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Randall E. Auxier [78]Randall Auxier [32]Randall Eugene Auxier [1]
  1.  16
    Grace Andrus de Laguna’s New Naturalism.Randall Auxier - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):26-32.
    Joel Katzav's survey of the philosophy of Grace Andrus de Laguna's philosophy covers a broad range of ideas, and I have selected three for further development and commentary: (1) the relationship between naturalism and analytic philosophy, (2) the relationship between classical and radical empiricism, and (3) the historical question of where to situate a view such as de Laguna's in the history, the present, and the future of philosophy. I suggest that the view belongs with a group I call the (...)
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    Rorty and Beyond.Randall E. Auxier, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    The edited collection Rorty and Beyond assesses and moves beyond Rorty’s legacy, bringing together leading international philosophers. The collection covers diverse territory, from his views about what we may hope for to his personal character, and everything in between.
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  3. Foucault, Dewey, and the history of the present.Randall E. Auxier - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (2):75-102.
  4.  30
    Cassirer: The Coming of a New Humanism.Randall E. Auxier - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (3):7-26.
    The various efforts to put the idea of humanity on a secure ethical, political, and social base have not succeeded. The various post-humanist and transhumanist programs are inadequate. Our deep-seated suspicion of our deepest selves and motives is understandable in light of the barbarity of the twentieth century, but humanism is not to blame. The thought of Ernst Cassirer holds a framework for a new humanism, once it is rid of certain colonialist, triumphalist, and Eurocentric ideas that distorted Cassirer’s understanding (...)
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    Eco, Peirce, and the Pragmatic Theory of Signs.Randall E. Auxier - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (1).
    This paper aims to consider Peirce and Eco’s approach to signs and semiotics in order to assess their relation to Peirce’s mature pragmatism. Both thinkers attempted to set out a truly general theory of signs, and ran into difficulties on similar points. I show that the responses of Peirce and Eco to the difficulties that arose in seeking a truly general theory of signs were quite different. And yet, the differences are not so deep as to prevent us from thinking (...)
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    The Life of the Image.Randall E. Auxier - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (1):1-6.
    Preview: Bergson noted that the cinematographic image does not really move. It is, then as now, a series of still photographs. The real motion in such images is produced by machinery, which imparts a kinesis, an energy of movement, to the succession of fixed images. Our perception then endows such images with their “life,” insofar as they can be said to possess life. It is an illusion, it is “virtual” both as space and time. The real duration, as generated by (...)
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    Time, will, and purpose: living ideas from the philosophy of Josiah Royce.Randall Auxier - 2013 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    Josiah Royce (1855?-1916) has had a major influence on American intellectual life, both popular movements and cutting-edge thought, but his name often went unmentioned while his ideas marched forward. The leading American proponent of absolute idealism, Royce has come back into fashion in recent years. With several important new books appearing, the formation of a Josiah Royce Society, and the re-organization of the Royce papers at Harvard, the time is ripe for Time, Will, and Purpose. Randall Auxier delves into the (...)
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    In Vino Veritas.Randall Auxier - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (1):39-66.
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    Josiah Royce for the Twenty-First Century: Historical, Ethical, and Religious Interpretations.Zbigniew Ambrozewicz, Marc M. Anderson, Randall E. Auxier, Thomas O. Buford, Gary L. Cesarz, Rossella Fabbrichesi, Matthew Caleb Flamm, Richard A. S. Hall, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Wojciech Malecki, Bette J. Manter, Ludwig Nagl, Ignas K. Skrupskelis & Claudio Marcelo Viale (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    The collection presents a variety of promising new directions in Royce scholarship from an international group of scholars, including historical reinterpretations, explorations of Royce's ethics of loyalty and religious philosophy, and contemporary applications of his ideas in psychology, the problem of reference, neo-pragmatism, and literary aesthetics.
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  10. The Philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr.Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Randall E. Auxier & Lucian W. Stone (eds.) - 2001 - Open Court.
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  11. Ironic wrong-doing and the arc of the universe.Randall Auxier - 2019 - In Randall E. Auxier, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), Rorty and Beyond. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  12. Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.George Sun, John Howie, Thomas Alexander, Kenneth Stikkers & Randall Auxier - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Professor Emerita, Hans H. Rudnick, (...)
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    Influence as Confluence.Randall E. Auxier - 1999 - Process Studies 28 (3):301-338.
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    The Sherpa and the Sage: Neville on the Determinate and the Possible.Randall E. Auxier - 2015 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 36 (1):37-50.
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    Philosophy as a thief?Randall Auxier - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (4):390-402.
    This is a performative piece of writing in the presence of and inspired by Richard Shusterman'sPhilosophy and the Art of Writing. It tries to show that the relationship between the act of writing and the formation of our human consciousness (philosophical and, more deeply, poietic) is a developing and growing process through history, and before it. The dominance of an image consciousness was slowly challenged and then replaced by a linguistic consciousness with the advent of writing, and accelerated by the (...)
