musik und Mikrophon.Walter Michael Berten - 1951 - Düsseldorf: Schwann.
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    Les Chants dans l'épopée tibétaine de Ge-sar d'après le livre de la course de cheval; version chantée de Blo-bzaṅ bstan-'jinLes Chants dans l'epopee tibetaine de Ge-sar d'apres le livre de la course de cheval; version chantee de Blo-bzan bstan-'jin.Michael L. Walter & Mireille Helffer - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):242.
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    Jābir, the buddhist yogi.Michael Walter - 1992 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 20 (4):425-438.
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    A matter of consequences.Alessandra Rossi, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Kheng Lee Koay & Michael L. Walters - 2023 - Interaction Studies 24 (3):380-421.
    On reviewing the literature regarding acceptance and trust in human-robot interaction (HRI), there are a number of open questions that needed to be addressed in order to establish effective collaborations between humans and robots in real-world applications. In particular, we identified four principal open areas that should be investigated to create guidelines for the successful deployment of robots in the wild. These areas are focused on: (1) the robot’s abilities and limitations; in particular when it makes errors with different severity (...)
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    (1 other version)Are robots like people?Sarah Woods, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Christina Kaouri, René te Boekhorst, Kheng Lee Koay & Michael L. Walters - 2007 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 8 (2):281-305.
    Identifying links between human personality and attributed robot personality is a relatively new area of human–robot interaction. In this paper we report on an exploratory study that investigates human and robot personality traits as part of a human–robot interaction trial. The trials took place in a simulated living-room scenario involving 28 participants and a human-sized robot of mechanical appearance. Participants interacted with the robot in two task scenarios relevant to a ‘robot in the home’ context. It was found that participants’ (...)
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    Musik - Und Die Geschichte der Philosophie Und Naturwissenschaften Im Mittelalter: Fragen Zur Wechselwirkung von 'Musica' Und 'Philosophia' Im Mittelalter.Jan Aertsen, Calvin Bower, F. A. J. De Haas, Wolfgang Hirschmann, Eva Hirtler, Matthias Hochadel, Udo Reinhold Jeck, Christian Meyer, Klaus Niemöller, Cecilia Panti, Alison Peden, Klaus-Jürgen Sachs, Michael Walter & Stephen Gersh (eds.) - 1998 - Brill.
    In this volume specialists of medieval music and philosophy put the medieval 'musica' into the context of ideas and institutions in which it existed. The significance of 'musica' cannot be understood from a modern point of view since 'music' does not match the medieval 'musica'.
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    Are robots like people?: Relationships between participant and robot personality traits in humanrobot interaction studies.Sarah Woods, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Christina Kaouri, Rene te Boekhorst, Kheng Lee Koay & Michael L. Walters - 2007 - Interaction Studies 8 (2):281-305.
  13.  40
    (1 other version)reinventando a prática alfabetizadora de paulo freire. uma experiência de alfabetização filosófica em Pau dos Ferros, RN.Walter Omar Kohan, Ana Corina Salas, Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota, Carlineide Almeida, José Ricardo Santiago Jr, Karyne Dias Coutinho, Marcio Nicodemos, Maria Reilta Dantas Cirino, Meirilene Dos Santos Araújo Barbosa, Óscar Pulido Cortés, Priscila Liz Belmont & Robson Roberto Martins Lins - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18.
    O presente texto narra uma experiência de formação de alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos: uma alfabetização filosófica de 40 horas com 300 alfabetizadores em julho de 2022, como primeira etapa do Programa “Supera RN” em Pau dos Ferros, dentro da Política de Superação do Analfabetismo do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O texto tematiza em que sentido a experiência de Alfabetização filosófica se inspira e ao mesmo tempo se diferencia do curso de Alfabetização oferecido por Paulo Freire em (...)
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    The No-Drop Rule.Walter Benn Michaels - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (4):758-769.
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    Epiphenomenalism: Dead end or way out?Michael Pauen, Alexander Staudacher & Sven Walter - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (1-2):7-19.
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    The Poet's Madness: A Reading of Georg Trakl.Walter A. Strauss & Francis Michael Sharp - 1983 - Substance 12 (3):117.
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  17. Daile riviste.Michael Ridge, Humean Intentzons, Walter Glannon & Moral Responszbzlzty - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia 90 (3).
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    Assistive HCI-Serious Games Co-design Insights: The Case Study of i-PROGNOSIS Personalized Game Suite for Parkinson’s Disease.Sofia Balula Dias, José Alves Diniz, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Theodore Savvidis, Vicky Zilidou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Athina Grammatikopoulou, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Nikos Grammalidis, Hagen Jaeger, Michael Stadtschnitzer, Hugo Silva, Gonçalo Telo, Ioannis Ioakeimidis, George Ntakakis, Fotis Karayiannis, Estelle Huchet, Vera Hoermann, Konstantinos Filis, Elina Theodoropoulou, George Lyberopoulos, Konstantinos Kyritsis, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Anastasios Depoulos, Dhaval Trivedi, Ray K. Chaudhuri, Lisa Klingelhoefer, Heinz Reichmann, Sevasti Bostantzopoulou, Zoe Katsarou, Dimitrios Iakovakis, Stelios Hadjidimitriou, Vasileios Charisis, George Apostolidis & Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:612835.
    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and games set a new domain in understanding people’s motivations in gaming, behavioral implications of game play, game adaptation to player preferences and needs for increased engaging experiences in the context of HCI serious games (HCI-SGs). When the latter relate with people’s health status, they can become a part of their daily life as assistive health status monitoring/enhancement systems. Co-designing HCI-SGs can be seen as a combination of art and science that involves a meticulous collaborative process. The (...)
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  19. Title and paper to come].Walter Benn Michaels - 2010 - In Hilary Ballon (ed.), The Cosmopolitan Idea. Nyu Abu Dhabi.
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  20. (1 other version)A Critical Reflection on Utilitarianism as the Basis for Psychiatric Ethics, Part II: Utilitarianism and Psychiatry.Michael Roberston & Garry Walter - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2 (1):4.
  21. Part 2: A Pilot Ethnomethodological Study.Michael Robertson, Ian Kerridge & Garry Walter - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3 (1):6.
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    Racisme, sexisme et mépris de classe.Walter Benn Michaels - 2010 - Revue Agone 44:173-180.
    Aux États-Unis, une structure appelée Love Makes a Family [C’est l’amour qui fait une famille] fut créée en 1999 pour soutenir le droit à l’adoption des couples homosexuels. Elle a également joué un rôle central dans le développement des unions civiles. Dix ans plus tard, sa directrice, Ann Stanback, annonçait qu’ayant atteint ses objectifs Love Makes a Family arrêterait son activité à la fin de l’année, et qu’elle-même en profiterait pour passer plus de temps avec sa femme Charlotte: «L’esse..
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  23. Synopsis of Psychiatric Ethics: Based on Six Papers Published in Australasian Psychiatry.Michael Robertson & Garry Walter - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3 (1):1.
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    Medicaid Patients Have Greater Difficulty Scheduling Health Care Appointments Compared With Private Insurance Patients: A Meta-Analysis.Walter R. Hsiang, Adam Lukasiewicz, Mark Gentry, Chang-Yeon Kim, Michael P. Leslie, Richard Pelker, Howard P. Forman & Daniel H. Wiznia - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801983811.
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  25. Trauma and ptsd.Garry Walter & Michael Robertson - 1981 - In Sidney Bloch & Stephen A. Green (eds.), Psychiatric ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Paths to Conflagration: Fifty Years of Diplomacy and Warfare in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam, 1778-1828.Michael Walter Charney, Mayoury Ngaosyvathn & Pheuiphanh Ngaosyvathn - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):122.