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  16. 1. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-iii).Randall E. Auxier, Shane J. Ralston, Randy L. Friedman, Michael Futch, Tadd Ruetenik, István Aranyosi & Marilyn Fischer - 2012 - The Pluralist 7 (1).
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    “A Necessary Shadow of Being”: Irony, Imagination, and Personal Identity.Przemysław Bursztyka & Randall E. Auxier - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):21-45.
    This is the second of the essays on the existential-ontological ground of otherness, in which we see this ground as essentially entwined with our personhood and our personal identities. We analyze irony as both a “mechanism” of constituting these very identities and as an act revealing their self-altering nature. Irony in our view — informed by Kierkegaard, phenomenology, and psychoanalysis — is a subtle existential strategy by means of which subjectivity (not “the subject”) not only asserts itself, but also, and (...)
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  18.  17
    Real Deletion, Time, and Possibility.Randall Auxier - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:5-41.
    Czy coś naprawdę „odchodzi” całkowicie? Niniejszy artykuł jest poszukiwaniem „rzeczywistego usunięcia” i metafizyki, która musi temu towarzyszyć. Dlaczego to jest ważne? W badaniach nad sztuczną inteligencją naukowcy zaproponowali ruchomy punkt docelowy do momentu osiągnięcia sztucznej inteligencji. Zaczęło się od testu Turinga i ewoluowało przez dużą ilość argumentacji (np. Dreyfussa, dotyczącą tego, czego nie potrafią komputery, przez „osobliwość” Kurzweila oraz wiele innych kryteriów i tysiące dyskusji na temat tego, czym jest inteligencja i co oznaczałoby ją symulować lub, jak wolę, naśladować). Cała (...)
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  19.  36
    A Memorial and Autobiographical Account of Thomas O. Buford.Randall Auxier - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (2):99-111.
    thomas o. buford was the founder of the journal that evolved into The Pluralist. It was one of many things he “started.” Tom was a great starter of things, but also a strong continuer. This journal began as The Personalist Forum in 1984, with the first issue appearing in 1985. The reason Tom started the journal was that the two principal organs of personalist philosophy in the United States had ceased to recognize the relationship to personalism, which had provided their (...)
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  20.  62
    Anne Marie Bowery’s “Examining the Role and Function of Socrates’ Narrative Audience in Plato’s Euthydemus”.Randall E. Auxier - 2008 - Southwest Philosophy Review 24 (2):25-28.
  21.  78
    Concentric Circles.Randall E. Auxier - 1991 - Southwest Philosophy Review 7 (1):151-172.
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    Commentary on Richard Cole’s “Nature, Value and Duty”.Randall E. Auxier - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (2):77-79.
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    God as Catholic and Personal.Randall E. Auxier - 2000 - International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (2):235-252.
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  24.  45
    Hartshorne and Brightman on God, process, and persons: the correspondence, 1922-1945.Randall E. Auxier & Mark Y. A. Davies (eds.) - 2001 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    In 1922 Charles Hartshorne, then an aspiring young philosopher, wrote to Edgar Sheffield Brightman, a preeminent philosopher of religion for twenty-three subsequent years and, remarkably, almost every letter was preserved. In their introductory essays, editors Randall Auxier and Mark Davies place the unusually rich and intensive correspondence in its intellectual context and address the relationship between personalism and process philosophy/theology in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and social philosophy.
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  25. Introduction.Randall Auxier - 2020 - In James Beauregard, Giusy Gallo & Claudia Stancati (eds.), The person at the crossroads: a philosophical approach. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  26. It's all dark : the eclipse of the damaged brain.Randall E. Auxier - 2007 - In George A. Reisch (ed.), Pink Floyd and Philosophy: Careful with That Axiom, Eugene! Open Court.
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    Illustrations of the Logic of Science by Charles Sanders Peirce.Randall Auxier - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (4):626-631.
    Finally someone has saved future Peirce scholars from having to piece together for themselves the comparative points in Peirce’s development as it concerns his most widely read essays. The significance of the Popular Science Monthly articles of 1877–78 for pragmatism and for Peirce’s thought is universally known. But we have had to dig for ourselves, one by one, repeating each other’s labors, to learn how the ideas at the root of pragmatism evolved in Peirce’s own estimation.Cornelis de Waal here brings (...)
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    The Pluralist: An Editorial Statement.Randall E. Auxier - 2006 - The Pluralist 1 (1):v-viii.
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    To Serve Man? Rod Serling and Effective Destining.Randall E. Auxier - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):190-204.
    Popular culture is a vital part of the philosophy of culture. Immersion in the world of popular culture provides an immanent understanding, and after all, some of what is merely popular culture today will be the high culture of tomorrow. The genre of science fiction is one of the more important and durable forms of cultural and social criticism. Science fiction narratives guide our imaginations into the relation between the might-be and the might-have-been. The central idea of this paper is (...)