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  27. Part 1: Conceptual Issues and the Case of Argentine Psychiatry.Michael Robertson, Hans Pols & Garry Walter - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3 (1):5.
  28. A Pilot Ethnomethodological Study.Michael Robertson, Ian Kerridge & Garry Walter - 2008 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3:1-5.
    This second paper reports on a small ethnographic study of Argentine psychiatrists. A carefully selected group of six psychiatrists currently practicing in Buenos Aires participated in an in-depth semi-structured interview. The transcripts of the interviews were coded and a thematic analysis method was applied to construct a local theory of the professional values constructed by Argentine psychiatrists, and the circumstances in which such values were constructed. Our analysis indicated that Argentine psychiatrists constructed a number of values, frequently perceived as obligations (...)
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    Fictitious Dealing: A Reply to Leo Bersani.Walter Benn Michaels - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):165-171.
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  30. Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.Walter Jaeschke, J. Michael Stewart & Peter C. Hodgson - 1990 - Religious Studies 28 (2):280-282.
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time a Reader.Walter Jost & Michael J. Hyde (eds.) - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    This thought-provoking book initiates a dialogue among scholars in rhetoric and hermeneutics in many areas of the humanities. Twenty leading thinkers explore the ways these two powerful disciplines inform each other and influence a wide variety of intellectual fields. Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde organize pivotal topics in rhetoric and hermeneutics with originality and coherence, dividing their book into four sections: Locating the Disciplines; Inventions and Applications; Arguments and Narratives; and Civic Discourse and Critical Theory. Contributors to (...)
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    Ein Pakt mit dem Bösen?: die moraltheologische Lehre der "Cooperatio ad malum" und ihre Bedeutung heute.Michael Rosenberger & Walter Schaupp (eds.) - 2015 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    "Sister Carrie'"s Popular Economy.Walter Benn Michaels - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):373-390.
    Instead of seeing satisfaction as the necessary and appropriate goal of desire, Dreiser seems to see it only as an inevitable but potentially fatal by-product. Desire, for him, is most powerful when it outstrips its object; indeed, it is the very fact of this excessiveness that fuels Sister Carrie's economy—which is one reason why Carrie is right to think of money as "power itself." The economy runs on desire, which is to say, money, or the impossibility of ever having enough (...)
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader.eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde - unknown - Yale University Press.
    This book initiates a discussion among scholars in rhetoric and hermeneutics in many areas of the humanities. Twenty leading thinkers explore the ways these two powerful disciplines inform each other and influence a wide variety of intellectual fields. Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde organize pivotal topics in rhetoric and hermeneutics with originality and coherence, dividing their book into four sections: Locating the Disciplines; Inventions and Applications; Arguments and Narratives; and Civic Discourse and Critical Theory. For readers across (...)
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    Essays on performativity and on surveying the field.Walter Bernhart & Michael Halliwell (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Rodopi.
    The main section of this volume of essays addresses the topic of 'Performativity in Literature and Music', a subject of high contemporary relevance since a substantial part of recent reflections in the humanities are concerned with the performance aspect of cultural activities, particularly in the arts. This decisive reorientation of scholarly interests in the arts, trendily called the 'performative turn', has yielded significant contributions to an increasingly refined understanding of artistic processes from an up-to-date perspective, and specifically what has been (...)
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  36. Race into Culture: A Critical Genealogy of Cultural Identity.Walter Benn Michaels - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (4):655-685.
    Our sense of culture is characteristically meant to displace race, but part of the argument of this essay has been that culture has turned out to be a way of continuing rather than repudiating racial thought. It is only the appeal to race that makes culture an object of affect and that gives notions like losing our culture, preserving it, stealing someone else’s culture, restoring people’s culture to them, and so on, their pathos. Our race identifies the culture to which (...)
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    Is There a Politics of Interpretation?Walter Benn Michaels - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):248-258.
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    Introduction: Rhetoric and Hermeneutics: Places Along the Way.Michael J. Hyde & Walter Jost - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde (ed.), Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 1-42.
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    Agricultural Change and Peasant Choice in a Thai Village.Walter F. Vella & Michael Moerman - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):627.
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    Intentionalism, Again.Walter Benn Michaels - 1989 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 1 (1):89-96.
  41.  30
    Geist und Leben.Erkenntnis und Erlebnis. Phanomenologische Studien.Walter Fales & Michael Landmann - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (3):424.
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    Continuity and discontinuity in memory for threat.Michael Hock, Jan H. Peters & Heinz Walter Krohne - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1303-1317.
    Using a paradigm that allows a quasi-continuous tracking of memory performance over time, two experiments were designed to test the hypotheses that persons with a cognitively avoidant style of coping with threat manifest a dissociation between short-term and long-term retrieval of aversive information and persons with a vigilant coping style recall aversive information particularly well after long retention intervals, provided they are free to think about aversive events. Study 1 showed that avoiders manifest a poor memory for aversive pictures after (...)
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    Kapitalismus: Kult einer tödlichen Verschuldung: Walter Benjamins prophetisches Erbe.Kuno Füssel, Michael Ramminger & Walter Benjamin (eds.) - 2021 - Münster: Edition ITP-Kompass, Institut für Theologie und Politik.
    Es sind in diesem Jahr 2021 genau hundert Jahre her, dass Walter Benjamin 1921 in einem Fragment mit dem Titel "Kapitalismus als Religion", der zunächst nicht zur Publikation gedacht war, mit prophetischer Klarheit entscheidende Grundzüge des Kapitalismus benannte. Dieses Fragment gelangte seitdem nicht nur zu einer grossen Berühmtheit, sondern gewann auch an Aktualität immer mehr dazu. Die hier anlässlich dieses Jubiläums versammelten Beiträge versuchen, den von W. Benjamin mit seinem Text durch das komplexe Universum der kapitalistischen Moderne geöffneten Bahnen (...)
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    Fear of Being Laughed at in Children and Adolescents: Exploring the Importance of Overweight, Underweight, and Teasing.Carl-Walter Kohlmann, Heike Eschenbeck, Uwe Heim-Dreger, Michael Hock, Tracey Platt & Willibald Ruch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Spatial processing laterality and spatial visualization ability: Relations to sex and familial sinistrality variables.Michael F. Marino & Walter F. McKeever - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (2):135-137.
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    The Shape of the Signifier.Walter Benn Michaels - 2001 - Critical Inquiry 27 (2):266-283.
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    The impossibility of intentionless meaning.Steven Knapp & Walter Benn Michaels - 1992 - In Gary Iseminger (ed.), Intention and interpretation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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    Hiv/aids knowledge, women’s education, epidemic severity and protective sexual behaviour in low- and middle-income countries.Dana Snelling, D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, Sungjin Hong, Katholiki Georgiades, Yvonne Racine & Michael H. Boyle - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (3):421.
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    Divine Creation in Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Thought: Essays Presented to the Rev'd Dr. Robert D. Crouse.Willemien Otten, Walter Hannam & Michael Treschow (eds.) - 2007 - Brill.
    This volume contains essays by twenty-two eminent scholars from across North America and Europe, examining various aspects of the Hebraic, Hellenic, patristic, medieval, and early modern understandings of God and creation.
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  50. Against Theory.Steven Knapp & Walter Benn Michaels - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):723-742.
    By "theory" we mean a special project in literary criticism: the attempt to govern interpretations of particular texts by appealing to an account of interpretation in general. The term is sometimes applied to literary subjects with no direct bearing on the interpretation of individual works, such as narratology, stylistics, and prosody. Despite their generality, however, these subjects seem to us essentially empirical, and our argument against theory will not apply to them.Contemporary theory has taken two forms. Some theorists have sought (...)
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