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  30.  10
    The philosophy of Umberto Eco.Sara Beardsworth & Randall E. Auxier (eds.) - 2017 - Chicago: Open Court.
    The Philosophy of Umberto Eco stands out in the Library of Living Philosophers series as the volume on the most interdisciplinary scholar hitherto and probably the most widely translated. The Italian philosopher's name and works are well known in the humanities, both his philosophical and literary works being translated into fifteen or more languages. Eco is a founder of modern semiotics and widely known for his work in the philosophy of language and aesthetics. He is also a leading figure in (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to David Boersema, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116.Michael J. Almeida, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Kim Atkins, Catriona Mac-Kenzie, Randall E. Auxier, Phillip S. Seng, Desmond Avery & H. E. Baber - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (4):427.
  32. 1 1 7 Gilles Deleuze.Randall E. Auxier - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 116.
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  33. As deep as it gets: movies and metaphysics.Randall E. Auxier - 2022 - Chicago: Open Universe.
    About the author -- Note to the reader -- From the Alamo Draft House to the livingroom couch (or there and back again) -- Part I: Rated G: General Audiences -- 1. I know something you don't know: The Princess Bride -- 2. Lions and tigers and bears: scary stuff in the Wizard of Oz -- 3. The monster and the mensch: a child's eye view of Super 8 -- 4. Chef, Socrates, and the sage of love: finding love in (...)
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    A Dialogue on Bergson.Randall Auxier - 1999 - Process Studies 28 (3):339-345.
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    An Editorial Statement.Randall E. Auxier - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (1):v-v.
  36.  15
    An Editorial Statement.Randall E. Auxier - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (1):v-vi.
  37.  43
    American Philosophic Naturalism in the Twentieth Century.Randall E. Auxier - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):313-315.
    BOOK REVIEWS 3~3 reaction to them into account. The actual historical dialectic involving Moore, Mal- colm, and Wittgenstein is a good deal more complicated, and more interesting, than the story told here by Stroll. Moving on to Stroll's discussion of Wittgenstein, I should now acknowledge that, so far as I can judge, Stroll offers a largely reliable account of On Certainty. In particular, in the best chapter of the book, on "Wittgenstein's Foundationalism," he makes a convincing case for the view (...)
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    A Plurality of Persons in Relation: Bengtsson on Pluralism.Randall E. Auxier - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (2):113 - 127.
  39. Beyond Rorty.Randall Auxier, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof P. Skowronski (eds.) - 2019 - Lexington Books.
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  40. (1 other version)Cuts like a knife.Randall E. Auxier - 2009 - In Richard Greene & Rachel Robison (eds.), The Golden Compass and Philosophy: God Bites the Dust. Open Court.
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    Commentary on Anne Marie Schultz’s and Paul Carron’s “The Virtuous Ensemble”.Randall Auxier - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (2):25-28.
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    Commentary on Eric Morton’s “Empiricism, Naturalism, and Freedom: An Alternative Diagnostic Solution to McDowell’s Problem of Empirical Content”.Randall Auxier - 2016 - Southwest Philosophy Review 32 (2):7-10.
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    Commentary on Justin Clarke’s “Affirming Anti-Rationalism”.Randall Auxier - 2015 - Southwest Philosophy Review 31 (2):63-66.
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    Commentary on Nikolay Milkov’s “A Logical-Contextual History of Philosophy”.Randall E. Auxier - 2011 - Southwest Philosophy Review 27 (2):1-3.
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  45. Creative or original? Babbitt and the temporal world.Randall Auxier - 2000 - Appraisal 3 (1):15-24.
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    Commentary on Torsten Menge’s “Making it Uncanny: The Critical Effect of Telling a Genealogy”.Randall Auxier - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):31-34.
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  47. Due tipi di pragmatismo.Randall Auxier - 2009 - Discipline Filosofiche 19 (2).
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  48.  22
    Editor’s Introduction.Randall E. Auxier - 1999 - The Personalist Forum 15 (2):204-204.
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    Eco on Interpreting the Sign: The Limits of Narrating that which Cannot Be Theorized.Randall E. Auxier - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (1):102-109.
    Eco says that which cannot be theorized must be narrated. What about that which cannot be narrated? What must we do about the limits of interpretation, especially as narration. This review essay takes a method from Giambattista Vico and applies it to the interpretation of Laurent Binet’s portrayal of Umberto Eco in his novel The Seventh Function of Language. Comparing the character of Eco with the thought of the historical Eco we find coincidences and other angles at incidence that reveal (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Editorial Statement.Randall E. Auxier - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (1):1-5.
    Beginning with the present number of The Pluralist, we commence an association with the well known and widely respected Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, founded in 1972. It is a pleasant circumstance that we can combine our twenty-five-year history of service to pluralistic and personalist philosophies with the admirable mission of the SAAP, which has always stood for openness and responsible philosophical growth with an eye to the lessons of the past and an orientation to a more ideal (...)
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